Education on Making Dishwashing Liquid Soap for the Congregation of Tadarus Putri Rw 5 Penumping Surakarta
Creative Economy is an economic concept in the new economic era that intensifies
information and creativity by relying on ideas and stock of knowledge from Human
Resources (HR) as the main production factor in economic activity. The structure of the
world economy is undergoing rapid transformation in line with economic growth, from
what was previously based on Natural Resources (SDA), then became based on Human
Resources (HR), from the genetic and extractive era to the era of manufacturing and
information services and the latest developments into the era of creative economy. To
encourage the development of the creative economy, appropriate strategic steps are
needed. In the tadarus group of RW 5 Penumping, this is the right place as a medium for
creative economic actors. One of them is by making liquid soap for washing dishes or
washing hands. The group of pilgrims from RW 5 Penumping will be given training in
making liquid soap for washing dishes. This creative economy training is in accordance
with the government's vision of increasing the ability and economic independence of the
community through the development of businesses and home industries. This activity
gives birth to the community and the younger generation who have the skills or abilities
to be able to live independently and can reduce the economic burden.
Copyright (c) 2022 Ahmad M Fuadi, Siti Fatimah
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.