Workshop Methods in Empowering Mental Health Literacy in the Kindergarten Teacher Community in Gonilan Village


  • S Suherti Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Nisa Rachmah Nur Anganthi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta


Mental health disorders are still a global challenge. Awareness of mental health in
Indonesian society is still low. Based on this, it is necessary to have information about
mental health in the community. Teachers as agents of change for society have a great
influence on their social environment. Therefore, teacher involvement is expected to
increase empathy, knowledge and skills of teachers regarding mental health literacy. The
community service program in Gonilan Village was attended by 18 kindergarten teachers
from 3 schools, namely Gonilan Village Kindergarten, Aisyiyah Gonilan Kindergarten,
and Qurrotu A'yun Kindergarten. This community service aims to provide education to
the community, especially teachers, about mental health literacy learning technology
through the art of making dolls. The method of activity used in this community service
uses the workshop method. The use of the workshop method in this activity has
contributed to increasing teacher knowledge about mental health literacy and the media
used. This community service activity runs according to the plan that has been
conceptualized, from planning, implementation to evaluation. The results of this activity
are expected to be able to foster a sense of empathy for teachers on the importance of
mental health literacy, so that teachers can work together, discuss and play an active
role in solving mental health problems in their students.


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