Counseling about Consuming Vegetables and Fruit to Prolanis Members in Puskesmas Ngemplak 1


  • Sudrajah Warajati Kisnawaty Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta


rolanis is a program implemented at the Puskesmas Ngemplak 1, Sleman Regency.
Prolanis members consist of patients with hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus (DM).
Hypertension occurs when there is an increase in systolic blood pressure of more than
140 mmHg and diastolic more than 90 mmHg. Meanwhile, DM is a metabolic disease
that occurs due to a decrease in pancreatic function, causing blood glucose levels to
increase. Both diseases can cause complications and reduce quality of life. Therefore, it is
necessary to regulate the right diet and provide education as a healing effort. This is
what causes medical personnel at the Ngemplak 1 Health Center to always carry out
regular checks and provide education. Due to the limited number of health workers who
handle members of the prolanis, all aspects cannot be carried out optimally. The purpose
of this service was to help increase the knowledge of prolanis members about the benefits
of vegetables and fruits and increase the effectiveness of prolanis activities from the
promotive aspect. Activities that will be carried out are counseling about getting used to
consuming vegetables and fruit as an effort to provide information about the benefits of
vegetables for health, especially in helping to stabilize blood pressure and blood glucose
levels of prolanis members at Ngemplak Health Center 1. The activity is carried out for
one effective day which coincides with routine prolanis activities Every month. Most of
the members of the prolanis who became respondents for community service were women
with age groups, namely pre-elderly to elderly. Most prolanis members know what the
nutritional content of vegetables and fruits are, foods that contain high vitamins and
antioxidants for people with hypertension and diabetes, as well as blue or purple
vegetables and fruits that can boost immunity


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