Peningkatan Nilai Ekonomi Jagung Pulut dengan Diversifikasi Olahan Pangan Berbasis Jagung di Desa Romangloe


  • Ayu Nabilah Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta


Corn is a staple food source of carbohydrates whose utilization is not only limited as a
staple food, but is usually processed into snacks and even feed. Romangloe village is one
of the centers of corn production in South Sulawesi, namely the type of waxy corn.
Unfortunately, waxy corn is only processed into simple food such as corn on the cob or
grits (barobbo). Waxy corn can be used as a fungstional foof product that is benefical for
health. In addition, it can also improve the economy of community. Counseling hopes
that the food of out-waxy corn is expected to be an upportunity to increase the maize-corn
economy. There are several stages in carrying out an activity in the village, such as
preparation, formulation, an implementation method. The implementation of activities
begins with coordination with village partis such as the Village Head, Hamlet Head, and
Village Staff. Next in the formulation of sorn puff pastry. The implementation of
extension will use power point, videos, and leaflet as supporting media for counseling.
The achievement of this activity are knowledge of food, processing corn into steamed
sponge, and understanding of increasing economic potential. The success of this food
extension is supported b the appropriate methods and media use. This food extension
activity provides knowledge and understanding of communit about the processing of
waxy corn. Then, with this counseling it can also make people aware of the potential of
household businesses and the benefits that can increase the economic value of waxy corn.


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