Pemanfaatan Limbah dan Edukasi Stunting Bersama KKN-Mas


  • Rahma Wulan Noviana Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta


The real Muhammadiyah Asyiyah work lecture (KKN-Mas) 2022 is one form of activity
that provides a learning experience for students to live in the midst of society outside the
campus. At the same time as a learning process as well as a form of student service to the
community at large and directly identify and deal with the problems that are being faced
by the community, especially in Timbuseng village, North Polombangkeng sub-district,
Takalar district, South Sulawesi province.
The formulation of the problem in Timbuseng village is the amount of waste from
molasses (sugarcane factory) and corn cobs, because most of the community's income is
from sugarcane and corn farming. Abundant molasses and corn waste can disrupt the
ecosystem in Timbuseng village. Thus, the processing of molasses waste from the
sugarcane factory and corncob waste can be used as a more economical product, and amid
the high price of chemical fertilizers, the community also gets the knowledge to make
their own fertilizer for their gardens. Besides the abundance of plantation products in
Timbuseng Village, there are still some toddlers who experience stunting in the village.
Therefore, we want to educate pregnant women, especially and breastfeeding mothers in
Timbuseng village about how to prevent and suppress stunting in our children and


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