Prosiding Webinar Pengabdian Masyarakat <p>Proceeding Title: <strong>Prosiding Webinar Pengabdian Masyarakat</strong><br />Organizer: Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Pengembangan Persyarikatan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta<br />ISSN (Online): <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2963-3893</a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Webinar Abdimas</a> merupakan forum seminar nasional yang memberikan kesempatan untuk diseminasi, diskusi, dan mendapatkan follow up atas luaran pengabdian kepada masyarakat.</p> Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta en-US Prosiding Webinar Pengabdian Masyarakat 2963-3893 Front Matter <p>Assalamualaikum, Wr, Wb.</p> <p>Kegiatan diseminasi hasil pengabdian masyarakat merupakan bagian dari kegiatan tridharma perguruan tinggi yang bermanfaat dalam upaya menyebarkan pengetahuan, teknologi, dan penerapannya di masyarakat. Webinar Pengabdian Masyarakat yang diorganisasi oleh Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Pengembangan Persyarikatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta merupakan sarana komunikasi bagi para pelaksana kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dari perguruan tinggi, institusi pendidikan, serta lembaga maupun industri dalam mengembangkan dan mendiseminasikan hasil-hasil pelaksanan pengabdian masyarakat. Kegiatan Webinar Pengabdian Masyarakat bertema "<strong>Peran Perguruan Tinggi dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pasca Covid-19</strong>".</p> <p>Prosiding Webinar Pengabdian Masyarakat ini memuat makalah yang berasal dari dosen pelaksana pengabdian masyarakat dari berbagai institusi yang memuat topik-topik terkait bidang kesehatan dan obat-obatan; energi baru dan terbarukan; transportasi dan manufaktur; informasi dan komunikasi; pertahanan keamanan, ketertiban, dan kebencanaan; biodiversitas, lingkungan, dan sumber daya alam; serta sosio humaniora. Semua makalah ditelaah oleh para reviewer sebelum dimuat danditerbitkan dalam prosiding secara daring yang terindeks oleh Google Scholar.</p> <p>Ucapan terima kasih disampaikan kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu pelaksanaan seminar dan merealisasikan buku prosiding ini. Semoga prosiding ini bermanfaat untuk para pelaksana pengabdian masyarakat dalam mengembangkan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di tahun-tahun mendatang.</p> <p>Wassalamualaikum, Wr, Wb.</p> M Muhtadi Copyright (c) 2022 M Muhtadi 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 Education about Helminthiasis to the Parents of Students in SD Muhammadiyah Program Unggulan (MPU) Colomadu Karanganyar <p>Elementary school age (SD) is the highest age for helminthiasis. Worms in elementary <br>school students can cause anemia, poor nutritional status, decreased concentration and <br>decreased learning achievement. Symptoms of worms are sometimes difficult to detect so <br>that parents and teachers do not know that students have worms. This disease can be <br>diagnosed by simple laboratory tests, which can be used as a screening. Worm disease can <br>be caused by various things, one of which is the lack of knowledge of students, parents and <br>teachers about worms. This activity aims to increase knowledge about helminthiasis <br>among the parents of the Colomadu Karanganyar Primary Program Muhammadiyah <br>Elementary School (MPU) students. The results of this activity, the average value of the <br>pretest is 90, while the average value of the posttest is 95.7, there is an increase in the <br>value of 5.7. The conclusion of this activity is that there is an increase in the knowledge of <br>parents of SD MPU Colomadu Karanganyar students about worms. The participants <br>participated in the activities well and enthusiastically</p> Rochmadina Suci Bestari Rizky Febrian Imam Nur Hafidz Copyright (c) 2022 Rochmadina Suci Bestari, Rizky Febrian, Imam Nur Hafidz 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 1 6 Digital Marketing: A Literacy <p>Digital marketing is one of the interesting issues that becomes a challenge to win the <br>competition. Digital marketing requires a comprehensive understanding and on the other <br>hand the importance of its objectives. Successful digital marketing requires regulation <br>and strategy. The purpose of this activity is to provide an understanding of digital <br>marketing. The target of this activity is the millennial generation with explanation <br>material systematically involving 20 participants</p> Edy Purwo Saputro Dewi Probowati Setyaningrum Copyright (c) 2022 Edy Purwo Saputro, Dewi Probowati Setyaningrum 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 7 15 The Training of Learning Media Creation of Whiteboard Animation (Videoscribe) and Nearpod for Teachers at SMPN 1 Cileungsi Bogor <p>This training is aimed to increase the teachers’ competence in SMPN 1 Cileungsi, Bogor <br>to prepare variative digital-based teaching media for students in the classroom. <br>Currently, SMPN 1 Cileungsi, Bogor is in the trial phase of limited face-to-face learning <br>(50%). Meanwhile, the other 50% of students must study online or blended learning. So, <br>teachers of SMPN 1 Cileungsi, Bogor are still required to be able to provide attractive <br>and innovative digital learning content for students. This training focuses on whiteboard <br>animation software (videoscribe) and nearpod as two platforms offered to teachers there. <br>The participants of this training activity were 12 teachers from several fields of study <br>such as English, Mathematics, Sports, Biology, Arts, PKN, and others. The results of <br>training showed, 11 out of 12 teachers responded positively (agree and strongly agree) <br>that whiteboard Animation (Videoscribe) and Nearpod gave advantages in terms of <br>display, features, tools, ease of use, and others.</p> Cahya Komara Silih Warni Widi Sriyanto Copyright (c) 2022 Cahya Komara, Silih Warni, Widi Sriyanto 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 16 28 EDUCATION FOR THE PREVENTION OF INCREASED RISK OF OSTEOARTHRITIS IN THE ELDERLY AT POSYANDU MENUR 10 MAKAMHAJI SUKOHARJO <p>Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the progressive characteristics of older people, with signs <br>and symptoms of morning stiffness for less than 30 minutes, increasing pain during <br>activity, and developing at age 40-65. The method used was the method of interviews for <br>the elderly residents of menur 10, which was intended to gather information face-to-face <br>with the respondents, in order to get accurate information. The method of observation <br>aims to understand directly and see the partner's situation in person so as to determine <br>the problem experienced by the partner. The education given to 50 elderly people in <br>osteoarthritis, the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis and exercise in denoting pain <br>caused by osteoarthritis, which is aimed at assisting the elderly in posyea elderly 10 to <br>regulate pain and care more about their own joints. And there has been an increased <br>knowledge of older ones in expressing pain by training independently.</p> Arif Pristianto Noofi Emma Kurnia Tiara Fairuz Firdausi Arifah Az-Zahra Ivana Hanun Nisa Navisatul Oktaviana Copyright (c) 2022 Arif Pristianto, Noofi Emma Kurnia, Tiara Fairuz Firdausi, Arifah Az-Zahra, Ivana Hanun Nisa, Navisatul Oktaviana 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 29 34 Counseling about Consuming Vegetables and Fruit to Prolanis Members in Puskesmas Ngemplak 1 <p>rolanis is a program implemented at the Puskesmas Ngemplak 1, Sleman Regency. <br>Prolanis members consist of patients with hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus (DM). <br>Hypertension occurs when there is an increase in systolic blood pressure of more than <br>140 mmHg and diastolic more than 90 mmHg. Meanwhile, DM is a metabolic disease <br>that occurs due to a decrease in pancreatic function, causing blood glucose levels to <br>increase. Both diseases can cause complications and reduce quality of life. Therefore, it is <br>necessary to regulate the right diet and provide education as a healing effort. This is <br>what causes medical personnel at the Ngemplak 1 Health Center to always carry out <br>regular checks and provide education. Due to the limited number of health workers who <br>handle members of the prolanis, all aspects cannot be carried out optimally. The purpose <br>of this service was to help increase the knowledge of prolanis members about the benefits <br>of vegetables and fruits and increase the effectiveness of prolanis activities from the <br>promotive aspect. Activities that will be carried out are counseling about getting used to <br>consuming vegetables and fruit as an effort to provide information about the benefits of <br>vegetables for health, especially in helping to stabilize blood pressure and blood glucose <br>levels of prolanis members at Ngemplak Health Center 1. The activity is carried out for <br>one effective day which coincides with routine prolanis activities Every month. Most of <br>the members of the prolanis who became respondents for community service were women <br>with age groups, namely pre-elderly to elderly. Most prolanis members know what the <br>nutritional content of vegetables and fruits are, foods that contain high vitamins and <br>antioxidants for people with hypertension and diabetes, as well as blue or purple <br>vegetables and fruits that can boost immunity</p> Sudrajah Warajati Kisnawaty Copyright (c) 2022 Sudrajah Warajati Kisnawaty 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 35 42 Pembinaan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Syariah Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah (MBR) dan Masyarakat Penerima Subsidi di Boyolali <p>In the view of sharia, Islamic teachings have a unique and dynamic way of dealing with <br>problems of wealth, economy, and poverty, namely if they are poor, Islam encourages <br>these people to always try to work hard with full sincerity and responsibility, but if the <br>people are in a rich field. So Islam encourages its people to help each other and help each <br>other either with zakat, infaq, shadaqah, grants, waqf, or others. The problem of this <br>research is that the partner community faced is with various conditions and backgrounds <br>of residents of low-income housing and this small type of house, as well as various kinds <br>of changes that may occur due to pressing economic needs. in this study is to provide <br>solutions for Islamic economic empowerment in low-income communities and people who <br>live in simple types of houses. Therefore, the solution offered in this study is to increase <br>the understanding of heads of households as heads of families in new housing for low-<br>income communities and recipients of this subsidy so that they are inspired by the <br>importance of living a prosperous life according to sharia and to create a financially and <br>spiritually stable environment. The results of this service show that there is a significant <br>change and an established economic awareness after the implementation of sharia <br>economic development towards an independent, creative, innovative, and responsible <br>society.</p> M Muthoifin Rijal Fakhruddin Didin Ainurahmad Copyright (c) 2022 M Muthoifin, Rijal Fakhruddin, Didin Ainurahmad 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 43 51 Counseling on Physiotherapy Programs to Treat Low Back Pain to Farmers in Subak Sampalan Dlod Margi <p>The elderly are particularly susceptible to pain due to factors related to aging, such as <br>cognitive impairment and the perception of pain. One of them is low back pain. Low back <br>pain can arise due to a variety of factors that include individual, psychosocial, and work <br>habits. The exercises that can reduce complaints of low back pain are stretching and <br>william flexion exercise. This program is effective for improving physical abilities and can <br>reduce complaints of pain. The method applied in this activity was in the form of <br>delivering material through visualization with images on leaflets and posters, and <br>demonstrations directly to the participants about low back pain and introducing the role <br>of physiotherapy to treat pain in the lower back. The result of this counseling activity is <br>an increase in the understanding of counseling participants who are evaluated using pre-<br>test and post test questionnaires. In addition, participants also received independent <br>training to overcome complaints of low back pain.</p> Gede Agus Putra Wiranata Rostariq Adjietya Hendarto Rana Anugraheni Nanda Farah Muhammad Ali Ramdhani Andik Rohmana Arif Pristianto Copyright (c) 2022 Gede Agus Putra Wiranata, Rostariq Adjietya Hendarto, Rana Anugraheni, Nanda Farah, Muhammad Ali Ramdhani, Andik Rohmana, Arif Pristianto 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 52 59 Empowerment of Women Farmers Group in Sambueja Village through Training of Instant Herbal Drink Making <p>The Women Farmers Group has an essential role in managing regional natural products. <br>Sambueja Village, Simbang District, Maros Regency is one of the villages that develops <br>ginger and lemongrass cultivation. Local people generally cultivate ginger and lemongrass <br>plants and then sell them in the fresh form to collectors or the market, so they have low <br>economic value. If they don't sell, they can cause damage, causing farmers to lose money. <br>Processing is required to raise the product's selling price and lengthen its shelf life. An <br>instant herbal beverage made from lemongrass and ginger can be produced utilizing <br>crystallization technology. People still do not fully utilize their natural products because <br>of the lack of information regarding the health benefits of lemongrass and ginger and how <br>to use them as products. This volunteer project involved educating people about the health <br>advantages of lemongrass and ginger, how to make instant herbal beverages with <br>lemongrass and ginger, and packing instant herbal drinks in standing pouches sealed with <br>a hand sealer. As a result of this service, the Women Farmers Group gained a greater <br>understanding of the health benefits of ginger and lemongrass and how to use them. <br>Additionally, packaged instant herbal drink products made by the Women Farmers Group <br>were obtained, which could serve as a stimulus for future product development.</p> Arfiani Arifin Arfina Sukmawati Arifin Copyright (c) 2022 Arfiani Arifin, Arfina Sukmawati Arifin 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 60 67 Introduction of Psychological First Aid to Teachers <p>Crises such as the global COVID-19 pandemic have triggered a variety of personal and <br>social reactions that adversely affect physical and emotional well-being. This document <br>outlines the impact of COVID-19 on students and on the psychological and psychological <br>well-being of students. Students who, after undergoing online learning, must switch to <br>offline learning, so it is important to strengthen school support for this population once <br>online learning returns offline. In a broader sense, the World Health Organization <br>recommends "psychological emergencies" as a useful way to help people during times of <br>crisis. Schools can immediately make an effort for prevention by providing psychological <br>first aid (PFA) to them, but in reality there are still many teachers around students who <br>do not understand and are responsive to the existence of students who have problems, so <br>they are unable to help them with quick. The purpose of this community service is to <br>introduce teachers to PFA which can be used to identify and help students with problems <br>in a simple way. The method is carried out by giving workshops to teachers at schools, as <br>well as making flyers to be pasted in strategic places for teachers and students to read, if <br>there are students who have problems or complain, they can contact what number. <br>Participants who follow there are 24 teachers. The majority of teachers, 20 people (80%) <br>already understand and master the material well, the remaining 4 people (20%) still <br>need further study. There is an awareness of the teacher to help by observing, <br>recognizing, listening, and providing assistance to students in dealing with their <br>problems as best as the teacher can and conveying information that makes students <br>relieved and calm. This briefing about PFA is important in schools for teachers and <br>students. There was a significant change in teachers with this activity, they understood <br>the importance of PFA in their schools. The results of the evaluation and follow-up in <br>future community service need to pay attention to these conditions.</p> Siti Nurina Hakim Muhamad Machbub Aozai Nafisa Karunia S Copyright (c) 2022 Siti Nurina Hakim, Muhamad Machbub Aozai, Nafisa Karunia S 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 68 75 COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT IN THE MANUFACTURING OF CORN PROCESSED FOOD TOWARDS ECONOMIC INDEPENDENCE IN SAWAKONG VILLAGE, SULAWESI <p>Sawakong Village is one of the villages in South Galesong District, Takalar Regency, <br>South Sulawesi which has six hamlets namely Sawakong Towa Hamlet, Sawakong Lolo <br>Hamlet, Dengilau Hamlet, Talaka Labbua Hamlet, Kasuarrang Hamlet, and <br>Bontomattiro Hamlet. From the community's economic condition, the main source of <br>livelihood for the population is farming, and the largest agricultural products are rice and <br>corn with three seasons a year relying on irrigation from the bili-bili and bissua <br>watersheds. However, the obstacle for farmers is that when the harvest is abundant they <br>have difficulty selling and cannot yet process agricultural products into processed food <br>products, because so far agricultural products are only consumed as staple foods and are <br>also sold in raw form. One of the abundant agricultural products is corn, which has a high <br>economic value after the rice has the potential to become a productive economic source of <br>processed food, but the community does not yet have the skills to process it into processed <br>food products. The solution offered by the group 90 KKN-MAs team together with the <br>Sawakong village government is to provide socialization of food processing and training for <br>KRUJASA (corn crackers) KRUJASA (sawakong corn crackers) through the manufacture <br>and marketing of sawakong corn crackers. The result of this activity is that the Sawakong <br>village community has one superior product of processed food made from corn, namely <br>Sawakong corn crackers as a form of innovation for processed agricultural products which <br>are expected to be a new effort for the community to increase independence and economic <br>prosperity while introducing the potential that exists in Sawakong Village.</p> Silfa Dwi Prihantika Liana Mangifera Copyright (c) 2022 Silfa Dwi Prihantika, Liana Mangifera 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 76 82 SEKULWAP JAGA KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI REMAJA SEJAK DINI DI SMK NEGERI 2 BLORA <p>Lack of reproductive health information is a problem faced by teenagers today, especially <br>at SMK N 2 Blora. The problem faced by SMK N 2 Blora is the need for information on <br>reproductive health. The data is based on situation analysis at SMK N 2 Blora, although <br>students have received information about reproductive health from PIK R and from the <br>school curriculum taught by teachers, they still need additional reproductive health <br>education that must be carried out more often in schools, which is 79.2% . This can be <br>because students think that additional education can avoid juvenile delinquency, <br>increase knowledge, and information for teenagers is important to know. The purpose of <br>this community service is to increase knowledge and change awareness of adolescents <br>regarding the importance of reproductive health information. The expected outcomes of <br>community service at SMK N 2 Blora are increasing adolescent knowledge about healthy <br>reproduction, how to achieve reproductive health, good hygiene behavior, menstrual <br>hygiene management, and about safe sexual behavior. This activity of providing <br>reproductive health information is expected to continue to be carried out by the <br>management of PIK R SMK N 2 Blora aiming to increase the knowledge of students on <br>an ongoing basis</p> Izzatul Arifah Yullynar Hayyunisha Aninda Mayang Widya Saputri Mohamad Fajar Emerald Copyright (c) 2022 Izzatul Arifah, Yullynar Hayyunisha Aninda, Mayang Widya Saputri, Mohamad Fajar Emerald 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 83 88 Education on Making Dishwashing Liquid Soap for the Congregation of Tadarus Putri Rw 5 Penumping Surakarta <p>Creative Economy is an economic concept in the new economic era that intensifies <br>information and creativity by relying on ideas and stock of knowledge from Human <br>Resources (HR) as the main production factor in economic activity. The structure of the <br>world economy is undergoing rapid transformation in line with economic growth, from <br>what was previously based on Natural Resources (SDA), then became based on Human <br>Resources (HR), from the genetic and extractive era to the era of manufacturing and <br>information services and the latest developments into the era of creative economy. To <br>encourage the development of the creative economy, appropriate strategic steps are <br>needed. In the tadarus group of RW 5 Penumping, this is the right place as a medium for <br>creative economic actors. One of them is by making liquid soap for washing dishes or <br>washing hands. The group of pilgrims from RW 5 Penumping will be given training in <br>making liquid soap for washing dishes. This creative economy training is in accordance <br>with the government's vision of increasing the ability and economic independence of the <br>community through the development of businesses and home industries. This activity <br>gives birth to the community and the younger generation who have the skills or abilities <br>to be able to live independently and can reduce the economic burden.</p> Ahmad M Fuadi Siti Fatimah Copyright (c) 2022 Ahmad M Fuadi, Siti Fatimah 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 89 93 Promotive and Preventive Physiotherapy Regarding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) for Vocational Students, University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia <p>Using gadgets during the pandemic, University of Indonesia vocational students conduct<br>distance learning and are required to take part in learning using gadgets, such as<br>laptops, and so on. Thus, many students complain of neuromuscular disorders such as<br>carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is compression of the median nerve on<br>the carpal in the wrist caused by genetics, obesity, autoimmune disorders, pregnancy,<br>and a history of repetitive wrist movements and incorrect positioning when typing and<br>using the mouse. The purpose of this service is to provide students with an<br>understanding of explanations and ways to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. The<br>implementation method provided is promotive in the form of educational explanations<br>regarding the understanding of Carpal tunnel syndrome, good and correct positions when<br>typing and using the mouse using leaflet media and directly demonstrating exercises<br>including active range of motion, stretching, and strengthening, which can be done to the<br>prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome from getting worse as an effort to prevent 6<br>Vocational Students from the University of Indonesia from various majors, and<br>semesters. The evaluation process was carried out qualitatively in the form of a<br>questionnaire in the form of a pre-test (before socialization activities) and post-test (after<br>socialization activities) using the google form platform. The results of this service activity<br>showed that the participants' pre-test understanding level was 11% answering yes, 42%<br>answering maybe, and 47% answering not knowing. post-test understanding level of 86%<br>answered know, 14% answered questions (questions related to practice), and 0%<br>answered don't know. This service activity concludes that participants' understanding of<br>explanations and ways to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, good and correct positions<br>when typing, using the mouse, and exercises before and before activities is 75%.</p> Farid Rahman Jihan Syifa Prayudipta Q Qomariyah Al-mira Gina Agnia Amelia Dwi Handayani Muhammad Rizki Copyright (c) 2022 Farid Rahman, Jihan Syifa Prayudipta, Q Qomariyah, Al-mira Gina Agnia, Amelia Dwi Handayani, Muhammad Rizki 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 94 100 IMPLEMENTATION OF STIMULATION, DETECTION AND EARLY INTERVENTION OF CHILD GROWTH FOR PAUD TEACHERS NGAWI DISTRICT <p>Stimulation, detection, and early intervention on child growth and development (SDIDTK) <br>is a complete guide to exposure to child growth and development. The level of achievement <br>children's growth and development at a certain age can be implemented through SDIDTK. <br>However, the implementation of early detection children requires synergistic cooperation <br>between health workers and educators which has not been fully carried out by teachers, <br>including the examination of the detection of child growth and development by education <br>teachers in the Ngawi area. To provide training to PAUD teachers regarding early <br>detection of growth and development using SDIDTK and monitoring students <br>independently. The methods is raining on stimulation examination and early intervention <br>on child growth and development with SDIDTK includes physical examination: <br>measurement of body weight (BB), height (TB) and head circumference (LL); health <br>checks: teeth, mouth, nose, ears, and nails; and examination of growth and development <br>using the Developmental Pre-Screening Questionnaire (KPSP) based on age, hearing test, <br>vision test, and detection of emotional behavior deviation (KMPE). Monitoring the <br>development of children is observed through the results of the examination. The results is <br>training on the implementation of SDIDTK for PAUD teachers in Ngawi Regency was <br>conducted for 24 institutions. Observation results show that there are 17 PAUD <br>institutions that have independently conducted SDIDTK examinations. Based on <br>monitoring, it was found that from 17 institutions there were 10 children with <br>developmental delays. Recommendation for the implementation of independent SDIDTK <br>examination is expected to monitor children's growth and development.</p> Andera Prastina Sukmawati Umi Budi Rahayu Dintha Nadhira Saffanah Hena Aura Putri S Sutejo Fitri Filmasari M. Ardiansyah Arif Pristianto Copyright (c) 2022 Andera Prastina Sukmawati, Umi Budi Rahayu, Dintha Nadhira Saffanah, Hena Aura Putri, S Sutejo, Fitri Filmasari, M. Ardiansyah, Arif Pristianto 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 101 108 Application of Solar Powered Submersible Water Pumps for Independent Irrigation of Rice Fields in Klaseman Sukoharjo Central Java <p>gricultural areas in Klaseman, Sukoharjo, Central Java is a rain-fed independent <br>irrigation system. During the dry season, farmers use wells around the agricultural area <br>to irrigate their land. They need a water pump to lift up the water into the surface. <br>Because the rice fields are far from a power source, farmers use a diesel water pump in <br>order to lift up the water. The use of this water pump certainly adds to the production <br>cost component which is quite high. This also causes farmers to choose agricultural <br>commodities that do not require a lot of water, in dry season. In addition, the use of this <br>diesel-fueled water pump will be a contributor to air pollution caused by the carbon <br>emissions produced by the water pump. This community service activities provides an <br>alternative by using solar powered submersible water pumps to replace the use of diesel-<br>fueled water pumps. The results of community service activities showed that the <br>application of solar-powered submersible water pumps is able to replace diesel-powered <br>water pumps. The results of the activity evaluation show the potential for the <br>development of the irrigation system in accordance with the conditions in the field.</p> Ratnasari Nur Rohmah Hasyim Asyari Bana Handaga A. Mulyaningtyas Copyright (c) 2022 Ratnasari Nur Rohmah, Hasyim Asyari, Bana Handaga, A. Mulyaningtyas 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 109 116 Community Empowerment of Ngrombo Village in Plastic Waste Management through Ecobricks going to Educational Tourism Villages <p>The Ngrombo village community is a community that has high creativity. So far, the <br>management of plastic waste in the area has been very good, by sorting organic and <br>inorganic waste, making compost, and recycling plastic waste, namely reusing plastic <br>waste into creative crafts, but still producing residual waste (called residue), and has not <br>been utilized optimally, so that it is immediately disposed of by the Disaster Response <br>Community Team (MAGANA) to the final disposal site, resulting in hoarding and <br>environmental pollution. For this reason, efforts are needed to creatively process plastic <br>waste in order to create an educational tourism village in Ngrombo village and realize <br>the mission of Indonesia being free of waste by 2025. The problem found in partners is <br>the remaining plastic waste processing (residue) has not been used and is just thrown <br>away, and have an impact on the accumulation of waste, resulting in environmental <br>pollution. The solution offered is to provide education/education in the form of outreach <br>and workshops to Aisyiyah and PKK members in Ngrombo Village, Baki, Sukoharjo <br>about processing plastic waste into ecobricks. This aims to increase the potential of <br>Ngrombo village as an educational tourism village in plastic waste management. This <br>method of service activity will be carried out in several stages: lectures, demonstrations, <br>mentoring and training, and workshops. The implementation procedure starts from the <br>preparation, implementation, evaluation and monitoring stages. The results of this <br>service activity show that in terms of understanding, knowledge and behavior (related to <br>the behavior of making ecobricks). Each of these aspects increased from 52.22 to 88.38; <br>66.39 to 99.31; and 53.90 to 66.3. Some of the ecobricks products that have been <br>developed include: tables and chairs, multipurpose places, shoe racks, and multi-<br>functional shelves</p> Anatri Desstya Fitri Puji Rahmawati Rezania Asyfiradayati Murfiah Dewi Wulandari Yulia Maftuhah Hidayati Arief Cahyo Utomo Dimas Luhur Aji Prabowo Galuh Kancanadana Nur Puji Astuti Romario Seger Aji Pamungkas Sylviana Ika Safitri Copyright (c) 2022 Anatri Desstya, Fitri Puji Rahmawati, Rezania Asyfiradayati, Murfiah Dewi Wulandari, Yulia Maftuhah Hidayati, Arief Cahyo Utomo, Dimas Luhur Aji Prabowo, Galuh Kancanadana, Nur Puji Astuti, Romario Seger Aji Pamungkas, Sylviana Ika Safitri 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 117 130 Peningkatan Nilai Ekonomi Jagung Pulut dengan Diversifikasi Olahan Pangan Berbasis Jagung di Desa Romangloe <p>Corn is a staple food source of carbohydrates whose utilization is not only limited as a <br>staple food, but is usually processed into snacks and even feed. Romangloe village is one <br>of the centers of corn production in South Sulawesi, namely the type of waxy corn. <br>Unfortunately, waxy corn is only processed into simple food such as corn on the cob or <br>grits (barobbo). Waxy corn can be used as a fungstional foof product that is benefical for <br>health. In addition, it can also improve the economy of community. Counseling hopes <br>that the food of out-waxy corn is expected to be an upportunity to increase the maize-corn <br>economy. There are several stages in carrying out an activity in the village, such as <br>preparation, formulation, an implementation method. The implementation of activities <br>begins with coordination with village partis such as the Village Head, Hamlet Head, and <br>Village Staff. Next in the formulation of sorn puff pastry. The implementation of <br>extension will use power point, videos, and leaflet as supporting media for counseling. <br>The achievement of this activity are knowledge of food, processing corn into steamed <br>sponge, and understanding of increasing economic potential. The success of this food <br>extension is supported b the appropriate methods and media use. This food extension <br>activity provides knowledge and understanding of communit about the processing of <br>waxy corn. Then, with this counseling it can also make people aware of the potential of <br>household businesses and the benefits that can increase the economic value of waxy corn.</p> Ayu Nabilah Copyright (c) 2022 Ayu Nabilah 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 131 136 Pemanfaatan Limbah dan Edukasi Stunting Bersama KKN-Mas <p>The real Muhammadiyah Asyiyah work lecture (KKN-Mas) 2022 is one form of activity <br>that provides a learning experience for students to live in the midst of society outside the <br>campus. At the same time as a learning process as well as a form of student service to the <br>community at large and directly identify and deal with the problems that are being faced <br>by the community, especially in Timbuseng village, North Polombangkeng sub-district, <br>Takalar district, South Sulawesi province. <br>The formulation of the problem in Timbuseng village is the amount of waste from <br>molasses (sugarcane factory) and corn cobs, because most of the community's income is <br>from sugarcane and corn farming. Abundant molasses and corn waste can disrupt the <br>ecosystem in Timbuseng village. Thus, the processing of molasses waste from the <br>sugarcane factory and corncob waste can be used as a more economical product, and amid <br>the high price of chemical fertilizers, the community also gets the knowledge to make <br>their own fertilizer for their gardens. Besides the abundance of plantation products in <br>Timbuseng Village, there are still some toddlers who experience stunting in the village. <br>Therefore, we want to educate pregnant women, especially and breastfeeding mothers in <br>Timbuseng village about how to prevent and suppress stunting in our children and <br>grandchildren.</p> Rahma Wulan Noviana Copyright (c) 2022 Rahma Wulan Noviana 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 137 140 Peningkatan Ekonomi Masyarakat Melalui Program Agroteknopreneur <p>The Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Real Work Lecture (KKN MAs) is a community service <br>activity by Muhammadiyah University students throughout Indonesia. In MAs KKN <br>activities there is a community empowerment program by students by being involved in <br>helping programs that already exist in the community in their respective areas. In this <br>program, students are expected to be able to mingle with the new atmosphere of the <br>community and participate in the daily activities of the community in their respective <br>areas. Tonasa Village which prevents 50% of its land from being used for and its <br>residents as farmers has sufficient potential to produce domestic agricultural products <br>that are economically viable and worthy of sale, namely chili. This activity is to advance <br>the community's economy by utilizing harvested crops to be processed into chilies that <br>are worthy of sale and foster an entrepreneurial spirit to the surrounding community and <br>even outside the island. The method used is in the form of counseling, training, <br>mentoring and processing chilies to be used as products</p> Ety Siti Utami Copyright (c) 2022 Ety Siti Utami 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 141 146 Potensi UMKM dan Destinasi Wisata dalam Memajukan Wilayah Kelurahan Bontoa Kecamatan Mandai Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 (KKN Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah 2022) <p>his article is the result of the Kuliah Kerja Nyata Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah (KKN MAs)<br>which was held in Bontoa Village, Mandai District, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi.<br>The Bontoa Village area, which is close to urban areas and some people live in housing,<br>has an impact on the absence of potential that can be developed from agricultural and<br>fishery products. So, in this service, the activities carried out focus on developing and<br>solving problems related to UMKM and tourism destinations. The purpose of the<br>activities carried out is so that the Bontoa Village area, Mandai District, remains active<br>and advanced after the COVID-19 pandemic by developing and exploring UMKM and<br>tourist destinations. The methods used are observation, interviews, planning and<br>implementation, documentation, and publications. The results of this activity were the<br>preparation of Nutrition Facts and Cold Drink Innovation at Sarabba Cika UMKM, the<br>acceptance of the concept of tourism development at Maccopa Fishing Lake, and video<br>profiles of the Bontoa village icon published through social media such as Youtube,<br>Instagram, and WhatsApp. With the development of UMKM and tourist destinations<br>both in production and promotion, the Bontoa Village area, Mandai District, remains<br>active and advanced after the COVID-19 pandemic.</p> Nadya Izzatul Fitri Copyright (c) 2022 Nadya Izzatul Fitri 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 147 155 The Strategy for Developing SMEs For Palm Fiber Craftsmen After The Pandemic In The Village Of Bontokassi <p>Bontokassi Village is located in South Sulawesi and has the characteristics of lontar fiber <br>crafts. Various products of this craft are marketed in several regions and even export <br>abroad. The time of pandemic came and broke the business chain. People, especially <br>craftsmen, are looking for other activities to make ends meet. Two years after the pandemic <br>began to subside artisans wanted to restart their businesses. KKN Mas students provide <br>a solution to develop businesses that are hampered by providing digital marketing <br>training. The purpose of this training is to provide artisans with an understanding and <br>business strategy. The training invited twenty craftsmen as representatives of Bontokassi <br>village who will be given an understanding of the material and field practice. From the <br>results of the training, participants turned out to show sincerity and desire to develop a <br>business. This training resulted in a new thing for craftsmen, namely social media <br>business accounts to market handicraft products. It is hoped that in the future with this <br>account, the handicrafts of Bontokassi village will become developed and advanced.</p> Fikri Muflih Ramadhan Liana Mangifera Copyright (c) 2022 Fikri Muflih Ramadhan, Liana Mangifera 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 156 164 Education of First Handling and Functional Rehabilitation of Ankle Sprain for Members of UKM Hockey UIN Raden Fatah <p>Ankle is part of the human anatomy which is very vulnerable and it is estimated that 19% <br>of all sports injuries accounted from ankle injuries. Ankle sprains are a condition in which <br>there is an excessive increase or tear of the ligaments in the foot. Ankle sprains are <br>common during sports activities that involve jumping, running and explosive lateral <br>movements. Hockey is a sport that can be played by two male and female teams, each of <br>which can use a bat or stick to move or dribble. Hockey players have a high prevalence and <br>incidence of injuries. Most of the ankle injuries in hockey are to the anterior part of the <br>lateral ligament which generally occurs when the foot is inverted. External risk of injury, <br>one of which is the factor of unfavorable field conditions. Knowledge of sports injuries, <br>especially ankle sprains, is given to all related parties, including members of UKM Hockey <br>UIN Raden Fatah during or before training begins in order to minimize the occurrence of <br>injuries. The method used in this community service activity is in the form of an education <br>of first treatment and functional rehabilitation of ankle sprains given to members of the <br>Hockey UKM UIN Raden Fatah Palembang and carried out online using the zoom <br>application. The understanding and knowledge of members of UKM Hockey UIN Raden <br>Fatah regarding the first treatment and functional rehabilitation of ankle sprain sized <br>using pre-test and post-test questionnaires which showed an increase of the understanding <br>and knowledge in the community.</p> Fira Fadhilah Saly Anindhita Mella Pratama Innie Kurniawati N Nurjannah Retno Gayatry Arif Pristianto Adnan Faris Naufal Copyright (c) 2022 Fira Fadhilah Saly, Anindhita Mella Pratama, Innie Kurniawati, N Nurjannah, Retno Gayatry, Arif Pristianto, Adnan Faris Naufal 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 165 171 Education and Physiotherapy Treatment on Osteoarthritis for Elderly in the Sukaresmi Hamlet Ciwaru Village <p>An elderly will experience significant changes in health behavior, that is physical <br>disorders. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic disease of the joints that is degenerative and <br>progressive, characterized by degeneration of cartilage and reduced synovial fluid in a joint <br>which eventually causes joint stiffness, swelling, pain, and mobility limitations. <br>Counseling was carried out by students of the Physiotherapy Department Transfer <br>Program, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta for the elderly in Sukaresmi Hamlet, <br>Ciwaru Village. The problems found are that the elderly complain of pain around the knee <br>that is felt in the morning when waking up, doing activities, and working. The solutions <br>offered are providing knowledge about knee OA through counseling and leaflets <br>distributed as well as providing physiotherapy treatment for OA with heat therapy <br>modalities, active exercises, and active-resisted exercises, as well as the use of braces. The <br>results of counseling activities in the elderly community in Sukaresmi Hamlet, Ciwaru <br>Village, before the counseling the elderly participants tended to be less knowledgeable <br>about OA, and after the counseling the participants became more aware of OA. So it can <br>be concluded that there is an increase in knowledge about the role of physiotherapy in the <br>prevention and treatment of OA using heat therapy modalities, active exercises, and <br>active-resisted exercises for the elderly community in Sukaresmi Hamlet, Ciwaru Village.</p> Izdihar Zahra Naomi Kharista Rizkie Andika Ainu Rofiq Muhammad Yusuf Firdaus Helena Audrey Tiara Fatmarizka Copyright (c) 2022 Izdihar Zahra, Naomi Kharista, Rizkie Andika Ainu Rofiq, Muhammad Yusuf Firdaus, Helena Audrey, Tiara Fatmarizka 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 172 180 Program Edukasi Orang Tua Terhadap Stimulus Tumbuh Kembang Anak Di Desa Pringapus <p>Just like adults, children also have their own problems in life. As we know, lack of self-<br>confidence does not only occur in adults, children also have the same problem. This is <br>also due to their underdeveloped abilities both mentally and physically. Independence is <br>also one of the many problems that have to be faced by normal children and children with <br>mental disorders or mental retardation. This phenomenon then became the basis for this <br>study which emphasized the development of stimulation in children. Stimulation is one <br>of the important aspects needed in the growth and development of children. Good <br>stimulation will make aspects of child growth and development fulfilled properly. This <br>paper describes the developmental stages of children during the golden age, with <br>developments and crises that come at each stage. How to promote child development will <br>also be discussed in the hope that many people can then take any advantage of this <br>research and optimize their efforts in raising and teaching their children.</p> Adnan Faris Naufal Riast Eka Oktaviana Zunitasari Kholifah Islamiatun W Wijianto Neriya Arwida Arin Supriyadi Copyright (c) 2022 Adnan Faris Naufal, Riast Eka Oktaviana, Zunitasari Kholifah Islamiatun, W Wijianto, Neriya Arwida, Arin Supriyadi 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 181 187 Counseling on the Use of Medicines in Baji Pa'mai Village Communities to Increase Health Knowledge <p>Drugs are materials or substances derived from plants, animals, minerals or certain <br>chemicals that can be used to reduce pain, slow down the disease process and or cure <br>disease. Indonesian people are still low in understanding the use of drugs because there <br>is still a lack of information. The purpose of this community service is to increase public <br>knowledge of the importance of using drugs so that there are no errors in use. There are <br>three main materials in its delivery, namely education and self-medication, DAGUSIBU, <br>and CEK Klik. The method used in this student activity is a participatory community <br>empowerment method with the Particatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) model. The outreach <br>activities were successfully carried out in every hamlet in Baji Pa'mai Village. The <br>positive response from the community for the presentation of material from the student <br>group is expected to have a good impact.</p> Anisa Fitri Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2022 Anisa Fitri Rahmawati 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 188 195 PEMBERDAYAAN MASJID DESA ROMPEGADING,KEC.CENRANA,KAB.MAROS DALAM PROGRAM PENGEMBANGAN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA <p>The Muhammadiyah Aisyiah Real Work Lecture conducted by the University of <br>Muhammadiyah Makassar is a form of community service carried out by students <br>throughout Indonesia in an interdisciplinary, institutional and partnership manner as a <br>manifestation of the tridharma of higher education and science and technology. <br>Observations were carried out using question and answer methods, documentation, and <br>direct observation of field conditions. The program of activities planned based on the <br>results of observations is the Empowerment of Mosques including the Practice of Praying <br>the Body, Filling the Friday Sermon Community empowerment is a development process <br>that makes people take the initiative to start the process of social activities in improving <br>their own situation and condition. Community empowerment can occur if the community <br>participates. Overall, the planned program of activities can be carried out smoothly. The <br>implementation of group activity programs and individual activities can run smoothly <br>with the support and cooperation of the Rompegading Village community. Maros always <br>develops all the potential that exists within himself and his surroundings.</p> Ananda Fazira Marfuah Copyright (c) 2022 Ananda Fazira Marfuah 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 196 203 DEVELOPMENT OF THE POTENTIAL OF TOURISM DESTINATIONS BASED ON EDUCATION AND AGROTECHNOPRENEURS IN PAKATTO VILLAGE, SOUTH SULAWESI <p>In recent years, more and more domestic and international touristshave visited various <br>tourist destinations based on natural scenery. Each region has a beauty that has its <br>characteristics that are different from other regions. Tourism Destination Tangga <br>Refleksi Gunung Panggaleang Toppa is located in Pakatto Village, Bontomarannu <br>District, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. In general, the Muhammadiyah <br>Aisyah 20022 Real Work Lecture program (KKN Mas) with the theme of Strengthening <br>Digital-based Agrotechnopreneurs can develop the domestic industry and tourism sector. <br>In particular, KKN Mas aims to improve and develop educational tourism and improve <br>the economic welfare of the local community.</p> Arifiyani Novita Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2022 Arifiyani Novita Rahmawati 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 204 208 PEMBUATAN BRIKET SEBAGAI UPAYA PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DALAM KEGIATAN KULIAH KERJA NYATA MUHAMMADIYAH-AISYIYAH (KKN MAs) DI DESA POPO <p>The people of Popo Village make a living as fishermen and farmers with the largest <br>agricultural products in the form of corn and rice. However, it has not been maximized <br>properly, especially in terms of utilizing corn waste. Therefore, the activity of making <br>briquettes was carried out as an effort to manage corn waste. The purpose of this activity <br>was as an effort to empower the community in Popo Village through making briquettes in <br>order to increase the level of the economy in Popo Village. This activity uses direct <br>observation method to farmer groups in Popo Village to find out the existing problems for <br>problem solving. The results of this activity indicate that corncob waste can be processed <br>into briquettes and has high use and economic value. This activity has the disadvantage <br>that it only focuses on processing corn cobs waste and no efforts have been found to <br>overcome rice waste processing.</p> Wiwin Sawinda Copyright (c) 2022 Wiwin Sawinda 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 209 214 Association Between Knowledge Level Of Oral Manifestations Of Diabetes Mellitus And Periodontal Health Status Among Diabetic Patients In Gatak Health Center <p>Introduction : Dental health problems that occur among diabetic patients are periodontitis <br>and gingivitis. Patients with Diabetes Mellitus should have good knowledge about dental <br>health in order to prevent further complications. Therefore, a study was conducted to <br>determine the association between knowledge level of oral manifestations of Diabetes <br>Mellitus and periodontal health status among diabetic patients in Gatak health center. <br>Research Methods: This type of research is descriptive analytic research. The study was <br>conducted for 2 weeks at the Gatak Health Center in August 2022. The population in this <br>study were patients with a history of Diabetes Mellitus at the Gatak Health Center in <br>August 2022. The sample in the study were patients with a history of Diabetes Mellitus <br>who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The sampling method is purposive sampling <br>with a sample size of 30 respondents. Data collection was obtained through questionnaires <br>and examination of the oral cavity. Data analysis was performed using chi-square <br>statistical test. Results: The results showed that there was no relationship between <br>knowledge and periodontal tissue health (p=0.804). Conclusion : The better level of <br>knowledge a person has, the better the periodontal tissue health.</p> Almas Yumna Alfirdaus Oktavianita Putri Gusmideo Harry Zulistyo Morita Sari Copyright (c) 2022 Almas Yumna Alfirdaus, Oktavianita Putri, Gusmideo Harry Zulistyo, Morita Sari 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 215 221 Implementation of Augmented Reality as a Supporting Learning Media at Community Learning Centers in Malaysia <p>Along with the development of information technology, especially in the world of education, <br>Augmented Reality (AR) technology is currently being widely applied as a complement to <br>existing learning media. The use of AR can increase students' interest and motivation in <br>learning for schools that lack of teaching media. The purpose of this activity is to provide <br>opportunities for teachers and students of SB IKABA IMABA 2 Malaysia to get to know <br>Augmented Reality technology, especially its implementation in the world of education. <br>The method used in this activity is training and socialization of the use of Augmented <br>Reality on August 22, 2022. The target of this activity is teachers and students of SB <br>IKABA IMABA 2 Malaysia as many as 22 people. The results of this activity indicate that <br>the use of Augmented Reality as a substitute for teaching media can increase students' <br>enthusiasm in participating in the learning process.</p> H Harsono Arif Setiawan Rini Muslikha Ningrum Copyright (c) 2022 H Harsono, Arif Setiawan, Rini Muslikha Ningrum 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 222 228 Low Back Pain Prevention for Interntship Student at Yayasan Sayap Ibu Bintaro <p>In the increasing modern lifestyle adopted by the Interns of the Yayasan Sayap Ibu Bintaro <br>(YSIB) it is very possible for a disease disorder such as routine activities in sitting, <br>standing, squatting positions that are too long, excessive activities in inappropriate <br>positions can also be a cause of concern. triggers prone to various kinds of pain complaints. <br>The student felt complaints of musculoskeletal pain such as Low Back Pain (LBP). LBP is <br>one of the health problems in the form of acute and chronic pain felt in the lower back. The <br>purpose of this service is to provide understanding and prevention of LBP to YSIB interns. <br>The implementation method provided is in the form of leaflets, demonstration of stretching <br>exercises, cow pose, seated eagle pose, figure 4, seated twist, forward bend, and posture <br>education while working. The evaluation process of this service is carried out qualitatively <br>in the form of questionnaires in the form of pre-test and post-test. The results of this service <br>activity show that the pre-test understanding level knows 40% and does not know 60%. <br>The post-test level of understanding knows 90% and does not know 10%. The conclusion in <br>this service activity is that participants' understanding of the explanation and methods of <br>preventing LBP before and after the activity is 50%.</p> Ratu Rania Taufik Eko Susilo Rizky Shiamita Devi Uslifah Izmarilda Yusrianti M Mardhatillah Kendy Awan Nugroho Copyright (c) 2022 Ratu Rania, Taufik Eko Susilo, Rizky Shiamita Devi, Uslifah Izmarilda Yusrianti, M Mardhatillah, Kendy Awan Nugroho 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 229 233 Rekayasa Pengembangan Desa wisata dan Desa Digital guna mengembangkan UMKM di Desa Alatengae Kecamatan Bantimurung (KKN Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah 2022) <p>This article is the result of KKN-Mas which was carried out for 40 days in Makassar, South Sulawesi<br>which was attended by all Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah universities throughout Indonesia. More<br>precisely, Alatengae Village, Bantimurung District, Maros Regency, which is the place for the<br>implementation of this program. The area of Alatengae village is located quite strategically where this<br>village has eight hamlets where each of the 4 hamlets is separated by a highway, this highway being<br>the main route to the city or to tourist attractions (bantimurung). Although this village is located quite<br>far from the city, this village has quite good potential, namely a pretty good view because it is<br>surrounded by kras or high rocky hills. The purpose of the program that will be run in this village is so<br>that local UMKM can be superior and improve the quality of the local community through tourism<br>villages and digital villages. The methods in implementing this activity are observation, interview,<br>planning, design, implementation, documentation, evaluation. The results of this activity are a design<br>of tourist destinations and digital village websites to promote tourism that has been built. With the<br>existence of tourist villages and digital villages, it is hoped that the people of Alatengae village can be<br>more independent, productive, and creative in developing the village.</p> Ilham Andrensyah Copyright (c) 2022 Ilham Andrensyah 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 234 238 Management of Physiotherapy in Cases of Bell's Palsy During Pregnancy <p>Bell's Palsy is an acute neurological disease where the first symptom can be pain around <br>the mastoid and cause hemiparesis or facial paralysis. (Marotta et al., 2020). Bell's Palsy <br>is characterized by a spontaneous series that occurs in less than 72 hours on one side of <br>the face (Reich, 2017). Bell's Palsy is defined as one-sided facial nerve palsy with an <br>unknown cause (Adam, 2019). The provision of electrical stimulation intervention aims to <br>increase muscle strength, skeletal muscle contraction, improve the vascularization system <br>and stimulate sensory nerves, while infrared intervention aims to increase metabolic <br>processes, vasodilation of blood vessels, increase body temperature and activate sweat <br>glands.</p> Aufa Fikria w Wijianto Copyright (c) 2022 Aufa Fikria, w Wijianto 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 239 243 Education about Brain Game to the Students in SD Muhammadiyah 16 Karangasem Surakarta <p>The focus of learning (concentration) of students in learning in class affects academic <br>achievement. The causes of short learning focus include students' desire to play and <br>boredom. Brain gym is a simple movement to increase the concentration of learning and <br>reduce stress on students. This activity aims to increase students' knowledge about brain <br>exercises at SD Muhammadiyah 16 Karangasem Surakarta. The average result of the <br>pretest score was 43.70 and the average post-test score was 76.29, meaning that there was <br>an increase in knowledge of 32.56. This activity concludes that there is an increase in <br>knowledge about brain exercise for students at Muhammadiyah Elementary School 16 <br>Karangasem Surakarta.</p> S Sulistyani Putri Dwi Anggreheni Retno Sintowati Copyright (c) 2022 S Sulistyani, Putri Dwi Anggreheni, Retno Sintowati 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 244 249 Edukasi Fisioterapi berupa Stretching terhadap Carpal Tunnel Syndrome pada Komunitas Pengendara Sepeda Motor daerah Dago Atas, Kota Bandung <p>Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a syndrome because of entrapment of the median nerve <br>in the carpal tunnel of wrist. Motorcycle riders have high risk to get CTS because of their <br>work which should drive motorcycles almost everyday in a long duration. CTS gives pain <br>in acute phase progressively to functional limitation in the chronic phase. Stretching is <br>one of the interventions that can do to relieve pain an d increase functional. Hence, the <br>education approach about stretching is needed to increase the knowledge and <br>understanding of motorcycle riders to reduce pain of CTS. As well they can treat <br>themselves if they feel pain and uncomfort because of CTS. The aim of the study is to <br>Increasing the knowledge and understanding of motorcycle riders about CTS and benefit <br>of stretching to relieve pain and function. The activity was able to increase the knowledge <br>and understanding of motorcycle riders about CTS according to pre and post-test results. <br>Thus, the education activity is a recommended way to increase knowledge and <br>understanding of motorcycle riders and reduce the impairments of CTS.</p> Indiana Radinda Bima Lesmana Putra Salim Refideso Sri Raisa Selly Julienza Dwi Rosella Komala Sari Copyright (c) 2022 Indiana Radinda, Bima Lesmana Putra, Salim Refideso, Sri Raisa, Selly Julienza, Dwi Rosella Komala Sari 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 250 256 Green School Program at Muhammadiyah Boyolali Elementary School <p>One indicator of the role of educational institutions in sustainable environmental <br>management is the availability of the adiwiyata (green school) program. Currently, there <br>are not many Muhammadiyah elementary and secondary schools in Boyolali Regency <br>that have the status of Adiwiyata schools, including the Muhammadiyah PK (Special <br>Program) Boyolali Elementary School. The pioneering of the Adiwiyata school is <br>important because it is one of the benchmarks for the success of the Boyolali <br>Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership (PDM) in contributing to environmental <br>management. Therefore, this service activity is carried out with the aim that the school is <br>able to become an example and motivation for schools to go to adiwiyata schools. The <br>purpose of this activity is to help pioneer the adiwiyata school at SD Muhammadiyah PK <br>Boyolali. Activities to be carried out are preparing a plan for the Movement for <br>Environmental Care and Culture in Schools (PBLHS) based on the School Self-<br>Evaluation Report (EDS), and preparing Identification of Environmental Potentials and <br>Problems (IPMLH). This activity is carried out using the mentoring method with an <br>Asset Based Community Development approach. The existence of this mentoring activity <br>was able to have a positive impact on increasing participants' knowledge in preparing the <br>two documents.</p> Yuli Priyana Alif Noor Anna Munawar Cholil Agus Anggoro Sigit Vidya Nahdhiyatul Fikriyah R Rudiyanto Copyright (c) 2022 Yuli Priyana , Alif Noor Anna, Munawar Cholil, Agus Anggoro Sigit, Vidya Nahdhiyatul Fikriyah, R Rudiyanto 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 257 263 ASSESSMENT OF EDUCATIONAL RESULTS IN THE PROMOTION OF ELDERLY DENTAL HEALTH IN SUKOHARJO REGENCY <p>The Indonesian population with the proportion aged 55-64 years has dental and oral health <br>problems as much as 61.9% and age &gt;65 years (elderly) as much as 54.2%. In the 55-64 <br>year age group, 48.5% of cavities were found, 29% missing or extracted teeth, 4.2% filling <br>teeth, and 15.9% for loose teeth and for those aged &gt;65 years (elderly) mostly have cavities. <br>The low knowledge of the elderly about dental health will have an impact on the behavior <br>of the elderly which can then lead to low dental health status of the elderly. The purpose <br>of this study was to determine the effectiveness of health promotion with counseling <br>methods to increase knowledge of oral health behavior in the elderly. The research method <br>used was counseling, medical check-up, and participants filled out pre-test and post-test <br>questionnaires directly. The results of the knowledge level data indicate that the service <br>and counseling activities held are very beneficial for the elderly community in Sukoharjo <br>Regency who have never received dental and oral health counseling and general <br>examinations. Based on this, it was proven that as many as 78.23% of participants had <br>gained an increased understanding of the extension materials provided.</p> Gita Nur Lintang Devi Wulandari Seftiyana Feronika Copyright (c) 2022 Gita Nur Lintang, Devi Wulandari, Seftiyana Feronika 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 264 270 Training on Constructing Ovitrap and Sanitary and Healthy Lifestyle Behavior (PHBS) for Dengue Fever Prevention <p>Background: Dengue Fever is a tropical disease that can be transmitted through the bite <br>of the Aedes Agypti mosquito vector. The program to prevent the development of this <br>infectious disease is more focused on preventing the development of this dengue mosquito <br>vector. Indonesia, is a country whose tropography is in the tropics with high rainfall, <br>thus, it is at risk for the transmission of dengue fever faster than countries with low <br>rainfall levels. In addition, the sanitary and healthy lifestyle behavior of the community <br>also affects the development of this disease. Data on patients with dengue fever in the <br>Kartasura area are declared as endemic areas for dengue fever. This community service <br>activity aims to provide training in the manufacture of ovitrap and enhancing sanitary <br>and healthy lifestyle behavior for the prevention of dengue fever. <br>Methods: This community service activity was carried out at Aisiah Kindergarten in the <br>Kartasura area. This service activity was attended by all teachers at Aisiah <br>Kindergarten and parents at Aisiah Kindergarten as well as medical students at the <br>Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. The training method is <br>carried out in the form of lectures and demonstrations of making tools. The training <br>method is carried out in the form of lectures and demonstrations of making tools. Data <br>analysis using descriptive analysis, and bivariate using T test. <br>Results and Conclusions: The participants of this training activity were enthusiastic in <br>learning the material for making ovitrap equipment as evidenced by the level of <br>knowledge that increased from 66.36±16.77 before the training to 77.27±14.20 after the <br>training. In addition, there was an increase in participants' interest in making ovitrap <br>from 53.3% before the training to 80% after the training. By using the T test, it was <br>found that the training in making ovitrap and PHBS can significantly increase the <br>knowledge of the trainees with a p value of &lt; 0.000.</p> N Juni Triastuti Copyright (c) 2022 N Juni Triastuti 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 271 282 Nutritional Adequacy Rate and Family Characteristics in Elementary School Students <p>Many problems are found in school-age children, nutritional problems (lack of<br>energy and protein), iron deficiency anemia, iodine deficiency and intestinal worm<br>infections. Screening of weight and height of school-age children should be carried out<br>regularly. <br>SD Muhammadiyah Colomadu is located in Karanganyar, there is a data collection<br>on students' weight (BB) and height (TB) but there is no periodic evaluation program, AKG<br>analysis and follow-up consultations for students' nutritional status. The results of<br>measuring the nutritional status of 111 students found 10 students were thin (9%) and 9<br>students were very thin (8%). While the results of the analysis of the RDA for 12 of 19<br>students who were thin and very thin, it was found that the average RDA was less than<br>the recommended age range.<br>It seems that the knowledge of the guardians and socioeconomic level are not the<br>main factors for the lack of the RDA for the 12 students. Our analysis is more directed to<br>the lack of adequate nutrition according to the needs and activities of children their age.<br>So that nutritional intervention or supplementary feeding is needed for children while they<br>are at school.</p> Iin Novita Nurhidayati Mahmuda Tri Agustina Laisa Kotik Copyright (c) 2022 Iin Novita Nurhidayati Mahmuda, Tri Agustina, Laisa Kotik 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 283 290 PkM_P2AD: Training and Introducing Swimming to Improve Motor Skills for Early Childhood <p>As a new school, KB &amp; TK Alam Muhammadiyah Surya Mentari often finds it difficult to <br>compete with established schools for new students because, as a private school, the <br>sustainability of KB &amp; TK Alam Muhammadiyah Surya Mentari is also strongly influenced <br>by the number of newly recruited students. As a natural school, KB &amp; TK Alam <br>Muhammadiyah Surya Mentari must stand out from other schools, especially Playgroups, <br>and have advantages compared to public schools. It is clear from the results of discussions <br>with the principal of KB &amp; TK Alam Muhammadiyah Surya Mentari that schools have a <br>number of benefits. One of the unique benefits produced by KB &amp; TK Alam <br>Muhammadiyah Surya Mentari is a game-based school by giving priority to environmental <br>recognition. Purpose of PkM_P2AD: Activities Conducted to socialize and train swimming <br>for early childhood related to water games, water safety, water movement skills, and basic <br>swimming techniques. The approach used in this activity is based on the results of <br>discussions by the proposer and partners to agree that one of them is introducing water <br>sports to improve motor skills in early childhood. In addition, the researcher came to the <br>conclusion that the main problem agreed to be resolved during the implementation of the <br>PkM program was to provide education and training, along with practice, for partners to <br>design basic swimming games, swimming techniques for early childhood. By practicing <br>directly in the field, partners can more easily pay attention to the level of attractiveness, <br>effectiveness, and efficiency associated with the introduction of the sport of swimming <br>created or modified by the Community Service team.</p> Gatot Jariono Vera Septi Sistiasih N Nurhidayat Pungki Indarto Dwi Endri Mei Minawati Mei Nurisetya Yulanda Ahmad Sova Sundoro Copyright (c) 2022 Gatot Jariono, Vera Septi Sistiasih, N Nurhidayat , Pungki Indarto, Dwi Endri Mei Minawati, Mei Nurisetya Yulanda, Ahmad Sova Sundoro 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 291 301 TRAINING ON THE UTILIZATION OF MORAGE LEAVES "PUDING" FOR HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY IDEAS IN PANRANNUANGKU SUB-DISTRICT, POLONGBANGKENG UTARA, TAKALAR REGENCY <p>Moringa leaves are one of the plants that have complete nutritional content which is <br>very useful to meet nutritional needs. However, people do not know how to use Moringa <br>leaf plants which are widely available in Panrannuangku Village. This training aims to <br>provide training on the use of Moringa leaf plants in Panrannuangku Village to become <br>one of the processed products that can become an idea for the community's home <br>industry. The implementation method is through training and mentoring for housewives <br>through interactive methods and demonstrations in the form of exposure to housewives <br>about the benefits of Moringa leaves, then continued with training in making Moringa <br>pudding and crackers. In making Moringa leaf pudding, the tools and materials needed <br>are the same as making pudding in general, the only difference is adding the juice from <br>Moringa leaves. The result of this training is a product of Moringa leaf pudding which is <br>expected with training and assistance, housewives in Panrannuangku Village are able to <br>apply the knowledge provided and can help channel household ideas.</p> Rahmawati Rosyidatul Husna Copyright (c) 2022 Rahmawati Rosyidatul Husna 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 302 307 SOSIALISASI DIABETES MELITUS DI DESA BATAN, BANYUDONO, BOYOLALI <p>Indonesia's health development is directed towards achieving health problem solving <br>for a healthy life for every population in order to realize an optimal degree of health. <br>Health problems can be influenced by lifestyle, diet, work environment, exercise and <br>stress. Lifestyle changes especially in large cities, lead to an increasing prevalence of <br>degenerative diseases, such as heart disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes <br>mellitus. The counseling activities carried out are to provide diabetes mellitus material <br>in the form of disease recognition, causes, symptoms, and prevention. Community <br>service activities were attended by 21 participants. Before and after giving material <br>about dibetes mellitus, participants were given questionnaires as pretests and post-<br>tests.</p> H Haryoto Peni Indrayudha Cita Hanif Muflihah Copyright (c) 2022 H Haryoto, Peni Indrayudha, Cita Hanif Muflihah 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 308 313 Bamboo Hydroponic Innovation as an Increase in Creativity in Utilizing Natural Potential in Tanete Village, Simbang District, Maros Regency <p>The purpose of carrying out service activities is to develop the natural potential and <br>human resources of the Tanete village community through the use of abundant bamboo <br>trees by making bamboo hydroponics as a new innovation to grow vegetables and <br>improve the daily economy of the community. The development of technology in <br>agriculture is getting faster every year, so that people, especially farmers who are left <br>behind in utilizing technological advances, will not get maximum benefits from their <br>business activities, there needs to be creativity to increase the utilization of natural <br>potential. With the implementation method carried out by KKN Muhammadiyah <br>Aisyiyah students, namely providing examples of making hydroponics from bamboo and <br>then conducting socialization to the community, especially farmers in Tanete village. <br>The results achieved are providing an alternative to planting with media other than <br>soil, increasing knowledge of growing vegetables using hydroponic techniques with <br>water media, understanding marketing management with a high selling value, and <br>increasing the economic welfare of the community.</p> Novaria Kartika Permatasari Copyright (c) 2022 Novaria Kartika Permatasari 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 314 320 Pelatihan Kader dalam Pengelolaan Kesehatan Lansia di Posyandu <p>Posyandu cadres are the main pillars of development, especially in the health sector. The <br>level of knowledge of cadres in the implementation of posyandu is very much needed, <br>because it can provide health information to the community, and guide them to carry out <br>clean and healthy living behaviors. Lack of training in counseling and health management <br>for the elderly, thus making the role of cadres not optimal in improving the health status of <br>the elderly. The purpose of this community service is to increase the knowledge of cadres in <br>managing the health of the elderly. This activity was carried out at the Posyandu for the <br>elderly in Purbosari, Purbayan Village, Baki sub-district, Sukoharjo district, Central Java <br>in April 2022. The target is 22 elderly cadres. The activity begins with the preparation <br>stage, namely coordination with the baki health center, and the village officials of the <br>ancient village, preparation of pre and post-test questionnaires to the method of carrying <br>out activities. The questionnaire used is a knowledge questionnaire consisting of 10 <br>questions that have been modified by the service team using the Guttman scale, the correct <br>answer is given a score of 1 and the wrong answer is given a score of 0. Score 80% good <br>knowledge and &lt; 80% bad knowledge. The results of the evaluation showed that there was <br>an increase in the level of knowledge of cadres. 18 cadres have a good level of knowledge <br>and 4 other cadres have a poor level of knowledge. The conclusion of this service activity <br>can increase the knowledge of elderly cadres to become more aware of how to provide <br>therapy to the elderly around them, especially in health.</p> Wachidah Yuniartika K Kartinah Nieldya Nofandrilla Kusuma Estu Werdani Siti Musalamah Silvianita Damayanti Anjani Bharata Ajie Her Supriyantani Ahmad Fariz Copyright (c) 2022 Wachidah Yuniartika, K Kartinah, Nieldya Nofandrilla, Kusuma Estu Werdani, Siti Musalamah, Silvianita Damayanti, Anjani Bharata Ajie, Her Supriyantani, Ahmad Fariz 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 321 327 PENGUATAN STRATEGI DAKWAH DIGITAL REMAJA MASJID DI DESA GONILAN - KARTASURA <p>Da'wah is an activity that aims to invite goodness and prevent bad deeds. The <br>development of digital technology requires da'wah activists to innovate in da'wah <br>activities. Mosque youth as one of the important elements in mosque da'wah need to have <br>a strategy for implementing digital da'wah. This article aims to discuss community <br>service activities carried out by student and lecturer of the Master of Psychology, <br>University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. This service activity aims to strengthen the <br>digital da'wah strategy of mosque youth in Gonilan-Kartasura Village, Central Java. <br>This activity was attended by 23 participants from 12 mosques in Gonilan Village. This <br>activity not only provides theoretical understanding but also equips participants with the <br>practice of creating digital content.</p> Diajeng Laily Hidayati Nisa Rachmah Nur Anganthi Copyright (c) 2022 Diajeng Laily Hidayati, Nisa Rachmah Nur Anganthi 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 328 337 Physiotherapy Program Counseling on Low Back Pain (LBP) to Bed Sheet Tailors in Dukuh Pepe, Juwiring, Klaten <p>In a non-ergonomic sitting position, including a leaning forward neck position, bent legs,<br>forward bending of the back can cause complaints. Low Back Pain (LBP) is a<br>musculoskeletal disorder caused by a static work position or does not move for a long<br>time so that it will cause contractions. muscle and fatigue. Many tailors have complaints<br>of low back pain, due to work habits, work positions that are not ergonomic, the habit of<br>tailors who do not stretch before and after work. The purpose of this community service<br>activity is to provide an understanding to bed linen tailors in Pepe Hamlet, Juwiring<br>about Low Back Pain (LBP) and examples of exercises that can be done in the lumbar<br>area. The implementation method provided is education by distributing leaflets and<br>demonstrations on lumbar area exercises such as Stretching, Mc Kenzie and Core<br>Stability Exercises. The evaluation process by giving a questionnaire before and after the<br>activity to determine the level of understanding of the participants. The results of this<br>activity before doing the exercise that felt mild low back pain were 2 people (25.0%),<br>moderate low back pain was 2 people (25.0%) and severe low back pain was 4 people<br>(50.0%). Meanwhile, after doing the exercise there were 2 people (25.0%) who did not feel<br>pain in the lower back, 3 people (37.5%) had mild low back pain, and 3 people (37.5%) felt<br>moderate low back pain. ) the level of understanding of the participants increased from<br>24% to 65%. The conclusion of this community service activity is that there is an increase<br>in the level of understanding of participants about Low back Pain (LBP) and exercises<br>that can be done when experiencing pain in Low back Pain (LBP) and there is a decrease<br>in pain after exercise.</p> Q Qomariyah Farid Rahman Copyright (c) 2022 Q Qomariyah, Farid Rahman 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 338 344 Revitalization of Poskestren Governance at Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School (MBS) Yogyakarta Post COVID-19 Pandemic <p>Health services in Islamic boarding schools, known as Poskestren, have experienced a <br>decline in function for almost 3 years due to online learning policies. Therefore, it needs to <br>be re-empowered through revitalizing governance according to standards, especially in <br>responding to conditions after the COVID-19 pandemic. Good governance must be <br>understood starting from increasing understanding of the concept of Poskestren, the stage <br>of formation according to the rules and the scope of services. In addition, good governance <br>starts with the establishment of a vision, mission, goals, objectives and strategic plans. <br>Thus, the program of activities and their achievement indicators become more measurable <br>and easier to evaluate. This community service activity was carried out in the form of a <br>revitalization workshop for Poskestren governance at the Muhammadiyah Boarding <br>School (MBS) Yogyakarta. The results of this PkM are an increase in understanding of <br>basic concepts and the establishment of a standardized Poskestren obtained from the <br>question and answer process and discussion. In addition to arrange the concepts of a vision, <br>mission, goals, objectives and strategic plans that can be used as guidelines for the <br>development and implementation of Poskestren activity programs, especially in ensuring <br>optimal health of Islamic boarding school residents and prevent the re-emergence of <br>COVID-19 cases in the boarding school environment.</p> M Mutalazimah Dyah Intan Puspitasari Arif Pristianto Setia Asyanti Okti Sri Purwanti Siti Zulaekah Muhammad Da’i Toto Suharto Copyright (c) 2022 M Mutalazimah, Dyah Intan Puspitasari, Arif Pristianto, Setia Asyanti, Okti Sri Purwanti, Siti Zulaekah, Muhammad Da’i, Toto Suharto 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 345 357 Strengthening teachers’ skills in understanding and modifying mathematics problems based on numeracy framework <p>The Ministry of Education and Culture has launched AKM (Minimum Competency <br>Assessment), one of which is evaluating students’ numeracy. This skill can prepare <br>students for self-capacity development and participation positively in society. However, <br>numeracy-oriented mathematics learning resources in partner groups have not been <br>optimal. This social service aims to strengthen the skills of teachers in compiling <br>numeracy-oriented learning resources. The activity is packaged in several stages, which <br>are carried out offline and online by utilizing interactive discussion methods, worksheet <br>assignments and discussion forums on Google Classroom. Positive results were obtained <br>related to the teachers' understanding of numeracy and its characteristics from the stage <br>of strengthening numeracy skills for partner teachers. In addition, teachers have also <br>been able to analyze learning resources and modify numeracy problems very well.</p> Budi Murtiyasa Christina Kartika Sari Nida Sri Utami Adi Nurcahyo Muhamad Toyib Rini Setyaningsih Sri Rejeki Isnaeni Umi Machromah Mohammad Rifki Maulana Khofifah Titan Palupi Muhammad Yusuf Qardhawi Krisna Ardana Copyright (c) 2022 Budi Murtiyasa, Christina Kartika Sari, Nida Sri Utami, Adi Nurcahyo, Muhamad Toyib, Rini Setyaningsih, Sri Rejeki, Isnaeni Umi Machromah, Mohammad Rifki Maulana, Khofifah Titan Palupi, Muhammad Yusuf Qardhawi, Krisna Ardana 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 356 367 Pengenalan Keselamatan Transportasi Anak Usia Dini MI Muhammadiyah Sudung Melalui DALAN SLAMET <p>Lack of knowledge of traffic rules and poor driving practices are the causes of the high <br>rate of traffic accidents. The traffic accident rate in 2021 in Blora Regency has increased <br>compared to 2020. Therefore, efforts are needed to reduce the accident rate in the Blora <br>Regency area. One of these efforts is to introduce transportation safety by socializing <br>traffic order through DALAN SLAMET to early childhood students at MI <br>Muhammadiyah Sudung, Kedungtuban, Blora. The aim of research was to increase <br>knowledge, awareness, and skills in orderly traffic in early childhood. This research is <br>quantitative descriptive that compares the test results before (pre-test) and after (post-<br>test) socialization. The subjects were students in classes 1-6 as many as 68 respondents. <br>Data collection techniques through observation, tests, and documentation. The results of <br>the pre and post-test analysis showed increases in students' understanding of traffic <br>rules. On level 1, the lowest average pre-test score was 40 in class 2 and the highest post-<br>test was 100 in class 1. In addition, the largest increase in pre and post test results <br>occurred in class 2 of 31. Meanwhile, on level 2, the lowest average pre-test score was 37 <br>in class 4 and the highest post-test was 98 in class 6. In addition, the largest increase in <br>pre and post test results occurred in grade 4 of 34. Based on these results, it was shown <br>that efforts to increase understanding of traffic rules through socialization in community <br>service programs have achieved the expected target.</p> Alfia Magfirona Diana Anggun Permatasari Nurul Hidayati Muhammad Ujianto Purwanti Sri Pudyastuti Gotot Slamet Mulyono Ari Wibowo Alif Firmansyah Romdhoni Zaini Munawar Yodi Rohmat Suparwan Zanuar Noorfitri Saputro Moch Geraldy Copyright (c) 2022 Alfia Magfirona, Diana Anggun Permatasari, Nurul Hidayati, Muhammad Ujianto, Purwanti Sri Pudyastuti, Gotot Slamet Mulyono, Ari Wibowo, Alif Firmansyah Romdhoni, Zaini Munawar, Yodi Rohmat Suparwan, Zanuar Noorfitri Saputro, Moch Geraldy 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 368 378 Pelatihan Pemasaran Digital Melalui Media Sosial Facebook Pada Kelompok Pengrajin Songkok Guru Desa Bontokassi <p>Kegiatan pengabdian melalui Kuliah Kerja Nyata Muhammadiyah ‘Aisyiyah (KKN MAs) <br>tahun 2022 bertujuan memberikan pemahaman pentingnya pemasaran berbasis digital<br>dan pendampingan dalam memanfaatkan media sosial facebook sebagai sarana<br>penjualan. Mitra pengabdian kegiatan ini adalah kelompok pengrajin songkok guru Desa<br>Bontokassi. Manfaat kegiatan yaitu (a) pengenalan pentingnya membangun brand, (b)<br>pengenalan pentingnya pemasaran berbasis digital, (c) menerapkan pemasaran<br>berbasis digital melalui sosial media Facebook. Metode pengabdian menggunakan<br>partisipatif interaktif dan learning by doing antara pengrajin, mahasiswa dan dosen.<br>Kegiatan pelatihan menghasilkan peserta dapat memfungsikan Facebook sebagai sarana<br>penjualan.</p> Meiliana Insan Soleha Copyright (c) 2022 Meiliana Insan Soleha 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 379 383 Youth Empowerment Based on Masjid in Talamangape Hamlet <p>Mosque-based community service in the Talamangape Village community. After carrying <br>out the Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Real Work Lectures (KKN-MAs) for approximately <br>forty days, we went directly to the field that in carrying out religious activities the <br>enthusiasm of the community was very passionate. The people of Dusun Talamangape <br>work as farmers, breeders and employees, they take advantage of the vast expanse of <br>land from left to right to plant rice. In one year, farmers can harvest three times of rice. <br>The community of Talamangape Hamlet is predominantly Muslim. When performing the <br>five daily prayers. The mosque is full of worshippers. Although the dominant ones are the <br>elderly and small children who are in kindergarten and elementary school. Nurul Falah <br>Mosque has an important role in uniting the community. However, the mosque, which is <br>being pursued by the settlement process, is not very active in empowering young people. <br>The mosque is only used as a means of formality of worship.</p> Faiz Rizal Izuddin Copyright (c) 2022 Faiz Rizal Izuddin 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 384 388 Workshop on Preparation of TTA-Based Teaching Materials as a Strengthening Profile of Pancasila Students at MTs Muhammadiyah Gondangrejo <p>Madrasah Tsanawiyah is a religious-based school that has special characteristics in the <br>form of adding Islamic religious subjects. The addition of religious subjects in madrasas is <br>also intended to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students related to the profile of faith, <br>piety to God Almighty, and noble character. One of the strengthening of the Islamic <br>religion and the profile of Pancasila students can be done by internalizing the content of <br>Islam in the Qur'an into the subjects in the Madrasah Tsanawiyah. The ability of <br>internalization is needed by madrasa teachers in preparation for learning. One method of <br>internalizing Islamic religious content that can be done is compiling teaching materials <br>based on the text of the Al-Qur'an translation (TTA). This service activity is intended to <br>provide training and assistance to teachers in the preparation of TTA-based teaching <br>materials. Training activities and assistance in the preparation of TTA-based teaching <br>materials were carried out at MTs Muhammadiyah 1 Gondangrejo, Karanganyar Regency. <br>The implementation of this activity uses the Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) <br>method. The results of this service include documents for TTA-based teaching materials <br>and their implementation in learning. The internalization of TTA into learning can <br>strengthen the characteristics of Madrasah Tsanawiyah as an Islamic educational <br>institution. In addition, TTA-based learning can support the implementation of character <br>education and the formation of the profile of Pancasila students, especially at MTs <br>Muhammadiyah 1 Gondangrejo, Karanganyar Regency.</p> M Markhamah Atiqa Sabardila Miftakhul Huda Gallant Karunia Assidiq Aan Sofyan Duwi Saputro Himmah Khofifah Winda Dwi Lestari Anggara Tiyo Pratama Dani Anwar Hadi Miftah Asyrofi Muhtar Copyright (c) 2022 M Markhamah, Atiqa Sabardila, Miftakhul Huda, Gallant Karunia Assidiq, Aan Sofyan, Duwi Saputro, Himmah Khofifah, Winda Dwi Lestari, Anggara Tiyo Pratama, Dani Anwar Hadi, Miftah Asyrofi Muhtar 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 389 396 Workshop Methods in Empowering Mental Health Literacy in the Kindergarten Teacher Community in Gonilan Village <p>Mental health disorders are still a global challenge. Awareness of mental health in <br>Indonesian society is still low. Based on this, it is necessary to have information about <br>mental health in the community. Teachers as agents of change for society have a great <br>influence on their social environment. Therefore, teacher involvement is expected to <br>increase empathy, knowledge and skills of teachers regarding mental health literacy. The <br>community service program in Gonilan Village was attended by 18 kindergarten teachers <br>from 3 schools, namely Gonilan Village Kindergarten, Aisyiyah Gonilan Kindergarten, <br>and Qurrotu A'yun Kindergarten. This community service aims to provide education to <br>the community, especially teachers, about mental health literacy learning technology <br>through the art of making dolls. The method of activity used in this community service <br>uses the workshop method. The use of the workshop method in this activity has <br>contributed to increasing teacher knowledge about mental health literacy and the media <br>used. This community service activity runs according to the plan that has been <br>conceptualized, from planning, implementation to evaluation. The results of this activity <br>are expected to be able to foster a sense of empathy for teachers on the importance of <br>mental health literacy, so that teachers can work together, discuss and play an active <br>role in solving mental health problems in their students.</p> S Suherti Nisa Rachmah Nur Anganthi Copyright (c) 2022 S Suherti, Nisa Rachmah Nur Anganthi 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 397 405 Socialization of Prevention of Early Marriage Post-Covid to School Students and in the Village Economic Aspect <p>Education is one of the means of aspects of child development, so education is very <br>important. In its distribution, education in Indonesia is still very lacking, so as a student <br>of Muhammadiyah higher education, it is necessary to carry out the distribution of <br>education that includes: It is hoped that students from elementary school to high school <br>can continue their education well. Judging from the condition of human resources in <br>Indonesia, the average person in Indonesia work as laborers or only work odd jobs. And <br>most workers in Indonesia are only primary or secondary school graduates. So that the <br>education and mindset of today's society is still shallow and does not take advantage of <br>existing knowledge or educational facilities</p> Khansa’ Ranawati Sulaiman Copyright (c) 2022 Khansa’ Ranawati Sulaiman 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 406 411 Engineering Equipment for Feed Production Added Duck Livestock and Catfish in Weru District, Sukoharjo Regency <p>The integrated group of duck and catfish fisheries in Jatingarang Village, Weru District, <br>Sukoharjo Regency is able to make added feed to reduce the use of factory-made feed. The <br>production of added feed is done in a simple way because they do not have additional feed <br>production equipments. This activity aims to develop: a pressure cooker to process poultry <br>feathers into added feed for ducks and a mill for duck feces and a mixer for duck feces flour <br>for added feed for catfish fisheries. The activity begins with observations, surveys and <br>coordination with partners to determine the design, construction, and capacity of the <br>equipment. Furthermore, the equipments resulting from the activities are tested and <br>finishing processes before being handed over. The results of the activity are: Pressure <br>cooker with a capacity of 30 kg/hour, dimensions (LxWxH) = 90x90x105 mm, using a heat <br>source from a single burner LPG stove. The pressure cooker is able to soften the poultry <br>feathers as much as 8 kg per 15 minutes, five times greater than using a boiling pot. Milling <br>and mixing machines are used to mill duck feces that has been solid and dry with a capacity <br>of 100 kg/hour. Dimensions (LxWxH) = 150x90x105, driven by a 6.5 HP spark ignition <br>engine</p> Sartono Putro Copyright (c) 2022 Sartono Putro 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 412 421 Education and implementation about clean and healthy living behavior in SD Muhammadiyah 16 Karangasem Surakarta <p>Awareness of the importance of a clean and healthy life should be instilled in children as<br>early as possible. This is certainly very related to the productivity of children in the future.<br>When a child applies a clean life, he will be free from all infectious diseases so that it will<br>not hinder him in working and get achievements. This activity aims to increase students'<br>knowledge about the importance of clean and healthy living behavior in SD<br>Muhammadiyah 16 Karangasem Surakarta. The average result of the pretest score is 98.8<br>and the average posttest value is 99.2, meaning that there is an increase in knowledge of<br>0.4. The conclusion of this activity is that there is an increase in knowledge about clean<br>and healthy living behavior in students of SD Muhammadiyah 16 Karangasem Surakarta.</p> N Nurhayani Farhan Dhio Yanuarsyah Retno Sintowati Copyright (c) 2022 N Nurhayani, Farhan Dhio Yanuarsyah, Retno Sintowati 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 422 427 Learning Technology Trough Making Trash Dolls for Self-Expression and Kindergarten Teacher-Student Interaction <p>Teachers are one of the contributing factors in determining the quality of educational <br>outcomes. Besides being required to have proper and good teaching skills, teachers also <br>need to be physically and mentally healthy. Mental health issues are an important part of <br>learning. Teachers who have good mental health are able to think positively, so that in the <br>learning process, students will be able to optimize themselves, both physically, <br>psychologically, and socio-spiritually. Psychoeducation of mental health literacy in art-<br>based learning of making trash dolls aims to improve the ability to express themselves and <br>interact between teachers and students. This activity is expected to provide skills, insight, <br>and knowledge on the importance of mental health literacy in the learning process in <br>schools. This is because the art of making trash dolls can function as a means of therapy <br>and self-expression. The methods applied in this activity are field visits, discussions, <br>interviews, psychoeducation, and training for 19 teachers from 3 kindergartens in Gonilan <br>Village. The results of the evaluation showed that 100% of the participants benefited from <br>the psychoeducation and training provided. The benefits include an understanding of <br>mental health issues, the importance of maintaining a positive mental state in the learning <br>process, a variety of creative and interesting learning strategies, gaining skills in making <br>art in the form of trash dolls, and being able to express oneself, so that feelings become <br>calmer and more relaxed, and comfortable in learning and interacting with students. <br>Keywords: trash doll, art therapy, self-expression, mental health</p> Shintia Adriani Nisa Rachmah Nur Anganthi Copyright (c) 2022 Shintia Adriani, Nisa Rachmah Nur Anganthi 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 428 441 Health Education of Stress Management to Prevent Adolescent Maladaptive Behavior During Growth and Development <p>We identified that the important proplem of partners involving in this <br>activity is self-esteem. The purpose of this community partnership program is to apply <br>stress management to teenagers who have a high risk of maladaptive behavior due to <br>changes in growth and development transitions. Methods: We assisstent 62 teenagers to <br>prevent maladaptive attitudes, and behaviors in overcoming their problems. Coaching <br>was carried out four activities in each group consisting of 16 teenagers in each group. The <br>tools used in this activity are modules and leaflets. The activity strategy using lectures, <br>role play and demonstrations provides stress management therapy through positive <br>thinking relaxation therapy. Results: Self-concept assessment on adolescents showed <br>that 45 adolescents (72%) had positive self-concepts and 17 (27%) had negative self-<br>concepts. The group of teenagers who had a negative self-concept perception of 17 people <br>was further explored specifically through in-depth interviews. After being given stress <br>management therapy, adolescents who generally initially had a low self-esteem <br>perception became self-aware and motivated. Conclusion: This community service <br>activity of mentoring teenagers in a junior high school has succeeded in increasing the <br>self-esteem of teenagers who have negative perceptions about themselves. Suggestions <br>that are recommended in future service activities are to assist in creativity and talent in <br>teenagers</p> Arum Pratiwi Abi Muhlisin Enita Dewi Dian Hudiyawati Wachidah Yuniartika Nurlaila Fitriani Copyright (c) 2022 Arum Pratiwi, Abi Muhlisin, Enita Dewi , Dian Hudiyawati, Wachidah Yuniartika, Nurlaila Fitriani 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 442 447 Pengembangan Peran Digitalisasi Bagi UMKM di Desa Mangadu Mangarabombang Takalar Sulawesi Selatan <p>MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) in Indonesia are one of the dominant <br>business sectors to be run by MSME business actors in Mangadu village. Digitization is a <br>marketing promotion activity and market disbursement through digital media online by <br>utilizing various existing facilities such as utilizing social media. The purpose of this <br>research is to increase knowledge and skills about digital marketing on social media for <br>small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and to increase sales and profits from MSME <br>actors. Its implementation through socialization was attended by participants of MSMEs <br>in Mangadu village. The method used in this activity uses a flow chart in the form of: (1) <br>related material using social media that is easy to do, (2) sharing experiences and <br>discussions, (3) direct practice of creating social media accounts on the facebook <br>marketplace and how to make it interesting in selling it so that more buyers. The result <br>of the socialization is that some MSME actors are starting to be active, Facebook social <br>media updates in the marketplace as a promotional tool for their MSMEs, some people <br>use social media once after that they don't update anymore and most MSME actors have <br>never created social media accounts due to lack of skillful insight in operate mobile phone <br>technology let alone play social media. All participants have shown great interest and try <br>to train to use social media marketing continuously.</p> Sadida Amalia Izzatul Haq Copyright (c) 2022 Sadida Amalia Izzatul Haq 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 448 463 Strengthening of Geography Teachers MGMP in Salatiga City in Learning Geography on Materials for Coastal Landscapes through Field-Work Activities at Menganti Beach, Kebumen Regency <p>Learning Geography for Coastal Landscapes will be more effective if it is carried out in <br>the field by direct observation through field-work activities. High school geography <br>teachers who are members of the Subject Teachers' Conference (MGMP) organization in <br>Salatiga have agreed to be assisted in understanding the field-work activities of this <br>coastal area. Field-work activities are observations of coastal landscape phenomena <br>which include zoning of coastal areas, dynamics of coastal morphology, wave activity, <br>currents, and seawater tidal mechanisms that will be easily understood by students by <br>directly observing nature in the field. Menganti Beach in Ayah District, Kebumen <br>Regency, Central Java was chosen because it has a complex geological, geomorphological, <br>and oceanographical landscape. The Lecturer Service Team accompanied by 2 students <br>will carry out activities agreed with the Geography MGMP of Salatiga Regency to <br>strengthen the learning process of coastal landscape materials with field-work activities. <br>This field-work activity is the best choice in understanding coastal landscape material to <br>coastal students compared to only being done in class. The output of this community <br>service is the strengthening of learning material on coastal landscapes with fieldwork <br>and publications in the media and the proceedings of the national community service <br>seminar</p> Kuswaji Dwi Priyono Arista Cahyaningrum Yasinta Fanny Rahmayanti Copyright (c) 2022 Kuswaji Dwi Priyono, Arista Cahyaningrum, Yasinta Fanny Rahmayanti 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 464 471 STUNTING SOCIALIZATION AS A MEAN TO PREVENT THE INCREASE OF STUNTING CASE IN ALATENGAE VILLAGE <p>Alatengae Village is one of the villages in Bantimurung District, Maros Regencey, South <br>Sulawesi Province wich has a population density of 101.08 people/. Nowdays the issue of <br>stunting has become a busy issue everywhere, especially in Indonesia, stunting itself is a <br>chronic nutritional problem caused by inadequate nutritional intake for a long time. In <br>2019 based on data the Indonesian Toddler Nutrition Status Survey(SSGBI), the <br>prevalence of stunting in Indonesia reached 27,7% wich was above the threshold set by <br>WHO, wich was 20% and the Indonesia government itself is targeting a reduction in <br>stunting in Indonesia by 2024 at 14%, stunting socialization is one of the efforts to <br>educae the public about stunting and its negative impact on child development so that <br>the stunting rate can be suppressed.</p> Muhammad Bayu Prasetya Aji Copyright (c) 2022 Muhammad Bayu Prasetya Aji 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 472 477 Business Development Stategy of Warmindo Kita Based on Linear Programming <p>This community service aims to offer partners solutions they face in order to survive in <br>the midst of intense business competition. Partner is the owner of Warmindo Kita which <br>is located in Mendungan, Pabelan sub-district, Kartasura sub-district. The solution we <br>offer is linear programming with the graphical method. After applying this method, <br>partners can achieve maximum profit if they produce 10 packs of fried noodles, and 20 <br>packs of boiled noodles every day with a profit of IDR 70,000.</p> Sri Padmantyo Oktavia Desminta Permata Astina Eka Pratiwi Dhea Ayu Endah Sulistyo Wibowo Afifa Taurina Copyright (c) 2022 Sri Padmantyo, Oktavia Desminta Permata, Astina Eka Pratiwi, Dhea Ayu, Endah Sulistyo Wibowo, Afifa Taurina 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 478 485 IMPLEMENTATION OF HEALTH GUIDANCE FOR ANEMIA PREVENTION IN ADOLESCENT GIRLS AT “PK AL KAUTSAR KARTASURA” JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL <p>One of the main health problems of adolescent girls in Indonesia is the high <br>prevalence of anemia. Anemia become major health problem because it has an impact on <br>the decline in concentration and learning achievement of adolescents, thus affecting the <br>quality of human resources in Indonesia. Several programs have been implemented, <br>including giving iron supplementation to adolescent girls during menstruation. However, <br>this program has not brought optimal results due to the lack of knowledge and <br>understanding of adolescents about anemia. The program that is proposed was health <br>guidance to prevent anemia using animated videos. This program can attract the <br>attention of adolescents, therefore the messages given can be conveyed and increase the <br>knowledge of adolescent girls about the dangers and ways of preventing anemia. <br>This program was accomplished at “PK Al Kautsar Kartasura” Junior High <br>School with 90 adolescent girls participating. The implementation of health guidance was <br>with nutrition education using animated video media about anemia prevention. The <br>activity was well-organized and received full support from various parties, especially <br>from the school. Participants were very enthusiastic in participating during nutrition <br>education session. Evaluation was carried out with pretest and posttest that was given <br>before and after showing the animated video. The results of the program showed an <br>average increase (29.67 points) in adolescents’ knowledge. The increase in knowledge <br>shows that health guidance through nutrition education using animated videos about <br>anemia prevention is an effective way to increase the knowledge of adolescent girls about <br>anemia</p> Siti Zulaekah Diah Intan Puspitasari Yuli Kusumawati M Mutalazimah Setiyo Purwanto Copyright (c) 2022 Siti Zulaekah, Diah Intan Puspitasari, Yuli Kusumawati, M Mutalazimah, Setiyo Purwanto 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 486 493 BUDIDAYA SAYURAN SEMI HIDROPONIK : SEBAGAI PEMANFAATAN LAHAN KOSONG GUNA MENAMBAH NILAI EKONOMIS MELALUI KOMUNITAS WANITA TANI DI RW BONTOPUASA <p>Budidaya sayuran semi hidroponik adalah salah satu bentuk inisiatif dalam <br>pemanfaatan lahan sempit untuk mengembangkan kreativitas warga masyarakat RW <br>Bontopuasa yang notabene bergerak di bidang pertanian. Budidaya sayuran dengan <br>konsep semi hidroponik ini bertujuan memudahkan pengelola lahan untuk proses <br>perawatan tanamannya. Penelitian in bertujuan untuk menerapkan dan menjelaskan <br>bagaimana pemanfaatan lahan dengan konsep semi hidroponik. Penelitian ini <br>menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, dengan subjek penelitian warga <br>kelompok wanita tani. Metode pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, observasi dan <br>kajian literature. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah penerapan konsep semi hidroponik <br>untuk pemanfaatan lahan.</p> Deby Fitriana Copyright (c) 2022 Deby Fitriana 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 494 496 Assistance in Increasing the Competence of North Klaten Muhammadiyah Vocational Schools in Making Electrical Panels <p>Currently, the construction of many industrial buildings, government and non-government<br>agencies, is a great opportunity for creative people, one of which is the supply and<br>manufacture of electrical panels that meet standards. The Electrical Power Engineering<br>study program at the North Klaten Muhammadiyah Vocational School is currently trying<br>to make electrical panels but it doesn't meet the standards. Currently, support and<br>guidance are needed so that electrical panel products can compete and be accepted in the<br>market. Currently the number of students is 169, with 7 teaching staff, but the lack of<br>teaching staff with experience in making electrical panels is a major problem. The purpose<br>of this activity is to assist partners to improve the quality of electrical panel products<br>according to standards. While the method of this activity there are several stages, namely<br>an explanation of the general description related to electrical panels and evaluation of the<br>resulting product panels. The second stage is assisting in determining material<br>requirements, preparing work equipment, the process of reading the circuit block diagram<br>of the electrical panel. The third stage is direct assistance to the electrical panel assembly<br>process. The activity has been carried out at SMK Muhammadiyah Klaten Utara for 2<br>months, namely on 3 February – 17 March 2022, contributing partners to this activity are<br>providing a room, LCD projector at the tutorial or explanation stage, providing the<br>required materials, main and supporting equipment and networks electricity. The results<br>of this activity are electrical panels with MCCB 3P 50 A and 12 pieces MCB 1P 20 A, the<br>panels used have dimensions of 50 x 70 x 20 cm.</p> Hasyim Asyari Muhammad Kusban Pratomo Budi Santosa S Sarjito Mila Faila Sufa Irma Yuliana Copyright (c) 2022 Hasyim Asyari, Muhammad Kusban, Pratomo Budi Santosa, S Sarjito, Mila Faila Sufa, Irma Yuliana 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 497 506 Assistance in Making Oyster Mushroom Seeds for Economic Improvement Post Covid-19 Pandemic in Bangun Harjo Sragen Mushroom Farmers Group <p>The Covid-19 pandemic has caused economic paralysis for MSMEs, including members of <br>a group of oyster mushroom seed farmers in Sragen. One of them was the mushroom <br>seed farmer group Bangun Harjo. The objectives of this service were: 1) to improve the <br>skills of the Bangun Harjo Mushroom seed farmer group in making mushroom seedling <br>growth media and 2). Improved ability to produce F0, F1 and F2 mushroom seeds. The <br>methods include: 1). Training on making mushroom nursery media with potato and <br>cassava ingredients, and 2). Training on making F0, F1 and F2 oyster mushroom seeds in <br>a more sterile way. In addition, the following equipment was also granted: 1). An <br>autoclave with a volume of 24 liters, 2). A Laminar Air Flow (LAF), and 3). Some of the <br>equipment includes: petri dish, tweezers, erlenmeyer etc. This community service activity <br>has been carried out on 15 and 17 September 2022 at the Bangun Harjo mushroom seed <br>farmer group, Sragen. The results of the service showed an increase in the success rate of <br>making mushroom seeds. Previously, from 30 trials of making oyster mushroom seeds, <br>only 3-4 bottles of mushroom seeds were produced, but with LAF from 30 trials, 24 <br>bottles of mushroom seeds were obtained. In addition, the success rate of making ear <br>fungus seeds has also increased, previously from 10 trials, only one bottle was produced <br>with poor quality. However, after using LAF, 4 bottles of ear mushroom seeds were <br>obtained with good mycelium propagation quality. The conclusion of this activity is that <br>the use of LAF is proven to increase the success of producing oyster mushroom and F0 <br>ear mushrooms.</p> A Ambarwati M Muhtadi S Suparti Lina Agustina Nia Istiana Hanifa Adityarahma Septian Hendra Wijaya Ayu Annisa Gharini Anggun Ella Indriyani Copyright (c) 2022 A Ambarwati , M Muhtadi , S Suparti , Lina Agustina, Nia Istiana, Hanifa Adityarahma, Septian Hendra Wijaya, Ayu Annisa Gharini, Anggun Ella Indriyani 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 507 513 Mapping Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding Schools in Central Java in Accelerating Ownership of Islamic Boarding School Statistics Numbers (NSPP) <p>The Statistical Number of Islamic Boarding Schools (NSPP) is a requirement that must <br>be met by Islamic boarding schools to obtain assistance and services from the Ministry <br>of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. Of the 401 Islamic Boarding Schools in Central <br>Java, there are currently 156 Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding Schools, but only 42 <br>pesantren, or 27% have NSPP. Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School in Central <br>Java to obtain NSPP legality to be able to access assistance from the Ministry of <br>Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. The main activity of this service is to collect data <br>on pesantren that have and do not have NSPP. Then identify the factors that hinder or <br>hinder NSPP registration. The results of data collection from six residencies in Central <br>Java show that the largest number of Muhammadiyah Islamic boarding schools is in <br>the residency of Surakarta, the others are scattered in the residency of Kedu, <br>Banyumas, Pekalongan, Semarang, and Pati. The number of Pondok Pesantren has <br>undergone many changes, some are newly established and some are no longer active, <br>with the total number now reaching 176 from the original 156, with the largest <br>percentage in Indonesia, namely 41.22% of the total number of Muhammadiyah Islamic <br>Boarding Schools in Indonesia.</p> Ahmad Mardalis Liana Mangifera Wuryaningsih Dwi Lestari S Saifudin Zaenal Abidin Nur Rizqi Febriandika Minhayati Saleh Copyright (c) 2022 Ahmad Mardalis, Liana Mangifera, Wuryaningsih Dwi Lestari, S Saifudin, Zaenal Abidin, Nur Rizqi Febriandika, Minhayati Saleh 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 514 520 EDUCATION AND UTILIZATION OF HERBAL SUPPLEMENT FORMULA TO SUPPORT THE TREATMENT OF COVID-19 <p class="Abstracts"><span lang="EN-ID">Health education activities and herbal supplementation assistance are expected to be able to increase knowledge and awareness of the community in the use of Black Seed herbal products and VSO oil so as to increase the healing rate and reduce the risk of worsening COVID-19. and post Covid 19. Implementation of PkM for partners for 1 day on Thursday, December 16, 2021 and partners 2 on Friday, December 17, 2021 by providing education about COVID-19 and herbal medicines to support Covid-19 treatment, then continued giving herbal packages consisting of Black Seed Oil capsules, pure honey, VCO oil. The conclusion of this activity went smoothly and was responded enthusiastically by the target participants of the activity. The results of giving the herbal package after the evaluation also showed positive changes in the participant's condition, it was shown by the results of the examination of blood pressure, breathing frequency and oxygen saturation which were getting better.</span></p> Fahrun Nur Rosyid M Muhtadi Muzakar Isa Guntur Nurcahyanto Copyright (c) 2022 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 521 528 Health Promotion with Health Protocol Leaflets Distribution in the beginning of The Pandemic Covid 19 New Normal Era <p>SARS-CoV-2 or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome- Corona Virus-2 (Covid-19) is the <br>globally spreading virus that turns into Pandemic from 2019 until 2021. The outbreak is <br>very much rampant and fast since first found in Wuhan, China. It can live in the air by <br>droplets and is more contagious in the area where so many people gather. This virus was <br>first found in Indonesia in March 2020. The disaster mitigation from the virus applies in <br>the form of interstate mobilization restriction, national lockdown, regional lockdown, and <br>social distancing. However, the procrastination that pandemic will subside in less than a <br>year was wrong it continues until 2021. The Indonesian government has tried different <br>approaches to control the spread of the virus one of them is by PSBB or Large-Scale <br>Social Restriction. Hence, society must not freely do their social activity which involved <br>people. Sadly, the fact PSBB is ineffective and not as expected. Covid-19 in Indonesia <br>keeps rising that forced the government to launch a new policy called PPKM or <br>Community Activities Restriction which has more detailed criteria on the activities list. <br>Again, the new policy also did not give a significant impact to decrease the Covid-19 <br>virus. Therefore, the strategy shifting to raise awareness for each individual to guard <br>themselves with fulfilling health protocol which implied in the New Normal paradigm. <br>The New Normal paradigm is the society's new way of life which is different from their <br>previous habit. Societies should adopt and implement the new habit which is all about <br>health protocol application to dampen the spreading speed of Covid-19. This community <br>service contributes to educating to implement health protocol as the new way of life by <br>giving out health promotion leaflets</p> Morita Sari Shafira Kurnia Rani Prabowo Tia Santi Copyright (c) 2022 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 529 538 Utilization of Antidiabetic Herbal Medicines Research Results Channamor for the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Patients in the Elderly Group of Posyandu Pandeyan, Baki District <p><em>Posyandu Lansia Pandeyan Purbosari 7 was established and has been managed since 2010 and has 50 members, most of whom are over 60 years old. This community services (PkM) aim was to implement of herbal medicine products that developed from research which effective action and safety had been proven. The Method used is a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach, by actively involving posyandu participants to utilize herbal medicine product for the treatment and care of diabetes mellitus (DM) which previously informed about herbal medicine, in addition participants was measured blood pressure and blood sugar levels. This activity involved researchers, students, business (CV. Arba’in, in support product), and community. The results showed that implementation of PkM activities have obtained information that participants after consuming of antidiabetic herbal medicines combined with other herbal packages has to increase the immune system and controlled the blood glucose levels. These are important condition for prevention against Covid-19. Elderly posyandu participants also have an increased understanding of diabetes and how to treat and treat it using herbal medicines that are available and easily found in the surrounding environment.</em></p> M Muhtadi EM Sutrisna Ihwan Susila Andi Suhendi Copyright (c) 2022 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 539 547 Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Baturan dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Mandiri Melalui Program Pilah Sampah Nabung Emas <p>Sampah adalah sesuatu yang sudah tidak digunakan yang berasal dari kegiatan manusia. Produksi sampah diperkirakan mencapai 130.000 ton perhari dan apabila tidak dikelola dengan baik maka akan menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan: 1)&nbsp; Mengedukasi masyarakat Desa Baturan Colomadu dalam mengelola sampah rumah tangga agar mereka mempunyai kesadaran dan bijak dalam mengelola sampah melalui program pilah sampah nabung emas, dan 2) Mengetahui hambatan dalam pelaksanaan program.&nbsp; Metode kegiatan pengabdian ini&nbsp; dilaksanakan dalam beberapa tahap yaitu : ceramah, demonstrasi, pendampingan dan pelatihan, workshop. Prosedur pelaksanaan dimulai dari tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi dan monitoring. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Pada aspek pemahaman, pengetahuan dan perilaku (terkait perilaku membiasakan diri memilah sampah) menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman dan kesadaran&nbsp; masyarakat&nbsp;&nbsp; dalam mengelola sampah masih rendah, namun melalui edukasi yang terus menerus sudah menunjukkan kemajuan dengan terbentuknya bank sampah di desa Baturan. Aktifitas bank sampah dimulai dari nasabah mengumpulkan sampah dan memilahnya sesuai jenis&nbsp; sampah, dan menyetorkan ke pengelola bank sampah. Proses pengelolaan sampah oleh petugas bank sampah meliputi aktifitas&nbsp; memilah dan memeriksa ketepatan dalam pilah sampah, menimbang, melakukan pencatatan secara administratif melalui pembukuan, dan mencatat ke buku nasabah. Pembagian hasil penjualan sampah dilakukan dengan kesepakatan 85% menjadi hak nasabah, sedangkan 15% untuk pengelola. Dari rekapitulasi jumlah nasabah dan uang tabungan nasabah dari bulan Juni 2022-Oktober 2022 menunjukkan hasil yang relatif meningkat.2) Hambatan dalam pelaksanaan program meliputi kesadaran masyarakat, penyamaan jadwal dan waktu</p> Ratnasari Diah Utami M Minsih Choirun Nisa Nur Amalia Honest Ummi Kaltsum Ummi Tadzkiroh Atika Azzahro Alifah Raisia Copyright (c) 2022 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 548 556 Dakwah Berkemajuan: Pendampingan Manajemen YouTube sebagai Media Dakwah Online PRM Ngadirejo, Kartasura <p><em>Muhammadiyah Branch Ngadirejo Kartasura is one of the spearheads of Muhammadiyah's da'wah. This organization started the da'wah movement around 1965. One of the remains that are used as a means of routine da'wah every week is the Sunday morning recitation which is located in the Ngadirejo Village. Jihadpagi in this office has been running for about 30 years. Jihadpagi of the Ngadirejo branch still uses the DDM method (come, sit and listen) so that the scope is not wide and there is no archive of activities. Recitations using online media have not been carried out items of requests for recitation members to use online media such as YouTube have often been voiced. Related to that, the servant bridges so that all wishes can be fulfilled. The solution that has been carried out is to conduct training several times related to online media and procurement of goods needed for the realization of the online da'wah. The details of the solutions offered are as follows: first, the introduction of YouTube online media, second, assistance in making a home on YouTube, third, testing the results of the training, and fourth, implementation in real conditions, namely live broadcasts on jihadpagi activities. The results of the service are as follows, participants are able to create a Youtube channel, use take video tools, take videos, edit videos, and upload videos to the PRM Ngadirejo Kartasura YouTube channel. The results of this service can be said to be successful with evidence that participants are able to carry out all directions and concrete evidence is the uploading of a number of videos to the YouTube channel of PRM Ngadirejo Kartasura. We hope that what has been given can be continued for the advancement of online da'wah for PRM Ngadirejo. The link is </em><em><a href="">(2) PRM63kartasura - YouTube</a></em>.</p> Sigit Haryanto Rini Fatmawati S Sumayah Titis Setyabudi M` Mujazin Copyright (c) 2022 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 557 567 Memotivasi Remaja Masjid Melek Literasi Digital <p>Technological developments in this era influenced the da'wah model. One of the technological trends in this millennial era is digital media. Today, the millennial generation can use the digital da'wah model. So far, da'wah through social media has been widely carried out. However, there are not many good da'wah actors with resources who have the skills to make da'wah information in the form of pictures/posters or creative videos. The community service team for the Masters of Psychology at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta held seminars and workshop "Prospering Mosques Through Digital-Based Da'wah". Researchers conducted a literature review on digital literacy, digital da'wah, and motivational theories from various journal articles and books. In addition, the researchers also analyzed qualitatively the data obtained through questionnaires filled out by the training participants, especially regarding the motivation of the participants. Digital da'wah seminars and training activities can increase the motivation of mosque youth to increase their knowledge and skills, as well as develop digital-based mosque da'wah.</p> Mina Pusporani Nisa Rachmah Nur Anganthi Copyright (c) 2022 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 568 579 Association of Parental Socioeconomic Status on Dental Caries Experience in 6-7 Years Old Children in Nguter <p><em>Background: Caries is one of the most common dental problems in Indonesia, especially in children. The occurrence of caries is influenced by various factors. The socioeconomic status of parents is known to play a role in the occurrence of caries. This is because children with low socioeconomic status will affect the level of knowledge and awareness of maintaining dental and oral health and the ability to obtain proper dental and oral health services. Therefore, this study aims to determine the relationship of the socioeconomic status of parents with the incidence of caries in children at the age of 6-7 years in Nguter. Method: This research was a quantitative analytic study with a cross-sectional design. The population of this study were children aged 6-7 years in Nguter with 53 children as sample that obtained by total sampling technique according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The primary data was collected using questionnaires to obtain the demographic data and socioeconomic status of parents and observation of caries status in children. The statistical analysis was perfomed by using chi square test. Result: The results showed that there was no effect of parents' income level on children's dental caries (p=0.099), there was no effect of father's education level (p=0.988) and mother's level of education (p=0.916) on children's dental caries, and there was no effect of the number of parents' family members on children's dental caries (p=0.625). Conclusion: There was no effect of parental socioeconomic level to children dental caries.</em></p> Lisa Nuraini Rosyida Kirana Laras Titi Annisa Fitri Ananda Rudiyanto Morita Sari Copyright (c) 2022 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 579 588 Jakaba as an Organic Fertilizer Solution for Millennial Farmers in Pattallassang Village, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi <p>This article is a report on the community service program which was carried out in the form of a joint Field Work Lecture from various Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Universities throughout Indonesia who received placements in Pattallassang Village, Pattallassang District, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi. Muhammadiyah-Aisyiyah Real Work Lecture (KKN-MAs) is a community service for PTMA students throughout Indonesia to implement the knowledge they have acquired during the lecture process. The knowledge that has been obtained during college is expected to be able to solve problems that are currently happening in society. By participating in this KKN MAs, students have the opportunity to take real action in the field with the knowledge gained during college and become a gathering place for colleagues from Muhammadiyah campuses throughout Indonesia. Pattallassang Village is one of the villages in Gowa Regency which is an agricultural area that makes rice and corn their superior products. The Community Service Program for MAs took place in Tassilli Hamlet, Pattallassang Village, Pattallassang District, Gowa Regency. Pattallassang Village has a lot of potentials that can be developed in accordance with the theme of KKN MAs in 2022. This year's KKN MAs has the theme "Strengthening Digital-Based Agrotechnopreneurs to Support Industry and Tourism". These can be developed by students participating in KKN, and conceptualized into several work programs.</p> Dewi Fajar Fatmawati Copyright (c) 2022 2022-10-07 2022-10-07 589 596