Proceedings International Conference on Education Innovation and Social Science <p>Proceeding Title: <strong>Proceedings International Conference on Education Innovation and Social Science<br /></strong>Organizer: Department of Accounting Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta<br />ISSN (Online): <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2961-9602</a><br />Indexed: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">GARUDA</a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">International Conference on Education Innovation and Social Science (ICEISS)</a> is organized by the Accounting Education Study Program, Faculty of Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for the researchers, education practitioners, governments, NGOs, and research institutes in sharing cutting edge progress in education innovation and social science.</p> Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta en-US Proceedings International Conference on Education Innovation and Social Science 2961-9602 Implementation of The Merdeka Curriculum to Address Learning Loss in X-Grade Students at SMA Al-Islam 1 Surakarta <p>The implementation of the Merdeka curriculum is one of the efforts undertaken by SMA Al-Islam 1 Surakarta to address learning loss. The objective of this study is to explore the relationship between learning loss and the implementation of the Merdeka curriculum at SMA Al-Islam 1 Surakarta. A qualitative research method with a case study design was employed for this study. The research focuses on depicting the initiatives of SMA Al-Islam 1 Surakarta in implementing the Merdeka curriculum and assessing the effectiveness of the Merdeka curriculum in mitigating learning loss. The research findings indicate that students experience learning loss in the form of decreased learning motivation, declining academic performance, and the emergence of undesirable behaviors. However, the school can minimize these issues by implementing aspects of the Merdeka curriculum, such as project-based assessments and differentiated learning methods. These strategies aim to provide students with a sense of achievement and cater to their individual learning needs.</p> Dewangga Satria Buana Rochman Hadi Mustofa Jonathan C Gano-an Copyright (c) 2023 Dewangga Satria Buana, Rochman Hadi Mustofa, Jonathan C Gani-an 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 1 8 Influencer Marketing Strategies in Increasing Customer Engagement (Tiktok Minke Case Study) <p>The rapid development of technology encourages businesses to use other alternatives in marketing their products, one of which is the use of influencer marketing services. This aims to expand product information and is also key to increasing customer engagement. In increasing customer engagement, influencers need to implement a good strategy so that the desired goals are achieved. Therefore, this research aims to find out the influencer marketing strategy implemented by Adam through minke's TikTok account to increase customer engagement. This research is qualitative in nature using the case study method. In addition, this research collects data through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data reduction, data reduction and conclusion display. The results of this research indicate that the strategy implemented out by Adam is included in a good influencer strategy, this is indicated by Adam's considerable efforts in increasing his credibility so that the engagement created is high. This research is expected to have an academic impact on influencer marketing strategies in increasing customer engagement as carried out by Adam.</p> Kurniawan Ari Saputro Tri Nur Wahyudi Yuni Yuningsih Copyright (c) 2023 Kurniawan Ari Saputro, Tri Nur Wahyudi, Yuni Yuningsih 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 9 21 Employers' Perspective on Successful Accounting Information System Internships: A Case Study in Pampanga, Philippines <p>This qualitative case study aims to identify the essential skills required by employers when hiring AIS student interns. Additionally, it explores potential recommendations for the university to ensure a successful internship experience for AIS undergraduates. Ten employers were interviewed in person, including six from the accounting and banking industries and four from non-accounting or government sectors. Thematic analysis was employed to analyze the collected data. The study emphasizes the significance of employers' perspectives in helping students prepare for actual work in the industry and guiding the university in enhancing its program structure. The study identified both hard and soft skills necessary for student interns. Hard skills encompass technical proficiency and fundamental accounting knowledge, while soft skills encompass effective communication, teamwork ability, analytical aptitude, time management, adaptability, willingness to learn, trustworthiness, and discipline. Employers emphasize these skills when considering student interns. Furthermore, the study reveals employers' recommendations to the university, including conducting an initial assessment before deployment, ensuring well-trained interns, providing comprehensive support throughout the internship, fostering collaboration between the university and employers, and enabling students to focus on internships without additional subjects. These suggestions serve as valuable insights for the university to enhance the internship program not only for AIS undergraduates but also for students pursuing other professions. The findings of this research can be used as a foundation for future implementation of internship programs, aiming to facilitate successful internships for Accounting Information System undergraduates and students in various field.</p> Benedict M. Guanlao Patricia Ann Calma Janelle A. Jacinto Kimberly G. Quilicol Regine C. Estacio Aljiec M. Orlanes Angelica Mae G. Yangga Andrea R. Sonza Sugar Kate M. Cuellar Ronalyn R. Tua Heart MacKenzie N. Calara John Paul P. Miranda Gienahlyn M. Mallari Copyright (c) 2023 Benedict M. Guanlao, Patricia Ann Calma, Janelle A. Jacinto, Kimberly G. Quilicol, Regine C. Estacio, Aljiec M. Orlanes, Angelica Mae G. Yangga, Andrea R. Sonza, Sugar Kate M. Cuellar, Ronalyn R. Tua, Heart MacKenzie N. Calara, John Paul P. Miranda, Gienahlyn M. Mallari 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 22 37 The Influence of Business Capital and Entrepreneurship Behavior on The Success of Furniture Business in Bayat District Klaten Regency <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of business capital and entrepreneurial behavior partially and simultaneously on business success in Bayat District, Klaten Regency. Research with a quantitative type uses a descriptive research design. The population of furniture entrepreneurs in Bayat District is 20 furniture entrepreneurs. The research sample for furniture entrepreneurs in Bayat District, Klaten Regency was 20 furniture entrepreneurs. The data collection method used a questionnaire and was analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis with the help of the SPSS 29.0 for Windows program. The results showed that there was no effect of business capital on business success as indicated by the probability value of the t test which was 0.356 which was greater than α = 0.05, there was an influence of entrepreneurial behavior on business success as indicated by the probability value of the t test of 0.001 which was smaller than α = 0.05, and there is an influence of business capital and entrepreneurial behavior on business success as indicated by the probability value of the F test 0.001 which is smaller than α = 0.05.</p> Esti Marsudiyanti Joko Suwandi Bagus Sandy Narmanditya Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 38 45 Research Trend of Accounting Employability through Bibliometric Analysis <p>The purpose of this research is to analyze the scientific trend of accounting employability through bibliometric studies in the Scopus database from 1981 to mid-2023. During the study period, 1,815 documents were found in the Scopus database. Geographically, United Kingdom is a productive country with 335 articles. The results of the bibliometric analysis show that the writers of accounting employability who are productive and often collaborate are Baruch, Asonitou, Alnoor. The institutions that most frequently publish accounting employability are Edith Cowen University, Universiti Sains Malaysia, and KU Leuven. Bibliometric analysis also found that there were 134 items that were correlated with accounting employability which were divided into 7 clusters. Keywords that often appear in student accounting employability relate to knowledge, skills, personal attributes, values and ethics, career development, career adaptation, technology, work integrated learning and internships, learning approaches, curriculum, accounting education, entrepreneurship education, assessment, company organization and education, barriers, and challenges. Research from 1981 to 2023 is growing where the education domain is increasingly connected with various crisis conditions, economic conditions, education management which results in the possibility of future research based on the gaps found and the development of accounting employability in various research methods.</p> Fadhilah Mahanani Saputri S Siswandari Feri Setyowibowo Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 46 56 Curriculum Transformation in The 21st Century Education: Perspectives, Challenges, and Prospects <p>Massive changes in various aspects of life are characteristic of the 21st century, triggered by the rapid development of technology. In facing this era of technological progress, globalization and social complexity, education must adapt its curriculum so that students are equipped with skills and competencies that are relevant to the ever-changing demands of the global market. Innovation in the curriculum is a must, which not only addresses current problems but also integrates 21st century skills. This article aims to examine the competencies required by 21st century education and identify the challenges faced in implementing curriculum changes. This study uses a literature review methodology, taking sources from textbooks, scientific journals, and the latest research findings. The selected sources meet the criteria of relevance and novelty. 21st century skills needed to carry out curriculum transformation include critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, digital literacy, and problem solving. Challenges in implementing curriculum changes that need attention include intensive teacher training, development of appropriate assessments, support from various parties, and adequate resource allocation. Overall, curriculum transformation can create relevant, contextual, and responsive learning experiences that meet student needs in an ever-changing educational landscape.</p> D Dariyono R Rusman Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 57 68 Improving Leadership Style in Startup to Increasing Team Performance <p>Startup can be defined as an organization that is either recently created or in the early stages of development and is focused on monetizing a concept. Startups often have a small core team made up of management from the executive, marketing, finance, and operations departments. Teman Survei is a property survey service that can be ordered through our marketplace website more easily and effectively. problem faced by the Teman Survey is a leadership style that is inappropriate and too free for the team to explore more outside the business so that the team becomes out of control and of course there is often a loss of responsibility between teams. Leadership that lacks leadership in this team makes team performance decrease and results in a slow growth company This problem causes the slow growth of the company. The goal of this study is to know how the leadership situation in Teman Survei team and to know how to improve leadership by defining leadership styles and make an implemented plan to increase team performance. This study uses qualitative methods that include Literature review, Data Collection, In-Depth interview, and pragmatism as data analysis and interpretation. The results show that the leadership style carried by the leader is a servant style and an adaptive style which makes the leader lose control of the team. this makes implementation planning in the future will be in the form of implementing a Full-Range leadership style which is a combination of Transformational style and Transactional style.</p> Adam Khausal Emilia Fitriana Dewi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 69 75 Suggestopedia and Students' Motivation: Speaking Class <p>The research investigates the impact of the Suggestopedia method on student motivation in speaking classes. Suggestopedia is an innovative teaching method designed to increase student engagement and motivation in the classroom, particularly in the area of communication skill development.. The method is predicated on the notion that students have untapped resources that can be accessed through suggestive learning strategies. Suggestopedia's goal in speaking classes is to reduce anxiety and increase students' confidence in verbal expression. Learners are encouraged to take risks, make mistakes, and develop their speaking abilities as a result of the method's supportive environment. Positive reinforcement and suggestion play a significant role in Suggestopedia, contributing to the increased motivation and engagement of students. Integrative and instrumental motivations are also investigated in the context of acquiring a foreign language, with an emphasis on the cultural and pragmatic aspects of language acquisition. Ten students from the first semester of the English Department at STAI Hubbulwatahan Duri Riau were interviewed using qualitative methods, such as focus group discussions, to obtain in-depth insights. The findings indicate that participants highly value the motivational aspects of Suggestopedia, such as its impact on interest, social contact, cultural awareness, and speaking skills. While some participants held pessimistic views regarding practical motivations, the majority acknowledged the significance of English proficiency for personal and professional development. Overall, the study indicates that Suggestopedia can motivate in language learning, and that integrating integrative motivation into language teaching strategies, particularly in English-speaking classrooms, can produce positive results.</p> Dini Deswarni Yetti Zainil Hermawati Syarif Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 76 88 Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) for English Class in Indonesia <p>The principal objective of English language instruction in Indonesia is to furnish Indonesian pupils with the ability to communicate effectively in English. The English communicative skills of Indonesian school graduates have been found to be low, which can be attributed to the prevalent use of traditional student-centered approaches that emphasise linguistic structural properties. Additionally, the lack of exposure to and usage of the target language in the classroom further contributes to this issue. A limited number of students possess the ability to effectively convey concepts, perspectives, and emotions utilising English as a means of interaction. The objective of this review article is to advocate for the effectiveness of the task-based language teaching (TBLT) approach in enhancing the communicative abilities of students in Indonesia. This paper utilises various theoretical frameworks and empirical studies to undertake a critical examination of the advantages and drawbacks associated with the implementation of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in Indonesia. The argument posits that Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) facilitates organic learning, engenders inherent motivation among students, and fosters the development of language skills, which may result in an expedited enhancement of communicative proficiency.</p> Dony Efriza Yetti Zainil Hermawati Syarif M. Zaim Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 89 106 Implementation of Problem Posing Learning using PhET Interactive Simulations to Improve Physics Learning Outcomes of XMIPA1 Students MAN 1 Medan <p>The purpose of this classroom action research is to use PhET Simulation technology combined with problem posing learning models to improve physics learning outcomes for XMIPA1 at MAN 1 Medan. This type of research is a class action research using Kemmis-Mc Taggart designs, which begins with the observation of the daily test scores for Physics XMIPA1 with a class average score of 72.82, which means that it’s still below the minimum completeness criteria (KKM), which is ≥80. The research was conducted on 36 students in class XMIPA1 MAN 1 Medan in the odd semester of the 2022/2023 Academic Year. The Problem Posing Learning Model emphasizes the formulation of simple problems or reformulation of existing problems in several ways in order to solve complex problems so that they can be solved. PhET simulation parabolic motion material has a parabolic motion simulation which is expected to increase students understanding in exploring the concept of parabolic motion. Methods of collecting data through observation, documentation, post-test, and interviews. The percentage of student learning outcomes in pre-cycle activities to cycle 1 experienced an increase from 64.28% to 82.48% with an N-gain value of 0.328 in the moderate category. Then the learning outcomes increase from cycle 1 to cycle 2, namely to 88.28% with the result of obtaining an N-gain value of 0.368, which means an increase in the medium category. So that the problem posing learning model with PhET simulation can improve physics learning outcomes in XMIPA1 class at MAN 1 Medan odd semester 2022/2023.</p> Herry Afandi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 107 112 The Implementation of Suggestopedia in EFL Classroom: How Does Music Improve Learners' Motivation In Language Learning? <p>Providing the learners with a comfortable and relaxing environment is a thing that should be considered by the teachers in order to improve the learners’ motivation in learning English as foreign language. This study aimed to explore about how the use of music as a part of Suggestopedia approach can improve learners’ motivation in language learning. It observed an EFL class that use Suggestopedia in teaching and learning process. The result showed that Suggestopedia was used by giving a comfortable and relaxed condition of the classroom for the learners. The lecturers also use selected music to make the situation of the class become relax and calm. Most of the learners also looked enjoyed the learning process and they focused on activities done in the classroom. In other words, music used in Suggestopedia can improve their motivation in language learning Therefore, suggestopedia is considered as an approach that can help to reduce learners' anxiety and stress levels in teaching and learning process.</p> Marsika Sepyanda Yetti Zainil Hermawati Syarif M. Zaim Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 113 118 Implementation of Cooperative Model's Jigsaw to Improve Mathematic Ability of Students <p>The problem of this research is the low ability of mathematical connections due to the low ability of students to understand mathematical concepts. This research is a Classroom Action Research conducted at Husni Thamrin High School Medan. In the implementation of this research tools and research instruments have been developed. The results in cycle I show that: (1) the average test score of students' mathematical connection ability is 68.0 or there are 73% of the number of students who take the test have a level sis mathematical ability, (2) the level of active activity of students has not met the set ideal percentage of time, . In cycle II the results were obtained: (1) the average score of students' mathematical ability test was 73.0 or there were 86.6% of the number of students who took the test had a minimum level of students' mathematical ability in the sufficient category and 13.4% had a level students' mathematical are under the sufficient category, (2) the level of active activity of students fulfills the ideal percentage of time. In cycles I and II, concluded that implementation of jigsaw cooperative learning can improve students' mathematical ability.</p> Muda Sakti Raja Sihite Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 119 126 Educate Children: Unleashing The Moral, Intellectual and Spiritual Dimensions in Enriching Children's Inner Repertoire and Creative Motivation [IQ, IE & IS] <p>Every wise parent wants their children to be smart and intelligent. The magnitude of these hopes and desires gave rise to the enthusiasm and concern of parents for the activities and efforts to educate their children's needs. The interesting thing is that it accommodates the harmonious relationship between parents, students and the school. Efforts to emphasize strong intelligence are on spiritual intelligence [Spiritual Intelligence]. With reliable spiritual values and intelligence, other aspects of intelligence, namely IQ and Emotional Intelligence (Emotional Intelligence) or IE, can be directed towards self-actualization of humans as servants of Allah and at the same time His caliphs on earth. Spiritual nuances that are developed in educating children increasingly give us confidence that the spiritual and religious values that we adhere to are "real" truths and their functions in living life in the world.</p> Niflach Mutiara Dewi Nur Fauziah Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 127 130 Promoting Research-Based School Reform: What Indonesian Teachers Expect <p>Research culturization and structurization are essential for society in the current era of information acceleration. This significance is no exception and is highly specialized in educational institutions such as formal schools. Teachers as academic actors who are directly in contact with students know the ins and outs of the challenges faced at school. This study aims to analyze teachers' expectations of research-and-innovation-based school/madrasa (Sembari) as expectations shape perception and influence the implementation. A hundred teachers from Indonesia's primary, secondary, and senior education levels became the research object by completing the MIMPI Sembari questionnaire. The teachers support the implementation of culturization and structurization of research and innovation. Their expectations are holistic by including expectations for each structure, namely teachers, students, and the school, and the implementation of Sembari at school. The findings of this study shift the paradigm of research practice at schools, which are only concerned with a culture of research competition between students. These findings support the essential culturization and structurization of research at Indonesian schools and madrasas. Teachers' expectations represent the practical needs of teachers and teachers' observation of education practice at schools. Further research about school structure and culture can be developed by exploring schools' needs from various perspectives.</p> Novi Sylvia Deni Hadiana Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 131 137 Application of Neuroscience in Establishing Character Education in Early Children at Aisyiyah 06 Jaten Kindergarten Students <p>This article aims to review character education in early childhood through the application of neuroscience. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system. In fact, early childhood neuroscience is a golden period in the process of human development. In neuroscience there is the development of intelligence and morality for students. Thus students can optimally optimize the brain network system at an early age to develop their character. Teachers at Aisyiyah 06 Jaten Kindergarten need efforts to instill character education values in students. Through the application of neuroscience, children are given the opportunity to build knowledge through the learning process. The application of this neuroscience also has the potential to develop the character of Islamic education in Aisyiyah 06 Jaten Kindergarten.</p> Nur Novita Sari Nur Fauziyah Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 138 142 Refocusing Education Budgeting Policies for Public Accountability <p>There is a research gap in measuring the performance of educational institutions, but at the bottom there is a problem of how the level of effectiveness, economy, efficiency, economy and balance can be achieved. As a country that upholds democracy, accountability is an attribute of management accountability to the public. Accountability is currently under pressure from public sector organizations. The aim of this research is how to refocus the alignment of education policies in Indonesia in education budgeting so that the management of education funds is transparent and accountable. The study in this research uses a qualitative approach with a literature study. The results of the study show that the current most profitable focus on education budgeting is the vocational education level (SMK-Politeknik). The arguments are, first, that vocational/technical education is more expensive than academic education, but the implications for educational outcomes are more effective. Second, the need for more middle-level workers is required. Third, with the demographic bonus, the productive age population is considered to be a source of economic growth and innovation development. Fourth, the five important competencies that are currently developing are more likely to be achieved efficiently from vocational education (SMK-Politeknik). Fifth, currently the industry requires that workers must have competency certificates. The conclusion of this study is that the focus of developing the quality of education is on financing management policies because financial aspects have direct and indirect effects on the relationship between service quality and performance.</p> Nurhasan Hamidi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 143 156 Analysis of PBL-Based Flipbook E-Module in Enhancing Elementary School Students' Critical Thinking Skills: A Literature Study <p>Mastery of 21st-century competencies for students is one of the efforts to strengthen the competitiveness of human resources, and one of these competencies is critical thinking skills. Learning tools integrated with technology have become one of the needs of 21st-century students in the digital era. This article is part of research on developing a Problem-Based Learning-based flipbook e-module to enhance critical thinking skills in elementary school students. The article describes one of the results of the needs analysis, which is a literature study consisting of previous research studies related to the use of Problem-Based Learning-based flipbook e-modules in improving critical thinking skills in elementary school students. The research method used in this study is a literature review, specifically analyzing articles from previous research studies on using Problem-Based Learning-based flipbook e-modules to enhance critical thinking skills in elementary school students. The review is limited to accredited journals from 2019 to 2023. The conclusion drawn from this study is that flipbook e-modules have been widely used in elementary school learning, focusing on specific subjects such as Mathematics, Science, and thematic subjects. Flipbook e-modules can be created using Kvsoft Flipbook Maker or Fliphtml5, incorporating elements such as images, videos, music, and quiz exercises. Flipbook e-modules can be effectively used to enhance critical thinking skills when integrated with innovative learning models such as Problem-Based Learning. The findings of this study can serve as a reference for future research and development of e-modules.</p> Sri Adhi Endaryati St. Y. Slamet Kartika Chrysti Suryandari Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 157 165 Development of Learning Plan with Midwifery Services Material based on Experiential Learning in ESP <p>To create midwifery student professionalism in the topic of learning Midwifery Services, lecturers need a structured learning design. The form of learning in Midwifery services is very suitable using the Experiential learning method. This Experiential learning method has four cycles of phases in shaping the experience of becoming professional in students. The method used in this research is Research and Development. The research subjects were Midwifery students at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Barat. The research object is a Midwifery Service learning topic with learning materials Offering Services, Giving Direction and Persuade. The results obtained are in the form of a Learning Design which contains the learning flow of Midwifery Services in English in the Experiential Learning model. The circular phases are Active Experimentation (Students carry out oral conversation practice based on the theme of conditions experienced every day and Midwifery Services), Concrete Experience (Students are asked to demonstrate the expressions of offering service, giving direction, and persuading in Indonesian Language. The teacher plays video/audio expressions offering service, giving direction, and persuading), Reflective Observation (Learners compare functions, language structures in the utterances heard and compare with English conversation in Midwifery Services), Abstract Conceptualization (Students arrange and make conversations based on the function and structure of linguistic rules using various expressions. Students are given the opportunity to make conversations based on the theme of the conditions experienced in the practice of midwifery services).</p> Vonny Ardiel Yetti Zainil Hermawati Syarif M. Zaim Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 166 174 Analysis of Grammar Needs in the University Environment: A Case Study of Non-English Study Program Students at PGRI Palembang University <p>The study aims to analyze grammar needs in the university environment of PGRI Palembang, with a focus on non-English Study Program students. A good understanding of grammar is essential in language learning, especially in an academic context. The research was conducted to determine specific grammar needs that should be emphasized in the English course curriculum in order to improve students’ ability to use English effectively and accurately. The research method used in this study is qualitative research. Data is collected through structured interviews with lecturers and students of the Non-English Studies Program. In addition, document analysis such as the English course curriculum is also carried out to complement the data obtained. The results show that there are some grammar needs that need to be taken into account in the curriculum of English courses at this university. Primary needs include an understanding of basic grammar, the proper use of tensions, the correct use of articles and prepositions, as well as the mastery of complex sentence structures. Students also expressed the need for improved skills in using grammar contextually. This study concluded that grammar needs in the PGRI university environment of Palembang, in particular in the Non-English Studies Program, should be well identified to ensure effective learning. The curriculum should be designed in such a way that it meets the student’s grammar needs comprehensively, covering basic grammatical understanding to the use of grammar in an academic context. It can help students improve their English skills and prepare them to face language demands in their future careers.</p> Wahid Ibrahim Banul Ngindom Soetarno Joyoatmojo Nunuk Suryani Dewi Rochsantiningsih Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 175 178 The Urgency and Efforts to Improve Financial Literacy in Early Childhood Education: A Literature Review <p>Financial literacy is a fundamental literacy skill that is very important to have. As with other basic literacy, financial literacy is very important to instil in early childhood. However, the literature review that focuses on financial literacy in early childhood still needs to be improved. This research aims to analyze the urgency of financial literacy and the efforts that can be made to teach financial literacy in Early Childhood Education. The method used in this research is a literature review adapted from Chigbu et al. (2023). Based on the results of the review, it was found that financial literacy is very important to develop in early childhood because it is a critical period in children's brain development and the rapid development of executive functions. Efforts that can be used to foster financial literacy from an early age include providing knowledge about the concept of money, the concept of needs and desires, the concept of saving, and sharing with others. These efforts can be made through picture storybooks, interactive media, role-play using artificial money, and interactive games. Financial literacy learning in early childhood can use Project Based Learning (PjBL) and learning cycle learning methods. The review resulting from this research can be a basis for future researchers to develop research related to understanding financial literacy in early childhood. Apart from that, this article can also provide knowledge for stakeholders to develop financial literacy learning at the PAUD level.</p> Anggraeni Dian Permatasari Khofifa Najma Iftitah Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 179 184 Understanding The Influence from Electronic Service Quality of Boarding House Website on Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Intention <p>In Indonesia, there are various options for temporary housing available to migrating students, including boarding houses, dormitories, rentals, and apartments. However, numerous obstacles are faced in finding such a limited time to look for boarding houses, availability issues, or unmet expectations. Teman Survei is present as a business that provides a boarding house website to overcome the problem. Unfortunately, the quality of service at Teman Survei is not optimal, resulting in customer dissatisfaction and not continuing to pay. The goal of this study is to better understand the factors of electronic services quality that have an influence on consumer satisfaction and purchase intent. This study also tries to determine the factors most influential on customer satisfaction and purchase intention. Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling, a quantitative technique, was utilized to test the study model using data from 237 users of a boarding house website in Bandung. The outcome demonstrates that customer satisfaction and purchase intention are positively influenced by each of the five elements of electronic service quality: website design, reliability, responsiveness, trust, and personalization.</p> Aulya Husna Fajri Annisa Rahmani Qastharin Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 185 192 Digital Marketing Strategy for Snack MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) Landbutter Bakery during The Covid-19 Pandemic <p>Snack MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) business unit categories are currently one of the most promising to grow. The objective of this research was to develop digital marketing strategies for Landbutter Bakery, a Snack MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) located in Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia. The study employs a qualitative descriptive approach to explore Landbutter Bakery's digital marketing strategies in promoting their products during the Covid-19 pandemic. The data analysis follows the Miles and Huberman method, involving several stages including data collection, data presentation, data reduction, and drawing conclusions in an interactive process. The results of the study show that, first, the implementation of the "Finest Food Delight" branding is an integral aspect of Landbutter Bakery's digital marketing strategy aimed at attracting an increase in customer orders., this is supported by qualitative analysis using the Miles and Huberman method (1994). Second, the process of digital marketing involves conducting online marketing activities and implementing 8 (eight) stages of content marketing. (Kotler, 2017). Third, social media as a digital marketing strategy has been quite successful in boosting the growth of customer's orders of Landbutter Bakery's products.</p> Belani Asmara Hadi Sri Astuti Pratminingsih Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 193 201 Product Design Development of Syfoin using House of Quality <p>This research attempts to address the business problem that SYFO is currently experiencing, particularly the difficulty of boosting sales and enhancing customer retention for their meal kit product. To discover areas of unhappiness, the search starts by interviewing past clients. The results show a mismatch between client expectations and the business's offers, which calls for a more thorough inquiry using business and root cause analysis. Lack of resources and unambiguous standards for incorporating consumer preferences into product design are determined to be the root of SYFO's issue. Customer preference attributes, technical preference attributes, and information on priority levels are gathered from literature reviews and 102 respondents using the House of Quality (HOQ) framework. The effectiveness of SYFO's products is compared to that of Sumibi and reFresh. The result of the HOQ framework indicates areas that need improvement in the prior product design and offers a priority list for product development. The suggested remedies to the problems mentioned include finding special ingredients and creating appealing, useful packaging.</p> Diva Gloria Johannes Yuanita Handayati Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 202 212 The Influence of The Environment on The Social Emotional Development of Early Children <p>Children at an early age are in the golden age, because during that period there is amazing development, both physical and emotional. In this phase, the environment plays a very important role in influencing children, because children tend to imitate what they see and witness. Children do not think whether what they see and witness is good or bad. No matter how well explained, children will be more likely to believe what they see and witness for themselves. Therefore, stimulation during the golden age is the responsibility of parents and teachers as caregivers and educators in their environment. Mainly in terms of social emotional development of early childhood. However, children's social emotional development is often sidelined. As a result, This research uses a qualitative method where data is taken from observations at PAUD Kinanti Saras, Bendo village, Nogosari, Boyolali and the results of analysis from several research journals that meet the criteria are then collected and a summary is made. The aim of this research is to explain the influence of the family environment and school environment. on the social emotional development of early childhood.</p> Nur Alimah Sri Gandini Nur Fauziyah Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 213 218 Series Images as A Stimulation of Language Ability for Left Brain Development in Early Children <p>It is important to provide proper stimulation and support for left brain development at every stage of development. Media picture series can be an effective means to stimulate the development of the left brain. Left brain development is critical for language processing, logical reasoning, and analytical thinking. Media picture series can play an important role in stimulating the development of the left brain. Through mastery of language, reading and writing skills, mathematical abilities, logical reasoning, and critical thinking, visual media can optimally support the development of the left brain. It is important to provide engaging and educational visual media and create opportunities for children to interact and discuss content to strengthen their left brain development. It is important to provide a variety of interesting and varied images and interact and discuss with children about these images to strengthen understanding and development of the right brain . to improve speaking ability is to use serial pictures. Picture series is a series of pictures arranged sequentially to tell a story or concept. This study aims to explore the use of serial images in improving speaking skills. The method used is an experiment involving a group of participants who have varying levels of speaking ability. The results of the study show that the use of serial images can be effective in improving speaking skills. Participants involved in the experiment showed a significant increase in their ability to express ideas and speak fluently after using picture series as a tool. In addition, the use of picture series can also increase the creativity and imagination of participants. By looking at the pictures arranged sequentially, participants can develop a story or concept in a better and more structured way. This research makes an important contribution in the field of education and communication. The use of serial pictures can be an effective alternative in improving speaking skills, especially for those who have difficulty expressing ideas verbally.</p> Nyamini Ika Lestari Nur Fauziah Latif Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 219 225 Wedangan Omah Lawas Sragen Consumer Decision Analysis in Terms of Instagrammable Places, Product Innovation and Online Promotion through Social Media <p>This study aims to describe the analysis of consumer decisions Wedangan Omah Lawas in terms of instagrammable place, product innovation and online promotion through social media. The research method used is qualitative with case study design. Research Data were collected from four consumers who visited Wedangan Omah Lawas. Data collection techniques used in the form of observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques using interactive models according to Milles &amp; Huberman with the steps of data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing/ verification. While the validity of the data using triangulation techniques. The results of this study are; the decision of consumers to visit Wedangan Omah Lawas is based on instagrammable places that present different photo spots from other places and focus on ancient themes, product innovation by developing food menus and Wedangan Omah Lawas provides several special menus such as Monday and Tuesday offers sego bancaan menus, on Wednesday offers sego jangan lodeh menus, on Thursday offers lontong sayur menus and on, Sunday offers Sego sambel cumi menu and online promotion through social media by uploading photos or videos accompanied by interesting and informative captions.</p> Rizya Anditya Joko Suwandi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 226 236 Financial Feasibility of Business on Toy Startup: A Case Study of Cody Kit <p>Coding and computer science has been a hot topic lately, and according to OECD estimates, approximately 10 billion jobs around the world are likely to be transformed by technology in the next decade. Coding and computer science are nominated as the essence of our future, as we are slowly arriving to an era where technology is a daily part of most of our lives. In spite of that, 825 million children worldwide are still not learning the skill they essentially need, including computer science. Cody Kit is a startup company who will become the answer to the problems. Cody Kit is a startup company which innovates a coding-based learning toy that integrates physical products with programming systems based on visual block games. The kit is concepted as an educational product that applied a step-by-step and coding-based learning method. However, Cody Kit hasn't done a financial feasibility study. The purpose of this research is to conduct a financial feasibility study for the development of Cody Kit where it uses a quantitative approach with company data as primary data and similar company data as secondary data. The financial feasibility will be analyzed by calculating the payback period, net present value (NPV), and the internal rate of return (IRR) then the risk will be assessed using scenario analysis. The results show that Cody Kit is financially feasible with a payback period of 2.821 years, with NPV of Rp21,175,355, and an IRR of 16.05% which is far greater than the WACC, which is 9.29%.</p> Thomas Aquinas Ardi Jagatpati Atika Irawan Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 237 244 Evaluation and Improvement of Telephony Call Center Business Process at An Indonesian Bank <p>This research focuses on the problem of uneven queuing distribution among call center agents at PT. BXX, revealing flaws in the organization's current business process. Business process reengineering (BPR) is employed, involving service blueprint mapping, analysis, and the development of a new process to rectify this issue. The data collection process incorporates various sources such as company reports, observations, and interviews with the call center manager. The analysis reveals 14 necessary but non-value-added activities and 8 value added activities within the current business process. A potential fail point is identified where instances of the product owner failing to fulfill the caller's request within the expected time resulting in repeat calls. Repeat callers are required by the company to be assigned to the previous agent they interacted with to save time. However, this can lead to the accumulation of long queues for certain agents, resulting in increased average waiting time and a higher likelihood of abandonment. The proposed to-be business process suggests incorporating a progress update process and modifying the queuing process to include a callback option. These solutions aim to reduce repeat calls, inform callers about their requests, and prevent queue buildup. Expected outcomes are improved queuing distribution, reduced wait times, and decreased call abandonment. This research contributes to the business process management field by using BPR to address uneven queuing in BXX's call center. Findings provide guidance to organizations facing similar challenges, offering insights into enhancing efficiency and customer service through business process reengineering.</p> Farrel Ravindra Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 245 254 The Influence of Work Motivation, Work Ethos, and Work Discipline on Employee Performance at Assalaam Hypermarket <p>Employee performance is something that is very influential for the success and progress of the company. Thus, companies must be able to pay attention to what factors influence the performance of these employees. This study aims to determine the effect of work motivation, work ethos, and work discipline on employee performance at Assalaam Hypermarket. The research method used is quantitative with a descriptive correlational design. Thus, the researchers will use questionnaires related to work motivation, work ethos, work discipline, and employee performance. Furthermore, the researchers used a Likert Scale to measure the results of the data. The results of the research show that there is a positive and significant effect of work motivation, work ethos, and work discipline on the employee performance at Assalam Hypermarket.</p> Febrianti T. Lestary Djalal Fuadi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 255 262 A Model of Cross-Cultural Language Politeness for Tourists in The Lake Toba Region of Indonesia <p>This paper discusses the politeness model for tourism actors in the Lake Toba area. Today's globalization allows us to easily travel to various parts of the world. Communication between countries with different cultural backgrounds occurs massively. Cultural differences between communicators can lead to understanding. For this reason, this research is very important to do. This study discusses the model of language politeness between countries with a cross-cultural perspective. The research was conducted on local and foreign tourism actors and tourists in the Lake Toba area. This place is the second largest international tourist destination in Indonesia after the island of Bali. This research is a descriptive qualitative using a sociopragmatic approach with cross-cultural studies. Dialogue between tourism actors and tourists is used as a source of data recorded by researchers. Furthermore, the utterances in the dialogue were analyzed using the equivalent and agih techniques. The results of the study show that there are differences in language politeness model between tourists and foreign tourists and domestic tourists.</p> Elza Leyli Lisnora Saragih M Mulyadi Khairina Nasution Mhd Pujiono Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 263 272 The Impact of Congklak Games on The Cognitive Development of Children Aged 5-6 Years <p>Traditional games are one of the concepts of learning while playing. Congklak is one of the traditional games that can stimulate the cognitive development of Early Childhood. This study aims to determine the impact of playing congklak on the cognitive abilities of children aged 5-6 years at Aisyiyah 02 Beruk Kindergarten, Jatiyoso District. By using a descriptive approach and qualitative research. The subjects in this study were teachers and Kindergarten B children, while the objects were 20 children in Kindergarten B class. Data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis uses the Miles and Huberman models including data reduction, data presentation, and verification or drawing conclusions. The results of the study stated that the traditional game of congklak can improve cognitive development of early childhood with significant results, namely the results of cycle I showed that out of 20 children, 5 children (25%) had achieved learning mastery. Cycle II showed that out of 20 children, 8 children (40%) had achieved learning mastery. And cycle III shows that out of 20 children, 13 children (65%) have achieved learning mastery.</p> Nur Hidayah Nur Fauziyah Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 273 279 The Impact of K-Pop Digital Marketing Communication Strategy on Indonesian Gen Z’s Dairy Purchase Intention Behavior <p>This research aims to examine the influence of digital marketing communication strategies employed by Ultra Milk Make Your Move (Ultra Milk MYM), including celebrity endorsement and sales promotion, on the purchase intentions of Generation Z. The study addresses the context of the Indonesian dairy industry, where milk consumption remains relatively low compared to other countries. By exploring the marketing efforts of Ultra Milk MYM and its utilization of ITZY K-Pop musical group celebrity endorsers and promotional activities via digital platforms, this research seeks to shed light on their effectiveness in stimulating interest and driving purchase intentions among the younger generation. Drawing upon the theory of premiums and contests as effective promotional tools, this study investigates the impact of these strategies on brand perception and the generation of customer databases. The K-Pop celebrity endorser factor and the sales promotional strategy by using premiums and contests showed significantly influence the Gen Z to purchase the dairy product. The findings of this research provide valuable insights for both marketers and the dairy industry in enhancing milk consumption and catering to the needs and preferences of Generation Z in Indonesia by using the K-Pop popularity among them. These instructions give you basic guidelines for preparing papers for ICEISS 2023. Use the same font and size given in this template for each section. Abstract is in English covering the central issues of the study, the objectives, the methods/approaches and the results of the study.</p> Valencia Christina Supendi Hilarius Bambang Winarko Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 280 291 Developing Promotion Strategy on Instagram for Lip Glaze Launch by SkinCrave Company <p>SkinCrave exists in the growing skincare market in Indonesia as a clean beauty skincare brand that emphasizes transparency and inclusivity. In order to embody the inclusivity value, SkinCrave aimed to develop skincare products for women with sensitive skin. However, it was found that 80% of the sensitive skin market is selective on purchasing their product and 90% of SkinCrave’s product online sales came from the owner’s personal effort reaching out the network to buy the product, leaving SkinCrave short in inbound sales. Therefore, a good promotional strategy is needed to drive the sales of lip glaze, the upcoming SkinCrave product. The social media strategic framework by Tracy L. Tuten and Michael R. Solomon serves as the guiding framework for the methodology of this study. Interviews were conducted with 8 women from Generation Z who have sensitive skin. Then, the data was analyzed through thematic analysis using NVIVO program. The findings shows that the sensitive skin persona of SkinCrave possesses a careful approach before purchasing skincare products as they seek in depth information and testimonials from their peers, this serves as a foundation of understanding and formulating the best promotion strategy for lip glaze launch. These findings are then applied to the proposed promotion strategy on Instagram for SkinCrave’s lip glaze launch including the timeline and evaluation plan consisting of various touch points from awareness to action. From the result, this research contributes to the understanding of creating promotion strategies specifically for skincare companies whose market is women with sensitive skin.</p> Nawwal Maghfirah Annisa Rahmani Qastharin Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 292 299 Prioritizing Consumer-Driven Features for Development: A Case Study of Teman Survei <p>The research project aimed to identify the features most needed by customers of Teman Survei, an Indonesian startup in the property industry. The study employed a qualitative research approach to address which Teman Survei’s features are most needed by customers. Through thorough analysis and evaluation, the research findings revealed that the survey services were highly preferred by customers. This feature offered an immersive experience and allowed for comprehensive property condition evaluation without physical visits. The implications of the study highlighted the importance of aligning Teman Survei's services with customer expectations, enabling the company to optimize resources and avoid potential losses. By prioritizing the development of desired features based on customer needs, Teman Survei can enhance product-market fit, efficiency, and effectiveness. This research contributes to the advancement of the property industry in Indonesia and provides valuable insights for Teman Survei's business development.</p> Imelda Mutiara Sri Herliana Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 300 308 TPACK Research in Scopus and Web of Science: A Bibliometric Analysis from 2018 to 2022 <p>This study is to determine TPACK research from 2018-2022 with bibliometric analysis using the Scopus and Web of Science databases. The method used is PRISMA and the application used in analyzing is Bibliomterix R. Based on the results of the bibliometric analysis that has been carried out on 1094 publications of articles, proceedings papers, and books. It was found that there was a consistent increase in publications every year from 2019 to 2022. It is also obtained that the authors with the most publications are Chai CS and Zhang H, and the most impactful author is Chai CS. The publications of Shulman and Misrha became the most influential co-citation. Indonesia is the country with the most TPACK publications and the United States is the most cited country. The most relevant journal is Journal of Physics: Conference Series and Education and Information Technologies for Impactful Source. Research that can be further developed on TPACK (research that teaching rarely does) includes technological pedagogical content knowledge, engineering education, people, articles, and teachers. And the last trending topic is people, articles, and learning.</p> Khofifa Najma Iftitah Anggraeni Dian Permatasari Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 309 317 Implementation of Ethnoscience-Based Learning in The Manifestation of Character Education in Elementary Schools <p>The lack of effective learning strategies in fostering character education in elementary schools provides a basis for analyzing the implementation of ethnoscience-based learning in the manifestation of character education in Indonesia. This research aimed at the implementation of ethnoscience-based learning in addressing this issue. The research method employed is a literature review involving the analysis and synthesis of various relevant sources. The findings of this research indicate that the implementation of ethnoscience-based learning can be an effective learning strategy for achieving character education in elementary schools. Ethnoscience-based learning creates a learning environment and designs learning experiences that integrate culture as part of the learning process in elementary schools. The results reveal that through ethnoscience-based learning, students can enhance empathy, develop cultural appreciation, and build environmental awareness. In addition, students also demonstrate a better understanding of cultural diversity and traditions. Thus, this research underscores the importance of implementing ethnoscience-based learning as an effective strategy for realizing character education in elementary schools. Given the challenges faced by the system today, this strategy can serve as a solution to shaping students with character, environmental concern, and cultural appreciation. The findings of this research have significant implications for curriculum development, education policy formulation, and the implementation of learning at the elementary school level.</p> Nyoman Ayu Putri Lestari Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 318 323 The Role of Content Marketing on TikTok in Increasing Sales <p>This research explores the impact of content marketing strategies on TikTok in increasing sales of the local brand "shayn". Two content marketing techniques, creative content without using advertising and using advertising, and their effectiveness are analyzed. These findings were obtained through a quantitative research approach and descriptive statistical analysis, the results show that leveraging creative content without advertising on TikTok can effectively increase brand awareness and generate sales, even with limited resources. This study emphasizes the importance of creating relevant and interesting content tailored to specific market segments. Active brand engagement on TikTok has also proven important in increasing brand visibility and attracting potential customers. This insight has valuable implications for brands looking to leverage TikTok as a platform for content marketing and sales growth.</p> Nadia Gisha Maya Malinda Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 324 330 Press History Framework for A Press History Course <p>The study of press history is a subsection of universal history that is studied and used as a patron in writing and teaching history. The study of press history is not only thematic and refers to the methodological part of research (as a primary source) but also has a unique performance to be taught at the college level and below. The research method used in this book is a literature study; the first part is collecting press history sources; the second is sorting and selecting press history; and the third is reviewing and analyzing the container that becomes the framework of Indonesian press history. This research found a suitable platform in the authorship, what is referred to as the "Indonesian Press History Framework for Press History Course," in the platform "Sejarah awal pers dan kebangkitan kesadaran keIndonesiaan, 1855–1913" by Ahmat Adam, "Jurnalisme dan politik di Indonesia: Biografi Kritis Mochtar Lubis (1922–2004) Sebagai Perenungan Redaksi dan Pengarang" by David T. Hill, and "Pers Perlawananananan: Politik Wacana Antikolonialisme Pertja Selatan" by Basilius Triharyanto.</p> F Febbrizal A Abdurakhman Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 331 337 Education Management Paradigm, Philosophy, and Policy <p>The implementation of the Merdeka curriculum is one of the efforts undertaken by SMA Al-Islam 1 Surakarta to address learning loss. The objective of this study is to explore the relationship between learning loss and the implementation of the Merdeka curriculum at SMA Al-Islam 1 Surakarta. A qualitative research method with a case study design was employed for this study. The research focuses on depicting the initiatives of SMA Al-Islam 1 Surakarta in implementing the Merdeka curriculum and assessing the effectiveness of the Merdeka curriculum in mitigating learning loss. The research findings indicate that students experience learning loss in the form of decreased learning motivation, declining academic performance, and the emergence of undesirable behaviors. However, the school can minimize these issues by implementing aspects of the Merdeka curriculum, such as project-based assessments and differentiated learning methods. These strategies aim to provide students with a sense of achievement and cater to their individual learning needs.</p> Dwi Yulia Ulfiani Muh. Nur Rochim Maksum Mohammad Zakki Azani Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 338 345 The Influence of Use of Internet Media and Textbooks on Student Learning Outcomes in Accounting Class of Vocational High Schools <p>This study aims to examine the effect of internet media utilization and textbooks on student learning outcomes in Basic Accounting class X AKL SMK Negeri 1 Sragen. This research is a quantitative study with a survey design. The population in this study were all students of class X AKL SMK Negeri 1 Sragen in the 2022/2023 academic year. The sample was taken as many as 118 students with simple random sampling. Data collection methods using questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis, t test, F test, determination coefficient test, effective contribution (SE) and relative contribution (SR). The results of this study indicate that: 1) Internet Media Utilization has a positive and significant effect on student learning outcomes. This is known on the basis of the calculation obtained of 8.752 &gt; 1.980 with a significance value &lt; 0.05, namely 0.000; 2) Textbook utilization has a positive and significant effect on learning outcomes. This is known on the basis of the calculation obtained of 9.626 &gt; 1.980 with a significance value &lt; 0.05, namely 0.000; and 3) Internet media utilization and textbooks simultaneously affect learning outcomes. This is known on the basis of the calculation obtained of 96.665 &gt; 3.08 with a significance value &lt; 0.05, namely, 0.000. The implications of this research can be used by the school to hold seminars on the utilization of internet media and textbooks to support learning activities and improve student learning outcomes at SMK Negeri 1 Sragen.</p> S Suranto Defi Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 346 359 The Effectiveness of Problem based Learning Methods to Improve Higher Level Thinking Skills of SMP Negeri 8 Surakarta <p>High level thinking skills in Indonesia are still low, as seen from the results of a survey conducted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) using the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) test in 2018. Education in Indonesia is ranked 74 out of 76 countries. The purpose of this research is to find out whether the problem based learning method is effective in improving students higher order thinking skills. The method used in this research is a quantitative method. The sampling technique was carried out using a purposive sampling technique in which the researcher chose the cases to be included in the sample based on the characteristics of the assessment , so the sampling technique was carried out with certain considerations. In the research, it was found that the problem based learning method was effective in increasing students higher order thinking skills. So it can be concluded that the problem based learning method can be used to improve students higher order thinking skills.</p> Sela Maulina N Nuryadi Nanang Sahid Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 360 365 Build Digital Business Planning Online Market Apps Application based Traditional Markets Online <p>Traditional markets are places to shop for various kinds of vegetables and household needs. The background of this journal is that there is a lot of pollution around traditional markets, such as water, air, noise pollution and congestion around traditional markets. The purpose of the presence of OMA (Online Market Apps) is to reduce pollution around traditional markets, besides that it is efficient for a buyer because he can make transactions via a smartphone. With OMA, this application targets young people who want to shop easily and cheaply. The method used is literature review, there are many existing breakthroughs, but they are not efficient. The results of the OMA will increase convenience and reduce pollution and congestion around traditional markets. The limitation is the lack of further knowledge about parents' consumer interest in online shopping, compared to young people, young people prefer online shopping because it is more efficient and easier. The originality of this journal is that OMA provides convenience and has inexpensive selling prices. In addition, the OMA application has developed a payment system on the spot, but with the condition that you make a deposit first. With this convenience and efficiency as well as the ease of using the application, it is hoped that parents can use this application more easily.</p> Aldi Putra Pangestu Maya Malinda Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 366 372 Eroding Mental Proliferation with the Buddhist Mindfulness Curriculum in Adult Education: The Ethnography of Interfaith Meditation <p>The stressful adult phase in life encourages the emergence of mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. From the Buddhist perspective, the root of depression in adulthood is due to Papancha or mental proliferation, which comes from three bases, namely Tanha (craving), Mana (Conceit), and Ditthi (wrong view). This article uses ethnography from the researcher's reflection notes as a meditation teacher who reconstructs the Buddhist mindfulness curriculum for interfaith meditators. The data collection technique uses contemplative stages with meditation practice, mapping of mind disturbances during meditation, and reflecting on overcoming Papancha with Abhidhamma. This article concludes that first, the differences in Western education are cognitively based in Neoliberalism, while meditation as a universal method is based on the inners. Second, mental proliferation in adulthood is due to the difficulty of living mindfully "here and now," so images of the past and future create anxiety. Third, alienation due to mental proliferation can be overcome with contemplative adult education a emotional intelligence approach.</p> Fuji Riang Prastowo Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 373 379 Financial Self-Control in Accounting Education Students Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta <p>Financial self-control in students is closely related to daily life, self-control will also affect what can later be useful or detrimental to the student. Like the behavior of self-control over finances that students do well, it will be beneficial for these students such as perceived welfare. Therefore, the objectives of this study are (1) how students control themselves over finances related to their lifestyle every day, (2) awareness through financial self-control will lead students' attitudes and behaviors towards saving culture. The research method used is a case study with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation.Through objects regarding financial self-control behavior carried out by students on saving behavior, with subjects namely students, peers, and parents. The results of this study (1) The majority of students allocate pocket money obtained for transportation needs, boarding needs, and meals. (2) The majority of students have been equipped by parents regarding financial literacy in the family, so with that the majority of students can apply saving behavior. However, there are some students who cannot do saving behavior with factors such as lack of pocket money given by parents.</p> Muhammad Habil Azhar Hendawan Moh. Chairil Asmawan Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 380 388 A Bibliometric Review of Technology Application in STEM: Insights for Future Research and Practice <p>Today, STEM development leads to efforts to implement educational openness, emphasizing transparency and unlimited free access to information and knowledge. Rapid information and communication technology development supports efforts to implement open STEM learning. Through this article, the author has mapped study trends regarding the use of technology in STEM education so that it can become an illustration for future studies. The mapping process in this article is carried out using bibliometric analysis, which focuses on scientific publications, collaborations, and citations. Studies on the use of technology in STEM education from 2017 to 2023 show numbers that fluctuate and tend to decrease. The bibliometric analysis in this article also shows the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition as the most productive proceedings publishing articles on the use of technology in STEM education, Castro M as the most productive author, San Francisco University as the most productive affiliate, United States as the most productive country, and articles compiled by Ibanez with the title Augmented Reality for STEM Learning: A Systematic Review became the most cited articles. This information can be used as a reference for future researchers who wish to study more about the use of information technology in STEM education. Another critical aspect that researchers need to pay attention to if they want to carry out further studies are topics or issues currently popularly associated with using technology in STEM education. Limitations in this article can be completed through further research on the same theme. Future research can include book chapters as a source of metadata. The publication time span can also be added to enrich the analyzed articles.</p> AM Saifullah Aldeia St. Aflahah Khaerun Nisa Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 389 403 Improve Students' Cognitive Ability: The Influence of Two Stay Two Stray Learning Model Assisted by Google Sites <p>Evaluation is the final step in determining the success of the learning process. One of them is to evaluate students' cognitive ability after the learning process. This paper will outline students' cognitive ability in Geography classroom employing Two Stay Two Stray learning model assisted by google sites as learning process. In order to improve students' cognitive ability, this research administered classroom action research approach with using test. Interesting me, students showed high difference average value in the last cycle that is 84,82. This increase can be seen from the results of student tests, students are more active and enthusiastic than before also. This improvement caused by Two Stay Two Stray learning model assisted by google sites. They feel difference atmosphere of learning. The Google site as a teaching media also supports students in utilizing technology in an appropriate manner. So, the next researcher must be utilizing technology and modifying learning models so it can be enhance motivation because students' willingness to learn is very influence students' cognitive ability.</p> Evi Kurniawati Agrintya Indah Mawarni Dimas Ardianto Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 404 413 The Ownership Structure in Building Financial Performance using Leverage as A Mediation Variable: Focusing on Manufacturing Companies That Adhere to Sharia Law <p>Important key factors for a company's financial decisions are leverage and ownership structure. A company can be owned by foreign owners, managerial, and institutional. This study aims to look at the effect of foreign ownership, managerial and institutional on company leverage. This study uses secondary data obtained from sharia-based manufacturing companies, namely financial reports for a period of 5 years (2016-2021). Data includes foreign ownership, managerial, institutional, leverage, and financial performance. SPSS version 20 was used to analyze the data. Regression techniques are used in evaluating the correlation between the selected variables. The analysis also involves figuring out the various correlation coefficients in the model to establish connections. The results of the study are as follows: foreign ownership has a significant positive effect on leverage, managerial ownership has no significant effect on leverage, foreign ownership has a significant positive effect on leverage, leverage has a significant negative effect on financial performance, leverage mediates significantly between foreign ownership variables on financial performance, leverage does not mediate significantly between managerial ownership variables on financial performance, and Leverage mediates significantly between institutional ownership variables on financial performance. The conclusion of this study is that foreign ownership has more influence on leverage when compared to managerial ownership. Leverage mediates foreign and institutional ownership significantly to financial performance.</p> Aini Umi Nurshalihah I Imronudin Muhammad Sholahuddin W Wiyadi Sigit Haryanto Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 414 431 Development of a Web-Based Journal Information System for Daily Teaching and Learning Activities at SMAN 1 Payung <p>This study aims to examine the quality of the information system for website-based class daily journals which were developed in the context of digitizing subject teacher journals at SMAN 1 Payung. The purpose of this research is to change the process of processing learning data into a computational system to make it more effective and efficient. The sample in this study were subject teachers who were randomly selected. This study uses the SDLC approach with the waterfall development method. Information system testing in research was carried out using the ISO 9126 testing model. Information system quality testing uses ISO 9126 testing standards in two aspects, namely usability and functionality. Usability data analysis was tested using the Computer System Usability Questionnaires (CSUQ) questionnaire using the Likert Scale as a measurement scale with the questionnaire instrument: Psychometric evaluation and instructions for use developed by IBM as a standard for measuring software in the usability aspect with a score of percentage. While data analysis on the functionality aspect was tested using the Guttman scale based on ISO/IEC 9126 calculation standards. Each instrument that has a value of "Yes" or "No" is a fixed answer. The results of system testing on the functionality aspect are worth 1, which means that the maximum score and usability has a percentage of 93% which is "very high". Based on the test results, the web-based journal information system for teaching and learning activities is feasible to use.</p> Dina Marinda Hardika Dwi Hermawan Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 432 440 Implementation of PAI Learning Independent Learning Curriculum in Karangjati Kasihan State Elementary School <p>The independent learning curriculum is a curriculum designed by the government to provide convenience and freedom to schools and PAI teachers in exploring the abilities of students which are then adjusted to their resources and resources. In addition to providing freedom to teachers in exploring the abilities of students, it also provides opportunities for educators to provide material to be more organized. In the PAI independent curriculum, the most important thing is to provide the widest possible space for students so that teachers can know the potential possessed by students so that they will get maximum educational results. This study aims to examine educators in applying this independent learning curriculum into religious subjects. In this writing the author uses methods of observation, interviews, documentation. The results obtained from this study, it was explained that the implementation of the PAI curriculum in independent learning at SD Negeri Karang jati had run properly, namely educators still taking material from the Merdeka Mengajar application to facilitate the learning process, educators guided students in the learning process through discussions, problem solving and demonstrations so that This independent learning curriculum is very suitable when compared with PAI learners even though PAI teachers still need guidance in the curriculum implementation process.</p> Nyimas Wulandari Laili Yunita Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 441 447 Transformation of Education in The Era 5.0: Challenges of Innovation and Opportunities for Change <p>The rapid advancement of technology has ushered in Era 5.0, characterized by a highly interconnected and intelligent society. This era poses challenges and opportunities for the field of education, requiring a transformative approach to meet the evolving needs of learners and society. This study employed a literature review methodology to explore the challenges faced by educational systems in Era 5.0 and identify potential opportunities for innovation and change. The findings underscore the importance of educational institutions embracing innovation and adaptability to address the demands of Era 5.0. This includes integrating emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and data analytics into teaching and learning processes. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the significance of fostering critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and other 21st-century skills in students to prepare them for future challenges and opportunities. In conclusion, this research sheds light on the transformative potential of education in Era 5.0. Embracing these transformations empowers educational systems to equip learners with the necessary skills to thrive in a rapidly evolving society and contribute to its sustainable development.</p> Melisa Marlinton Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 448 453 Predictors of Student Participation in The Kampus Merdeka Program: Testing The Extended Theory of Planned Behaviour with Incentives Variable <p>The Kampus Merdeka program aims to scrape the gap between education and the rapidly changing work environment that has become an issue nowadays. Three years after launching the program, no research has examined the predictors of student participation in the program that are important for the policy maker to re-evaluate the program. On the other hand, the government spends a lot of money to run the program and give direct benefit for the students who participated in the program, but still not create enough opportunity for all students. This study analyzes the predictors and the impact of government incentives on students' willingness to participate. Using theory of planned behavior with additional incentive variables, the researcher distributes the survey through an online questionnaire to the students who are eligible to participate in Kampus Merdeka. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyze the significance predictors. As a result, attitude, subjective norm, and incentives significantly influenced students' intention to participate in the program. Intention, in turn, positively influenced actual participation. In contrast, Perceived behavioral control did not significantly affect intention or behavior. Attitude, subjective norm, and incentives play vital roles in encouraging student participation in the Kampus Merdeka program. These findings can guide policymakers and institutions in enhancing program effectiveness.</p> Najin Khoirul Amalin Utomo Sarjono Putro Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 454 460 Implementation of The Merdeka Curriculum to Address Learning Loss in X-Grade Students at SMA Al-Islam 1 Surakarta <p>The success of businesses like Fujifilm and Kodak has highlighted the need for exceptional leadership skills to navigate the challenges of a VUCA environment. This volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous landscape requires leaders to adapt their strategies constantly. Effective leadership is crucial not only for large corporations but also for startups in the mental health industry. In Bandung, Indonesia, a mental health service is facing difficulties in expanding its customer base, mainly due to the novelty and popularity of mental health topics in the country. The CEO of the startup lacks assertiveness and heavily relies on the decisions of other team members to achieve goals. To address this issue, a study was conducted using an ethnographic approach to identify the most suitable leadership style. By examining human behavior from a holistic and culturally rich perspective, the researchers interviewed the co-founders of the mental health startup and analyzed the data using James Spradley's Ethnography Analysis. The findings reveal that the current leadership approach within the mental health startup is ineffective. Despite the co-founders' preference for various leadership styles to improve their performance, they express a desire for a transactional leadership style to be implemented.</p> Amelia Qanitah Awadian Anggara Wisesa Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 461 468 Instilling Entrepreneurial Values at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar <p>The purpose of instilling entrepreneurial values is to form individuals who have an entrepreneurial spirit. By emphasising entrepreneurial values such as innovation, creativity, healthy risk, perseverance, and courage, individuals are expected to develop a proactive, independent, and oriented attitude towards creating business opportunities. This research aims to find out how the cultivation of entrepreneurial values includes supporting factors and inhibiting factors in the cultivation of entrepreneurial values. This research uses qualitative methods with ethnographic design. The subjects of this research are entrepreneurship subject teachers and students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar. The object of this research is the cultivation of entrepreneurial values at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The data validity technique used is source triagulation. Data analysis techniques by means of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that Penanman entrepreneurial values in schools is very important because to form individuals who have an entrepreneurial spirit. Through the cultivation of entrepreneurial values such as innovation, creativity, healthy risk, perseverance, and courage, individuals are expected to develop a proactive, independent, and orientated attitude towards creating business opportunities. The cultivation of entrepreneurial values aims to encourage student innovation and creation by thinking out-of-the-box, looking for new ideas and generating innovative ideas that can be applied in business. The cultivation of entrepreneurial values emphasises the values of discipline, responsibility, collaborative, creative and communicative values.</p> Ahmad Luhfi Septiyan Fajar Sapto Mei Budiyanto Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 469 477 Exploring The Current Applications and Implications of Emerging Technologies for Digital Marketing <p>With the development of internet and social media technologies, businesses are now able to interact with consumers directly and interactively through digital platforms, however, there is still a lack of understanding of the challenges and potential limitations faced by businesses in adopting and utilizing these technologies effectively. The purpose of this study is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the latest applications of emerging technologies for digital marketing, as well as to provide practical recommendations for companies to optimize the use of these technologies in digital marketing strategies. Data collection and analysis using a literature-based research approach. The rapid development of digital technology has influenced society in supporting various business activities in Indonesia, and many digital platforms help promote products to be sold or promoted. Although digital technology offers many benefits, it also presents challenges and risks. With the trend of digital marketing. This change shows that digital marketing has become a very effective medium for product promotion. By utilizing social media and digital marketing strategies, businesses can reach a wider target market, attract potential customers, and increase sales volume significantly. However, this also comes with challenges and risks. Data security and privacy are important considerations, especially when companies conduct online transactions and store customer data. This report emphasizes the importance of maintaining data security and privacy to build customer trust.</p> Samuel Genaro Hafizah Rifiyanti Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 478 483 Quality of Freight Transport Services and Customer Satisfaction and Its Influence on Customer Loyalty <p>The implementation of the Merdeka curriculum is one of the efforts This study aims to determine how the influence of service quality on customer loyalty freight services PT Karya Bersama Blora, how the influence of customer satisfaction on the loyalty of freight services PT Karya Bersama Blora, and how the influence of service quality and customer satisfaction simultaneously on customer loyalty freight services PT Karya Bersama Blora. The sample used was 50. The research method used in this study is a quantitative approach and explanatory research methods. The results showed that there is a significant effect of service quality variables on customer loyalty by obtaining a calculated t value of 3.227 &gt; 2.011 (t table) or significance value of 0.002 &lt; 0.05 and there is a significant effect of customer satisfaction variables on customer loyalty by obtaining a calculated t value of 3.782 &gt; 2.011 (t table) or significance value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05. From the F test can be seen that the variable quality of Service and customer satisfaction has a value of F count 41.393 &gt; 3.19 (F table), the significance value of 0.000 &gt; 0.05 can be interpreted that the quality of Service and customer satisfaction simultaneously affect customer loyalty.</p> Nining Diah Pratiwi Joko Suwandi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 484 489 ISMUBA Curriculum Development at SMP Muh Muntilan <p>This study is related to ISMUBA curriculum development. Referring to the background of the problems faced in education in the era of technology and globalization which are developing rapidly, the curriculum in education is very important to start an effective, efficient and creative learning process. The aim of this research is to find out, ISMUBA curriculum development in the learning process. This type of research is Field Research with a qualitative strategy. Data processing techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by data reduction, reduction, and data processing according to the research objectives. Based on the results of the research, the use of the curriculum at SMP Muh Muntilan uses the ISMUBA curriculum from the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership Council. Development is carried out in two ways, namely in the ISMUBA Practice Project school, Student Assessment Pause Contest, Hisbul Wathon, Tapak Suci, Dzuhur and Azar Prayer Worship Activities, and Gitarmu (Enterprising Ramadhan SMPMuh Muntilan) and outside of school such as the application of Worship Practices that have been taught (Fardhu Prayers, Sunaah Prayers, Funeral Prayers and Thaharah), Koran at each other's homes, visiting sick people, distribution of sacrificial animals and competitions outside of school as well as activities that support the ISMUBA education program. But the inhibiting factors in the curriculum require teacher evaluation and textbook facilities to always increase innovation in the teaching process and increase interest in literacy.</p> Rafik Tri Hardian Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 490 498 Reconstructing The Meaning of Education: An Exploration of The Homeschooling Experience among Families in Yogyakarta, Indonesia <p>This paper presents the phenomenon of homeschooling in Yogyakarta, a city known as one of the centers of education in Indonesia, through a social construction perspective. Previous studies on homeschooling in Indonesia have mostly focused on the pedagogical perspective. This research aims to outline the process that homeschooler families go through in choosing to homeschool instead of sending their children to school. The qualitative method used is in-depth interviews with parents who have been practicing homeschooling in their families for years. The findings in this study show that the informants have experienced the reconstruction of the meaning of education from school to homeschooling through three stages: first, the informants get various information about homeschooling from various sources but mainly from previous homeschooling practitioners and pioneers; second, the concept of homeschooling is crystallized by the informants into their thinking; third, the informants implement the concept of homeschooling by educating their children at home rather than sending them to school. Parenting-related materials play an important role in fostering parents' initial interest in homeschooling. The development of information technology made it easier for informants to access various information related to homeschooling.</p> Sri Listiarini Irwan Abdullah Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 499 511 Readiness of Indonesian Language Teachers for Implementing The Independent Learning Curriculum in High Schools <p>This study aims to describe the readiness of high school teachers to implement the Independent Learning Curriculum. This readiness includes the teacher's understanding of the curriculum and the ability to prepare the learning tools that are included in the learning module. facilities and infrastructure that also support the implementation of the Merdeka Learning curriculum. This type of research is descriptive with a survey approach. The subjects of this study were Indonesian language teachers at SMA Negeri 3 Surakarta. The data collection used questionnaires and interviews, which were then analyzed descriptively through categorization based on each characteristic. The results of the study show that Indonesian language teachers are ready to apply to the Free Learning Curriculum. This readiness can be seen in: (1) understanding of curriculum content (80.83%); (2) teacher readiness in lesson planning (80.17); (3) teacher readiness in implementing learning (74.43%); and (4) teacher's understanding of evaluation and learning completeness (68.75%); and (5) facilities and infrastructure that support the learning process (100%). To increase readiness to implement the Free Learning Curriculum, it is necessary to do more socialization and training in the preparation of learning modules.</p> Dhelinta Fitri Pramadhanti Nency Gusty Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 512 517 Understanding an Excellence Financial Strategy using Feasibility Study Towards FNB Startup: A Case Study of SYFO <p>SYFO is an emerging company in the food and beverage sector that offers households and career women throughout Indonesia with SYFOin, a ready-to-cook product that simplifies their daily culinary activities. Prior to implementing a go-to-market strategy, a financial feasibility study was necessary. This study employed quantitative methodology, acquiring primary data from SYFOin and secondary data from industry peers. This investigation's feasibility study was evaluated employing Payback Period, Net Present Value (NPV), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR), along with scenario evaluation, in order to assess and reduce the business's financial risks. The SYFO feasibility analysis consisted of three scenarios: the most probable, the pessimistic, and the optimistic. The findings of the financial feasibility analyze indicate that SYFO is financially viable as a FnB startup company with a payback period of 2.54 years achieved before the end of the project life (5 years), with a favorable total NPV of IDR 892,696,221 and an IRR value of 42.06%, which is greater than the pessimistic and optimistic scenarios.</p> Kevin Nurizky Wijayanto Atika Irawan Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 518 525 The Impact of Promotion Strategies in GoFood Platform to Customer Decision: Case Study of Eatzy Indonesia <p>The growth of internet users in Indonesia is increasing from year to year, almost half of the Indonesian population are internet users. With this data, many entrepreneurs are adapting to existing developments by carrying out their business activities or selling by utilizing developing technology, especially the internet or what we often refer to as online activities. From the data obtained, Indonesia has a high transaction value for the online food industry which reaches 78.4 trillion rupiah. There are 3 major players in the online food industry in Indonesia, and GoFood is one of the largest online food delivery platforms in Indonesia that has many users. Eatzy Indonesia as a company engaged in the food industry wants to expand its sales channels to online means. Seeing the potential, Eatzy Indonesia partnered with GoFood to sell its retail food products through the platform. As a new partner of GoFood, Eatzy Indonesia needs to know effective ways to get sales, one of which is by utilizing the promotional features provided by GoFood. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effect of promotional strategies on customer decisions for GoFood's new partner, Eatzy Indonesia. This study will analyze 144 respondents using quantitative methods with Multiple Linear Regression as a data processing method using SPSS software. The result is that the promotional strategies provided by GoFood (GoFood Search Ads, GoFood Category Ads, and GoFood Menu Discounts) have a positive influence on customer decisions.</p> Hafizh Ahmad Dakhilullah Annisa Rahmani Qastharin Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 526 534 Tradition of Public Society of Muara Bungo Jambi in Social and Economic Analysis <p>The aims of this research are (1) to describe the implementation of the Punjungan Tradition in Karya Harapan Mukti Village, Muara Bungo Regency, Jambi Province; (2) To describe the Social Analysis of the implementation of the Punjungan Tradition in Karya Harapan Mukti Village, Muara Bungo Regency, Jambi Province; (3) To describe the Economic Analysis of the implementation of the Punjungan Tradition in Karya Harapan Mukti Village, Muara Bungo Regency, Jambi Province. The type of research used is a qualitative approach with ethnographic methods. This research was conducted in Karya Harapan Mukti Village, Kuamang Kuning 19, Pelepat Ilir District, Muara Bungo Regency, Province Jambi was carried out for about 3 months. Data collection techniques included interviews, observation, and documentation. The results show that the pavilion tradition of the people of Muara Bungo Jambi is a tradition that has been carried out for generations by the people of Muara Bungo Jambi. This tradition is carried out as a sign of invitation from the host who wants to hold a celebration party, be it a wedding, circumcision, or thanksgiving for the birth of a child. It can be concluded that the Punjungan Tradition creates a close bond of friendship between the people, it can be seen from the results showing that every time you get an adulation from someone, one day that person will be obliged to return or pay back that person. and also thanksgiving for the birth of a child.</p> Umi Widia Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 535 542 Analysis of Batik Business Development Strategy in Kliwonan Batik Tourist Village, Masaran District, Sragen District <p>This study aims to describe the development strategy used by batik businesses in the Kliwonan Batik Tourism Village, Masaran District, Sragen Regency. This type of research is qualitative with a case study design. The object of research is the strategy of developing a batik business and the subjects in this study are batik business owners, batik business actors, and industrial and trade extension workers in the Kliwonan Batik Tourism Village, Masaran District, Sragen Regency. Data collection is done by interviews, observation and documentation. The validity of the data using source triangulation analysis and method triangulation. The analysis technique uses data collection, data reduction and data presentation. The results showed that the development strategy used by the batik business in Kliwonan Batik Tourism Village, Masaran District, Sragen Regency included factors of internal strategy and external strategy. The results of the SWOT analysis of alternative strategies for developing one's own business, maintaining product quality and product variety according to people's purchasing power, developing product variations according to customer demand, product innovation thereby increasing the variety of products presented to customers, improving service to customers, fostering good relations with customers, collaborating with batik traders, promoting through online media or social media as well as offering group products and adding distribution channels such as agents and resellers.</p> Windy Mahardhika Putri S Suranto Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 543 549 Understanding Reluctance to Seek Professional Help for Mental Health Issues and Recommendations for Mental Health Startup: Case Study of Ashwa <p>Mental health issues are starting to surface because the pandemic has made many people feel lonely, stressed, depressed, and to the point of doing self-harm and suicidal. A mental health platform is developed hoping to help solve this problem. However, study discovered that young adults between 18 and 24 years old were the least likely to receive mental health care. This research will focus on finding why adolescents are reluctant to seek professional help and recommendations for mental health startups. Qualitative methods will be used in this research, with data collected by semi-structured interviews towards the adolescents and psychologist expert and analyzed using the three step coding and triangulation. This research is expected to find the barriers in seeking professional help in young adults that affects the uses of a professional mental health service platform.</p> Zenden Kurniawan Poerwanto Annisa Rahmani Qastharin Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 550 559 Silk Fabric Market Segment Expansion Strategy of Kampoeng BNI Program (Case Study in Sengkang Bugis Silk Craftsman Center, Wajo District, Selatan Sulawesi) <p>This study aims to analyze segmentation strategies, determine targeting, and determine positioning in Kampoeng BNI (Bugis Sengkang Silk Craftsmen Center). The type of research used is qualitative research with a case study design. Data collection techniques with observation, interviews and documentation. The validity of the data contained in this study uses a triangulation technique. Data analysis techniques by detailing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that: 1) the segmentation strategy in Kampoeng BNI (Sengkang Bugis Silk Craftsmen Center) uses a geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral segmentation approach. Geographical segmentation includes Makassar City, Bone Regency, Soppeng Regency and Tana Toraja. Demographic segmentation includes women aged 25 to 40 years. Psychographic segmentation targets the social class of consumers with income from the upper middle class. Behavioral segmentation is seen from the attitudes and responses of consumers who buy products at that place. 2) Targeting in Kampoeng BNI (Bugis Sengkang Silk Craftsmen Center), namely women who need references to fashion trends and use silk fabrics for everyday use. Product sales are also targeted at local communities who still use woven fabrics as everyday clothes or for traditional events. 3) The positioning in Kampoeng BNI (Bugis sengkang silk craftsman center) is the many variations of motifs with various colors provided with 2 types of fabric, namely silk and non-silk.</p> Seli Arum Sari S Suranto Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 560 571 Improving Program Quality and Competitiveness through House of Quality Driven Service in Wellness Startup <p>Wellness is a fundamental aspect that every human must achieve to become substantially human. The wellness industry itself, predicted to grow significantly for the next few years. Sadly, many people, particularly millennial workers, are unaware of wellness, including their own. Many millennial workers suffer from stress, sadness and anxiety. This is made even more worse by post-COVID-19 conditions that force workers to work from home, making it increasingly difficult for them to be able to separate their professional and personal lives. To solve the problem, Mealth is present by bringing programs and activities that aim to spread awareness about wellness itself and also implementing wellness into their lives. However, wellness itself has eight dimensions and Mealth has only adapted a few programs related to one of those dimensions. The aim of this study is to establish a new program so that Mealth can develop its program into other wellness dimensions according to customer preferences using the House of Quality framework. This study will use a qualitative approach, by selecting the informant sampling from Mealth customers and wellness enthusiasts through a semi-structured interview method. The result of the interview will be analyzed using the House of Quality framework as a tool to develop new Mealth services. This research finds that the new program that Mealth want to develop is related into three aspects, which is sport community partnership, environmental workshop &amp; education, and creativity &amp; new skill workshop.</p> Naufal Dhamiri Syifa Mursyid Hasan Basri Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 572 580 The Performance Analysis of Business Improvement Strategies using Financial Feasibility Approach Towards Education Startup: A Case Study of Compress Club <p>Educated unemployment is becoming bigger every year in Indonesia. Soft skills and experience are preferred over educational background, but students lack those areas. Therefore, a skill development platform suitable to solve mismatching employment needs. Compress Club was established in 2021 as an education startup centered around its innovative mentoring system which incorporates interactive and progressive value, hoping to help high-achiever students gain a better soft skill and faster career preparation. Compress Club differentiated products to participate in programmes that students can to join; first year, middle year, and final year programmes during the university study. Based on the company's financial history from 2021 to 2023, the number of consumers fluctuated and decreased sometime, inconsistency happens through customer preference change based on market trends. This situation indicates Compress Club to create improvement strategies starting from forecasting appropriate programmes innovation until the readiness of strategies implementation in the future. For this reason, feasibility study is carried out from a financial perspective, analysing Payback Period (PP), Net Present Value (NPV), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR), completed with risk assessment as a readiness of the business improvement strategies. The result concludes that Compress Club has the ability to perform with 5 years projection by implementing the programmes innovation as valid strategies in improving business performance. There is optimism that payback period reached within 11 months with an NPV of IDR1,850,499,938 and IRR of 130.15% surpass business feasibility criteria greater than Weighted Cost of Capital (WACC) value of 7.66%.</p> Rosihunal Ilmi Hariadi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 581 590 Analysis of Financial Literacy of Students Receiving KIP Scholarships in Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta <p>Students as the millennial generation will encounter increasing complexity in terms of goods, services, and the financial sector. The source of student finance in this research is scholarships. The KIP (Kartu Indonesia Pintar) program in tertiary institutions also aims to break the cycle of financial limitations among economically disadvantaged families, and reduce unemployment in the future. This research will focus on students' understanding of financial literacy, then this research also aims to explore the role of financial literacy in the financial management of students receiving KIP college scholarships and the factors that influence them to implement financial literacy. This type of research is a qualitative research with an ethnographic design. Data collection techniques were carried out using interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used in this research is using steps consisting of four activities, namely data collection, data reduction, data display, verification and confirmation of conclusions. The results showed that the understanding of financial literacy and the role of financial literacy in the financial management of KIP recipient students at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta was classified as very good and was in the Well Literate category. Then this study also shows that the factors that influence financial literacy are technological factors, parents' income, age, gender, and parents' educational level.</p> Adelita Putri Hartanti Tri Nur Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 591 599 The Influence of Ease of Transactions using ShopeePay, Promotion and Hedonism Lifestyle on Consumptive Behavior of Accounting Education Students Muhammadiyah University Surakarta <p>Purpose ofthis reseach: (1) the effect of the ease of transactions using shopeepay on student consumptive behavior. (2) the effect of promotion on student consumptive behavior. (3) the influence of hedonism lifestyle on consumptive behavior. (4) the joint effect of the ease of transactions using shopeepay, promotions, and hedonism lifestyle on student consumptive behavior. This type of research uses quantitative research with a correlation research design. Population used Accounting Education Students in semester 1 to semester 7 with a total of 374 students. The samples were 177 students based on the Issac and Michael tables using the random sampling. Data collection techniques using online questionnaires google form with data analysis techniques multiple linear regression analysis. The results obtained are: 1) The ease of transactions using Shopeepay has no effect on student consumptive behavior. Based on the t test value 0,905 0,05 with an effective contribution of 1,4%. 2) Promotion has an effect on student consumptive behavior. Based on t test 2,383 &gt; t table 1,973. A significance value of ,018 &lt;0,05 with an effective contribution of 6,78%. 3) The hedonism lifestyle influences student consumptive behavior. Based on t test 5,534 &gt; t table 1.973. A significance value of 0,000 &lt;0,05 with an effective contribution of 19.15%. 4) The ease of transactions using shopeepay, promotions and hedonism lifestyles together influence student consumptive behavior. Based on the results of the significance F test with an F table value of 2.66. With a calculated F value of21,784. So that the independent variable affects the dependent variable. The coefficient of determination (R2) is 27,4%.</p> Riska Sendy Aprilliyanti Moh. Chairil Asmawan Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 600 607 Implementation of Hijab Business Strategy to Increase Sales and Consumer Loyalty in "Myluv.Hijab" in Wonogiri District <p>This research intends to describe the the implementation of the myluv.hijab business strategy as well as the internal and external elements involved in the strategy's implementation. The qualitative case ethnographic design is used in this type of research. Techniques for gathering data include observation, documentation, and interviews. The data's validity was determined using method triangulation and source triangulation. The data analysis approach employs SWOT analysis during the data collecting phases of data reduction, data presentation, conclusion, and verification. According to the findings of this study, (1) S - O strategy: Improving product quality with clean stitches to fulfill rising market demand, particularly during Ramadan. W - O approach: using an excellent content marketing strategy to catch customers' attention, increase the dwindling number of TikTok watchers. S - T strategy: generating low-cost product improvements in order to reduce product design similarities with rivals. W - T strategy: attempting to enhance product supply by hiring competent seamstresses. (2) internal variables that comprise Strengths (strengths) and Weaknesses (weaknesses), with the first being Strengths (strengths): high product quality, friendly service, and product innovation. Second, flaws (flaws): low product stock and product delivery faults. External influences include Opportunities (opportunities) and Threats (threats), with the first being Opportunities (opportunities): increased market demand during Ramadan and collaboration with raw material suppliers for fabrics. Second, Threats (threats): fierce rivalry in the same hijab company, similar hijab designs among competitors, and a labor shortage in the sewing department.</p> Rizka Yuniati Djalal Fuadi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 608 614 Implementation of SKS in the Independent Learning Curriculum in Improving the Quality of Student Output at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Karanganyar <p>This study aims to describe: (1) SKS planning and compatibility with the Independent Learning Curriculum; (2) the implementation of the SKS program in the Independent Learning Curriculum in improving the quality of student output; (3) SKS program evaluation; (4) constraints and solutions for implementing SKS in the Independent Learning Curriculum. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research with a case study design. Observation data collection techniques, in-depth interviews and documentation. The object of this study is credits on the independent learning curriculum to improve student quality. The research subjects were the Principal, Deputy Head of Curriculum, SKS management teachers and students. The data validation technique uses source and technique triangulation. Data analysis techniques use the Miles and Huberman analysis model, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of the study show (1) the SKS planning carries out various preparations and other supports, as well as the compatibility between the independent curriculum and the SKS; (2) the implementation of the credits in the Independent Curriculum to improve the quality of the output is proven by students who undergo the credits study program being accepted at PTN or PTS; (3) the evaluation of the credit program looks at the achievement of the credit program in serving students; (4) the obstacle in implementing the SKS program lies in the lack of understanding of students, parents, and teacher commitment. The solution is to hold discussions and evaluate things that need to be addressed in the future.</p> Fifi Aswita Mandala Sari Wafrotur Rohmah Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 615 634 Online Shop Entrepreneurship Soul Analysis to Improve The Creativity of Accounting Education Students Muhammadiyah Surakarta University in The Millennial Era <p>Becoming an entrepreneur among students is indeed important, because by deciding to become an entrepreneur students will also reduce the unemployment rate in Indonesia after completing their studies. Entrepreneurs in Indonesia are still at 3.47% and that is still quite low compared to entrepreneurs from other countries. The purpose of this study is to find out how much students have an entrepreneurial spirit and increase their creativity in the millennial era. This study uses qualitative research with informants who are still actively studying at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta and have an online shop entrepreneur. The results of this study, students choose to do online entrepreneurship because they want to create their own jobs that are not bound by companies, and can increase their creativity through online shop entrepreneurship. Starting an entrepreneur must also have strong intentions and determination because if they stop in the middle of the road, they will think again and remember the goals to be achieved. To increase their creativity, students can do this by thinking of new interesting ideas, broadening their horizons, and creating attractive promotional strategies. In this millennial era, technology has also become increasingly sophisticated, making it easier for students to take advantage of technology in online entrepreneurship. To increase their creativity, students can do this by thinking of new interesting ideas, broadening their horizons, and creating attractive promotional strategies. In this millennial era, technology has also become increasingly sophisticated, making it easier for students to take advantage of technology in online entrepreneurship. To increase their creativity, students can do this by thinking of new interesting ideas, broadening their horizons, and creating attractive promotional strategies. In this millennial era, technology has also become increasingly sophisticated, making it easier for students to take advantage of technology in online entrepreneurship.</p> Susi Wijayanti Wafrotur Rohmah Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 635 642 The Application of Discounted Cash Flow Valuation Method Towards Adaptive Fashion Company in Indonesia <p>People with disabilities (PWDs) often experience difficulties in carrying goods, moreover there are issues related to inclusiveness in the field of fashion which may limit their space for expression in this field. For this reason, a startup company called Beyond is here to address this issue by providing fashionable adaptive bags for wheelchair users in Indonesia. With the booming trend for local businesses and the high rate of habitual buying of goods and accessories owned by Indonesians, Beyond has a huge opportunity in the market. However, this company does not yet know the valuation even though this is very necessary to increase capital for Beyond's business continuity. As a result of this research, the valuation of Beyond is measurable, namely IDR 510,736,887 equivalent to 1021.47% of the initial investment value.</p> Rizki Firman Maulana Atika Irawan Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 643 649 Effect Influencing Factor Toward Brand Loyalty in Online Platform Laundry Service <p>The laundry industry in Indonesia has been undergoing a significant transformation in recent years, largely driven by the increasing use of social media as a marketing and engagement tool. The massive laundry industry in Indonesia causes entrepreneurs in the laundry sector to face the challenge of securing their customers so they don't switch to using the same services offered by competitors. Therefore, this research was conducted to identify the factors that influence brand loyalty and provide recommendations for development plans to increase brand loyalty which is the object of this study. This study uses quantitative methods, online surveys as instruments and uses PLS-SEM analysis. This study used 151 respondents who are users of laundry services who live in the city of Bandung. This study reveals that Brand Trust has a positive relationship toward Brand Loyalty, Customer Engagement has a positive relationship toward Brand Loyalty, and Relationship Marketing Orientation has a positive relationship toward Brand Loyalty and Customer Engagement. The findings of this study provide recommendations to the company regarding the object of this research to develop development plans and strategies for increasing brand loyalty based on the identified factors that significantly influence brand loyalty which will have an impact on increasing sales.</p> Aris Febriyan Utomo Sarjono Putro Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 650 656 Analysis of Students Difficulties in Completing The Service Company Accounting Cycle Learning in Class X and XI AKL Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Karanganyar <p>The purpose of this study was to describe the learning difficulties of class X and XI akl students in completing service company accounting learning at smk muhammadiyah 2 karanganyar, as well as to describe the impact of accounting learning difficulties and describe the efforts made to reduce students' learning difficulties. The method in this study uses qualitative research. The research design used is ethnography. The data collection techniques used in this research are interviews, observation and documentation. The data sources used in this study were subject teachers and students in grades X and XI. Data analysis techniques use data reduction, data presentation and conclusion making. Data validity techniques in this study used triangulation, researchers used 3 types of triangulation, namely source triangulation, method triangulation and time triangulation. The results showed that there were several difficulties experienced by students in completing the accounting cycle learning, namely difficulties in analysing journal transactions and difficulties when calculating journal transactions. From some of these difficulties, the impact that occurs is that students get unsatisfactory grades either on tests or doing assignments. However, from the impact that occurs, there is a solution that is used as a way out to reduce this learning difficulty, according to the teacher, the solution that will be done is to evaluate students such as conducting daily tests, asking again about material that has not been fully understood by students and explaining it again. As for the solutions that will be carried out by students to reduce these learning difficulties are to study the material provided again, ask the teacher for material that has not been understood, and do group study.</p> Vernanda Wigia Putri Sapta Mei Budiyanto Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 657 663 Influence Micro Teaching and PLP II on Interest in Becoming A Teacher Students of Accounting Education Muhammadiyah University Surakarta <p>The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) the effect of micro teaching on the interest in becoming a teacher, (2) the effect of the introduction of the school field II (PLP II) on the interest in becoming a teacher, (3) the effect of micro teaching and the introduction of the school field II (PLP II) ) on the interest in becoming a teacher for Accounting Education students at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. This research was conducted at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta which is located at Jl. A. Yani Tromol Post 1, Pabelan, Kartasura, Surakarta. This research method uses quantitative methods with a survey design. The population in this study were all 148 students of the Accounting Education Study Program class of 2019 Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The sample is 108 students with simple random sampling technique. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire with the help of Google from. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression, t test, F test, test the coefficient of determination, effective contribution (SE) and relative contribution (SR). The results of this study indicate that: 1) Micro teaching has a positive and significant effect on the interest in becoming a teacher. This can be seen from the calculation results which show that 2.343 &gt; 1.659 and a significance value &lt; 0.05, namely 0.008; 2) The introduction of schooling field II (PLP II) has a positive and significant effect on the interest in becoming a teacher. This can be seen from the calculation results which show that 2.594 &gt; 1.659 and a significance value &lt; 0.05, namely 0.001; 3) Micro teaching and introduction to the field of schooling II (PLP II) simultaneously influence the interest in becoming a teacher. This can be seen from the calculation results which show that 10.473 &gt; 3.08 and a significance value &lt; 0.05, which is 0.000.</p> Nanda Mita Sari Wafrotur Rohmah Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 664 671 The Effect of Flash Sale and Free Shipping Tagline on Interest to Buy at Shopee at Students of Muhammadiyah University Surakarta <p>This study aims to analyze the effect of flash sales and the free shipping tagline on buying interest at Shopee among Muhammadiyah University students in Surakarta. The population in this study is Muhammadiyah University Surakarta students who use the Shopee application. The type of research used is quantitative research using a survey design, the sample used in this study amounted to 100 respondents. Data collection techniques and instruments in this study used a questionnaire conducted via the Google form . The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis, t test, f test, coefficient of determination. The results of the data analysis revealed that the flash sale variable had a significant effect on the purchase intention of students at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. This can be proven from the results of the t test where the t count value is 4.733 greater than t table 1.985. The tagline variable has no significant effect on buying interest in Muhammadiyah Surakarta University students. This can be proven from the results of the t test where the t count value is 1.776 which is smaller than the t table 1.985. Flash sale variables and taglines have an effect on buying interest among Muhammadiyah Surakarta University students. This is evidenced by the results of the f test where the sign value is 0.000 &lt;0.05 and the calculated f value is 112.000 &gt; 3.09 . Study This prove that the flash sale and the tagline have role positive in increase Power buy student University Surakarta Muhammadiyah.</p> Adinda Alfin Nafisa S Suranto Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 672 678 Improving Business Performance Using Financial Planning Toward Electrical & Mechanical Industry: Case Study of CV. Jogi Teknik <p>The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSMEs) sector which is engaged in the service, maintenance and installation of boilers often faces a series of challenges that hinder its growth and sustainability. The main challenge faced by MSMEs in this industry is the lack of access to finance (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2019). CV. Jogi Teknik has experienced a decrease as shown by the gross profit margin on CV. Jogi Teknik is 24.9% in 2020, with an increase of 10.1% in 2021. Unfortunately, the conditions did not last long, where CV. Jogi Teknik experienced a significant decrease in Gross Profit Margin of up to 7.8%. According to NYU Stern School of Business data for 2023, CV has a gross profit margin. Currently the gross profit margin from CV. Jogi Teknik is lower than the electricity industry average. Researchers used a quantitative approach by processing data on the financial history of CV. Jogi Teknik and secondary data from journals, books, articles, and literature reviews. In generating data, researchers used an analysis of internal business conditions with financial reports, SWOT analysis, and business model canvas analysis. Meanwhile, to analyse the external conditions of the business using competitor analysis and competitor mapping. The results of this study want to show that CV. Jogi Teknik has low financial performance in 2022. After conducting an evaluation, to improve CV. Jogi Teknik financial performance, this company is feasible in three scenarios based on the NPV, IRR, and payback period that can be used as an optimal plan to run this business for the next five years.</p> Afra Samantha Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 679 687 The Cultivation of Civil Values through Thematic-Based Science Practices in Low Grade Elementary Schools <p>Learning is a conscious effort to get change behavior overall, both aspects cognitive, affective and psychomotor. So far in in practice, the learning process at school it seems more likely to emphasize on achievement aspect changes cognitive. Whereas affective abilities are still lacking attention. In learning, affective abilities relate to ethical values. The values of character must be instilled and received serious concern from parties involved in education. Science lessons, which so far have been considered far from affective aspects, can also be used to instill moral values, namely by carrying out practicums. The science practicum applied so far is more likely to be carried out with a conceptual approach, so that if applied it will make learning fragmented. While students who are at elementary school low class still see everything as one wholeness (holistic) so that thematic learning is used in the lower grades of elementary school. For this reason, a design for science practicum in low grade elementary schools is needed which can be applied through thematic learning. From the description above so the purpose of this research is to know practical application of IPA based thematically to embed moral values to low grade elementary school students. This activity is carried out January to March 2023 at Tambakromo 2 public elementary school, Padas District, Ngawi Regency. The subjects in this study were all class students, totaling 24 students. Data collection was carried out by observation and test techniques. which method used in this research is Classroom Action Research or Action Research Class with two cycles. From the implementation of cycle I activities and II it can be seen that an increase in cognitive and psychomotor values. The affective ability of students also increased, which was marked by an increase in the percentage for good and very good criteria. Meanwhile, for the criteria of sufficient, less, and bad, there was a decrease. This increase in students' affective abilities also shows an increase in students' moral values. From research implementation class action It can be concluded that the application of thematic-based science practicum is able to instill values manners on elementary school students low class.</p> Djoko Hari Supriyanto H Haryanto Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 688 695 The Influence of QRIS User Convenience, Trust, and Risk on User Satisfaction QRIS for Students <p>The aims of this study were to determine: 1) The effect of user convenience on QRIS user satisfaction; 2) The effect of user trust on QRIS user satisfaction; 3) Effect of user risk on QRIS user satisfaction; 4) ) Effect of user convenience, user trust, and user risk on QRIS user satisfaction. This research is a type of quantitative research using a survey research design with 70 respondents who were taken using a purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis, t test, f test, coefficient of determination, relative contribution, effective contribution. The results of this study obtained the regression equation Y = 4.223 + 0.130X1 + 0.210X2 + 0.429X3. The results of the study show that: 1) user ease has a positive and significant effect on user satisfaction, knowing that based on the calculations obtained t count &gt; t table, namely 2.981 &gt; 1.994; 2) user convenience has a positive and significant effect on user satisfaction with the knowledge based on the calculations obtained t count &gt; t table, namely 2.038 &gt; 1.994; 3) user convenience has a positive and significant effect on user satisfaction, which is known on the basis of the calculations obtained t count &gt; t table, namely 4.316 &gt; 1.994; 4) user convenience, user trust, and user risk have a simultaneous effect on QRIS user satisfaction. Based on the calculation of the F test, the value of f count &gt; f table is 36.989&gt; 2.74.</p> Ruri Prastita Umara Djoko Suwandi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 696 703 The Effectiveness of Digital Promotion in Marketing Communication to Increase The Number of Foreign Tourists in Tana Toraja Regency Post Covid-19 Pandemic <p>The diversity of tourism in Indonesia has a positive impact on the economic growth and development of the country. It was proved that tourism is the third largest foreign exchange contributor after CPO and coal. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of digital promotion of the Tana Toraja Tourism Office to increase the number of foreign tourists in Tana Toraja Regency after the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach with observation, in-depth interviews with sources, and documentation. Data analysis uses three steps, such as data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of the research are as follows (1) the tourism office of tana toraja district builds a tourism image after the covid pandemic through social media, especially on Instagram and TikTok. (2) Tourism branding of tana toraja district is using ayo ke toraja. Ayo ke Toraja is made as a branding to attract tourists as well as making ayo ke toraja as the name of the official social media account of the tana toraja district tourism office. (3) Digital marketing is combined with STP marketing to branding tourism in Tana Toraja district. STP Marketing consists of Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning. The planning and implementation process consists of concept, idea, price, promotion, and distribution. STP model is a process in marketing. The implementation of the STP model in digital marketing has proved effective in attracting foreign tourists to visit the tana Toraja regency.</p> Muhammad Amin Lassa M. Iqbal Sultan M Mursalim Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 704 711 Have Teachers Conducted Collaborative Assessment in Elementary Schools? <p>Collaborative skills and critical thinking, creative and communication skills are mandatory in the 21st century. Collaborative abilities can be enhanced by providing practical learning and assessment in schools. After implementing the 2013 curriculum in Indonesia, the government provided collaborative assessment through the teacher's book. However, its implementation in the field has not been optimal and still encounters various obstacles. This study aims to describe the implementation of collaborative assessment in elementary schools in the Province of DIY Indonesia. This research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Data was collected through interviews and observations involving 10 participants, namely elementary school teachers in the province of DIY Indonesia. Data analysis uses Milles &amp; Huberman with the stages of data collection, display, condensation, and conclusion. The research results show that the teacher's assessment of collaboration skills comes from the results of group work accompanied by presentation skills. The statement that the assessment was carried out based on the rubric provided in the teacher's book, but it was found that there were still teachers who did not understand how to compose the correct cooperative assessment instrument, as well as the difficulty in assessing students one by one during the learning process also caused collaborative assessment in schools not to be carried out.</p> Ulin Nuskhi Mutiah M Makin Y Yuliatun Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 712 719 Flipped Classroom Learning Design using Si Raca App: How is Students' Reading Skill? <p>Early reading is the main way of knowledge for primary school students. Therefore, students have to be provided various reading materials which are available and make them feel comfortable in learning to read. The aims of this study are 1) to investigate flipped classroom learning design using Si Raca App in the early reading at primary school; 2) to investigate students’ reading improvements when it has been implemented. This study implements qualitative research in form of classroom action research. The research subjects are first grade students with total of 36 students. This study had been conducted in the even semester of 2022-2023 at MI Muhammadiyah 22 Sugihwaras, Bojonegoro, Indonesia. Research instruments are in forms of reading test questions. Data is collected using test method. It is analyzed using descriptive comparative technique and critical analysis technique. This study concludes that first, flipped classroom using Si Raca App is designed by collaborating flipped classroom model and Si Raca App. This design is implemented in treatments of cycle 1 and cycle 2. It is started from students’ and teacher’s activities before learning, whilst learning, and after learning. Second, there is an improvement in the percentage of completeness in early reading of primary school students. It can be viewed from the completeness percentage in cycle 1 is 77,77%. In cycle 2, it is 91,66%. It means that the classical completeness has been fulfilled in cycle 2.</p> Cahyo Hasanudin Ayu Fitrianingsih Nofia Fitriyana P Priyantoko Dwi Setiawan Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 720 727 Education in Digital Era as A Key Sector in Developing Social and Economic Progress <p>The EV-DCI 2022 survey pointed out that the underlying problem in Indonesia is the lack of digital competence development in the curriculum. The education sector is an important sector in growing the economic development of Indonesia, including the digital economy across key sectors. Indonesia needs to upskill its digital talent to support the development of Indonesia’s digital economy. Several actions can be taken to keep up the momentum of the digital transformation in the education industry—namely, utilizing massive open online courses (MOOC), and encouraging collaboration and integration between stakeholders. Global Innovation Index 2021 rankings of Indonesia in 87th rank. This number drop 2 points from 85th Global Innovation Index 2020 rank. Indicators of Human capital and research aspect are education in rank of 106th, tertiary education in rank of 93th, and research and development (R&amp;D) on 57th rank (WIPO, 2021). In a digital era, education is being transformed by the new digital environment.</p> Yesi Hendriani Supartoyo Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 728 733 Exploring Factors Influencing Consumer Purchase Intention from Social Media Advertisements: an Exploratory Factor Analysis Approach <p>Over the past few years, the use of social media advertising by businesses has experienced significant growth, offering unprecedented opportunities for effective marketing and reaching target audiences. Despite this growth, Codykit's social media advertising efforts for their product, Codyplay, in the Indonesian children's book industry have not achieved the desired sales conversion rate and have resulted in a high customer acquisition cost (CAC). Therefore, this research aims to investigate the different elements of social media advertising that has the ability to drive customer purchase intention. The goal is to enhance the online sales traffic of Codyplay and improve the overall effectiveness of social media advertising efforts for Codykit. The research involved conducting a survey and utilizing exploratory factor analysis method to reduce the number of variables, detect the structure of the relationship between variables, and classify them into a new group of variables consisting the specific characteristics that significantly influence how people perceive social media advertisements. The survey respondents are Codykit's target market, specifically mothers with children aged 4-7 years old residing in Jabodetabek, Bandung, and East Java, who had previously made online purchases of children's goods. The findings indicate that engagement drivers, celebrity influence, emotive impulse, and innovative persuasion all have an impact on how social media advertising is evaluated. By placing sufficient emphasis on these specific traits, it would be possible to develop effective social media marketing strategies and increase consumer buying intent.</p> Ananda Humaira Putri Salsabila Annisa Rahmani Qastharin Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 734 742 The Effect of Tax Justice and Tax Discrimination on The Intention to Commit Tax Evasion by Prospective Taxpayers <p>This study aims to examine whether tax justice, tax discrimination have an influence on the intention to commit tax evasion for prospective taxpayers. The sample population of this study were all students in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). In this study the authors used the snowball sampling method. For data collection, the authors used a questionnaire distributed in the form of a google form. The distribution of the questionnaire obtained 123 respondents. The results of the study stated that tax justice have a negative effect on the intention to commit tax evasion. While discrimination has no effect on the intention to commit tax evasion.</p> Dewi Kusuma Wardani Aprilia Kusumastuti Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 743 751 The Effect of Capital Structure on Firm Value with Corporate Social Responsibility as a Moderating Variables <p>This study aims to determine the effect of capital structure on firm value, with corporate social responsibility as a moderating variable. The population of this study is made up of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2018–2021. The type of data used is secondary data taken from Company value is proxied by Tobins' Q.The results of this study indicate that capital structure has a positive effect on firm value, and corporate social responsibility cannot moderate the positive effect of capital structure on firm value.</p> Dewi Kusuma Wardani Icha Sulaeman Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 752 760 The Influence of Understanding of Tamansiswa Teachings of Tri Abstinence and Religiosity on Tax Embezzlement Intentions of Prospective Taxpayers <p>This study aims to examine the effect of understanding the teachings of tamansiswa on tri abstinence. Machiavellianism, love of money, the tax system, and religiosity on the intention to commit tax evasion by prospective taxpayers. This study used a quantitative descriptive method and primary data using a questionnaire. The number of samples in this study were 130 student respondents studying in Yogyakarta. Sampling in this study using snowball sampling technique. Data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistic 20 program. This study provides the results of understanding the teachings of tamansiswa tri taboo which has a negative effect on the intention of tax evasion of prospective taxpayers. Machiavellian and love of money has a positive effect on tax evasion intentions of prospective taxpayers, the tax system and religiosity have no effect on intention of tax evasion prospective taxpayers.</p> Dewi Kusuma Wardani Fransiska Agnes Setianingrum Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 761 770 The Influence of Religiosity on Accounting Student Academic Cheating <p>This study aims to examine the effect of religiosity on academic fraud among accounting students. The sample used in this study were students of accounting at the Faculty of Economics at Tamansiswa University, Yogyakarta. The sampling method used is convenience sampling. The samples obtained had 101 respondents. The results showed that religiosity has a negative effect on accounting students' academic fraud.</p> Dewi Kusuma Wardani Dita Puspitasari Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 771 778 Compliance Intention of Prospective Taxpayer in Indonesian based on Nationalism and Tax Sanctions <p>The phenomenon of the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted the economy in Indonesia, including from the tax sector. Tax is the biggest source of revenue for a country in Indonesia. The success of implementing taxation in Indonesia is determined by the domination of taxpayer compliance. This study adopts the theory of planned behavior (TPB) which aims to determine the effect of nationalism and tax sanctions on the compliance intention of prospective taxpayers. The method used in this research is descriptive statistics with convenience sampling technique. The population of this study is prospective taxpayers aged 14-22 years with a total sample of 204 people. Samples were taken from students in Indonesia. The results of the study show evidence of a positive influence of nationalism on tax compliance. Tax sanctions have no effect on the intention to comply with prospective taxpayers. This study expands the theoretical knowledge framework by studying and researching the factors that contribute significantly to the taxation sector in Indonesia as an effort to economic development in Indonesia through taxes.</p> Dewi Kusuma Wardani Aprilia Dewi Astuti Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 779 788 Shopaholic Lifestyle Phenomenon for College Students in Surakarta City <p>The shopaholic lifestyle is a form of consumptive behavior. Many students in the city of surakarta have a shopaholic lifestyle. The purpose of this research is to describe the lifestyle of shopaholic students in the city of surakarta and to identify factors that influence the lifestyle of shopaholic students in the city of surakarta. This is a qualitative study with a string of phenomena designs. The subject of this study is ten students studying in surakarta. The ten students consisted of two students from the muhammadiyah university of surakarta, two students from sebelas maret university, two students from the Indonesia institute of arts surakarta, two students from the Tunas Pembangunan university, and two students from the university of slamet riyadi. Data collection techniques included interviews, observation, and documentation. The data validity used source triangulation and technical triangulation. The data analysis technique used interactive analysis. The results of this study indicate that theshopaholic lifestyle of college students tends to spend money to shop compulsively with a fairly high frequency. Students of shopaholic have a life that is prone to luxury or hedonics that they indulge in involuntary and continual consumption without any consideration that causes students to become consumptive. The factors that influence students to become shopaholics are luxury lifestyle and hedonic lifestyle, influence from family, advertising, following trends, and lots of shopping centers.</p> Wahyu Isnaeni Solekha Surya Jatmika Dhany Efita Sari Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 789 794 Brain Gym for Physical Motor Development in Children Aged 3-4 Years <p>Early Childhood Education is a place or tools of learning for children before entering formal education. Early Childhood Education uses the concept of learning throught playing. By playing, it is hoped that children will feel a positive impact and grow well. Brain Gym or Brain Gymnastics is a method to improve concentration abilities in early childhood with simple movements. Where early childhood requires stimulation from outside to support the growth and development of physical motor, social emotional and language. The benefits of brain gym are (1). to stimulate the level of concentration and focus in children. (2). Maintaining body fitness. (3). Overcoming children’s learning problems. (4). Stimulates physical motor development. (5). Balancing the right brain and left brain. The purpose of the study using the brain gym is to find out abaou this brain exercise activity to improve physical motor development and concentration levels in children, the children’s body is healthy and strong and can improve the quality the exist in children. The method used in this research is literature study. Children easily socialize with playmates and communicate actively with educators and friends. Brain gym affects children’s concentration and interest inlearning to increase. This is interrelated between the brain and the physical child.</p> Asih Tri Kundarwati Nur Putri Khasanah Nur Fauziyah Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 795 799 The Strategy for Growing Economic Potential by Improving Financial Literacy using 4.0 Technology <p>The Kragan coastal area has high economic potential. However, the economic potential in Kragan needs to be optimally managed. Most of the fisheries sector is still run traditionally. So there is dependence between small fishermen, who are still traditional, on prominent/modern investors. Many small fishermen are shackled by poverty in this case. Thus, it is essential to increase public knowledge regarding financial management in the fisheries sector so that the economy of traditional fishermen is no longer dependent on large/modern fishermen. The solution offered by researchers is to increase public financial literacy by utilizing technology 4.0. This technology is focused on community empowerment through product marketing. This study uses a qualitative method. Data collection techniques using interviews and observation. The research population is the people on the coast of Kragan. The research analysis uses a qualitative descriptive analysis. The results show that the financial literacy rate is still relatively low, around 58.2%. Most informants chose to use the old method, so there was an imbalance between small fishermen who used the traditional method and big/modern fishermen. While the results of the FGD show that technology 4.0 can help grow the Kragan people's economy by managing fishery products and increasing financial literacy.</p> J Juhadi Nur Hamid Nuris Saadah Elvara Norma Aroyandini Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 800 807 Policy Implementation of Government Regulation Number 12 of 2021 on Housing and Settlement Area Management <p>Government Regulation Number 12 of 2021 on housing and settlement area management, Article 17, paragraph 5 explains that the technical standards for implementing housing construction must be met, which consist of standard facilities, infrastructure, and utilities to make housing development livable. This research aims to determine the implementation of Government Regulation Number 12 of 2021 on managing housing and settlement areas in the Bungo Regency. The research method was a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The research population consisted of the Housing and Settlement Areas (Perkim) Office of Bungo Regency, the developer, and the people living in the housing, with a total sample of 11 people using incidental and purposive samplings. The research results revealed that the implementation of housing and settlement areas in the Bungo Regency had been carried out by related parties, in this case, the Bungo Regency housing and settlement service and the developer. However, they have not been optimal yet because the implementation of housing development was still related to providing facilities, infrastructure, and utilities that had not been fulfilled. It was because there was still a lack of public knowledge regarding technical standards for housing management, irresponsible or indifferent attitudes from developers after many people lived in the housing area, and a lack of socialization and application of sanctions for developers who violated housing development regulations.</p> H Hamirul Nova Elsyra Ipik Permana P Poiran Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 808 814 Principal's Learning Leadership to Developing Student Leadership in Vocational High Schools <p>The principal has an important role as a manager in school management that affects the quality of the school. Learning leadership from a principal is needed to design and implement educational programs. This study aims to describe the implementation of learning leadership by principals in developing student leadership. This research is a type of qualitative research that produces descriptive data and is analyzed in the form of written words from observed individual behavior. The methods used in this research include interviews, observation, and documentation to collect data. The results of the research at SMK Negeri 7 Surakarta show that learning leadership by the principal has an important role in developing student leadership. The principal's efforts in implementing effective learning leadership have improved student leadership through giving voice, choice, and ownership according to expectations that are planned, implemented, and evaluated. SMK Negeri 7 Surakarta also encourages the development of student leadership through the activities of the Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS), extracurricular activities, entrepreneurial spirit development and collaboration with other students and teachers. This helps to increase students' active participation in the implementation of school programs. Internal factors that influence the implementation of learning leadership include school strengths and weaknesses, facilities and infrastructure, teachers, principals, and financing. While external factors include external opportunities and challenges such as government policies, information and communication technology, and cooperation with other parties such as IDUKA. Internal and external factors also influence the implementation of learning leadership.</p> Asri Pujihastuti D Darsinah W Wafroturrohmah Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 815 821 The Evaluation of The Project on Strengthening The Students' Pancasila Profile in SMKN 7 Surakarta <p>The implementation of kurikulum Merdeka presents a significant challenge, particularly in developing students' character aligned with the Pancasila Student Profile. To address this, SMKN 7 Surakarta introduced the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5) as part of Kurikulum Merdeka. This study focuses on evaluating the P5 implementation at SMKN 7 Surakarta, specifically its planning stage using the P5 module created by teachers. The research adopts the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) method to assess the implementation. A qualitative approach was employed, analyzing survey data through questionnaires and providing descriptive explanations of the findings. The study concluded that: 1) teachers successfully developed a P5 module following module-making principles, applicable to class X students, 2) teachers enhanced the quality of teaching material modules, particularly those related to fieldwork practice, and 3) the P5 module effectively strengthened the implementation of the independent curriculum.</p> Asri Pujihastuti Teguh Waluyo S Sumardi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-13 2023-10-13 822 829