Analysis of the Behaviour of KH Mas Mansur Pesma Majasantries in the use of an Honesty Canteen Reviewed in the Perspective of Sharia Economic Law


  • Lukmanul Hakim Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Hasib Nazri Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Aufanida Nurhikmah Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta


The purpose of this study was to measure how well the students of Islamic boarding school kh mas mansur students understand the law of buying and selling, especially in buying and selling transactions at the honest pesma kh mas mansur canteen. The research data uses a descriptive qualitative method, namely from primary data collection, which can be taken through several questionnaires and interviews from the management of the Honesty Canteen or often called the Pesma Business Center Department. Thus, it can produce 50 respondents from the questionnaire and 100% of the respondents from the interviews, who have understood the legal terms of buying and selling in general. In this study, 84% or 42 of the respondents who participated understood the pillars of buying and selling and 16% or 8 other people did not understand the pillars of buying and selling in general. In addition to being able to understand the pillars and legal terms of buying and selling in general, the intensity of the respondents was obtained. make payments directly or indirectly. Future research is expected to examine debt problems that occur at the Kh Mas Mansur Student Islamic Boarding School and increase the quota of respondents by distributing questionnaires to obtain valid and more ideal results.


