Front Matter


  • Yasir Sidiq Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta


Alhamdulillah, with all gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT, who has bestowed His grace, guidance, and inayah so that the Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teaching Training and Education (FKIP), Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) can organize International Conference on Biology Education, Natural Science, and Technology (INCOBEST) 2023. The conference with the theme "Emerging Issues on Natural Science, Environment, and Its Learning Innovation" is a manifestation of concern and dedication to the enhancement of research and education quality in Indonesia. Educators (teachers and lecturers) must be aware of strategic issues in the fields of science, environment, and learning innovation in order to adapt and advance their knowledge.

This conference aims to achieve the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, encompassing education, research, and community service, and to realize academic freedom by introducing the Biology Education Study Program FKIP UMS as a part of the Institute of Education Personnel, that is capable of collaborating with various educational and non-educational agencies.

The activities of this International Conference have been made possible by the assistance of an array of parties. Thus, on this occasion, appreciation is extended to:

  1. Dean of FKIP UMS.
  2. All committees of INCOBEST 2023.
  3. Reviewer team, both internal and external.
  4. Participants and speakers.
  5. Other parties that cannot be mentioned one by one.

Finally, we hope this International Conference will benefit all parties and improve education in Indonesia.


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