Proceeding of International Conference on Biology Education, Natural Science, and Technology <p>Proceeding Title: <strong>Proceeding of International Conference on Biology Education, Natural Science, and Technology</strong><br />Organizer: Department of Biology Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta<br />ISSN (Online): <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">3026-5428</a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">International Conference on Biology Education, Natural Science, and Technology</a> is a prestigious global conference that brings together researchers, educators, practitioners, and policymakers to facilitate the exchange of ideas and the sharing of best practices in biology education, natural science, and technology.</p> Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta en-US Proceeding of International Conference on Biology Education, Natural Science, and Technology 3026-5428 Front Matter <p>Alhamdulillah, with all gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT, who has bestowed His grace, guidance, and inayah so that the Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teaching Training and Education (FKIP), Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) can organize <strong>International Conference on Biology Education, Natural Science, and Technology (INCOBEST) 2023</strong>. The conference with the theme "Emerging Issues on Natural Science, Environment, and Its Learning Innovation" is a manifestation of concern and dedication to the enhancement of research and education quality in Indonesia. Educators (teachers and lecturers) must be aware of strategic issues in the fields of science, environment, and learning innovation in order to adapt and advance their knowledge.</p> <p>This conference aims to achieve the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, encompassing education, research, and community service, and to realize academic freedom by introducing the Biology Education Study Program FKIP UMS as a part of the Institute of Education Personnel, that is capable of collaborating with various educational and non-educational agencies.</p> <p>The activities of this International Conference have been made possible by the assistance of an array of parties. Thus, on this occasion, appreciation is extended to:</p> <ol> <li>Dean of FKIP UMS.</li> <li>All committees of INCOBEST 2023.</li> <li>Reviewer team, both internal and external.</li> <li>Participants and speakers.</li> <li>Other parties that cannot be mentioned one by one.</li> </ol> <p>Finally, we hope this International Conference will benefit all parties and improve education in Indonesia.</p> Yasir Sidiq Copyright (c) 2023 Yasir Sidiq 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 The Ecology of Zaprionus Genus in Brazil and Adaptation Process during The Bioinvasion <p>The Ecology of Zaprionus Genus in Brazil and Adaptation Process during The Bioinvasion</p> Luis Gustavo da Conceicao Galego Copyright (c) 2023 Prof. Luis Gustavo da Conceicao Galego 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 1 21 Emerging Innovations in Natural Science Education <p>Emerging Innovations in Natural Science Education</p> Haniza Hanim binti Mohd Zain Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 22 22 Metagenomic Studies and Their Applications <p>Metagenomic Studies and Their Applications</p> Triastuti Rahayu Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 23 32 Development of Android-Based Interactive Teaching Materials Using the Ispring Application with Insight into Sustainable Development <p>The lack of use of IT-based teaching materials and the low ability of students' scientific literacy in learning science causes the learning objectives to be not achieved in schools. In addition, the use of android among students who are also getting higher can support the learning process if it is used as well as possible. The purpose of this research is to produce Android-based interactive teaching materials using the Ispring application with a sustainable development perspective that is valid and practical to use. This research is a development research with the Plomp three-step development model, namely the preliminary stage, the development stage or the prototype stage and the assessment stage. Based on data analysis, the results of this study produced very valid interactive teaching materials with an average score of 89.22% in terms of material, media and language. Very practical to use by educators and students with an average score of 87.98%. It can be concluded that Android-based interactive teaching material use the Ispring application with an insight into sustainable development with very valid and practical criteria used in science learning.</p> N Nurhasnah L Lufri Abdul Razak F Festiyed Prima Aswirna Windy Kasmita Wetri Yesmoneca Copyright (c) 2023 N Nurhasnah, L Lufri, Abdul Razak, F Festiyed, Prima Aswirna, Windy Kasmita, Wetri Yesmoneca 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 33 41 The Effect of STEM Approach on Students' Critical Thinking Skills <p>The influence of the STEM approach has been widely studied. However, a summary of how much influence STEM has on critical thinking skills from these various studies has not been done well. This article examines the impact of the STEM approach on students' capacity for critical thought when studying physics and science. This type of research is quantitative research with meta-analysis methods. Articles from recent four-year publications in national and international journals serve as data sources. Only 16 articles met the criteria for further analysis. This study's method of data analysis involved calculating the effect size to provide a summary effect size. There are four moderator variables analyzed: learning models, teaching materials, subject matter, and education level. Based on the study's findings, it can be said that the STEM approach to fostering students' critical thinking abilities has the largest impact size when used in motion systems courses at the high school level, using media schoology and worksheets for the students. The STEM approach is proven to have a high summary effect size on students' critical thinking skills, with a score of 1.37 (high category).</p> Media Roza Minda Azhar F Festiyed Prima Aswirna Rika Purnama Sari Copyright (c) 2023 Media Roza, Minda Azhar, F Festiyed, Prima Aswirna, Rika Purnama Sari 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 42 51 Inventory of Montane Zone Weeds in the Selo Tourism Area, Boyolali Regency, Central Java <p>The weed is a plant that develops in undesirable areas and harms surrounding plants. Nonetheless, this herb can be used as a source of organic material, as a soil coating to prevent erosion, and as a traditional medicine. Weed growth can vary depending on the weed’s characteristics and environmental conditions. The Selo region is a verdant tourist destination in the montane zone's highlands. The land clearing caused a change in the area's vegetation. This study seeks to determine the Montane zone's weed vegetation varieties, composition, and structure. It is also connected to the release of land in Selo as a tourist area. This form of research is conducted at three different altitudes (1.600m asl, 1.700m asl, dan 1.800m asl). The intercept-point and exploration method is used, as well as data analysis involving the determination of summed dominance ratio (SDR) values and diversity index analysis. Consequently, there are variations in the composition and dominance of herbaceous vegetation at each height. There are 27 species of vegetation, with Imperata cylindrica (SDR 55.67% and 27.73% at 1.600m asl and 1.800m asl, respectively) dominating at 1.600m asl and 1.800m asl, and Ageratina riparia (SDR 20.86%) dominating at 1.700m asl. The highest diversity of grass species at the altitude of 1.800 m asl (H' 2,17). The highest sorensen’s similarity index is at altitudes of 1.600 m asl and 1.700 m asl (SSI 52,17%). The ecosystem conditions influenced by abiotic factors and the management of ecosystems impact the diversity and uniformity of grass species in the mountainous region of the Selo Tourist Area.</p> Nila Permatasari S Santhyami Copyright (c) 2023 Nila Permatasari, S Santhyami 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 52 61 Development of Problem-Based HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) Question Instruments on Class VIII Pressure Material <p>The HOTS question instrument is important in learning. Through HOTS students are trained to learn things at a higher level, think critically in receiving information, think creatively in problem solving, and make the right decisions in complex situations. These various abilities are certainly needed in the face of changing life dynamics. This situation requires us to continue to adapt, so the ability of HOTS is very important to be developed as an effort to improve the ability to think at a higher level and prepare ourselves to face problems in life. This makes the author interested in developing a problem-based HOTS problem instrument on pressure material. This research uses R&amp;D techniques that refer to Thiagarajan's (1974) 3-D procedural model. The instrument consists of 10 description questions that refer to 5 indicators, namely: analyzing; Evaluate; Created; Troubleshooting; and critical thinking skills. The instrument was validated by 7 experts with the validity analysis technique Aiken (1950). The results of the analysis obtained: suitability of the question with bloom's taxonomy (88%), suitability of the question with the answer (86%), feasibility of language (85%); and the feasibility of presenting the question (84%). This proves that all aspects of the instrument are declared valid because Vcount &gt; Vtable Aiken, Vtable Aiken 75%, so it is concluded that this instrument is declared valid and feasible to be used to test the higher-order thinking skills of learners.</p> Rina Irawati S Sukarmin Sri Yamtinah Copyright (c) 2023 Rina Irawati, S Sukarmin, Sri Yamtinah 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 62 67 The Characteristics of Herbal Tea Combination Between Butterfly Flower with Mint and Pandan Leaf on Drying Duration Variation <p>Herbal tea is a functional bevarage made from leaf or flower. Butterfly flowers contain flavonoids, anthocyanins and flavonol glycosides. Mint leaf contain 1-2% essential oil and 80-90% menthol. Pandan leaf contain 10% essential oil, aromatic compounds 2-acetyl-1 pyrroline, flavonoids. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics (antioxidant activity and organoleptic quality) of herbal tea combination between butterfly flowers with mint leaf and pandan leaf on drying duration variations. This research method was an experiment with Completely Randomized Design (CRD), two factors. Factor I: combination of flowers butterfly : mint leaf (6 g : 2 g) and combination of butterfly : pandan leaf (6 g : 2 g). Factor II : drying duration of 90 minutes and 120 minutes The results showed that the highest antioxidant activity was K1L1 treatment (combination of butterfly flower: mint leaf with drying duration of 90 minutes) that was 83.147%. The best organoleptic quality of herbal tea in K1L1 treatment ( combination of butterfly flowers: mint leaf with drying duration of 90 minutes), dark blue color, mint aromatic, not bitter taste, fresh and quite like.</p> Titik Suryani Ria Anisa Rahmasari Riza Ainun Nisa Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 68 76 Preservice Biology Teacher's TPACK Integration into Lesson Planning <p>This research was aimed to investigate preservice Biology teacher’s performance in integration TPACK into lesson plans. The subjects in this study were preservice biology teacher taking Biology lesson planning and microteaching course. The object of this research was all of lesson plan developing by preservice biology teacher. The aspects of TPACK that were examined for integration of TPACK in the lesson plans included content knowledge (CK), pedagogical knowledge (PK), technological knowledge (TK), technological content knowledge (TCK), technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK), pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), and technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK). TPACK integration data on the lesson plan was obtained through documentation techniques and analyzed using an identification sheet. The result of identification were analyzed descriptively using percentage techniques. The results of the identification show that the integration of TPACK aspects into lesson planning at the microteaching course is: learning objectives of 66.67%, opening activities of 30.77%, core activities of 89.74%, closing activities of 7.69%, student worksheet of 38.46%, and assessment instruments of 12.82%. While the integration at the biology lesson planning course is: learning objectives of 78%, opening activities of 33%, core activities of 89%, closing activities of 22%, student worksheet of 51%, and assessment instruments of 13%.</p> Putri Agustina Lina Agustina Rina Astuti Yesi Chotimah Putri Gayatri Ramadhanty Alanindra Saputra Copyright (c) 2023 Putri Agustina, Lina Agustina, Rina Astuti, Yesi Chotimah, Putri Gayatri Ramadhanty, Alanindra Saputra 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 77 83 Students' Creative Thingking Ability in view From The Level of Understanding in Waste Management <p>Creative Creative thinking is an important nature in the learning process, the weak ability of students' creative thinking is caused by a static learning process. This study aims to analyze the factors that cause high and low students' creative thinking abilities in terms of their level of understanding and identify other factors that influence creative thinking abilities. The subjects of this study were students of class XI MIPA at SMAN 1 Ciomas, Bogor Regency. The research was conducted in November 2022 – May 2023. The method used in this study was a mixed method with a sequential explanatory research design. The research sample was 123 students, the sampling technique used proportional random sampling technique. Quantitative data analysis techniques use descriptive and inferential analysis or hypothesis testing, namely correlation and regression, and qualitative data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The instrument used for Y and X variables is a multiple choice test instrument and for qualitative use interview guidelines, observation and documentation studies. The results showed that there was a fairly high positive correlation, with an r² value of 24.1%, students' creative thinking ability was influenced by understanding and the remaining 75.9% was influenced by internal factors including interests, hobbies and external factors including teacher guidance, environment, and some school activities. such as organization, performing arts, social media. The solution to overcome these problems is to develop learning designs for environmental materials that can increase understanding so that students are better trained to have the ability to think creatively in solving environmental problems. The existence of collaboration between schools in developing learning designs can increase understanding so that students have the ability to think creatively.</p> Syarifah Zahrah Rita Retnowati Rita Istiana Copyright (c) 2023 Syarifah Zahrah, Rita Retnowati, Rita Istiana 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 84 90 Monitoring The Correlation of Climatics to The Airborne Bacteria at The Manggarai Station, South Jakarta, Indonesia <p>The highest of microorganisms suspended in the air were bacteria with a percentage of 80.8%. If the intensity of bacterial exposure occurs in large quantities, it will accumulate in the respiratory tract which has the potential to trigger allergic reactions and respiratory infections. Given the problems and impacts caused by air microorganisms on public health, it is necessary to monitor the distribution of air bacteria. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between temperature and humidity with the number of bacteria in the Manggarai station area. Type of research is correlation. The sampling location is Manggarai Station, East Jakarta, Indonesia. The 10 sampling points in this study include the station hall, motorbike parking, prayer rooms, train platform 1-2, train platform 2-3, train platform 3-4, and train platform 5, toilet, and underpass. The results of this study included the highest number of bacteria found in the station hall 331 colonies, the highest percentage of bacterial morphology is monobacilli was 78%, the distribution of gram positive was more than gram negative with spore bacteria being more dominant than non spore. The correlation coefficient between temperature and number of bacterial colonies (0.134) and humidity with number of bacterial colonies (0.380) showed weak positive correlation, while the correlation coefficient for light intensity with the number of bacterial colonies -0.140 (very weak negative).</p> Reza Anindita Auliya Rahmawati Maulin Inggraini Melania Perwitasari Dede Dwi Nathalia Maya Uzia Beandrade Intan Kurnia Putri Copyright (c) 2023 Reza Anindita, Auliya Rahmawati, Maulin Inggraini, Melania Perwitasari, Dede Dwi Nathalia, Maya Uzia Beandrade, Intan Kurnia Putri 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 91 100 The Effect of Active Learning Integrated with Everyone Is A Teacher Here Strategy Based on Questioning and Answering on The Critical Thinking Skills and Biology Learning Retention of Class XI Senior High School Students In The Industrial Agriculture Area <p>This study aimed to improve student’s critical thinking skill and student retention in learning biology through active learning strategy innovation Everyone Is A Teacher Here (ETH) based on Questioning and Answering (Q&amp;A). Moreover, the type of research used is a quasi-experimental research using a pre-test, post-test, and re-test research pattern. In addition, the research was conducted at SMAN 3 Jember in the even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. The XI MIPA 2 class was selected as the experimental class and XI MIPA 4 as the control class. Based on the results of this study, the ETH strategy based on Q&amp;A has a significant effect on students' critical thinking skills and retention in biology class XI. This is evidenced by the results of the significance of the Anakova test using SPSS, critical thinking skills have a significance of 0.000 (p&lt;0.05) and student retention has a significance of 0.000 (p&lt;0.05). The innovative learning strategy used in this study can be applied in class because it can increase student focus and motivation, especially in biology.</p> Kurnia Suciningsih Bea Hana Siswati Nadyatul Ilma Indah Savira Copyright (c) 2023 Kurnia Suciningsih, Bea Hana Siswati, Nadyatul Ilma Indah Savira 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 101 108 The Effect of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) based Textbooks in Biotechnology Learning Material on The Critical Thinking Skills and Learning Results of Senior High School Students in The Industrial Agriculture Area <p>The study entitled the effect of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) based textbooks in biotechnology learning material on the critical thinking skills and learning results of senior high school students in the industrial agriculture area. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of STEM-based textbooks on the subject of biotechnology on critical thinking skills and student learning outcomes in industrial agriculture areas. This type of research is quasi-experimental research (quasi experiment). The sampling technique was carried out through the normality test and ANOVA homogeneity test using the end of semester exam scores for biology subject then the determination of the sample was carried out randomly (random sampling). The research samples were class XII MIPA 2 as the experimental class and XII MIPA 4 as the control class. The place of this research is at SMAN 3 Jember. Data analysis used the covariance analysis test (Anacova) and Independent Sample T-Test for data that met the parametric test requirements, namely normal and homogeneous. The significance value obtained was &lt;0.05 so it can be concluded that there is an influence of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) based textbooks on the subject of biotechnology on critical thinking skills and learning outcomes.</p> Kamilatul Khoiroh Bea Hana Siswati Kamalia Fikri Copyright (c) 2023 Kamilatul Khoiroh, Bea Hana Siswati, Kamalia Fikri 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 109 121 Quality of Moringa oleifera Leaf and Kiambang (Salvinia molesta) Solid Organic Fertilizer with Banana Peel Bioactivator <p>Moringa oleifera leaves and kiambang (Salvinia molesta) can fulfill plants' N, P, and K elements to become solid organic fertilizers with banana peel waste as a bioactivation. This study aimed to determine the quality of solid organic fertilizers for Moringa oleifera leaves and Kiambang with banana peels as a bioactivator based on sensory tests and nutrient content. This study used an experimental method with a factorial pattern. As for factor 1, namely the comparison of ingredients, K1 = 300 g: 200 g and K2 = 200 g: 300 g. Factor 2 is the concentration of bioactivator, M1 = 25 mL and M2 = 30 mL. The results showed that the best quality of Fertilizer from sensory characteristics was demonstrated by the K2M2 treatment in black color, less pungent scent, crumb texture, and a pH of 7. In contrast, the N, P, and K content test was shown by the K1M1 treatment with N content (3.29%), P (0 .10%), and K (0.24%). So that, it can be concluded fertilizers for Moringa oleifera leaves and Kiambang (Salvinia molesta) with banana peel waste as bioactivator have good quality according to SNI 19-7030-2004.</p> Desvia Puput Apriani Aminah Asngad Copyright (c) 2023 Desvia Puput Apriani, Aminah Asngad 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 122 132 Quality of Solid Organic Fertilizers for Duck Manure and Trembesi Leaves with Papaya Peel Bioactivator <p>Organic fertilizers can replace inorganic fertilizers that are not environmentally friendly. Duck manure and trembesi leaves can be used as raw materials for fertilizer. Adding local papaya peel microorganisms can help the decomposition process of organic fertilizers. This study aims to determine the quality of solid organic fertilizer made from duck manure and trembesi leaves by adding local papaya peel microorganisms as bioactivation. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with a factorial pattern and was repeated three times. The treatment factors are as follows: Factor 1 Raw materials (B1 = Duck Manure 300g: 200g Trembesi Leaves. B2 = Duck Manure 200g: 300g Trembesi Leaves). Factor 2 Papaya Peel Local Microorganisms (P1 = Papaya Peel Bioactivator 25 ml, P2 = Papaya Peel Bioactivator 30 ml). The results showed the best sensory quality in the B2P2 treatment; the fertilizer was blackish brown, smelled of soil, had a crumbs texture like soil, and had a pH of 7. The highest Nitrogen and Phosphorus content was found in the B1P2 treatment, while the highest Potassium content was in the B2P1 treatment. Thus, the quality of solid organic fertilizer is by SNI 19-7030-2004.</p> Musdhalifah Husna Firdausi Aminah Asngad Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 133 142 Inventory of Moss Plants (Bryophyta) in the Montana Zone, Samiran Village, Selo District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java Province <p>Green plants known as moss plants (Bryophyta) are considered low plants. Mosses can dwell in tropical regions, the highlands, and the lowlands, and some species even live in water. Temperature, humidity, living conditions, light intensity, habitat pH, substrate, and altitude are all known to have an impact on moss growth. At a height of 1,500–2,400 meters, in the montana zone, the diversity of species declines. Samiran Village, Selo District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java Province is one of the locations in the montana zone. Numerous variables in this location contribute to the habitat for moss growth. This study aims to ascertain the diversity and distribution of moss plants (Bryophyta) in the montana zone, Samiran Village, Selo District, Boyolali District, Central Java Province. There has never been researching on the inventory of moss plants in the montana zone of Samiran Village, Selo District. The study's findings revealed three divisions, Bryopsida, Hepacopsida, and Anthoceropsida, which were further divided into seven families, Marchantiaceae, Hypnaceae, Pottiaceae, Polytrichaceae, Lejeuneaceae, and Anytoniaceae. At an elevation of 1600–1800 meters above sea level, in the montana zone of Samiran Village, Selo District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java Province, the index value of moss plant diversity is 1.679, which is categorized as moderate. This is so because the study site functions well as a moss plant habitat.</p> Eva Diahayu Wardani S Santhyami Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 143 151 Diversity of Ferns (Pteridophyta) in the Montana Zone, Samiran Village, Selo District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java Province <p>Ferns (Pteridophyta) are one of the Indonesian flora groups with high diversity and wide distribution, one of which is in the montana zone, an ecosystem zone at an altitude of 1500-2400 m asl. Samiran Village is located in the District of Selo, Boyolali Regency, between two mountains, namely Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu. This type of research was conducted at an altitude of 1600 m asl to 1800 m asl in Samiran Village, Selo District, Boyolali Regency. This study aims to determine the types of ferns and their distribution in the montane zone of Samiran Village, Selo District, Boyolali Regency. The method used is purposive sampling, a data collection technique based on points determined deliberately with a distance of 10 meters with a total of 21 points carried out in the Montane zone of Samiran village. Fern (Pteridophyta) that have been found in the montana zone of Samiran Village, are group into 2 families of 6 species consisting of Adiantum raddianum C. Presl, Notholaena copelandii c.c. Hall, Adiantum hispidulum Sw., Pityrogramma austroamericana Domin, Cyathea arborea L. Sm, Antrophyum sessilifolium (Cav.) Spr. The Diversity value (H') is 1.22, a category as relatively low. Ferns are most commonly found on soil hosts. The most abundant species were dominated by Adiantum raddianum C. Presl with 107 individuals at 14 out of 21 points. This species is one type of terrestrial fern that is also often found growing between rocks, pool walls, fences, wells, ditches, river banks other damp places. Therefore, this location is a suitable environment for the growth of Adiantum raddianum.</p> Indah Rahmawati S Santhyami Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 152 159 Quality of Solid Organic Fertilizer from Moringa Leaves and Peanut Shells with Banana Peel Bioactivator <p>Fertilizer is a material added to the soil to meet the needs of plant growth and production. Moringa leaves and peanut shells can be used as solid organic fertilizer with the addition of banana peel bioactivator. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of solid organic fertilizer from moringa leaves and peanut shells with banana peel bioactivator through observation of sensory properties and testing nutrient content. This study used an experimental research method with a complete randomized design (CRD) with a factorial pattern. The first factor was the ratio of ingredients (K1 = 300 g of moringa leaves and 200 g of peanut shell soil; K2 = 200 g of moringa leaves and 300 g of peanut shells). The second factor was dose of banana peel bioactivator (B1 = 25 ml, B2 = 30 ml). The K1B2 treatment had the characteristics of mature organic fertilizer. K1B1 and K1B2 treatments have the highest pH, which is 7. The K1B1 treatment has the best nutrient content with 3.42% nitrogen, 0.11% phosphorus, and 0.22% potassium. The study can be concluded to be that quality organic fertilizer is in accordance with SNI 19-7030-2004.</p> Nur Afifah Mustikasari Aminah Asngad Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 160 170 Quality of Liquid Organic Fertilizer Peanut Shells and Tofu Dregs With Banana Stems as Bioactivator <p>Liquid organic fertilizer is nutrition given to plants to improve the supply of nutrients so that plants can grow well. The utilization of peanut shells and tofu dregs has the potential as liquid organic fertilizer and banana stems as a bioactivation. This study aimed to determine the quality of liquid organic fertilizer, a combination of peanut shells and tofu dregs, adding moles of banana stems as a bioactivator. This study used experimental methods and a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 2 factors and 4 combinations with 3 repetitions. Factor 1 combines peanut shells and tofu waste K1 = 100 ml: 200 ml and K2 = 120 ml: 180 ml. Factor 2 is the local microorganism concentration, namely M1 = 100ml and M2 = 200ml. Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The results showed that the fertilizer had a yellowish brown and light brown color, a slightly pungent fermented to not overpowering, and a pH of 4. The highest N was in K1M1 combination of 0,57%, the highest P in K1M1 and K2M1 was 0,05%, and the highest K in K1M1 of 0,08%. It can be concluded that liquid organic fertilizer has good quality complies with SNI 19-7030-2004.</p> Muhammad Rizal Kahfi Aminah Asngad Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 171 180 The Quality of Infrastructure Facilities and the Readiness of Biology Laboratories to Support Learning in High School <p>Biology learning is the mastery of collecting knowledge information in concepts, principles, and facts, as well as learning and comprehending how the process of acquiring knowledge is achieved directly through the practicum. Physical and social skills can be developed through the use of practicum activities as a learning supplement. The implementation of practicum activities must be supported by a high-quality laboratory infrastructure. The laboratory equipment and infrastructure of Cal must comply with the laboratory requirements outlined in Permendiknas Number 24 of 2007. The research aimed to determine the quality of infrastructure facilities and the readiness of biology laboratories to support learning at SMA Negeri 1 Cawas. This research is qualitative descriptive research through observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the quality of biological laboratory infrastructure based on Permendiknas Number 24 of 2007 was included in the perfect category with an average percentage of 95%. Meanwhile, laboratory readiness obtained an average readiness percentage value of 92%, including in the ready category, so the biology laboratory in this school is ready to be used to support learning.</p> Mei Renni Sholikhah Lina Agustina Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 181 192 Quality of Duck Manure Fertilizer and Paitan Leaves with the Addition of MOL Papaya Skin <p>The use of organic materials for the manufacture of fertilizers is an alternative to reduce waste in the environment. Fertilizer can be made using duck manure and paitan leaves (Tithinia diversifolia) which produce high levels of nutrients.The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of N,P, and K as well as sensory test results which included color, texture, pH, and aroma of duck manure and paitan leaves with the addition of papaya peel bioactivator.This study used an experimental research method with a completely randomized design (CRD) with a factorial pattern.The treatment factors were: Factor 1 weight of duck manure and sick leaves (B1: 300g duck manure+200g paitan leaves, B2: 200g duck manure + 300g paitan leaves), Factor 2: Addition of papaya skin waste bioactivator (P1: 25ml MOL of papaya skin waste , P2: MOL of papaya skin waste 30ml) data analysis used a qualitative descriptive study.The results showed that the best quality was the N test, namely the B1P2 treatment (5.34%), the P test, namely the B2P2 treatment (0.15%),the K test, namely the B2P2 treatment (0.47%).The results showed that the best quality was B1P2 which produced black fertilizer, loose texture, earthy aroma and had a pH of 6.</p> Hana Khairunnisa Aminah Asngad Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 193 203 Quality of Liquid Organic Fertilizer Combination Gamal Leaves and Tofu Dregs with Banana Stem Bioactivator <p>Liquid organic fertilizer is an effective solution to inorganic fertilizers. Gamal leaves and tofu dregs can be used to make fertilizer and banana stem bioactivator to speed up fermentation. The study aim to determine the quality of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) from the combination of gamal leaves and tofu dregs with the banana stem bioactivators based on sensory properties parameters and N, P, K content. This research method used experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD). It consists of two factors, As for factor 1, namely the combination of gamal leaves and tofu dregs, P1 = 100 ml : 200 ml, P2 = 120 ml : 180 ml. Factor 2 is banana stem bioactivator, B1 = 100 ml, B2 = 150 ml. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative and quantitative statistics used Two Way ANOVA. In observing the sensory indicators, the average fertilizer yield had a dark brown color, scent like soil, and a pH of 5. Meanwhile, in the content test, only the N content met SNI 19-7030-2004. Thus, it can be concluded that the quality of fertilizer can be used as fertilizer but the color parameters, P and K content do not meet the standards.</p> Feby Istifarini Aminah Asngad Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 204 214 The Effects of Socio-Scientific Approach on Junior High School Students' Learning Outcomes <p>In learning students are expected to get success in learning. One of the factors that can influence the success of student learning is the selection of appropriate learning approaches. The Socio-scientific Issue learning approach is a learning approach that examines facts on an event based on social issues related to science in society. The purpose of this research is to find out and examine the effect of the socio-scientific issue learning approach on junior high school student learning outcomes. This type of research is quasi-experimental with quantitative data and processed using non-parametric statistical data analysis techniques to determine the effect of treatment on the dependent variable by controlling the independent variables. In this study. the results showed that the initial ability of the two groups was 31.8 for the control class and 21.8 for the experimental class. After the experimental class received learning using the Socio-scientific Issue approach. it obtained a better average score than the control class. namely 80.9 for the experimental class and 58.8 for the control class. Based on data analysis and discussion. it can be concluded that the Socio-scientific Issue approach has a significant effect on student learning outcomes.</p> Salsabila Nur Rahmadhani Putri Agustina Sri Mulyani Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 215 226 Study of Science Practicum in Junior High School, Sukoharjo, Indonesia <p>Practicum or experiments in the laboratory are needed to support science learning activities. According to Permendiknas Number 24 of 2007 the educational process requires supporting facilities and equipment so that the learning process can run optimally. In the implementation of science practicum, there are benefits, including arousing motivation to learn science and giving students the opportunity to satisfy their curiosity, as a source of learning a scientific approach. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of facilities and infrastructure, as well as the implementation of science practicum in research junior high schools. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques using observation, documentation, interviews, and questionnaires. The results showed that the quality of science laboratory facilities and infrastructure in junior high schools was included in the good category as stated in Permendiknas Number 24 of 2007 is evidenced by an average percentage of 77.42%. The implementation of science practicum is in a very good category where the average percentage obtained is 89.25%. The results of the questionnaire showed that the average percentage of science practicum implementation was 65.8% in the good category, in the sense that the implementation of science practicum class IX in the even semester went well.</p> Farikha Muya Sarah Putri Agustina Harini Hastowati Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 227 240 Quality of Kefir Combination Between Soy Milk and Skim Milk On Variation of Sugar and Fermentation Duration <p>Kefir is one of the functional beverages that has an acidic taste due to the activity of lactic acid during the fermentation process. One of the ingredient innovations for kefir was soy milk, skim milk and variations of sugar types. Soy milk protein has an amino acid structure similar to cow's milk, so it is very good for people with lactose intolerance. The aim of this study is to know the quality (total of lactic acid and the organoleptic quality) of the kefir combination between soy milk and skim milk on the variation of sugar and fermentation duration. The study used experimental methods and complete random design (CRD) with two factors. Factor I was the sugar variation (N) palm sugar and white sugar. Factor II was the variation of fermentation duration (K) 24 hours, 36 hours, and 48 hours. The results of the study showed that the lowest lactic acid of kefir combination between soy milk and skim milk was 0.896 % on N2K1 treatment (white sugar + 24-hour fermentation duration). The best organoleptic quality of kefir combination between soy milk and skim milk was N2K1 white sugar + 24-hour fermentation duration) in white color, sour taste, and soft texture.</p> Masithoh Uswatiningtyas Titik Suryani Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 241 247 Coconut Husks and Eggshells Liquid Organic Fertilizer's Effect on The Growth and Calcium Levels of Kale <p>Kale (Brassica oleracea var. achepala) is an essential vegetable for human development due to its calcium levels. Lack of hares in the soil is the cause of the decline in kale production. The purpose of this study was to test eggshell and coconut husk liquid organic fertilizers for kale plant growth and calcium levels. The research was conducted at the green house of Biology Education, FKIP UMS. Liquid organic fertilizer dosage (P1 = 100 ml and P2 = 150 ml ) and time intervals (W1 = 3 days once and W2 = 5 days once) were tracked using the completely randomized design (RAL) with control treatment as comparison and 3 times replication. Data was analyzed using two-way ANOVA. The plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight, and calcium levels are the variables that were observed. The study revealed that P2W2 treatment had the highest development rate, with average number of leaves of 14 strands, growth height of 13.3 cm, fresh weight of 51.5 g, and calcium levels of 0.141%. Based on the results of the research, it was shown that coconut husks and eggshell liquid organic fertilizer are effective on the growth and increase calcium levels of kale.</p> Nabila Junisky Susetyawati Aminah Asngad Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 248 259 Phosphate Solubilisation Index and Antagonism Potential of Frangipani Tree Rhizosphere Bacterial Isolates from Cemetery <p>Frangipani trees (Plumeria acuminata) are commonly found in cemeteries. Cemeteries are used as a location for interment so that the corpse actively decomposes to provide soil minerals that encourage the formation of microbes, including bacteria. Bacteria around the roots of frangipani trees are thought to have potential as plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). Based on reference searches, there has been no research on frangipani tree rhizosphere bacteria from burial grounds. The aim of this study was to investigate the phosphate-dissolving and blast disease-causing Pyricularia oryzae fungus-inhibiting properties of frangipani tree rhizosphere bacteria from Pracimaloyo cemetery, Surakarta. A total of 39 isolates of frangipani tree rhizosphere bacteria were tested for their ability to dissolve phosphates using PKA media (Pikovskaya), while the antagonism test against the fungal pathogen Pyricularia oryzae used the dual assay method. The results of the study showed that 15% of the rhizosphere bacteria of the frangipani tree were able to dissolve phosphate, and 33% of the isolates were able to inhibit the growth of the fungus Pyricularia oryzae with an inhibitory power of more than 40%. Based on the results, the rhizosphere bacterial isolates from Pracimaloyo TPU show the characteristics of a possible PGPR.</p> Vika Febriyanti Erma Musbita Tyastuti Yasir Sidiq Triastuti Rahayu Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 260 268 Coconut Husk And Eggshell Liquid Organic Feltilizer Effect On Lettuce Growth And Calcium Levels <p>Coconut husks and eggshells are common wastes found in society, but they are used less, so they often accumulate. Liquid organic fertilizer (POC) is a solution formed from plant residues, agro-industrial waste, animal dirt, and human dirt that has a content of more than one element. This research aims to find out the effectiveness of the supply of liquid organic fertilizer from coconut seeds and egg shells against the increase in calcium (Ca) and the growth of lettuce plants (Lactuca sativa l). The research was conducted at FKIP Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta’s Green House Education Biology from January–April 2023. The study used the complete random design (RAL) method of 3 repetitions and two factors: the POC administration concentration used P0 (POC 0 ml), P1 (POC 100 mL), and P2 (POC 150 mL), and the time interval for POC W1 (once every 3 days), and W2 (once every 5 days). The results of the research showed that the highest growth and increase in calcium being seen with the treatmentof P2W2 (150 ml POC and once every 5 days).</p> Widya Husnul Khotimah Aminah Asngad Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 269 279 Quality Of Kirinyuh Leaf Liquid Organic Fertilizer and Coconut Water Waste With Pineapple Skin Bioactivator <p>Liquid organic fertilizer is liquid fertilizer so that plants can absorb it more easily. Liquid organic fertilizer can overcome problems arising from using inorganic fertilizers in the long term. This study aims to determine the quality of liquid organic fertilizer from kirinyuh leaves and coconut water waste by adding pineapple peel as a bioactivator. This study used the experimental method and utterly randomized design consisting of 2 factors with four combinations and three repetitions, namely factor 1 (K): a combination of the essential ingredients of kirinyuh leaves and coconut water waste (K 1: 168 ml: 82 ml &amp; K 2: 82 ml: 168 ml). Factor II (M): Add MOL of pineapple skin (M 1: 100 ml and M 2: 150 ml). The parameters used were sensory tests regarding color, odor, pH and nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium content. This study uses data analysis: descriptive qualitative, and quantitative. The results showed that liquid organic fertilizer has a greenish-brown color, does not have a solid fermented odor (like tape) and some have an unpleasant odor, and has a pH of 4.00 – 4.67. Based on the POC content test, only three treatments met the quality standards of SNI 19-7030-2004 for nitrogen content, namely K1M1, K1M2, and K2M1.</p> Arisa Putri Jihan Nitami Aminah Asngad Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 280 290 Isolation and Characterization of Cellulolytic Bacteria from Bonoloyo, Cemetery <p>A public cemetery (TPU) is land provided by the government to bury bodies. The culture of funerals in Indonesia is varied but generally involves being buried in the soil with wrapped clothes, covered wooden boards, and tombs. The material contains cellulose that will be broken down by cellulolytic microorganisms, including bacteria. The exploration of the cellulolytic bacteria of TPU in Indonesia has not been carried out, so this study aims to investigate and identify cellulose bacteria isolates from TPU. This research is a non-experimental study for the isolation of bacteria in the soil of TPU Bonoloyo, Surakarta. A selection of cellulite bacteria is grown in CMC media. Isolates that show cellulolytic activity are identified by observing colonial morphology and Gram coloring. Selection results of cellulolytic bacteria obtained isolates with cellulolytic index (IS) including a high category of 1 isolate (B14), a medium category of 3 isolates (B16, B27, and B45), and 9 low category isolates. The study concluded that 28.8 % showed cellulolytic activity with irregular morphological forms of white dyeing on flat surfaces with flat edges and dominated by gram-negative coccyx-shaped.</p> Wanda Datik Risnasari Erma Musbita Tyastuti Yasir Sidiq Triastuti Rahayu Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 291 298 Application of Project Based Learning Model to Improve Critical Thinking Skills of Students SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Sragen <p>The goal of education is to develop each person's potential and competence so they can become good people. This study uses the Project Based Learning (PjBL) instructional model to enhance students' critical thinking abilities. Research types Qualitative description with a one-group pretest-posttest design that is pre-experimental in nature. 29 students make up the sample in this study. Tests and documentation are the tools used to obtain research data. The average posttest scores on each measure of the capacity to think critically have improved, according to the data. It is clear from the t-test findings that there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores because the result was 0.000 ˂ 0.05. The use of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) learning model in class X SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Sragen resulted in a boost in students' critical thinking abilities.</p> Tasya Cahya Dwi Purwanti Rina Astuti Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 299 304 Quality of Kefir Combination Between of Goat's Milk and Skim Milk on Variations of Sugar and Fermentation Duration <p>Kefir is a probiotic bevarage produced by live lactic acid bacteria. One of the innovative ingredients for kefir is goat's milk, skim milk, and variations of sugar (cane sugar and palm sugar). The nutritional content of goat's milk is 2.2% protein, 14.7% fat, and 3% fiber, and 4.80% lactose. The addition of skim milk in the manufacture of kefir can increase the total sugar content. The addition of sugar as a source of nutrition for kefir grain starter bacteria. The purpose of this study was to quality of kefir combination between of goat’s milk and skim milk on variations of sugar and fermentation duration. This study used an experimental method and a completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors. The first factor is the variations of sugar (A) palm sugar and cane sugar. Factor II (B) is the variations of fermentation duration for 24 hour, 36 hour, and 48 hour. The results showed that the best total kefir acid content combined with goat milk and skim milk was 0.797%, pH 4 in the A2B1 treatment (30 g cane sugar + 24 hour of fermentation duration). The best organoleptic quality was in the A2B1 treatment (30 g cane sugar + 24 hour of fermentation duration) with a sour taste, white color, tasty flavour, and soft texture.</p> Erna Kurniawati Titik Suryani Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 305 313 Quality of Herbal Tea Combination Between Corn Silk and Stevia Leaf on Variation of Temperature and Drying Duration <p>Herbal tea combination between corn silk and stevia leaf is a functional drink for health and refreshment. Corn silk contains antioxidant compounds or flavonoids that lower blood glucose levels. Stevia leaf as a natural sweetener contain stevioside, rebaudioside A, rebadioside C, and dulcoside A which are 200 to 300 times sweeter than sucrose. The aim of this study was to know the levels of glucose, antioxidant activity, and organoleptic quality of herbal tea combination between corn silk and stevia leaf with variations of temperature and drying duration. The study used experimental methods and a complete random design (crd) of two factors, factor I drying temperature 45 °C and 50 °C, factor II drying duration 2 hours and 4 hours. The results of the study showed the highest glucose of herbal tea combination between corn silk and stevia leaf on S2L2 (drying temperature 50 °C and drying duration 4 hours) is 7,212 g/100 g. The optimum antioxidant activity and best organoleptic quality of herbal tea on S1L1 (drying temperature 45 °C and drying duration 2 hours) was 83,696 % and yellow color, sweet taste, herbal tea characteristic scent, and respectively.</p> Feny Nafiza Titik Suryani Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 314 325 Isolation and Identification of Soil Bacteria in Pracimaloyo Public Cemetery, Kartasura <p>In The Pracimaloyo Public Cemetery, the body’s decomposition occurs continuously, producing soil nutrients and minerals that affect the growth of bacteria. Bacterial population data from the cemetery area is still very limited, whereas cemeteries hold the risk of contamination with pathogenic bacteria. This research aims to find out how the population and diversity of bacteria in the Pracimaloyo Public Cemetery. Soil samples were taken from the Pracimaloyo cemetery at 2 locations (blocks 8 and 18), each at 20 and 50 cm depth. Soil samples are inoculated in Nutrient Agar media using the spread plate method. After 48 hours, colony counting, colony morphology, and gram staining observations were carried out. The rate of soil bacterial populations in blocks 8 and 18 at a depth of 20 cm was 4.23 × 107 CFU/g and 9.79 × 107 CFU/g, while at depths of 50 cm, it was 1.94 × 107 CFU/g and 1.92 × 107 CFU/g. The morphology of the bacterial colonies is dominated by circular shape, entire margin, flat elevation, and white color. 20 isolates are gram-negative and 16 isolates are gram-positive, the cell form is dominated by the bacillus.</p> Bagas Adityaradja Erma Musbita Tyastuti Yasir Sidiq Triastuti Rahayu Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 326 334 LOF Kirinyuh Leaves and Liquid Waste Tempeh with Pineapple Peel Bioactivator: Sensory and Macronutrient Content <p>Liquid organic fertilizer is a liquid organic material that contains plant nutrients. Using liquid organic fertilizers can satiate the nutritional needs of plants and reduce the application of chemical fertilizers, which if used for an extended period, can damage the soil's organic structure. The purpose of this study is to determine the quality of liquid organic fertilizer made from kirinyuh leaves and tempeh liquid waste by adding a bioactivator derived from pineapple rind. The method applied is experimental, and use Completely Randomized Design with two factors. The first component is a mixture of kirinyuh leaves and tempeh effluent (K1=168 ml: 82 ml, K2=82 ml: 168 ml), and the second component is a bioactivator derived from ananas peel (B1=100 ml, B2=150 ml). Utilizing two-way ANOVA, qualitative and quantitative descriptive data research was conducted. Our field experiments showed that the N content was the highest in the treatment of K1B2 (1.02%), the P content was higher in the treatment of K2B1 (0.06 %), as well as the K content was highest in the treatments of K2B1 and K2B2 (0.10 %). The sensory quality of the average liquid organic fertilizer is brown, has a tapai aroma, and has a pH 4.6 – 5.</p> Nur Jati Sekaringsih Aminah Asngad Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 335 347 Glucose Levels and Organoleptic Quality Probiotic Tepache of Pineapple Peel on Variation of Sugar and Fermentation Duration <p>The probiotic beverage tepache is a variety of natural or processed functional products that contain bioactive compounds with specific physiological functions for health. Pineapple peel is one of the plant base ingredients that can be used as a base for probiotic beverages. The levels of antibacterial compounds, carbohydrates, and sugars in pineapple peel are sufficient to be an essential medium for the growth of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) in probiotic beverages. This research was aimed to determine the glucose levels and organoleptic quality of probiotic beverages tepache of pineapple peel on variation of sugar and fermentation duration. This research used experimental method Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two-factors, Factor 1 was variation of sugar (G) palm sugar and granulated sugar. Factor 2 was the variation of fermentation duration (F) 3 and 5 days. The results of the research showed that the tepache of pineapple peel had the highest glucose levels in the treatment of G1F1 (palm sugar 100 g with 3-days fermentation duration) at 12,2 %. The best organoleptic quality of tepache pineapple peel was in G2F1 treatment (granulated sugar 100 g with 3-days fermentation duration) with light yellow color, tepache-specific aroma, and sour flavor.</p> Qurota Ayuni Nuha Sabira Titik Suryani Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 348 355 Empowerment of Animalia Classification Material: A Review of Literature <p>This article is a literature review that discusses the characteristics of animal classification as biology learning material. Animalia classification material is one of the materials that are difficult for students to understand. So the purpose of this literature review is to analyze the characteristics of Animalia classification material to determine and find the right way of empowerment so that students can receive the material well. The method used is a systematic literature review (SLR) with PRISMA guideline, reviewed from 2013-2023 with certain criteria. The literature obtained based on these criteria obtained as many as 150 articles from Google Schoolar, Scopus, and Web of Science, but after analysis based on abstracts, keywords, research methods, and discussion, 21 articles were finally selected. The results of the literature review show that Animalia classification material can be empowered with a learning model that is collaborative learning combined with online visual media. One of the learning innovations that can be used is project-based learning in online media.</p> Tunjung Nala Puti Puguh Karyanto Umi Fatmawati Copyright (c) 2023 Tunjung Nala Puti, Puguh Karyanto, Umi Fatmawati 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 356 367 Quality of Herbal Tea Combination Between Corn Silk and Mint Leaf in a Variation of Temperature and Drying Duration <p>Corn silk has high antioxidant activity so that with a combination of mint leaf it can be made into herbal tea which is beneficial for health. This research aims to determine the antioxidant activity and organoleptic quality of herbal tea combination between corn silk and mint leaf in a variations of temperature and drying duration. The method in this research used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 2 factors, factor 1 were drying temperature (J) (45 °C, 50 °C, and 55 °C) and factor 2 were drying time (K) (2 hours and 4 hours). The results of this study showed that the highest antioxidant activity of the herbal tea combination between corn silk and mint leaf on J₁K₂ treatment (temperature 45 °C and drying time 4 hours) of 85.375 %, while the best organoleptic quality of herbal tea between corn silk and mint leaf was in the J₁K₁ treatment (temperature of 45 °C and drying duration of 2 hours) with a fresh taste, mint tea aroma, and yellowish color.</p> Imroatul Husna Titik Suryani Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 368 374 Number of Erythrocytes of White Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Sonded with a Combination of Porang Tuber and Moringa Leaf Extract <p>Overcoming obesity which is increasing in the pandemic era. Obesity or overweight is an abnormality in the amount of body weight that results in excessive accumulation of body fat and can pose a risk of other diseases. This also affects the supply of the number of erythrocytes that enter the body. This study aims to determine the number of erythrocytes of obese white rats (Rattus norvegicus) that were sounded with a combination of pouring tuber glucomannan (Amorphophallus mulleri Blume) and moringa leaf extract. This research method used a true experimental which was prepared using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) in the form of a Posttest Only Control Design. The data obtained were analyzed using One Way ANOVA SPSS version 20 followed by the DMRT test. The results of this study indicated that the combination of pouring tuber glucomannan and moringa leaf extract affected increasing the number of erythrocytes in obese white rats. Administration of pouring tuber glucomannan and moringa leaf extract increased the number of erythrocytes, with the order of increasing P7 (60:40), P5 (80:120), and P3 (100:100). With these results, it can be concluded that the combination of pouring tuber with moringa leaf extract is effective in increasing the number of erythrocytes in obese people.</p> Alya Anggitasari Endang Setyaningsih Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 375 384 Pakcoy (Brassica chinensis L.) Growth Using Moringa Leaf Extract with the Addition of Red Onion Skin <p>Pakcoy is a vegetable that contains carbohydrates, fat, Fe, P, Ca, vitamins A, B, C, E, and K. moringa leaves and shallot skin are one of the organic wastes that can be used as additional media for plants. The purpose of the research is to identify the effect of moringa leaf extract and shallot skin on the growth of pakcoy plants. This research used a CRD (completely randomized design) with 1 factor 4 repetitions. The factors used were extract of moringa leaved and shallot skin which included P0=0% concentration, P1=20% extract concentration, P2=40% extract concentration, P3=60% extrac concentration. Parameters observed wre plant height and number of leaves. Data were examined with the non-parametric Statistical test, namely the Kruskal Wallis and continued with Duncan’s Multiple Range Test to determine the best growth and yield in that treadment. The results of data analysis showed that the best treatment. The results of data analysis showed that the best treatment for pakcoy growth was in treatment P1 with an average plant height of 7.725 cm and average number of leaves of 2.5 leaves. The lowest treatment of pakcoy growth was in treatment P3 with an average plant height of 4.875cm and average number of leaves of 0.25.</p> Dwi Putri Widjaya S Suparti Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 385 393 Mustard (Brassica Juncea L.) Growth Hydroponically Using AB-Mix and Liquid Organic Fertilizer Tea Pulp <p>Mustard greens are vegetables that have a high potential to be cultivated and contain nutrients. Hydroponics is an alternative to the cultivation of mustard plants. AB Mix and liquid organic fertilizer are nutrients to increase plant productivity. In addition, the content of tea pulp can help plant growth. This study was conducted to determine the effect of AB Mix concentration and tea pulp liquid organic fertilizer on mustard growth hydroponically. The study used a Complete Randomized Design in an experimental setting with four different AB Mix nutrient combinations treatments and tea pulp liquid organic fertilizer in the form of V0 (control), V1, V2, and V3. Each treatment is repeated four times. The results showed that the concentration of AB Mix and liquid organic fertilizer tea pulp affected the growth of mustard plant height, number of leaves, and wet weight of mustard plants. The greatest treatment on V2 has a plant height of 14 cm, lots of leaves 7 strands, and a wet weight of 5.8 g.</p> Dinda Putri Trisnawati S Suparti Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 394 401 The Effect of Cassava Peel Powder on the Productivity of the Brown Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus cystidiosus) <p>The oyster mushroom cultivation medium is generally sengon sawdust. As time goes by, there is a buildup of agricultural waste, one of which is cassava skin. Cassava peel contains nutrients that are in accordance with the nutrients needed as a medium for oyster mushroom cultivation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a mixture of sengon sawdust and cassava peels with different weight ratios on the productivity of the brown oyster mushroom (Pleurotus cytidiosus). The research design used was a completely randomized design with 7 treatments, including M0, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, and M6. Then the data were analyzed with One Way Anova using SPSS 20. The results showed that the M2 treatment (90% sengon sawdust + 10% cassava peel powder) had the highest average wet weight, namely 84.9 g, and the fastest pinhead appearance time, which was 40.2 days after inoculation. Then in the M5 treatment (75% sengon sawdust + 25% cassava peel powder), the highest average number of fruit caps was 22.8 fruit caps. And the One Way Anova test shows that all three parameters have F count &gt; F table. Thus, there is an effect of adding media mixed with sengon sawdust and cassava peels with different weight ratios on the productivity of brown oyster mushrooms.</p> Emmalia Rahmawati S Suparti Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 402 410 Analysis of Misconceptions on Reproductive System Material in Class XI IPS 2 Students of SMA Negeri 6 Madiun <p>Conceptual understanding forms the basis of an important component in mastering higher-order thinking skills. This ideal condition is not in accordance with the fact that there are still many students who experience misconceptions. This study aims to determine the level of misconceptions that occur in students of class XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 6 Madiun. The research method used in this study is descriptive-quantitative with survey techniques. The sample used was 34 students. The results of this study were that 64.7% of students did not understand the process of birth or gestation, 61.8% did not understand the stages of embryo development, 58.8% did not understand the stages of the ovarian cycle, 67.6% experienced misconceptions about the types of material contraception, 52.9% had misconceptions about reproductive system disorders sub-material, 48.5% had misconceptions about oogenesis stages sub-material, 41.2% understood reproductive system disorders sub-material, 38.2% understood spermatogenesis stages sub-material (38.2%), and 38.2% understood the benefits of breastfeeding for mothers and babies.</p> Jevi Milda Rahmawati Ima Agung Nurcahyo Cicilia Novi Primiani Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 411 420 Inventory of Epiphytic Lichen Foliose on Tea Plants in Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar, Central Java <p>Lichen is a combined organism between algae and fungi. Lichen has various body shapes, one of which is foliose. Lichen is found living epiphytic on the stems of tea plants. This study aims to determine the types of epiphytic lichen foliose on tea plants in Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar, Central Java. The method used is an exploratory method with purposive sampling techniques. Sampling was carried out at three stations with different altitudes. Station 1 (900 m asl), Station 2 (1.000 m asl), and Station 3 (1.100 m asl). The study results obtained a number 12 species of lichen foliose consisting of Parmotrema tinctorum (Delise ex Nyl.) Hale, P. austrosinense (Zahlbr.) Hale, P. reticulatum (Taylor) M. Choisy, P. hypotropum (Nyl.) Hale, P. perlatum (Huds.) M. Choisy, Flavoparmelia soredians (Nyl.) Hale, F. caperata (L.) Hale, Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl, Physcia stellaris (L.) Nyl, P. aipolia (Ehrh. ex Humb.) Fürnr, Heterodermia japonica (Satō) Swinscow &amp; Krog, and Dirinaria applanata (Fée) D.D. Awasthi. The most dominant species found at all three stations were Parmotrema austrosinense (Zahlbr.) Hale with a total of 104 colonies. The least encountered species was Physcia stellaris (L.) Nyl with a total of 3 colonies.</p> Dika Dwi Irnawati Efri Roziaty Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 421 429 Manuscript Writing Guidelines: Analysis of Creative thinking skills profile of Senior High school students in Madiun City on Biotechnology topic <p>Currently, the world of education has returned to normal after the outbreak of Covid-19. The newest curriculum implemented in Indonesia is the independent curriculum. One of the important competencies trained in the independence curriculum is creative thinking skills. Creative thinking skills are important for long-term success because they help see problems and situations from different perspectives to solve problems. The purpose of this study was to analyze the profile of students' creative thinking skills in biotechnology material. This research is a descriptive research with a written test method that includes creative thinking skills. The subjects of this study were 35 students of SMAN 6 Madiun who were selected using a purposive sampling technique. The results obtained show that the percentage of achievement of creative thinking skills as measured using 4 aspects of adaptive creative thinking skills according to Torrance and Guildford namely fluency 60%, flexibility 44,64%, originality 40,36%, and elaboration 57,85%.</p> Herning Nurdiana Ima Agung Nurcahyo Cicilia Novi Primiani Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 430 437 Plasma Protein of Obese White Rats Treated with of Glucomannan Porang Tubers and Moringa Extract <p>Living things have a fluid that flows throughout the body, namely blood. Blood contains blood cells as well as a fluid called blood plasma. Plasma is a mixture of blood with anticoagulants. Plasma protein levels are influenced by body weight, age, growth, etc. Weight in particular, is closely related to obesity. This study aimed to determine the blood plasma protein levels of obese white rats given a mixture of glucomannan porang tubers and moringa leaf extract. This research method uses true experimental which is prepared with a Complete Randomized Design (RAL) in the form of posttest Only Control Design. The data obtained were analyzed using One Way ANOVA SPSS version 20 followed by the Kruskal willis test. The results of this study showed plasma protein levels between groups, namely (P1) 1358.6; (P2) 1356.6; (P3)1356.6; (P4)1353.6; (P5)1356; (P6)1359; (P7)1357.6; (P8)1360 from the above results it can be concluded that the blood plasma protein levels of obese white rats treated with a mixture of glucomannan and Moringa leaf extract were the highest at 1360 g / dL and the lowest plasma protein levels of 1353.6 g / dL.</p> Sabila Dina Ikhsani Endang Setyaningsih Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 438 445 Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom Model with Instagram in Junior High School <p>Science learning is still something that students avoid because it requires perseverance, seriousness, and many experiments. This problem can be overcome using interactive learning media and following the independent curriculum. However, learning media must align with technological developments in this digital era. Therefore, with the flipped classroom learning model, one uses Instagram social media as a science learning medium. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of flipped classroom learning with Instagram media on ecology and biodiversity class VII material in one of the junior high schools in Klaten Regency. This quantitative experimental study uses the N-Gain Score test with a one-group pretest-posttest design to measure the improvement of cognitive learning outcomes before and after. The results showed that the application of flipped classroom learning assisted by Instagram media on ecology and biodiversity material on student learning outcomes was included in the practical category with an interpretation of the N-Gain value of 0.77.</p> Mega Amartya Istighfarin Lina Agustina Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 446 454 Application of the NHT Model Combined with Question Cards on Biology Learning Outcomes <p>Online learning that lasts more than two years makes it difficult for teachers to measure learning outcomes in the attitude and psychomotor aspects of students. Students tend to be silent and passive which makes learning difficult to be interactive. Teachers need to apply learning innovation strategies so that students are more enthusiastic in learning. This study aims to determine the learning outcomes of class XI MIPA students at SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta in the 2022/2023 school year on the subject of the human reproductive system by applying the Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning model combined with question cards. This study used a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental method involving two classes, namely class XI MIPA 1 as the experimental class and class XI MIPA 4 as the control class, each of which consisted of 36 students. The instruments used in this study were multiple choice question sheets to determine students' cognitive learning outcomes and observation sheets to determine student activity. The posttest average score for the cognitive aspects of the control class was 78.5 and that of the experimental class was 87.72. Meanwhile, the average percentage of student activity (PKS) for the affective aspect of the control class was 71.14% and that of the experimental class was 82.27%. The data analysis technique uses the Independent Sample T-Test, which was previously tested for normality and homogeneity. The results of the F test show that there is a difference in the average values in the two classes (sig. 0.000 &lt;0.05). The application of NHT is able to increase student activity in class.</p> Nabilla Riska Nurjannah D Djumadi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 455 463 Growth Red Spinach (Amaranthus amoena) by Hydroponics Using Charcoal Media Husk <p>Red spinach is a vegetable plant of the most common varieties of spinach. This plant has good content for the body such as vitamin A, vitamin C, protein and high polyphenols antioxidants content. Red spinach production in Indonesia is still very low. This can happen because the majority of our people are not very familiar with red spinach and cause its cultivation and marketing to be not very intense. Hydroponics is a farming method without using soil media, but with nutrient solutions or other materials that contain nutrients. The aim of the study was to find out the differences and yields of red spinach plants if the concentration of AB MIX fertilizer was different. The research used the research method used was experimental with an environmental design in the form of a Factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD), with 5 treatments. P0 = husk charcoal, P1 = husk charcoal + 1000 ppm, P2 = husk charcoal + 800 ppm, P3 = husk charcoal + 1200 ppm, P4 = husk charcoal + 600 ppm, and P5 = husk charcoal + 1400 ppm. Analysis using the Honest Significant difference Test (BNJ) with a level of 5% was carried out to determine whether there was an interactions of each treatments. The results showed that the best treatments was P1 with a plant heights of 1.5 cm, a leaf width of 0.7 cm, and a total of 6 leaves.</p> I Isherdini Dyah Salma Nurlaila S Suparti Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 464 472 Oxygen Consumption and BB Rattus novergicus Obesity Sonde Treatment Glucomanan Porang Tubers and Moringa Leaf Extract <p>Obesity or overweight is a disorder of the amount of weight that results in excessive accumulation of body fat and can pose a risk to the health of the body. This results in metabolism in the body and ends up increasing oxygen consumption in the body. The purpose of the study was to determine the amount of oxygen consumption and body weight of obese white rats (Rattus norvegicus) in the treatment of glucomannan porang tubers (Amorphopallus muelleri Blume) and Moringa leaf extract (Moringa oleifera). The research methods used are (1) Experimental methods prepared with Complete Random Design (RAL) in the form of Posttest Only Design using 8 treatment groups, (2) Documentation methods by documenting tools, research process materials and research results, (3) Literature methods by collecting data by looking for references to books, national and international journals and scientific papers. The results of this study stated the treatment of P2 with a body weight of 290 g with a volume of 9.93 x 10-4 ml / g.min. From this it can be concluded that the amount of oxygen 9.93 x 10-4 body weight 290 g results in increased oxygen consumption.</p> Mustika Arum Mayang Sari Endang Setyaningsih Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 473 483 The Effect of Kepok Banana Skin Liquid Organic Fertilizer (Musa paradisiaca) on the Growth of Mustard Plants (Brasicca juncea L.) <p>Green mustard (Brassica Juncea L.) is a vegetable that contains a lot of vitamins and high nutrients, so mustard greens have high commercial value and marketing prospects. Mustard greens are also much liked by the public for consumption, therefore the level of market demand for mustard lants is very high. The production of mustard greens in Indonesia is still not optimal to meet market demand, therefore a research is being carried out on applying Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC) t mustard greens. There were 4 different experimental treatments in this study. This study used an experimental method, namely by using a Completely Ranomized Design (CRD) using 2 treatment factors. The first treatment factor is the volume of Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC) watering and the second treatment factor is the time of Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC) administration. P0 = control, P1 = 10 ml POC, P2 = 15 ml POC, P3 = 20 ml POC and P4 = 25 ml POC. The results of the study stated that the best for P4 treatment.</p> I Isherdini Berliana Putri Athena S Suparti Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 484 488 The Effect of PBL Learning Model Combined with Rewards and Punishment on Science Learning Outcomes <p>This study aims to determine the effect of PBL learning model combined with rewards and punishments on the science learning outcomes of class VII students at SMP Muhammadiyah Sinar Fajar Cawas. This study used an experimental method with a pretest-posttest control group design. This study used a control class (VII As-Syifa) totaling 14 students and an experimental class (VII Al-Qolam) totaling 15 students. The research instrument was in the form of questions and observation sheets. Analysis of learning outcomes data using independent t-test with normality test and homogeneity test. The results of the research show that the three aspects of learning outcomes have an influence on this research. The results of the calculation of cognitive aspects using the independent t-test obtained Sig.(2-tiles) 0.001&lt;with a significance level of 5% so that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. The results of the calculation of the affective aspect using the independent t-test obtained Sig.(2-tiles) 0.030&lt;with a significance level of 5% so that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The results of the calculation of the psychomotor aspect using the independent t-test obtained Sig.(2-tiles) 0.000&lt;with a significance level of 5% so that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. This means that there is an influence of PBL learning model combined with rewards and punishments on the science learning outcomes of class VII students at SMP Muhammadiyah Sinar Fajar Cawas.</p> Annisa Tri Yudhatami D Djumadi Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 489 501 Antioxidant Activity and Organoleptic Quality of Probiotic Tepache of Pineapple Peel Sugar Variation and Fermentation Duration <p>Tepache is a probiotic beverage from fermented product beneficial to health, which can improve the balance of good bacteria and reduce the risk of gastrointestinal disease. The content of honey pineapple peel includes carbohydrates 17.53 %, protein 4.41 %, reducing sugar 13.65 % and vitamins C and E which act as antioxidant. This research was aimed to determine the antioxidant activity and organoleptic quality of probiotics tepache beverage of pineapple peel with variation of sugar and fermentation duration. This research method used experimental and Complete Random Design (CRD) with two factors. The factor I was the type of sugar is 80 g granulated sugar (G1) and 80 g palm sugar G2). Factor II was the fermentation duration in three days (F1) and five days (F2). The result showed that the highest antioxidant activity of pineapple peel tepache was 67.14 % in G2F1 (palm sugar + 3 days fermentation duration). The best organoleptic quality of pineapple peel tepache at G2F1 (palm sugar + 3 days fermentation duration) was brown color, sour taste, and slightly pineapple aroma.</p> Fithrotul Haq Rabbani Abdurrahman Titik Suryani Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 502 508 Analysis of Plant Vegetation in Sekipan Forest Tawangmangu District, Karanganyar District <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the structure and composition of Vegetation structure and composition in Sekipan forest, Tawangmangu subdistrict, Karanganyar regency and to determine the tree species that dominate in the structure and composition of plant vegetation species in sekipan forest, Tawangmangu subdistrict, Karanganyar regency. This research is quantitative descriptive research. The population in this study was the vegetation in the skipan forest, Tawangmangu District, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java Province. The sample in this study is part of the area in the skipan forest, Tawangmangu District, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java Province. Method for sampling location using exploration. Data analisys using purpossive sampling. Sampling data collection for each observation using the plot sampling method. Data analysis techniques are calculated by calculating density, frequency, dominance, important value index, and diversity index. The results showed that the composition of plants in the Tawangmangu Karanganyar Sekipan Forest consisted of 52 plant species. Leucaena leucocephala has the highest density value with 110 trees/ha. The highest frequency was owned by the species Pinus Mercusii with 1.5%. The highest dominance is owned by Pinus mercusii, which is 70.95% and INP is 128.70%. A diversity index of 2.38617 indicates that diversity in sekipan forests is medium category.</p> Ima Aryani Shal Syabela Riskawati Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 509 517 Health Examination of The Digestion of Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus) through Bacteriological Tests on Feces <p>This study aims to identify bacteria and the prevalence value of bacteria found in probosci's monkey feces as a picture of proboscis monkey digestive health. Seventeen fecal samples from each proboscis monkey, namely Mimin, Chikita, and Pedro, were taken at the Bekantan Rescue Center, Sahabat Bekantan Indonesia Foundation (SBI). Feces were identified by making macroscopic and microscopic observations. Visible observations include consistency, color, mucus, and blood in the physical feces. Microscopic observations were made by culturing feces on Mac Conkey, blood agar, EMBA, DHL agar, and NA media, followed by gram staining and biochemical tests consisting of VP (Voges-Proskaeur) test, methyl red test, indole test, citrate test, and lactose test. The results of identifying 17 feces samples from each probosci's monkey found the presence of E.coli bacteria from microscopic testing. The prevalence of E.coli bacteria in Mimin, Chikita, and Pedro is 41.17%; 35.29%; 35.29%, so it is concluded that the presence of E.coli is a typical bacterium that is not harmful to the digestion of proboscis monkeys, supported by observations on the physical macroscopic feces of good probosci's monkeys.</p> Camalia Maisya Anni Nurliani Amalia Rezeki R Rusmiati Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 518 532 The Phylogeny of Parasitic Hemiptera Using Multivariate Statistical Package Cluster Analysis <p>Hemiptera is an Insecta with the characteristic of the forewing which has been modified as a "hemelitron", namely half of the part at the base is thickened, while the rest is structured like a membrane, and the hind wing is like a thin membrane. Most of Hemiptera are parasite that attack rice plants. The purpose of this study was to determine the kinship of Hemiptera parasite species in rice fields in the Tulung area, Klaten , Central Java. The data obtained in this study is the identification of Hemiptera based on 30 morphological characters. Data analysis carried out using cluster analysis with MVSP (Multivariate Statistical Package) software. The results showed that there were 9 species of Hemiptera as parasitic species namely Gerris lacusticus, Narvesus carolinensis, Dysdercus cingulatus, Leptoglossus clypealis, Triatoma sanguisuga, Arilus cristatus, Thyanta custator, Padops cinctipes and Boisea trivittata. The most closely related species is Narvesus carolinensis and Arilus cristatus, yes, with a similarity rate of 86.9%. While the species that have the most distant kinship are Narvesus carolinensis and Gerris lacusticus that is equal to 60.4%. The high degree of similarity indicates a close relationship between parasite species.</p> Dwi Setyo Astuti Murwanto Setyo Nugroho Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 533 540 Identification of Intestine Parasite Worms Eggs in Feces Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus) <p>The proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) is one of the endemic primates on the island of Borneo which is protected in Indonesia. Rehabilitation efforts are important to prevent extinction of the proboscis monkey. Parasitic diseases are diseases that often infect primates in rehabilitation centers. Examination feces is one way to diagnose the presence of parasitic worms in the animal's body. This study aims to identify and know Prevalence of types of parasitic worms found in the feces of proboscis monkeys at the Bekantan Rescue Center Sahabat Bekantan Foundation (SBI). Sampling of proboscis monkey feces was carried out for 20 days on three proboscis monkeys at SBI. Identification of endoparasites is carried out in the Parasitology Laboratory, Banjarbaru Veterinary Center, South Kalimantan, using the Whitlock sedimentation method. The results of this study indicate that there are types of worms Trichuris trichiura, Trichostrongylus sp. and Oesophagostomum sp. found in proboscis monkey feces samples. The highest prevalence was found in the type of worm Trichuris trichiura which was found in Mimin's proboscis monkey, which was 35%.</p> Fiqita Giulleta Irtifannisa Rahman Anni Nurliani Amalia Rezeki R Rusmiati Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 541 549 Ethnobotanical Study of Tea Plants Based on Local Wisdom in Ngargoyoso District, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java <p>Ethnobotany is the relationship between humans and natural resources to meet needs such as food, medicines, traditional ceremonies, and other community life. Tea plants are plants that have a high selling value and have many health benefits. This study aims to determine the ethnobotanical aspects ethnobotanical of tea plants based on local wisdom in Ngargoyoso District, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java. This type of research is qualitative using data collection methods with surveys and interviews conducted by finding reliable informant sources. The data analysis used qualitative descriptive means. The results showed that there were 48 out of 50 people liked tea drinks, 37 people used tea plants as drinks, and 13 people used them as medicine. The level of knowledge of the Ngargoyoso people on the ethnobotany of tea plants is relatively low. The parts of the tea plant that can be used are young leaves, old leaves, young stems, and old stems.</p> Kharisma Margiyana Dinda Hapsari Efri Roziaty Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 550 556 Scientific Learning with PJBL and PBL Models of Science Process Skills Student Learning Outcomes <p>This study aims to determine 1. differences in student learning outcomes based on high and low science process skills. 2. interaction between project-based learning and problem-based learning models with science process skills on student learning outcomes. This research uses experimental research with a research design using a 2x2 factorial design. Sampling using purposive sampling. The sample of this research was 43 students of 8th grade of Islamic Junior High School. The instrument used is the treatment instrument namely lesson plans, worksheets. The data collection instrument was a test of learning outcomes in terms of knowledge and science process skills, an attitude aspect questionnaire and an observation sheet for skills learning outcomes. Data analysis using SPSS 16.0. The results of the study concluded that: 1. There were differences in learning outcomes in the aspects of knowledge, attitudes and skills between students who were given learning using project-based learning and problem-based learning models who had high and low science process skills. The scores of knowledges, attitudes and skills of students who were given project-based learning were 82.24 78.10 and 83.67 respectively, while students who were given problem-based learning were 80.00 72.59 and 80.64. 2. There is interaction between the project-based learning model and the problem-based learning model on student learning outcomes because the Anava Test also shows 3 aspects of learning outcomes have a p-value &lt;0.05, which means there is interaction in the Project Based-Learning and Problem models -Based learning with science process skills to the results of learning aspects of knowledge, attitudes and skills.</p> Farid Nur Yusron S Sarwanto Mohammad Masykuri Copyright (c) 2023 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 557 563 Water Quality in Satui River and Histological Structure Study of Liver of Baung Fish (Mystus nemurus) <p>Satui River is a river that has quite dense activity along the river flow, this is thought to result in a decrease in the quality of river waters. Fish is one of the organisms that can be used in tests to determine some chemical contamination in an aquatic environment. Baung fish are widely found in the waters of the Satui river and baung fish is thought to have properties that are sensitive to environmental changes. Histopathological testing in fish can provide a picture of tissue changes such as the kidneys and liver. Preparation of histological preparations using the paraffin method. Water quality analysis is compared with PP Water Quality Standard No. 22 of 2021 and analyzed using the Pollution Index method. Qualitative histopathological analysis is carried out by descriptive and quantitative analysis using scoring. The conclusion of this study is that the quality of the satui river is classified as lightly polluted with a value of P1 1.11 and P2 2.31. Histopathological damage to the liver of baung fish includes fat degeneration, congestion and necrosis.</p> Dinda Triana Heri Budi Santoso Anang Kadarsah Copyright (c) 2024 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 564 571 Profile of Creative Thinking Skill of New Normal Era at Junior High School Students <p>The demands of teachers to train 21st century skills are very challenging, especially in the current pandemic era. This study aims to determine the creative thinking ability of junior high school students in Ponorogo district. Quantitative descriptive is used as a research method. The population used is a junior high school in Ponorogo district. The sample was taken as many as one class in each school. the achievement of creative thinking indicators on average is 33.5% in the less category. Analysis of fluency indicators is 35%, flexibility is 32%, originality is 39%, and elaboration is 28%. The achievement of 4 indicators of creative thinking is in the less category. Students creative thinking ability level of in the creative category of 2.88%, and the non-creative category is 19.42%. Students at the creative level are at SMPN 1 Mlarak by 20% and at SMPN 1 Kauman by 3.33%. Creative thinking skills can be trained through learning including always doing apperception before starting learning, using project-based learning models, or using STEM-based learning approaches.</p> Farida Amrul Almuharomah Widha Sunarno Mohammad Masykuri Copyright (c) 2024 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 572 579 The Feasibility and Effectiveness of High-Level Thinking Tests on Virus to Mapping The Ability of Prospective Science Teacher (Introduction Study on The Development of Integrated Learning Models) <p>This research aims to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of a higher - order thinking test developed on material of virus. The test instrument developed was aimed at mapping the ability of prospective science teacher in the preliminary study of developing an integrated learning model. This research is a Research and Development referring to Borg and Gall ( 1989) with 10 stages of research, namely : (1) Initial research and data collection , (2) Planning , (3) Initial product manufacture , (4) Initial trial (expert validation) , (5) Initial product improvement , (6) Test field trial , (7) Operational product improvement , (8) Operational field test (effectiveness test/external validity test) , (9) Final product revision, and (10) Dissemination. The research involved the following experimental subjects : (1) The initial trial involved virus material experts, research and education evaluation experts ; (2) The small group trial involved 36 student teacher candidates at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta for the 2020/2021 academic year; (3) The large group trial involved 60 student teacher candidates at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta for the 2020/2021 academic year ; and (4) an operational field test (effectiveness test/external validity test) involving 30 teacher candidates at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta for the 2020/2021 academic year. The data analysis techniques used were the validity of AIken at the validation stage, item test analysis in the field trial and Pearson correlation analysis at the operational /effectiveness field test stage. The final results of this research are computer-assisted higher order thinking test with 8 questions of higher order thinking on virus material that has strong internal validity with an Aiken validity index of more than 0.73 ( 0.84 to 0.92 ), reliability coefficient 0.814 &gt; 0.213 (r table ) which means high reliability, difficulty index of 0.17 (difficult) to 0.455 (medium), and discriminant index (differentiation power) of 0.2 (enough) to 0.745 (good). External validity/effectiveness is 0.626 (strong enough) to 0.831 (strong) which is the correlation of higher order thinking test results developed with other higher-order thinking tests on virus. The conclusion of this research is that the developed test instrument is feasible and effective to measure the higher order thinking ability of virus.</p> Annur Indra Kusumadani Sentot Budi Rahardjo Sri Yamtinah Baskoro Adi Prayitno Copyright (c) 2024 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 580 586 PBL-Based Science Learning on Living Things Interaction in Junior High School <p>To obtain high learning outcomes, a teacher is required to teach students to use the right learning model. This study aims to analyze the effect of Problem Based Learning on the interaction of living things with their environment on learning outcomes in junior high schools. Experimental research with pretest posttest nonequivalent control group design. The object of this study is the results of student learning on the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. The sample used was two classes of students, as an experimental class and a control class and each of 28 students. Data collection techniques used were pretest-posttest, observation, and documentation. The research data were analyzed using the Independent Sample T-Test and the N-Gain test. The results showed that the average learning outcomes in the experimental class were higher than the average learning outcomes in the control class (N-gain 76&gt;36.54); on Affective (73.21&gt; 64.73) and Psychomotor (77.68&gt; 65.62) aspects. Then analyzed using the Independent sample T-test. Based on the analysis of research results and discussion, it can be concluded that Problem Based Learning learning in the interaction of living things with their environment has an effective effect on junior high school student learning outcomes.</p> H Hariyatmi Hidayatus Sholihah Tisniasari Copyright (c) 2024 2023-10-25 2023-10-25 1 587 598