Risk Perception and Helplessness in Mitigation Efforts to Impact Haze in Riau


  • Ira Kusumawati Universitas Abdurrab
  • Ismi Nur Mawahdah Ihsani Universitas Abdurrab
  • Nurul Aiyuda Universitas Abdurrab


Purpose: This study aims to examine the Risk Perception and Helplessness of smoke haze efforts in Riau.
Methodology: Riau community research subjects with a sample of 138 people (41 men and 97 women). With an average age of 23-27 years. This study uses three scales. The first scale of smoke haze mitigation, the second scale of smoke haze risk perception and thirdly the adaptation scale of Helplessness. The study uses a quantitative approach. Sampling is done using non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling technique.
Results: Risk perception and helplessness towards mitigation simultaneously have a significance value of 0.00 with an f value of 15.206 (p <0.05). While separately, risk perception has a positive relationship with mitigation efforts with a significance of 0.00 (p <0.05) and a Beta value of 0.430. Helplessness has no relationship with mitigation with a significance of 0.996 (p <0.05). With reliability 0.925.
Applications / Originality / Value:This study shows the correlation of Risk Perception, Helplessness, and Mitigation. This study shows the risk perception and Helplessness of correlation with mitigation. This study has implications for smoke haze mitigation efforts in Pekanbaru both by individuals, institute and governments


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International Conference of Islamic and Indigenous Psychology (ICIIP)