Proceeding ISETH (International Summit on Science, Technology, and Humanity) <p>Proceeding Title: <strong>Proceeding ISETH (International Summit on Science, Technology, and Humanity)</strong><br />Organizer: Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta<br />ISSN (Print): <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2477-3328</a><br />ISSN (Online): <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2807-7245</a><br />INDEXED: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Garuda</a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The International Summit on Science, Technology and Humanity (ISETH)</a> is organised by Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. This summit aims to provide a platform for researchers and academics to share their research findings with others and meet lecturers and researchers from other institutions and to strengthen the collaboration and networking amongst the participants.</p> Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta en-US Proceeding ISETH (International Summit on Science, Technology, and Humanity) 2477-3328 The Impact of The Group Discussion Dethod on Attitudes of Responsibility and The Indonesian Language Learning Process for Class IX <p>This research aims to define the impact or results of applying the group discussion method on the responsible attitudes of class XI students. This research also aims to define the influence of the group discussion method on students' learning understanding outcomes. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method, using interviews and direct observation as the data collection process. The data obtained is then analyzed according to considerations and visible results. The learning process is an important thing in education, in the learning process students learn many new things that they do not yet have. In a learning process, students not only gain cognitive knowledge, but also affective abilities are taken into account. The group discussion method has a good impact on the student learning process in class, because by using the discussion method students are able to improve their ability to express their thoughts and socialize. The group discussion method also has an influence on students' responsible attitudes towards their group friends and themselves.</p> Tiara Puji Utami M Markhamah Copyright (c) 2024 Tiara Puji Utami, M Markhamah 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1 6 Analysis of Factors that Influence Indonesia's Foreign Exchange Reserves <p>This research aims to develop teaching modules for negotiation texts by assessing the existing condition of teaching modules at SMA Negeri 1 Baturetno and identifying students' needs. The method utilized is Research and Development, aiming to create supplementary products that refine previous versions. Data collection involves interviews with educators, student needs surveys via questionnaires, and observation of the current teaching module. The findings indicate that the previous teaching module was imperfect due to its separate arrangement and various shortcomings, such as lacking identity, learning outcomes, structured flow, motivation, and adaptation to contemporary times and technology. Results from the student needs survey demonstrate that 80% of students strongly agree, and another 20% agree that the teaching modules used are engaging and alleviate learning tension. Moreover, 60% strongly agreed with the necessity of motivation provision before learning, and 80% strongly agreed with incorporating ice breakers. Students' preferred learning styles are visual and auditory, with 45% strongly agreeing and 55% agreeing that the teaching module adequately adapts to modern times. Validation was conducted by Indonesian language teachers using nine assessment indicators, resulting in a 94% rating, categorizing it as "very valid." Based on the validation outcomes, it can be concluded that the development of negotiation text teaching modules focused on online buying and selling at Shopee is successful.</p> Dela Oktaviona Surahya Laili Etika Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2024 Dela Oktaviona Surahya, Laili Etika Rahmawati 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 7 20 Values of Progressive Education in the Novel entitled "Anak-Anak Cahaya" by Ramaditya Adikara <p>Purpose: The purpose of this study is twofold: firstly, to analyze the educational values present in the novel "Anak-Anak Cahaya" (Children of Light) and secondly, to specifically examine the progressive educational values embedded within the narrative.</p> <p>Methodology: The research method used is a qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection technique of this research is note-taking technique. The data source for this research is the novel Anak-Anak Cahaya by Ramaditya Adikara. The research data is the intrinsic elements and educational values contained in the novel. The technique of testing the validity of the research data is carried out by testing the credibility. The data analysis technique of this research is descriptive qualitative.</p> <p>Results: The results of this study are the general educational values contained in the novel Anak-Anak Cahaya, namely religigious, honest, hard work, independent, friendly, social care, curiosity, love peace, and like to read. The novel Anak Anak Cahaya has educational values that are obtained based on the experiences of the characters. The values of progressive education in the novel Anak-Anak Cahaya are mutual helphave faith in Allah, mutual cooperation, and never give up.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: Educational values contained in the novel Anak-Anak Cahaya, namely religious, honest, hard work, independent, friendly, social care, curiosity, love peace, and like to read. The novel Anak Anak Cahaya has educational values that are obtained based on the experiences of the characters. The values of progressive education in the novel Anak-Anak Cahaya are mutual help, have faith in Allah, mutual cooperation, and never give up.</p> Fani Devikasari M Markhamah Copyright (c) 2024 Fani Devikasari, M Markhamah 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 21 29 Analyzing the Imagery within The Lyrics of The Album "Monokrom" on "Tulus" Youtube Account and Assessing Its Suitability as an Alternative Teaching Material for Indonesian Language Classes in High Schools <p>This research aims to describe the imagery contained in the lyrics of the album "Monokrom" and describe its relevance as an alternative Indonesian language teaching material in high school using imagery from song lyrics. Album "Monokrom". The research approach used is a qualitative approach with descriptive methods and is included in the type of library study research. The data collection techniques used are listening, reading, listening, and note-taking techniques. The data analysis technique used in this research is interactive and consists of three research components: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. Based on the data analysis results, The research found the use of imagery in the song lyrics on the album "Monokrom". Tulus from five images, including 19 visual images, one auditory image, six auditory images, one tactile image, and one olfactory image. The research results can be used as an alternative Indonesian language teaching material in phase F class XII in high school.</p> Erin Arindha Ali Imron Al Maruf Copyright (c) 2024 Erin Arindha, Ali Imron Al Maruf 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 30 38 The Use of Expressive Acts in The Movie "Air Mata di Ujung Sajadah" and Its Relevance as Teaching Materials for Drama Texts in Grade XI SMA <p>The purpose of this research is (1) to identify the forms of expressive speech acts in the movie Air Mata di Ujung Sajadah found by researchers in pragmatics studies and (2) its relevance in Indonesian language learning on drama text material. This research uses qualitative method with descriptive approach. The data used in this research is primary data obtained from direct data collection efforts by identifying the sentences contained in the movie. The data collection technique in this research uses listening and note-taking techniques. The analysis method in this research uses pragmatic pairing method. The findings obtained are (1) there are 30 data of expressive speech acts, consisting of 7 data of expressive speech acts of praising, 6 data of expressive speech acts of sadness, 4 data of expressive speech acts of gratitude, 4 data of expressive speech acts of surprise, 3 data of expressive speech acts of congratulating, 3 data of expressive speech acts of expecting, 3 data of expressive speech acts of apologizing; and (2) expressive speech acts in the film Air Mata di Ujung Sajadah are relevant to the drama text for class XI.</p> Hanifa Chyntya Intan Purwaningsih Andi Haris Prabawa Copyright (c) 2024 Hanifa Chyntya Intan Purwaningsih, Andi Haris Prabawa 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 39 48 The Representation of Corruption in Okky Madasari's Novel "86" and Its Relevance to Moral Values <p>This study aims to examine the representation of corruption contained in Okky Madasari's novel 86 and see its relevance to moral value education in schools. This research is a descriptive qualitative research whose analysis results are in the form of phenomena. The research data are words, phrases, sentences, dialogs, and paragraphs containing representations of corruption taken from the data source in the form of novel 86. Data analysis uses a semiotic model through heuristic and hermeneutic reading. The results of this study are that in novel 86 by Okky Madasari, there are several forms of corruption representation in the form of bribery as much as 12 data, extortion 6 data, and fraudulent acts 9 data. In addition, there are also internal factors totalling 5 data and external factors totalling 1 data that cause corruption. The results of the study can be used as a teaching of moral values in schools by integrating it into Indonesian language learning in the independent curriculum.</p> Indah Khasanah Adyana Sunanda Copyright (c) 2024 Indah Khasanah, Adyana Sunanda 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 49 60 The Cultivation of Character Education Values in Teachers' Directive Speech Acts in the Indonesian Language Learning Process: A Pragmatics Study <p>The purpose of this study is to describe the types of directive speech acts employed by teachers and the character education values imparted during Class XII Indonesian language learning. The research methodology employed is qualitative research with descriptive methods. The research data encompass both primary and secondary sources. Primary data comprises direct observations, including listening, recording, and voice recording of teachers' speech during lessons. Secondary data, on the other hand, is gathered from books, e-books, and other literature sources to support the analysis of teachers' directive speech acts. The data are analyzed using the pragmatic commensurate method, where the teacher, as the speaker, delivers the speech. Data analysis involves basic techniques to identify the types of directive speech acts and character education values. The findings of this study reveal five types of directive speech acts: requests, questions, commands, prohibitions, and advice. Additionally, various character education values are identified, such as religious values, hard work, responsibility, discipline, curiosity, and independence. Teachers employ a range of directive speech acts in their Indonesian language teaching practices, integrating verbal reinforcement of character education values within these acts.</p> Deni Surya Pratama M Markhamah Copyright (c) 2024 Deni Surya Pratama, M Markhamah 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 61 69 The Study Examines Perlocutionary Speech Acts in TikTok Comments by @resep_debm and Their Relevance to Indonesian Language Learning <p>This research aims to (1) describe the forms of perlocutionary speech acts in the comment section of the TikTok account @resep_debm, and (2) analyze the relevance of perlocutionary speech acts to Indonesian language learning. The data source for this study is the TikTok account @resep_debm, and the data consists of utterances or expressions in the comment section. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive. The data collection technique is note-taking, and the data analysis technique is Morris's pragmalinguistic model, involving data collection, selection, simplification, grouping, analysis, and presentation. The results of this study indicate the presence of perlocutionary speech acts in the comment section of TikTok @resep_debm, with 24 data comprising expressive speech acts (14), directive speech acts (5), and representative speech acts (5). The dominant perlocutionary speech act used by the audience in the comment section of the TikTok account @resep_debm is expressive speech acts, accounting for 14 data. On social media, many people tend to follow the crowd when it comes to commenting, which should be a particular concern in the field of education. The connection between expressive speech acts and the formation of students' moral values lies in the demand for teachers to educate students to have good morals. Teachers must teach students how to comment appropriately, especially on social media, and use polite language. Additionally, parents are also urged to monitor their children's use of social media to prevent them from falling into harmful behaviors that could adversely affect themselves and others.</p> Berlianing Megarizki Harun Joko Prayitno Copyright (c) 2024 Berlianing Megarizki, Harun Joko Prayitno 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 70 79 The Construction of Language Variations in the Television Program "Kick Andy" Episode "Dari Jongos Jadi Bos" and Its Implementation in High School Indonesian Language Learning <p>The aim of this research is to find out the forms of language variation found in the Kick Andy television program episode "Dari Jongos Jadi Bos", as well as their implementation in Indonesian language learning in high school. The data in this research consist of the transcripts of Andy's conversations as the host with Daniel Mananta, Julius Surja Djohan, and Jos Oren as guest stars. The data source for this research is the Kick Andy television show episode "Dari Jongos Jadi Bos". The technique used to collect data involves listening and taking notes. The results of this research found: 1. Forms of language variation in the Kick Andy television program episode “Dari Jongos Jadi Bos” include: Results of analysis of forms of language variation in the language variations in the Kick Andy television program episode “Dari Jongos Jadi Bos” include: ( 1) There are 40 language variations in terms of speakers, namely: 13 dialects, 22 chronolects, 4 acrolects and 1 vulgar form; (2) there are 19 variations of formal language consisting of 2 formal varieties, 13 informal varieties, 2 business varieties, and 2 familiar varieties; (3) there were 12 variations of language used in the field of education; and (4) language variations in terms of means, namely orally, and can be implemented in Indonesian language learning in high school, both the 2013 curriculum and the independent curriculum. Research on language variations in the Kick Andy program increases knowledge and input for Indonesian language learning in high school.</p> Zahy Riswahyudha Ariyanto M Markhamah Copyright (c) 2024 Zahy Riswahyudha Ariyanto, M Markhamah 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 80 89 Religious Values in the Folklore of Cetho Temple in Jenawi District, Karanganyar Regency <p>Cetho Temple is one of Indonesia's tourist attractions that still retains Hindu religious nuances and serves as a venue for religious ceremonies. This study aims to describe and highlight the values present in Cetho Temple folklore, particularly its religious values. The approach used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. Qualitative descriptive research employs sustainable means adapted to the realities of the field. This research was conducted based on a literature review. The data collected will be analyzed, interpreted, and synthesized to provide accurate and systematic illustrations or representations of the research findings. The data collection method employed in this study is library research. The results of this study demonstrate that the religious values embedded in the folklore of Cetho Temple are still preserved and upheld today. This tradition continues to be practiced, ensuring that those inheriting the community's or ancestors' traditions continue to maintain and care for Cetho Temple.</p> Riza Nur Azizah Adyana Sunanda Copyright (c) 2024 Riza Nur Azizah, Adyana Sunanda 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 90 94 Ilocutionary Speech Acts in the Song Lyrics of the Fabula Album by Mahalini and Its Relevance as Indonesian Language Teaching Materials in Senior High School <p>This study aims to describe the form of illocutionary speech acts in the lyrics of Fabula album by Mahalini and its relevance as Indonesian language teaching materials in high school. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The research data is in the form of fragments of Fabula album song lyrics and the data source is a collection of Mahalini's song lyrics in the Fabula album. Data collection was done by listening and note taking techniques. Data analysis was carried out using the commensurate and agih methods. The results showed that there are 35 data included in the illocutionary speech acts which are assertive, directive, expressive, and commissive. While the functions of illocutionary speech acts found are the function of asking, the function of expressing, the function of stating, the function of commanding, the function of informing, the function of praying, the function of begging, the function of requesting, the function of promising, and the function of rejecting. Illocutionary speech acts in song lyrics of Fabula album by Mahalini are relevant as Indonesian language teaching materials in high school, especially in poetry text teaching materials. The lyrics of this song can be used as a learning tool in determining the meaning contained in the poem.</p> Helma Riana Agus Budi Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2024 Helma Riana, Agus Budi Wahyudi 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 95 104 Student and Teacher Responses to Printed Textbooks as Learning Resources for the Indonesian Language in the Digital Learning Era <p>In the contemporary digital learning landscape, the role of printed textbooks as educational resources remains a topic of interest and scrutiny. This study investigates the perceptions and utilisation of printed textbooks among students and teachers in the context of Indonesian language learning. Through a qualitative approach employing interviews and surveys, the study examines the nuanced attitudes towards printed textbooks amidst the proliferation of digital learning tools. Findings reveal the enduring value attributed to printed textbooks by both students and teachers, despite the advent of digital resources. Moreover, the study sheds light on the specific contexts in which printed textbooks are deemed advantageous or preferable over digital alternatives. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the evolving dynamics between traditional printed materials and digital learning platforms within contemporary educational settings.</p> Mansyur Rohmat Aditya Main Sufanti Copyright (c) 2024 Mansyur Rohmat Aditya, Main Sufanti 2024-05-20 2024-05-20 105 112 Social Dimensions in Robert Galbraith's Novel "Troubled Blood" by J.K. Rowling and Their Relevance to Moral Messages <p>Purpose: This article aims to explore the social dimensions embodied by Private Detective Cormoran Strike in Robert Galbraith's novel 'Troubled Blood,' examining their relevance to moral messages.</p> <p>Methodology: The research employs a qualitative descriptive method, utilizing literature review techniques for data collection. Data validation is achieved through source triangulation, and analysis adopts a semiotic reading approach. The process involves reading, analyzing, presenting, and drawing conclusions from the obtained data.</p> <p>Results: The article's findings include: (1) Various forms of physical violence such as stomping, shoving, torture, whipping, cutting, slashing, shackling, force-feeding, and dragging. (2) Psychological violence manifested through insults, shouting, and unpleasant statements. (3) Sexual violence, notably rape. (4) These research results are pertinent to the moral message category concerning human relationships within the social environment.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: J.K. Rowling's novel "Troubled Blood," written under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith, is a literary work that depicts various social dimensions in London society. This article aims to analyze various aspects of social dimensions within the novel and explore their relevance to the moral messages conveyed by the author. Using a literary analysis approach, this article will discuss how the portrayal of social dimensions in "Troubled Blood" can provide a deeper understanding of the moral messages the author intends to convey. "Troubled Blood" is part of the Cormoran Strike series written by J.K. Rowling under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. The novel follows the adventures of detective Cormoran Strike and his assistant, Robin Ellacott, in solving mysterious murder cases. In addition to focusing on the criminal plot, the novel also depicts various aspects of social life in London.</p> Ahmad Sani Saefur Rohman Agus Budi Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Sani Saefur Rohman, Agus Budi Wahyudi 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 113 121 The Use of Instagram as A Means of Indonesian Language Learning in Class VII SMP <p>The aim of this research is to describe the use of social media in Indonesian language learning used by teachers and students at school. It aims to determine the effectiveness of implementing this learning through the use of Instagram. Furthermore, it seeks to identify the obstacles students face in implementing learning in class VII Indonesian language lessons in junior high school. This research adopts a descriptive qualitative approach, utilizing data sources from documents, teachers, and students. Data collection was carried out through observation techniques, interviews, and documentation studies. The author employed a descriptive research design in conducting this research. This design was chosen to obtain actual research data about learning activities that occurred in class VII Indonesian language lessons in junior high school. The research results demonstrate that social media is highly beneficial in facilitating teaching and learning activities. During learning, students are expected to be independent in seeking out all information related to the subject matter. Overall, students' readiness was considered quite good as they were able to respond to assignments given via social media platforms, particularly Instagram.</p> Vira Sukma Permata Sari M Markhamah Copyright (c) 2024 Vira Sukma Permata Sari, M Markhamah 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 122 127 Factors Inhibiting Lack of Interest in Reading among Middle School Students in Class VIII <p>The main question of this research is what is the reading interest of class VIII junior high school students and what factors influence the reading interest of class VIII junior high school students. The aim of this research is to explain the reading interest of class VIII junior high school students, the factors inhibiting class VIII junior high school students' interest in reading, and increase reading interest in class VIII junior high school students. This type of research is descriptive and qualitative. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews and observation. Based on the research results, there are two factors that hinder students' interest in reading, namely internal factors such as the inability to read fluently, lack of motivation and reading habits, as well as lack of understanding of the content being read and external factors, an unsupportive school environment is one of the causal factors, Economics family, lack of equipment, and students' habit of playing with devices.</p> Vina Aris Diana M Markhamah Copyright (c) 2024 Vina Aris Diana, M Markhamah 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 128 133 Stylistic Features in Pantau Coverage: A Stylistic Study and Its Relationship with Indonesian Language Learning <p>This research aims to discuss the language styles used in Pantau's coverage features. The language styles employed in the coverage are deliberately crafted to enhance readers' comprehension and engagement with news presented in feature format. The research utilizes a descriptive qualitative method, with data collection conducted through literature study techniques involving careful and thorough reading of Pantau's coverage features. Data analysis employs semiotic reading methods, including heuristic and hermeneutic readings, to uncover the meaning of the data studied. The research findings and discussions reveal: (1) feature coverage contains language styles such as sound style, word style, sentence style, discourse style, figurative language, and imagery. Journalists utilize these language styles in both narrative and dialog sections of feature coverage; (2) concerning Indonesian language learning, the study's results are relevant to phase E in the Independent Curriculum for learning news texts. This phase can be utilized by students to comprehend features or express news with appropriate language styles.</p> Pramudya Ashya Novika Utami Ali Imron Al Maruf Copyright (c) 2024 Pramudya Ashya Novika Utami, Ali Imron Al Maruf 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 134 140 Enhancing Students' Interest in Reading and Improving Their Literacy Skills through The Implementation of A Reading Literacy Program <p>Purpose: In this research, the objective used is to implement a reading libration program to increase reading interest and reading skills of class VIII students at Nurul Islam Ngemplak Middle School, as well as increasing reading interest and reading skills of class VIII students through a reading libration program at Nurul Islam Ngemplak Middle School.</p> <p>Methodology: In this research, the method used is Classroom Action Research (PTK), the concept of classroom action research according to Kurt Lewin consists of four components, namely planning, action, observation and reflection. Classroom action research is carried out to improve the conditions of a lesson that can be observed directly when learning in class. The setting of this research was carried out in class VIII of Nurul Islam Ngemplak Middle School, Ngemplak District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java. The research was carried out for two months, namely in August and September. This research was carried out in two cycles, each cycle being carried out twice.</p> <p>Results: The results of the classroom action research that has been carried out show that in cycle II the reading interest of class VIII students has seen a significant increase, this is proven by the test scores taken. Apart from that, students' reading skills are also starting to look good and are improving as evidenced by the routine activity of reading fable texts.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: The validity test used in this research is triangulation, the researcher uses data source triangulation and method triangulation. Triangulation of data sources was obtained from several data sources, namely students, educators and school principals. And triangulation methods are used by researchers to search for data directly through field observations, interviews and tests to measure students' reading abilities.</p> Safitri Anasari Laili Etika Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2024 Safitri Anasari, Laili Etika Rahmawati 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 141 148 Expressive Speech Acts in Public Comments on Ferdy Sambo's Court Live Streaming on KompasTV Youtube <p>This study investigates expressive speech acts observed within the comments section of a YouTube channel. Specifically, the research aims to delineate the classification of expressive speech acts evident in public comments during Ferdy Sambo's court live streams on KOMPASTV's YouTube platform. Employing a descriptive qualitative approach, the study draws upon sentences or expressions representing expressive speech acts extracted from public comments during Ferdy Sambo's court proceedings on KOMPASTV's YouTube channel as its primary data and data source. Data collection was facilitated through note-taking techniques. Analysis of the collected data revealed several categories of expressive speech acts, including: (1) instances of anger, totaling six occurrences; (2) expressions of gratitude, amounting to five instances; (3) instances of satire, totaling four occurrences; (4) critical remarks, comprising a single instance; (5) expressions of astonishment, observed in four instances; and (6) manifestations of sadness, identified in two instances.</p> Norma Nirmana Apriliadhani Harun Joko Prayitno Copyright (c) 2024 Norma Nirmana Apriliadhani, Harun Joko Prayitno 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 149 153 Radio Mentari FM Solo's Strategy in Maintaining Listener Interest in The Digitalization Era and Learning Implications in High School <p>Purpose: This research is motivated by how communication media that only rely on sound or audio, namely radio, can maintain listener interest in the era of globalization. The objectives of this research are (1) to be able to describe the digitalization of broadcasting that has been carried out by Radio Mentari FM Solo. (2) to describe the strategy of Radio Mentari FM Solo in maintaining listeners' interest in the digitalization era. (3) to explain the impact of the strategies that have been implemented by Radio Mentari FM. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative.</p> <p>Methodology: The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data collection technique was carried out using the interview method. Data processing and analysis techniques are carried out by means of qualitative analysis. <br />Results: Based on the research that has been conducted, it is found that Mentari FM Radio has carried out digitalization and broadcast strategies as well as the impact caused by Mentari FM Radio in maintaining listener interest in the digitalization era. Not only maintaining listener interest, Mentari FM also provides services for listeners to provide aspirations and opinions through services, namely telephone and SMS or WhatsApp. Mentari FM also provides services in the form of streaming radio that can be listened to anytime and anywhere that can be accessed via smartphone.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: In this case this research can be focused on high school level Indonesian language learning for students to train and improve language productive skills, namely speaking skills. The learning outcomes that can be developed by teachers in this case are that students are able to create expressions in accordance with the norms of politeness in communication. This speaking skill will be able to help students to be more confident and courageous to convey their expressions and ideas.</p> Yusuf Rozin M Markhamah Agus Budi Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2024 Yusuf Rozin, M Markhamah, Agus Budi Wahyudi 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 154 162 Written Language Skills of The Samin Community in Blora <p>The Samin tribe, a prominent community in Java, constitutes a distinct socio-cultural grouping defined by its unique way of life and communal ethos. Each indigenous community, existing within the framework of village life, manifests distinctive characteristics, notably discernible to outsiders unfamiliar with the intricacies of Samin culture. Geographically dispersed across Java, the Samin tribe finds representation notably in the Blora Regency. Noteworthy among their skills are proficiency in language and writing. Employing qualitative methodology, this study endeavors to capture authentic insights into the language aptitude, particularly in writing, among students belonging to the Samin tribe in Blora Regency. Data collection hinges upon observation and meticulous analysis, focusing on adolescents attending junior high schools in Blora. The overarching objective of this research is to assess the linguistic and writing proficiencies within the Samin tribe community of Blora Regency. The findings and ensuing discourse reveal commendable levels of linguistic and writing proficiency among Samin tribe adolescents, particularly those enrolled in junior high schools. While demonstrating adeptness in writing, albeit occasionally marred by inaccuracies, there remains scope for enhancement within the Samin tribe community. Addressing this need necessitates tailored educational interventions to bolster language and writing competencies. Such initiatives are imperative to ensure the integration and educational parity of the Samin tribe within the broader Indonesian context, wherein language and writing proficiency are pivotal components of academic attainment.</p> Munika Nendriyani Laili Etika Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 163 171 Deviation of Language Politeness Principles in Counter-Comments by Netizens on The Youtube Channel "Tribun Jateng" <p>Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the use and deviations of linguistic politeness in counter-comments by netizens on videos uploaded by the YouTube channel Tribun Jateng related to the title "Viral Oklin Fia TikToker Uploads Content Licking Ice Cream, Netizens Suspect Blasphemy."</p> <p>Methodology: The research employed a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The data source in this study consists of speech descriptions found in counter-comments on the YouTube video of Tribun Jateng titled "Viral Oklin Fia TikToker Uploads Content Licking Ice Cream, Netizens Suspect Blasphemy."</p> <p>Results: Data collection in this research was carried out through note-taking techniques. The results of the research indicate netizen opposition to Oklin Fia, who uploaded inappropriate content that does not align with Islamic norms in terms of dressing and the content on his social media account. Thus, communication can also be understood as a process in which the speaker and the interlocutor mutually understand the conveyed messages.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: From various expert opinions on communication, it can be concluded that communication plays a crucial role in the continuity of human life. Communication is not only conducted through face-to-face interactions but also through indirect means, such as social media.</p> Ahmad Sani Saefur Rohman M Markhamah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 172 180 The Effect of GDP, Fertility Rate, and Female Education on Female Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) in ASEAN <p>Purpose: This research, employing a quantitative methodology, seeks to enhance the understanding of the Female Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) in ASEAN countries. By analyzing statistical data over an extended period beyond 2018-2021, the study aims to uncover the nuanced relationships between female LFPR as a dependent variable and GDP, fertility rate, and female education as independent variables.</p> <p>Research Methods: This study applies quantitative research methods and utilizes secondary data published by the World Bank. The data that has been collected is then analysed using panel data and CEM, FEM, and REM regression techniques.</p> <p>Results: GDP exhibits a significant and positive correlation. Meanwhile, fertility rate and female education also have a significant but each has a negative correlation with Female LFPR.</p> <p>Aplication/Originality/Value: This study analyses economic issues in developing countries in ASEAN, to better understand the dynamics of female LFPR and can become the basis for policies to empower the female labor force in the sector of the region under study. These concise implications provide a strategic roadmap for policymakers and organizations striving to empower women and drive sustainable economic development in the region.</p> Laila Ayu Mahbuba Eni Setyowati Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 181 190 Development of Pedagogical Professional Competency for Muhammadiyah Elementary School Teachers <p>This research describes the pedagogical professional competency development program for Muhammadiyah Elementary School teachers as PSP Class 1. The study aims to outline a program aimed at enhancing professional pedagogical competencies in elementary schools, focusing on the development of teachers' professional pedagogical competence. This research employs a descriptive qualitative approach. The data sources include interviews conducted with five school principals and thirty-seven teachers. Data collection techniques involve interviews, observations, field notes, and documentation. The study's findings reveal that the pedagogical competency development program at Muhammadiyah Elementary School in Klaten Regency is deemed satisfactory. The school administration organizes various teacher competency development programs, including the Teacher Working Group (KKG). These programs and training activities encompass several aspects such as enhancing teachers' educational insights, curriculum development, improving understanding towards students, implementing effective and logical teaching methods, developing proficiency in lesson planning, utilizing ICT for teaching and learning purposes, and enhancing teachers' abilities in utilizing nature-based teaching methods and conducting student assessments. Several supporting factors contribute to the development of teachers' pedagogical competence in Muhammadiyah elementary schools. The driving factors behind these initiatives include support from internal school structures such as learning committees, study groups, colleagues, school psychologists, parents, foundations, and the government. The programs are tailored to meet the specific needs and conditions in the field, thereby supporting school activities as implementers of School Mobilization Force 1. Furthermore, pedagogical competency development activities necessitate a carefully planned and staged approach to ensure effectiveness and sustainability.</p> Rintik Sunariati Ahmad Muhibbin Sofyan Anif Harun Joko Prayitno Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 191 204 Character Profile of Pancasila Students in The Film "Sang Prawira" by Onet Adhitia Rizlan and Its Implications in Literature Learning <p>This research aims to describe the intrinsic elements of the film "Sang Prawira", delineate the character of the Pancasila Student Profile in the film, and explore its implications for literature education. This research utilizes a qualitative descriptive method as it aims to describe phenomena in the form of words or language. The subjects of this study are the characters in the film "Sang Prawira", while the objects are the Pancasila Student Profile character and intrinsic elements. The data source for this research is the film "Sang Prawira," and the data consist of dialogues or quotations from conversations in the film. The data collection technique employs documentation methods with note-taking. The data analysis technique in this study consists of four stages: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research findings indicate that there are 15 instances of Pancasila Student Profile data present in the film "Sang Prawira". These 15 data points consist of 5 instances of independent characters, 4 instances of collaborative characters, and 6 instances of global diversity characters. It can be concluded that the global diversity characters are the most dominant in the film. It is expected that these characters can be implemented in literature education in schools. The results of the analysis of independent, collaborative, and global diversity characters can be applied in Indonesian literature education, specifically in teaching poetry writing for Grade IX students in junior high school. It is expected that this implementation will foster a creative and innovative learning environment.</p> Fitri Anisa Zainal Arifin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 205 220 Strategy to Increase Students Interest in Reading through School Literacy Programs in The Era of Digital Transformation in Junior High School <p>Purpose: This research aims to formulate strategies implemented by schools to increase students' interest in reading through school literacy programs in the era of digital transformation.</p> <p>Methodology: The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This research was carried out at SMP Negeri 1 Jetis Ponorogo using data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. Sources of research data came from the principal, library director, teachers and students. The data analysis technique uses data triangulation, namely by collecting data, reduplicating data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions.</p> <p>Results: The strategy implemented by the school in an effort to increase students interest in reading is good and proven to be effective, as it aligns with the success indicators mutually agreed upon by the school as its goal in increasing students interest in reading in the era of digital transformation. The strategy implemented is through (a) the Sabu Saku (One Month One Book) movement with outputs in the form of books and short films based on print and digital media, (b) literacy corners as the school's effort to promote interest in reading in strategic corners of the school, (c) the existence of a cultural and arts studio, (d) a digital library, and (e) the selection of literacy ambassadors as one of the supporters and pioneers of fostering love and appreciation for books.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: The data validity technique uses data validity tests in the form of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability tests which are of course adapted to the conditions in the field.</p> Ariza Ulatul Wardah Miftakhul Huda Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 221 231 Code Switching and Code Mixing in TikTok Comment Columns and Its Implications for Indonesian Language Learning at High Schools <p>The purpose of this research is to analyze the forms of code switching and code mixing in TikTok social media account comments, analyze the forms of slang in TikTok social media account comments, analyze the implications of code switching and code mixing for Indonesian language learning. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The data studied in this research consists of TikTok social media user comments that contain code switching, code mixing, and slang. The object of this research is TikTok social media comments. Meanwhile, the subjects of this research are code switching, code mixing, and slang. The data collection techniques used in this research are content analysis and documentation. The steps taken to collect data are as follows; 1). Read carefully the comments of tiktok social media users, 2) identify and record comment quotes, 3) classify the data that has been identified in groups of code switching, mixing, code and slang. In addition to taking notes, researchers also conduct documentation by screenshotting the data that has been found. The data analysis technique in this research uses descriptive qualitative. The results of data analysis are presented in the form of narrative descriptions and explanations regarding code switching, code mixing, and slang under study. In this study researchers used 20 data that had been analyzed, of these 20 data divided into 10 data were the use of code switching and code mixing and 10 data were the use of slang language in the TikTok social media comment column.</p> Melani Regita Putri Yunus Sulistiyono Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 232 245 Social Dimension in The Novel Kita Pergi Hari Ini and Its Integration in Character-based Literature Learning in SMA <p>This research was conducted with the aim of describing (1) the social dimension in the novel Kita Go Hari Ini by Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie and (2) its integration in character-based literature learning in high school which is adapted to the Learning Outcomes of Indonesian Language subjects in Phase F in the Merdeka Curriculum. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method by presenting the results in the form of descriptions where the data is collected using documentation techniques. Data analysis was carried out using the dialective method. The data source is the novel Kita Go Hari Ini with data in the form of story quotes in the novel that represent the social dimension. The research results show that: (1) the social dimensions of the novel include high birth rates, problems with ruling groups, bad environments for children, misunderstanding of children's intelligence, poverty, and stereotypes of femininity and masculinity and (2) the research results are integrated with literature learning in high school by implementing literary appreciation material into teaching materials using the discovery learning model. Introduction Section</p> Fayza Swandari Ali Imron Al Maruf Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 246 252 Language Politeness in The President's Working Visit Speech <p>The research aims to explain the principles of language politeness contained in the president's working visit speech. This research uses a qualitative method. The data used in this research is language politeness uploaded on the YouTube channel. The data source used in this research is a video of the president's working visit speech. The location for this research is flexible and can be used as a research location. The research time was carried out from preparation to data analysis over 7 months, namely May – November 2023. This research collected data by applying listening techniques and note-taking techniques. Researchers also use triangulation techniques to verify the validity of the data obtained from the research results. The data analysis method applied is the matching method. The results of research on language politeness in presidential speeches found 15 data containing the principles of language politeness. The use of linguistic unity is the principle of politeness in language which includes the maxim of wisdom, the maxim of generosity, the maxim of respect, the maxim of consensus, the maxim of simplicity, the maxim of consensus and the maxim of sympathy.</p> Atika Puspita Dewi Laili Etika Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 253 260 Spelling Errors in the Comment Column and Status of Sanggar Mahera Instagram Social Media Post <p>This study aims to analyze language errors in the comments and status of Sanggar Mahera's posts. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The object of research in this study is the comment column and the status of Instagram posts that experience language errors. The data in this study used qualitative data, namely data collected in the form of words and sentences that were language errors. The data collection technique used in this study is the observation and note-taking technique. Data analysis used a qualitative descriptive method. The results obtained in the analysis of language errors in the comments and status of Sanggar Mehara's posts found that there were errors in the use of spelling that were still not quite right. The results obtained from the analysis of language errors in the comments and status of Sanggar Mihara posts found errors in the use of spelling that were still inaccurate, such as errors also found in the status of posts written by the owner of the Sanggar Mahera account.</p> Nofiko Azalea Inzaghi Zainal Arifin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 261 265 Performance Measurement System and Business Lending Efficiency at Cooperative X in Rembang Regency <p>Purpose The purpose of this study is to evaluate Cooperative X in Rembang's business credit efficiency and performance measurement system. Internal control officers (ICOs) in their capacity as auditors are the study's subjects.</p> <p>Methodology: This is an experimental study that collects data in addition to employing a convenience sample technique. 92 questionnaires were distributed in Cooperative X in Rembang City to gather data. Answers were given by 58 former internal control officers, 12 risk managers, and 22 internal auditors out of the 92 interviewees (53%). Structural equation modeling data analysis looks at the link between latent and observable variables.</p> <p>Findings: According to the results of the hypothesis test, the performance assessment system is significantly impacted by credit performance. The effectiveness of credit has a big impact on management control. Loan performance has a significant Organisational learning is significantly impacted by lending performance. Employee sentiments are significantly impacted by lending performance.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: This study examines the role of the Management Control System (MCS), especially the Performance Measurement System (PMS), in improving the lending (credit) performance of Cooperative X in Rembang. The research will be discussed and aims to determine whether the relationship between the Management Control System (MCS) and Attitudes toward risk and organizational learning can be used to explain lending (credit) performance (balanced scorecard equal).</p> Annisa Qurrota Ayun Imam Prayogo Muhammad Wildan Ade Pugara Agus Dwianto Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 266 276 Assessing Academic Burnout Research Trends and Directions: A Bibliometric Overview of Scopus Data (1984-2023) <p>This study aims to track the evolution and trajectory of academic burnout research in Scopus-indexed papers. This study uses bibliometric analytic approaches to examine all of the papers indexed in the Academic Burnout database of the Scopus database between 1984 and 2023. Data analysis was done with R/R-Studio and Excel. VOSviewer analysis analyzes the simultaneous occurrence of keywords and document quotes. The author found 755 publications that matched the specified function, subject, and criteria. This research shows an annual growth rate of 11.86%, with the most publications on academics and burnout in 2022. The United States is the country that contributes the most publications with affiliation from Helsingin Yliopisto. Lee, SM, became the most productive writer on the themes of academics and burnout. The bibliometric analysis carried out was limited to Scopus data. Other national and international databases should have been considered in this study. This study offers suggestions for further research and a concise synopsis of the literature available to academic researchers.</p> Wahid Fairuzziyad Rofif Muh. Nur Rochim Maksum Ari Anshori Syamsul Hidayat Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 277 288 Evaluating the Bibliometric Landscape of Education and Communication for Disability Research <p>This research aims to map the development and direction of Communication for Education Research in Scopus-indexed publications. This research utilizes bibliometric examination strategies to investigate all distributions listed in the Scopus data set on Education and Communication for Disability from 1968 to 2023. The information was broken down utilizing Succeed and R/R-Studio. VOSviewer was utilized to break down the simultaneous occurrence of keywords and document citations visually. The authors found 1,165 publications that matched the defined function, subject, and criteria. The results showed an annual growth rate of 8.82%, with the most publications on (theme) in 2022. The US leads the publications with 560 documents. The UK follows them with 130 documents. There is a rapid increase, which is the peak of the number of publications in 2022. Jayanthi, M, Yoder, P J., and Warren, S.F. lead with seven documents each, followed by Epstein, M.H. with six documents. The bibliometric analysis conducted was limited to Scopus data. Other national and international databases should have been considered in this study. This study presents a concise outline of the writing open to scientists working in correspondence and schooling for the handicapped and gives suggestions for future examination.</p> Aldila Luthfiana Rahmadewi Muh. Nur Rochim Maksum Mahasri Shobahiya Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 289 298 Charting the Bibliometrics Landscape of Character, Building and School Research: Trends and Future Directions in Scopus Database (1923-2023) <p>The primary goal of this research is to assess the effectiveness of character education programs in schools in fostering positive attitudes, values, and behaviors among students. Additionally, it seeks to determine the impact, whether positive or negative, of character education on students' academic achievements. The study aims to evaluate how the school environment, encompassing school culture and the role of teachers, influences the development of students' character by examining the progression and orientation of character, building, and school research documented in publications indexed by Scopus. Employing bibliometric analysis techniques, the study delves into publications listed in the Scopus character, building, and school database spanning from 1923 to 2023. Data analysis was conducted using Excel and R/R-Studio, while VOSviewer visually analyzed the co-occurrence of keywords and document citations. The investigation identified 244 publications aligning with the predefined function, subject, and criteria. The findings revealed an annual growth rate of 2.52%, reaching its peak in 2021 with 25 publications on character, building, and school. The United States emerged as the leading contributor to publications, specifically affiliated with The George Washington University, which produced three documents. Notably, Hung, C.Y., emerged as the most relevant author, having authored two publications on character, building, and school. It is essential to note that the bibliometric analysis was confined to Scopus data, and the inclusion of other national and international databases should have been considered in the study. This research provides a concise overview of the literature available to researchers focusing on character, building, and school, offering recommendations for future research endeavors.</p> Didy Fantofik Muh. Nur Rochim Maksum Hakimuddin Salim Triono Ali Mustofa Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 299 310 Exploring Differentiated Learning: A Bibliometric Examination of Research Development and Directions <p>Purpose: To chart the progress and trajectory of differentiated learning research in Scopus database-indexed publications from 1954 - 2023. The first publication was found in 1994.</p> <p>Methodology: Using bibliometric analysis method. A literature review was performed to ensure that relevant research on bibliometric topics was conducted. A Boolean search engine was utilized to search the Scopus database from 1954 to 2023. The analysis of citations, document content, and networks was carried out using R and Rstudio tools, VosViewer, and Microsoft Excel. Using the Boolean operator TITLE-ABS-KEY (differentiated and learning) to search Scopus and generate 7,012 documents. Filtering is done with the Boolean operator (LIMIT-TO (SUBJAREA, "soci")) AND (LIMIT TO (DOCTYPE, "ar")) AND (LIMIT-TO (SRCTYPE, "j")) AND (LIMIT TO (LANGUAGE, "English")) for social science field restrictions, source documents are only journals and articles in English, resulting in 1. 425. analysis using Scopus, R, and Rstudio to determine the number of articles per year, per journal, author, affiliation, country, and topic/sector. To visualize using VOSviewer and Microsoft Excel data processing.</p> <p>Results: 848 publications matched the function, subject, and criteria set. Annual growth rate of 7.33%, most publications in 2022 by US country with affiliation from University of Toronto US. Jordan J was the most prolific author.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: This bibliometric analysis is limited to Scopus data. Other national and international databases should have been considered in this study. This research offers a concise summary of the available literature for researchers engaged in differentiated learning and offers suggestions for future research endeavors.</p> Khamsah Ruhana Thayibah Hakimmuddin Salim Muhammad Wildan Shohib Muh. Nur Rochim Maksum Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 311 320 Integration of The Form of Sensory Synesthesia in the Memoir Anthology of "Guru Welas Asih" in Biographical Texts Learning <p>This research aims to identify linguistic forms of changes in the meaning of sensory synesthesia in the anthology of “Guru Welas Asih” memoirs and its use in learning biographical texts in Indonesian language subjects. This research was carried out by applying a descriptive qualitative approach. The data in this research are in the form of words and phrases in the memoir anthology entitled “Guru Welas Asih” by the Memoir Writing Community which contains changes in the meaning of sensory synesthesia. The data source in this research is a memoir entitled “Guru Welas Asih” by the Memoir Writing Community. The memoir consists of 17 titles written by 17 members of the community who work as teachers in various regions in Indonesia. Data collection in this research used listening, note-taking, and documentation techniques. Data analysis in this research uses the agih method by applying advanced techniques in the form of the lesap technique. The results of this research show that in the anthology of “Guru Welas Asih”'s memoirs, there is a linguistic form of change in the meaning of sensory synesthesia in the form of a shift in sensory perception, namely (1) the sense of sight to the sense of touch, (2) the sense of touch to the sense of sight, (3) the sense of sight to the sense of hearing, (4) the sense of hearing to the sense of touch, (5) the sense of hearing to the sense of sight, (6) the sense of taste to the sense of sight, and (7) the sense of touch to the sense of hearing. Apart from that, its use in learning biographical texts can be integrated into the linguistic rules of biographical texts.</p> Anjas Rusdiyanto Soleh Atiqa Sabardila M Markhamah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 321 332 Application of Audio Media based on The Ragam Gaya Song in Learning IPAS of Fourth Grade at SD Negeri 2 Kalanglundo <p>Purpose: (1) Describe the planning of the application of song-based audio media "Ragam Gaya" in IPAS learning, (2) describe the application of song-based audio media "Ragam Gaya" in IPAS learning, (3) describe the supporting and inhibiting factors of song-based audio media "Ragam Gaya" in IPAS learning, (4) describe the right solutions to overcome the inhibiting factors of song-based audio media "Ragam Gaya" in IPAS.</p> <p>Methodology: This study is qualitative with a descriptive design. Data collection involves in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The subjects of this study were principals, fourth-grade teachers, and fourth-grade students. Test data validity using data triangulation, including source and technical triangulation.</p> <p>Results: Based on the results of research that has been done, show that the application of song-based audio media "Ragam Gaya" in learning IPAS in material the influence of style on objects has a positive impact on fourth-grade students. The use of song-based audio media can foster students 'learning spirit, increase their interest in learning, and strengthen students' memory and understanding.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: This research is important in improving students ' understanding and learning spirit towards learning IPAS materials about the influence of style on objects by using the song "Ragam Gaya".</p> Fairuz Nurul Izzah S Sukartono Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 333 341 Enhancing Customer Relationship Management in MSMEs: The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Performance Marketing <p>Objective: MSMEs play an important role in economic development in Indonesia. There are several things that MSMEs in Indonesia have not developed, one of which is weak human resources and limited capabilities in terms of marketing. Therefore, social media is needed to overcome this problem. The aim of this research is that with social media marketing, MSME business actors in Indonesia can develop in terms of marketing performance which is useful for involving MSME business actors with a wider range of customers and establishing relationships with customers so that customers are better looked after. loyal to MSME products through customer relationship management.</p> <p>Methodology: This research uses a quantitative research approach and collects primary data using online questionnaires via Google form and offline, namely directly to outlets, then collecting a sample of 100 MSME business actors in the fashion industry, culinary and craft industries, then processing the data using the SEM PLS application.</p> <p>Results: This study states that social media marketing has a positive impact on marketing performance and social media marketing has a positive impact on customer relationship management. Therefore, customer relationship management has a positive impact on marketing performance. MSME businessmen feel supported by social media marketing. Social media allows MSME businessmen to increase sales, compete with competitors, and increase customer loyalty to their products.</p> <p>Application/Authenticity/Value: The data that has been processed in this research is different from previous research, namely that 100 respondents can represent the results of social media marketing users among MSME business actors. Apart from that, this research uses different variables from the previous one by combining the influence of social media marketing for marketing performance on customer relationship management in MSMEs.</p> Farah Azzahra Huda Aflit Nuryulia Praswati Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 342 350 The Effect of Compensation on Employee Performance with Work Motivation as Intervening Variable <p>Objective: Knowing the direct relationship between compensation and performance, as well as the mediating role of work motivation factors in the relationship between compensation and performance.</p> <p>Methodology: This study used quantitative research methods with explanatory research. The data collected is in the form of questionnaires and documents from government institutions. Test the hypothesis in this study using a path analysis model, while for the mediation test, researchers manage the data using the Sobel Test. The population used was employees of the Government of Environmental Office in Surakarta City who worked in the field, a research sample of 30 respondents with proportional random sampling as a sampling technique.</p> <p>Results: According to study using path analysis testing, employee performance is not significantly impacted by compensation variables. Subsequently, the outcomes of utilizing the Sobel Test and the Sobel Calculator to assess work motivation as an intervening variable demonstrated that work motivation acts as a mediator between the impact of compensation and employee performance. Employee performance is unaffected by an employee's higher pay. Nonetheless, the influence of remuneration on worker performance may involve an intermediary factor: the supply of motivation.</p> <p>Application / Originality / Value: Based on several existing research, there has yet to be any research that discusses the topics and objects of research that were researched in this research. The underlying difference with previous research is that this research used a population of employee respondents who worked in the field, not in an administrative environment. The novelty of this study is that respondents are the employees who worked in the field, while previous research used respondents on employees who worked in the administrative sphere.</p> Zhafirah Utami Fendik Lukman Hakim Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 351 358 The Impact of Influencer Marketing, Online Customer Review, Brand Trust, Product Quality, and Price on Purchase Intention <p>The beauty industry has experienced rapid growth in Indonesia. One of the well-known skincare brands in Indonesia is The Originote, which markets its products through the social commerce platform TikTok. The choice of The Originote is due to its ability to quickly penetrate the skincare market in Indonesia, facilitated by its diverse product offerings at affordable prices. The high demand for The Originote's products has prompted researchers to conduct a study on the variables that influence purchase intention for The Originote skincare products. This research aims to determine the impact of variables such as influencer marketing, online customer reviews, brand trust, product quality, and price on purchase intention. This study is quantitative research with a descriptive nature. Primary data was collected through online questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS software. A total of 103 respondents were obtained from students at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, using purposive sampling as non-probability sampling technique. Through regression analysis, the research results indicated that influencer marketing, online customer reviews, brand trust, product quality, and price have a positive and significant influence on purchase intention. The implications of this research are that the findings can serve as a reference for company management to collaborate with influencers to reach more potential customers and provide credible and easily accessible online product reviews. Consequently, brand trust will be established. Furthermore, companies should continue to deliver quality products while maintaining affordable prices.</p> Aulia Farah Fariza W Wiyadi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 359 370 Analyzing Online Purchase Intentions in Indonesia: Fashion e-Commerce <p>Technological advances are constantly changing. One of them is technological progress in the field of e-commerce-based businesses, and the rise of e-commerce makes many people less confident in buying products. Therefore, companies need to understand the needs of the online market and provide products that are effective enough to motivate consumers to buy their products. This study aims to determine people's purchase intention when shopping online. This research uses quantitative research methods and the sampling method of this research is non-probability sampling. The data collection method used in this research is the distribution of likert questions. The group of people studied in this study is consumers who are interested in buying fashion through e-commerce number of participants: 150 people. Data analysis technique using his SmartPLS V.3.00 for data processing, this study found that perceived security has a positive and negative impact on trust. Information quality has a positive and significant effect on trust. A sense of security has a positive and negative influence on purchase intentions. Information quality has a significant positive effect on purchase intention. This study helps address the gap created by purchase intentions in online shopping. Particularly for fashion products, the findings require manufacturers to adopt better strategies to increase trust and improve purchase intentions by providing more information. This gives consumers more desire to buy.</p> Iddo Ahmad Pramuji Anton Agus Setyawan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 371 378 Mapping the Evolution of Arabic Language Education Research through Bibliometric Analysis in the Scopus Database (1980-2023) <p>Objective: The objective of this research is to analyze the evolution and trends in Arabic Language Education Research as documented in Scopus-indexed publications.</p> <p>Methodology: A bibliometric analysis approach was employed to investigate publications on Arabic Language Education within the Scopus database, spanning the period from 1980 to 2023. The analysis involved utilizing Excel and R/R-Studio, with VOSviewer employed for visualizing the co-occurrence of keywords and document citations. A total of 576 publications meeting specified criteria were identified.</p> <p>Findings: The study reveals an annual growth rate of 9.26%, reaching its peak in 2021 with the highest number of publications on Arabic Language Education. The United States, particularly with affiliations from the International Islamic University Malaysia, emerges as the leading contributor to these publications. Notably, Shohamy, E stands out as the most prolific author in the field.</p> <p>Implications/Novelty/Significance: This research provides a concise overview of the literature available to educators and researchers in the field of education, offering insights and recommendations for future research endeavors.</p> Fachri Muhammad Thoyib Muhammad Subhi Apriantoro Muh Nur Rochim Maksum Mutohharun Jinan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 379 388 A Thorough Bibliometric Analysis of School Bullying Research Indexed in Scopus: Identifying Trends and Future Directions (1987-2023) <p>This study aims to map targeted bullying research using publications indexed in the Scopus database from 1987 to 2023. The starting year is 1987, based on findings from his Scopus database that this is the year in which the first publications about victims of bullying were found. This study uses bibliographic analysis method. Data were obtained by searching the Scopus database from 1987 to 2023 using a Boolean search engine. The search was carried out on August 5 at 11.15 WIB. Researchers used R and Rstudio, VosViewer and Microsoft Excel tools to analyze citations, document content and networks. The bibliometric analysis carried out was limited to Scopus data. Other national and international databases should have been considered in this study. This study presents a brief overview of the literature that is accessible to researchers working in both education and psychology and provides recommendations for future research.</p> Sri Lumiati Muh Nur Rochim Maksum Mohamad Ali Muhammad Subhi Apriantoro Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 389 398 Transformation of Educational Intitutional in the Muhmmadiyah Organization <p>Muhammadiyah is one of the largest Islamic Organizations in Indonesia, which carries out da'wah amar ma'ruf nahi munkar with the aim and purpose of upholding Islam. One of Muhammadiyah's roles in Indonesia is establishing educational institutions that adhere to Islamic religious values with a school system combining religious and general knowledge, which has now developed into Pesantren. Pesantren has become the main witness to the spread of Islam in Indonesia which functions to prepare santri who study and master in Islamic education, known as Tafaqquh fiddin, which is expected to be able to produce a good generation and participate in educating Indonesian society through Islamic Da'wah and become a stronghold for the people. This encourages the Muhammadiyah Organization to continue advancing and developing education. This study aims to describe the transformation of educational institutions in the Muhammadiyah Organization starting with the school system and now developing into pesantren. This research uses library research methods with historical, sociological, and descriptive approaches. The data collection methods used were observation and documentation. The results of the study stated that the Muhammadiyah Educational Institution has been moving since its inception until it has been transformed into a Pondok Pesantren Institution with various models such as Islamic Boarding Schools with Madrasah system, Takhassus system, and Muhammadiyah Boarding School system.</p> Desma Kurniawan Muh. Nur Rochim Maksum Triono Ali Mustofa Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 399 407 Bibliometric Investigation of Development and Research Trends in Transformative Education: A Comprehensive Analysis on Scopus Database (1983-2023) <p>Employing bibliometric analysis techniques, the research delves into all Scopus-database-indexed publications on Transformative Education spanning the years 1983 to 2023. Data analysis was conducted using Excel and R/R-Studio, with VOSviewer employed to visually depict the concurrent presence of keywords and document quotations. A total of 4484 publications meeting the specified criteria were identified. The findings reveal an annual growth rate of 9.26%, with the highest number of publications in the year 2022. Notably, the United States emerges as the leading contributor to these publications, predominantly affiliated with the University of Toronto. The most prolific author in the realm of transformative education is identified as Zembylas, M (Pavlidis, 2015). It's important to note that the bibliometric analysis was confined to Scopus data, and broader inclusion of other national and international databases would have enhanced the comprehensiveness of the study. In presenting a concise overview of the accessible literature in the education field, this study also provides recommendations for future research endeavors.</p> M. Syahrul Shidiq Muh. Nur Rochim Maksum Sabar Narimo Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 408 418 Employee Performance: Are Influencing of Self Efficacy, Locus of Control, Goal Orientation, and Compensation? <p>Performance is the main basis in the activities of achieving company goals. The purpose of this study was to analyze and determine the effect of Self Efficacy, Locus of Control, Goal Orientation, and Compensation partiay or simultaneousy on Employee Performance in the Idea Business Partners Sharia Cooperative in East Java. This study uses quantitative research methods, the sample used is the entire popuation, namely 93 employees. Data analysis used uses the outer mode, inner mode and hypothesis testing using Smart-PS. The resuts of the hypothesis test of the Sef Efficacy variabe partiay have a positive and significant effect on the Kopsyah-MUI empoyee performance variabe, the Locus of Control variable partialy has a positive and significant effect on the Kopsyah-MUI employee performance variabe, the Goal Orientation variabe partialy has a positive and significant effect on the Kopsyah-MUI employee performance variable, the Compensation variable partialy has a positive and significant effect on the Kopsyah-MUI Employee Performance variable. While X1 (Self Efficacy), X2 (Locus of Control), X3 (Goal Orientation), X4 (Compensation) simultaneousy affect Y (Employee Performance).</p> Nafiqotun Arifah Novi Darmayanti Isnaini Anniswati Rosyida Have Zulkarnaen Sutri Handayani Radian Sri Rama Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 419 426 Bibliometric Analysis of Improfing Academic Performance in the Era of Industry 4.0: A Scopus-based Mapping (1969-2023) <p>This research aims to map improving academic performance in publications indexed by the Scopus database from 1969 – 2023. 1969 was chosen as the starting year based on findings in the Scopus database that in that year the first publication on improving academic performance was found. The analysis method used is bibliometrics to collect data from the Scopus database from 1969 to 2023 using the Boolean search engine. Data was analyzed using Excel and R/R-Studio. while VOSviewer is used to perform a visual analysis of the simultaneous occurrence of keywords and document quotes. The author found 1,612 publications that matched the specified function, subject, and criteria. The results of this research show an annual growth rate of 9.26%, indicating increasing interest in the topic &amp; quot; Improving Academic Performance &amp; quot; along with the development of the Revolution 4.0 era. The peak publication occurred in 2021. The United States (US) was the country that contributed the most with 560 documents, followed by China with 127 documents, and the UK with 117 documents. The most prolific writer was Bradshaw, CP. Perry, R.P. Skinner, C.H. leading with the number of publications of 4 documents. The authors recommend further research considering other national and international databases. This research provides a brief overview of the literature that can be accessed by researchers interested in "improving academic performance" in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era and provides recommendations for future research.</p> Tutik Mursiti Muh. Nur Rochim Maksum Mohamad Ali Mahasri Shohabia Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 427 437 Bibliometric Analysis of the Management School Principals and the Improvement of Teacher Pedagogy in the Digital Era based on the Scopus Database (1966-2024) <p>This research aims to identify development mapping and research directions on the Islamic ecosystem in publications listed on the Scopus index. The approach used in this research is bibliometric analysis, which is used to explore all publications indexed in the Scopus database related to "Management And Pedagogy" from 1966 to 2024. The data analyzed was processed using Excel and R/R-Studio software. To analyze the occurrence patterns of keywords and document citations simultaneously, this research uses the VOSviewer visual analysis tool. The research results showed that 2663 publications were relevant to the criteria and focus set by the researchers. The main finding of this research is that there is an annual growth of 6.1%, and the peak of publications on "Management And Pedagogy" occurs in 2023. Monash University was identified as the main contributor with an affiliation of 25 documents. A researcher named Alison Ja has the highest productivity in the topic "Management And Pedagogy". However, it is important to note that this bibliometric analysis is based only on data from Scopus, while other national and international data sources are not included in the analysis. Therefore, this study provides a comprehensive overview of the literature that is accessible to researchers interested in the field of "Management And Pedagogy" and also provides suggestions for future research directions.</p> Shidiq Agung Sutrisno Bambang Sumardjoko Ari Anshori Muh. Nur Rochim Maksum Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 438 449 Tracing the Progression of Motivated Learning Strategies: an In-Depth Bibliometric Analysis <p>Purpose: This research aims to map and analyze the development of studies on Education Strategies in publications indexed in Scopus. Methods: The approach used is bibliometric analysis, exploring publications on 'Motivated Strategies of Learning' in the Scopus database from 1977 to 2023. The analysis process involved the use of tools such as Excel and R/R-Studio. Visual analysis was conducted using VOSviewer to visualize keyword occurrences and document citations simultaneously. Result: In this study, 942 relevant publications meeting the specified criteria were identified. Findings indicate an annual growth rate of 9.5%, peaking in 2020. The United States emerged as the primary contributor in publications, with Middle East Technical University Turkey being the most productive affiliation. The most prolific author in the Motivated Strategies of Learning theme was Sungur, S. Value: This research provides a comprehensive overview of the literature in the field of education, with recommendations for future research directions. This study will likely make a valuable contribution to understanding educational strategies.</p> Fahmi Ulum Al Mubarok Mohammad Zakki Azani Hakimuddin Salim Muh. Nur Rochim Maksum Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 450 460 Tracing the Path of Islamic Education Boarding School Research: a Bibliometric Analysis <p>This study aims to determine the mapping of the development and direction of Islamic Education Boarding School research on publications indexed by Scopus. This study used bibliometric analysis techniques to explore all publications indexed in Scopus' Islamic Education Boarding School database from 1990 to 2023. The data obtained were analyzed using Excel and R/R-Studio. VOSviewer analyzes the simultaneous occurrence of keywords and document citations visually. The author found 209 publications that fit the function, subject, and criteria set. The results of this study show an annual growth rate of 7.54%, with the most publications on Islamic Education Boarding School in 2022. Indonesia is the country that contributes the most publications with affiliations from the State University of Malang. Setyosari, P. became the most prolific writer on the theme of Islamic Education Boarding School.</p> Etik Nur Solichah Mutohharun Jinan Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro Afief El Ashfahany Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 461 470 Exploring EFL Students' Perception on the use of TikTok in Vocabulary Learning beyond the Classroom <p>Purpose: The aim of the study is to explore EFL Students’ Perception on The Use of TikTok in Vocabulary Learning beyond the Classroom.</p> <p>Methodology: The study incorporates two types of data: information regarding the use of TikTok and perceptions of TikTok. Data were collected from second-grade students at a state senior high school in Tempuling through questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire, distributed via Google Forms, comprised sixteen statements prompting student responses. The questionnaire findings were corroborated through interviews with selected students serving as representatives. Data analysis followed the steps outlined by Miles and Huberman (1994) and was thematically analysed to address the research questions.</p> <p>Results: All students possess a TikTok account and utilise the platform to enhance their English vocabulary. Furthermore, students find learning English vocabulary through TikTok to be both facile and enjoyable. Additionally, they derive considerable benefits from employing TikTok for such learning and express a desire for their teachers to utilise the platform for English instruction in the classroom.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: While prior studies primarily examine TikTok's use for learning English within the classroom, this study highlights the use of the platform beyond the classroom and found that learning English vocabularies independently with the help of Tiktok beneficial for students and possible to be complementary to the classroom classical learning.</p> Marsha Kurnia Fitriani Qanitah Masykuroh Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 471 475 Slang Semantic Analysis on TikTok Social Media Generation Z <p>Language serves as a vital communication tool among individuals. There are various languages in the world, including Indonesian. Even so, each generation at its time will give birth to its own unique language style, and this also applies to the generation Z. This research aims to explore the semantic analysis of slang usage by Generation Z on social media. This research investigated: (1) the types of slang commonly used by Generation Z on social media, and (2) the reasons why Generation Z uses slang on social media. A qualitative descriptive method was employed to collect data from conversations on social media platforms, particularly TikTok, involving Generation Z. Data obtained through observations, documentation, and research questionnaires. Data analysis revealed that individuals, particularly Generation Z users, frequently employed slang on TikTok. The types of slang used include fresh and creative expressions, relaxed language styles, abbreviations, acronyms, and imitations of words. Based on observations, it is known that Generation Z uses slang on social media for various reasons, such as greeting friends or followers, starting conversations in a casual way, expressing impressions or feelings, and showing a sense of familiarity with their audience.</p> Lathifah Ayu Syafaah Sigit Haryanto Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 476 484 Representation of Regency Era in 'Emma' (2020) Movie: a Sociological Perspective <p>This research aims to analyze: (1) how the Regency Era is represented in the Emma (2020) movie and (2) to what extent the Regency Era influences the characters in the Emma movie from the sociology perspective. This research type is qualitative research using descriptive method. The data source was taken from the dialogues and scenes of the movie, as well as relevant sources such as relevant journals and websites. The data collection techniques used are document analysis and image-capturing. Sociological theory is used for data validation. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data view and verification (Miles and Huberman, 1994). The results of this study are as follows. The representation of life in Emma movie based on the Regency era can be described in several ways, such as: costumes and fashion, architecture, social customs and manners, class distinctions, as well as romantic themes that used in the Emma movie is in accordance with the reality in the Regency Era.In addition, it was found that Regency Era influences the characters in Emma movie seen from sociological theory resulting in the characters of Emma, Harriet, Mr. Knightley and Mr. Robert Martin who influenced Regency Era.</p> Yuliana Kartika Sari Syahara Dina Amalia Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 485 497 A bibliometric Odyssey through Guidance and Counseling Research (1939-2023) <p>This study employs a scientometric approach to map the development and direction of research in guidance and counseling, drawing insights from publications indexed in the Scopus database. Covering the period from 1939 to 2023, the analysis encompasses all relevant journals within the platform. Utilizing a combination of Excel and R/R-Studio, the research delves into the data, while VOSviewer serves as a visual tool to explore the co-occurrence of keywords and document citations. The initial search yielded 5671 publications that aligned with the established criteria regarding function, subject area, and relevance. Key findings from the analysis reveal a remarkable annual growth rate of 9.26% in guidance and counseling research, reaching a peak in 2022. The United States emerges as the leading contributor in terms of publications, with Harvard University boasting the most affiliated publications. Among individual researchers, Chan, F stands out as the most prolific author in the field. It's crucial to acknowledge that the bibliometric analysis in this study was confined to the Scopus database. Future research would benefit from incorporating additional national and international databases for a more comprehensive understanding of the field. Ultimately, this study offers a valuable snapshot of the existing literature accessible to education researchers interested in guidance and counseling, paving the way for further exploration and innovation in this crucial domain.</p> Apriliana Rifatin Inayah Muh. Nur Rochim Maksum Ari Anshori Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 498 508 The Influence of Students' Activeness in Youth Red Cross Extracurriculars on Landslide Disaster Preparedness at Senior High School 1 Plaosan, Magetan Regency <p>Purpose: this research aims to analyze the influence of students' activeness in the Youth Red Cross extracurricular on landslide disaster preparedness at Senior High School1 Plaosan, Magetan Regency. Methodology: The research employed a quantitative approach with a correlation regression design. The population in this study was all Youth Red Cross members, totaling 50 students. The sample comprised all Youth Red Cross members, constituting the research sample. Data collection in this study used questionnaires which had to be filled in by all respondents. Results: The results of this research are the first results of calculating the highest student activity, namely the active criteria with a percentage value of 32%. Out of the total sample, there were 16 active students. The analysis categorized the landslide disaster preparedness at Senior High School Negeri 1 Plaosan into the 'ready' category, with an overall percentage of 79%. The third result indicates a linear relationship between students' activity in the Youth Red Cross extracurricular and landslide disaster preparedness at Senior High School 1 Plaosan, Magetan Regency. The results of data analysis show a correlation value of 0.919, it can be said that there is a perfect and positive correlation between the two variables of student activity in the Youth Red Cross extracurricular towards landslide disaster preparedness. Applications/Originality/Value: This research demonstrates the influence of student activity in extracurriculars on landslide disaster preparedness at Senior High School 1 Plaosan.</p> Siti Nur Halimah Siti Azizah Susilawati Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 509 519 Analysis of the Relationship of the Learning Environment to the Learning Outcomes of Geography Students and Boarding Students of MTA Surakarta High School <p>This study was conducted in the city of Surakarta, Central Java which aimed to analyze the relationship and differences in the learning environment of boarding students and commuter students at MTA Surakarta High School. The type of research used is quantitative research with correlation analysis research methods. The population conducted in this study was the entire 10th grade at SMA MTA Surakarta. Sampling using saturated samples and data collection techniques in this study using questionnaires. The results of this study show that 1) there is no relationship between the learning environment of boarding students and geography learning outcomes shown by the results of the product moment correlation test of - 0.300.2) There is no relationship between the learning environment of the commuter and the learning outcomes of geography shown by the results of the product moment correlation test of -0.225.3) The results of the T test show -1.092 while t table with a level of significance of (1.981) then the variable of student geography learning outcomes dormitory and commuter students in MTA Surakarta High School have no significant difference.</p> Zahra Alleyda Siti Azizah Susilawati Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 520 525 Digitalization Improves the Creative Economy in Islamic Economic Perspective <p>This abstract discusses the potential of digital economy and creative industries in the context of Islamic economics and ethics, particularly in Indonesia. The background of the study is the development of local wisdom and creative industries to support the global economy. The research problem is the challenges faced in implementing digital economy, particularly in relation to Islamic economic principles. The aim of the study is to explore the application of Islamic Work Ethic (IWE) in the context of digital economy and creative industries. The methodology involves a literature review of works on digital economy and Islamic economics. The findings highlight the potential of digital economy in promoting growth in creative industries within the framework of Islamic economics. The implications include the need to apply Islamic ethical principles in digital economy and creative industries, as well as the importance of understanding the challenges and risks involved.</p> S Sutrisno Feri D. Sampurno Yusril Ihza Mahendra Hadiah Fitriyah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 526 530 Analysis of the Effect of Climate Change Literacy on Climate Awareness of Students in MAN 1 Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta City <p>Objective: This study aims to investigate the influence of Climate Change Literacy on Climate Awareness among students at MAN 1 Yogyakarta.</p> <p>Methodology: This research method is quantitative method, the research design used is simple linear regression test. The population of this study were all grade X students at MAN 1 Yogyakarta, totaling 170 students. The respondent sample was determined by sampling technique or saturated sample. The variables of this study are Climate Change Literacy and Climate Awareness variables. Climate Change Literacy variables include understanding, impacts, and causes of climate change, while Climate Awareness includes attitude, personal concern, knowledge, and awareness includes attitude, knowledge, personal concern, multiplicative action, and climate-friendly behavior. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation and questionnaires.</p> <p>Results: The results showed that the level of Climate Change Literacy at MAN 1 Yogyakarta was dominated by the high category, which was 51% with an average value of 78 which was in the range of 70-89. The level of Climate Awareness of students at MAN 1 Yogyakarta is also dominated by the high category, which is 65% with a high average of 71. The simple linear regression test conducted also obtained positive results. Climate Change Literacy can affect the Climate Awareness of students at MAN 1 Yogyakarta by 5.8%.</p> <p>Application/Originality/Value: Thus, this study concludes that there is an influence between Climate Change Literacy on Climate Awareness at MAN 1 Yogyakarta.</p> Nafisa Nurhalimah Siti Azizah Susilawati Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 531 543 The Relationship between Disaster Experience and the Preparedness of High School Students in the Merapi Disaster-Prone Area <p>Purpose: This research aims to analyze the relationship between disaster experience on preparedness in the disaster-prone area of Merapi.</p> <p>Methodology: The research technique applied in this research is quantitative research using a correlational design. The population used in this research was all 225 grade 11 students at SMA Negeri 1 Dukun. Sampling was done using the saturated sampling technique. The data collection technique used in this research used a questionnaire.</p> <p>Results: The research results show that 1) The level of disaster experience at SMA Negeri 1 Dukun is in the high category with a percentage of 79% of 225 students and an average disaster experience score of 60. 2). The level of preparedness at SMA Negeri 1 Dukun is in the ready category with a percentage of 38% of 225 students with an average disaster preparedness score of 71.0. 3) The correlation test results obtained a correlation value of 0.320, which is included in the weak Pearson correlation level.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: This research can explain that there is a relationship between disaster experience and students' preparedness in facing the Merapi Volcano eruption disaster at SMA Negeri 1 Dukun.</p> Ulia Sari Wahyu Widiyatmoko Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 544 550 Implementation of a Multiple Intelligence-based Learning Model for Students with a Tendency to be Slow Learners <p>The aim of this research is to describe the process of selecting a learning model, implementing the multiple intelligence learning model for students who tend to be slow learners, the obstacles faced by shadow teacher, and solutions to overcome the obstacles that exist at MIM PK Kartasura. This research method is qualitative, with a descriptive approach and a phenomenological research type. This study used data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique in this research uses the interactive model from Miles and Huberman with the following steps: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The subjects of this research were shadow teacher, who accompanied Slow Learner students in class 2, the homeroom teacher for class 1, and the head of the madrasah. The research results show that the implementation of the multiple intelligence learning model for slow learners has been adapted to the results of the students' Multiple Intelligence Research (MIR), namely the lecture method combined with the demonstration or practice method. There is no significant difference in the learning methods used by slow learners and other students; it's just that slow learners are accompanied by shadow teacher to use a special approach in doing their assignments. The obstacle that shadow teacher experiences is that students do not concentrate enough when learning. To overcome this obstacle, shadow teacher provides a solution, namely by inviting students to study in separate rooms and doing ice-breaking so that students can concentrate again.</p> Ayu Fillia Honest Ummi Kaltsum Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 551 557 Profile of Pancasila Students According to the Films Adit and Sopo Jarwo <p>This research is motivated by the phenomenon of non-moral actions in children. Providing character education using the Pancasila student profile, which contains six elements, is crucial for children aged 7–12 years or elementary school-age children. At this age, it is the initial foundation for providing character education to children. Elementary school-age children are easily influenced by what they see and hear, so they are easy to imitate. This research aims to describe the relevance of the profile values of Pancasila students according to the films Adit and Sopo Jarwo. The film is packaged for children and provides a positive message. This research use a qualitative method with a content analysis research design. The data collection technique uses non-participatory observation, which is carried out by observing audiovisuals and translating them into narratives. The primary data source was obtained directly from original sources from the first party, namely through the films Adit and Sopo Jarwo on YouTube. The secondary data sources are notes and journals. In this research, data analysis uses semiotic analysis with the Charles Sander Pierce approach, namely sign (a sign that refers to a person), object (something referred to by the sign), and interpretant (the meaning of the sign) introduced by Charles Sander Pierce.</p> Vembriantika Sekar Pramesti M Muhroji Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 558 564 Classroom Management based on Ergonomic Aspects in Supporting Learning in Elementary Schools <p>Purpose: Managing the classroom is one of the teacher's efforts in organising and designing the classroom to create a conducive learning environment. The objectives of this research are as follows: (1) To determine the implementation of classroom management by paying attention to ergonomic aspects in elementary schools; (2)Assessing teachers' understanding of classroom management based on ergonomic principles in learning; (3)Knowing the obstacles faced by teachers and students in managing classrooms to support learning.</p> <p>Methodology: This research uses qualitative methods through a case study. The data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and documentation. This research was carried out in Third-Grades of Muhammadiyah PK Baturan Elementary School. The data analysis used is thematic analysis, which involves reading through a set of data and looking for patterns of meaning in the data to find themes.</p> <p>Results: The research results show that: (1) Classroom management is a supporting factor in creating conducive and effective learning. There needs to be special attention paid to ergonomic aspects consisting of lighting, thermal conditions, student seating arrangements, and noise. (2) Teachers need to increase their knowledge and understanding of the role of ergonomics in learning. This can be seen from the teacher's role in managing the class and students so as to create an ideal learning climate. (3) Obstacles in managing classes based on ergonomic principles in learning are felt by teachers and students to hinder their teaching and learning activities.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: This research reveals that educators need to understand ergonomic classroom management in supporting learning in order to achieve learning objectives.</p> Alifah Dian Titisari Honest Ummi Kaltsum Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 565 573 The Role of Teachers in Implementing Mutual Cooperation Dimension P5 on the Merdeka Curriculum in Elementary Schools <p>Purpose: There are 3 objectives of this research, namely: 1) analyzing the role of teachers in implementing the Pancasila student profile through the Mutual cooperation dimension in the Merdeka Curriculum; 2) explaining the efforts made by teachers to foster students' Mutual cooperation attitudes; and 3) mentioning the obstacles faced by teachers implementation of the P5 through the Mutual cooperation.</p> <p>Methodology: This type of research is qualitative phenomenology. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation, and documentation. Data validity is carried out by triangulating sources and techniques. Data analysis includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation, verification, and drawing conclusions.</p> <p>Results: The research results show that 1) the teacher's role in implementing the Mutual cooperation dimension is carried out by carrying out activities during and outside of learning. When learning, the teacher plays a role in holding the P5 project by carrying out group work, and when outside of learning, the teacher forms class pickets, divides students into ceremonial officers, picks up catering by students, accompanies students to decorate the class, and holds Clean Friday and morning alms; 2) the teacher's efforts to foster an attitude of Mutual cooperation, namely by habituating and always reminding students; 3) the obstacles faced by teachers are differences in student character and problems at times.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: This research reveals that teachers have a role to foster students' mutual cooperation during learning and outside of learning in elementary schools.</p> Resta Indah Rahayu Honest Ummi Kaltsum Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 574 583 Learning Strategies through Apperception Riddles to Increase Concentration in Fifth-Grades Primary School Students <p>This research is motivated by the importance of providing apperception before learning because there are still many teachers in several schools who do not provide apperception before learning activities begin. With this, students feel they are not ready to receive lessons, so they cannot concentrate when studying. This research aims to describe students' responses after participating in learning, which begins with the apperception of riddles and the level of learning concentration of class V students at SD N 2 Kuwiran. This type of research is descriptive and qualitative. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique uses interactive techniques, which consist of four activities carried out: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this research show that the apperception of riddles can make students feel enthusiastic and happy when learning, which is shown by cheerful faces, good responses, and always paying attention to what the teacher says from beginning to end. Apart from that, students become more concentrated in studying and have a high level of concentration because they are able to fulfill six learning concentration indicators out of the seven existing indicators.</p> Ghina Fadillah Putri M Muhroji Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 584 590 Implementation of the Tadarus Keliling (Tarling) Program in Madrasah Ibtidayah as an Effort to Instill Self-Confidence in Students <p>Purpose: In the implementation of education, of course, it does not only prioritize learning but also the cultivation of national character. However, there are still those who view that learning science is more important than teaching character cultivation in children. The objectives of this study are: a) Describe the implementation of tarling activities at MIM PK Wirogunan; b) Knowing the impact of the mobile tadarus activity program on students' self-confidence character.</p> <p>Methodology: This type of research is qualitative phenomenology. This research was conducted at MIM PK Wirogunan Kartasura. The research subjects were the Principal, teacher representatives and students who participated in tarling activities. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation and documentation. Test the validity of the data in the form of triangulation of techniques and sources. Data analysis uses interactive techniques by collecting and analyzing data to develop a theory. With data analysis steps that include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, verification and conclusion drawing.</p> <p>Results: The results showed that a) The implementation of tarling at MIM PK Wirogunan Kartasura is carried out once a month on Friday of the first week for low classes, namely 1,2,3 and for high classes 4,5,6 in the second week. The purpose of this tarling activity program is to connect silahturahmi between student guardians and so that students get to know each other. The stages of this tarling program are: opening activities, core activities, other activities and closing activities. b) The implementation of the tarling activity program at MIM PK Wirogunan Kartasura can instill confident characters in students. The teacher's efforts in instilling confident character at MIM PK Wirogunan Kartasura through the tarling activity program are: giving responsibility, guiding, strengthening and motivating, providing apperception, and inviting students to communicate.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: This research reveals that in a school it is very important to instill national character, especially self-confidence, to make it easier for students to adjust to their social environment.</p> Linda Kurnia Aprilliani Honnest Ummi Kaltsum Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 591 598 Public Speaking to Grow and Develop Speaking Skills in Elementary School Extracurricular Activities <p>Purpose: This article aims to describe public speaking to develop speaking skills in linguistic aspects in elementary school extracurricular activities. Exploration public speaking to develop speaking skills in non linguistic aspects in elementary school extracurricular activities.</p> <p>Methodology: The research design used in this study is descriptive-qualitative and the research was conducted at Elementary School of Muhammadiyah Kottabarat Special Program Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesian. The subjects of the study were the teachers, trainers, and students who participated in public speaking extracurriculars. The data collection techniques included observation, interviews, and documentation, while the data analysis techniques used flow models.</p> <p>Results: The research results indicated that the students' speaking skills in the linguistic aspect were quite good, with upper-class students exhibiting superior language structure and word choice abilities compared to lower-class students. Additionally, the students' speaking skills in non-linguistic aspects had significantly increased due to their participation in extracurricular public speaking activities.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: In elementary schools, public speaking skill have gaps that can be observed from how students tell stories or make speeches in front of the class. While some students are confident in public speaking, others lack confidence. In order to solve this challenge, the implementation of extracurricular activities that can effectively enhance the speaking skills of students is imperative. The current research delves into the discourse of students' speaking proficiency, particularly in the realm of Public Speaking extracurriculars. A dearth of studies exist on the topic of speaking abilities in extracurricular activities, making this research all the more significant.</p> Saron Aulia Himmatus Saada S Sutama Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 599 606 Reading and Writing Skills of Slow Learner Students in Hulu Langat Guidance Studio Malaysia <p>Purpose: This study analyzes slow learners' reading and writing skills in Hulu Langat Guidance Studio, Malaysia. The research method used is qualitative. The research was conducted at Hulu Langat Guidance Studio, Malaysia, with participants of 35 students and 3 Hulu Langat Guidance Studio teachers.</p> <p>Methodology: The data collection techniques of this research are observation, interview, and documentation. After gathering the data, data analysis will be carried out, starting with data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Data validity uses source and method of triangulation.</p> <p>Results: The results of this study showed that, of the 35 students at the Hulu Langat Guidance Studio for reading ability in recognizing letters and reading them as syllables, words, and sentences as well as reading short texts with correct pronunciation and intonation in reading aspects, scores of 13% or very capable, 16% or capable, 25% less capable, and 46% were unable to master both indicators in reading aspects. On the ability to write obtained 21% or very capable, 29% or capable, 33% or less capable, and 17% or not able to master the indicator moves the index finger to create various forms of lines and circles, copy or imitate letters, words, or sentences from books or whiteboards on aspects of writing.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: The difference between this study with previous research lies in the research respondents, research time, measurement tools, literature used, the theory used, and research results.</p> Vina Khoirunisya Yulia Maftuhah Hidayati Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 607 617 Habituation of Fair Attitude in Elementary School Mathematics Learning <p>Purpose: This research aims to 1) elaborate a fair attitude in the preliminary activities. 2) Describe a fair attitude in core activities. 3) Exploring a fair attitude in the closing activities of mathematics learning.</p> <p>Methodology: This research uses a qualitative method with an ethnographic approach. Data collected through observation and interviews. The research subjects were students and mathematics teachers. Data analysis technique using plot method.</p> <p>Results: The learning activities in question are introduction, core, and closing. Fair attitudes that are familiarized through each learning activity have an impact on children and the learning environment.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: The phenomenon of discrimination still happens in the school environment because teachers do not protect their students. Nurturing students can be done by teachers through a fair attitude. The application of a fair attitude by teachers can be done in every step of learning to foster student confidence. Confidence will make the learning process occur optimally so that learning objectives can be achieved. The peer teaching method is applied as a form of a fair attitude that facilitates students according to their abilities.</p> Alifiah Syafaatun S Sutama Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 618 625 The Effect of Audit Tenure, Audit Fee, Auditor Specialization, Auditor Reputation and Firm Size on Audit Quality <p>Purpose: This study seeks to examine the impact of audit tenure, audit fees, auditor specialisation, auditor reputation, and the size of accounting firms on the quality of audits in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2018 to 2021. Recent public perceptions of audit quality have been influenced by the discovery of violations within clients' accounting systems, which have been reported in audited financial statements. These violations involve public accountants, highlighting the importance of the manufacturing sector to the Indonesian economy. This sector, with its high volume of transactions and complexity compared to other sectors, necessitates further research to identify factors that can influence audit quality, particularly in manufacturing companies. In this study, audit tenure, audit fees, auditor specialisation, auditor reputation, and the size of the accounting firm are considered as independent variables, with audit quality as the dependent variable. This research is conducted with a commitment to rigour and thoroughness, reflecting the standards expected of seasoned researchers in the field.</p> <p>Methodology: This study utilises SPSS software version 27 for hypothesis testing, descriptive statistical analysis, and logistic regression analysis. Secondary data were gathered from 193 manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange, spanning a four-year observation period. The sample was selected using a sampling method, yielding data from 168 companies.</p> <p>Results: The research findings indicate that audit tenure and auditor specialisation significantly influence audit quality. Conversely, audit fees, auditor reputation, and firm size do not have a significant impact on audit quality.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: The study underscores the importance of specialisation in client selection for public accounting firms aiming to enhance audit quality. This research contributes original insights of value to the field, particularly for practitioners seeking to improve audit processes and outcomes.</p> Risma Alfian Damayanti Rina Trisnawati Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 626 638 Mitigating Learning Apathy: Study of Problems in Civics Learning <p>This study aims to determine the role of PPKn teachers in overcoming students' learning apathy at SMP Muhammdiyah 7 Surakarta. This study was carried out for approximately one month using descriptive qualitative study methods using facts in the field to provide a clearer picture. The data and data sources for this research are the results of interviews with PPKn teachers, students, and school principals, as well as the results of observations carried out by researchers at schools. This study uses observation instruments and interview instruments. The data collection techniques used in this research are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study show that civic teachers have an essential role in overcoming students' learning apathy. The role of the PPKn teacher at SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Surakarta is as follows: First when students are not involved in the learning process, the teacher plays a vital role in overcoming this problem by looking for or calling them to be informed about the material explained in class and given sanctions. Second, when students ignore the teacher when the teacher explains the lesson material, the teacher's role in overcoming this problem is to develop a learning model that does not only use the lecture method. Third, when students do not dare to ask questions to the teacher, the teacher's role in overcoming this problem is to understand because each student has different abilities. Fourth, when students do not answer questions asked by the teacher or other students, what the teacher does is give additional points to raise student motivation. Fifth, when students do not dare to respond to answers from other students, the teacher's role is to motivate students why they do not answer questions and so on. Sixth, when students do not provide conclusions at the end of the lesson, the teacher explains that only students who pay attention during learning can conclude the material. Sixth, when students do not do the assignments given by the teacher, in this case, the teacher has a vital role in preventing this by providing sanctions in the form of doubling the assignment.</p> Miftah Amrulloh P Patmisari Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 639 649 Comparison of Patriotism Values based on the Existence of Superhero Films: Comparative Study of Indonesia and America <p>Purpose: This research aims to compare the value of Patriotism in Indonesian and American superhero films.</p> <p>Methodology: This study adopts a qualitative approach with a content analysis design to conduct a comparative analysis. The primary data for this research is obtained through the observation of films available on streaming platforms such as Netflix and Disney+. The data collection technique involves viewing films on these platforms. The analysis techniques employed in this research encompass three main stages: (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, and (3) drawing conclusions or verification.</p> <p>Results: The research findings indicate similarities and differences in portraying patriotism in Indonesian and American superhero films. Similarities include emphasising values such as love for the country, courage, perseverance, and readiness to make sacrifices for the greater good. However, differences emerge in how patriotism is expressed: Indonesian superheroes often demonstrate pride in cultural heritage, while American counterparts typically exhibit pride in national symbols. Moreover, Indonesian superheroes showcase patriotism through actions, whereas American superheroes convey it through words and actions. It is also noted that American superhero films may sometimes present a form of false patriotism, which could potentially harm the country and its citizens. Overall, the study suggests that both Indonesian and American superhero films effectively promote patriotism due to the presence of patriotic elements within their narratives.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: The research findings reveal similarities and differences in the depiction of patriotism in Indonesian and American superhero films.</p> Elfira Amalia Hakiki Muhamad Taufik Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 650 656 Implementation of Honesty Character Education: a Comparative Study of Indonesian and New Zealand Primary Schools <p>Purpose: This research aims to analyse the implementation of honesty character education in elementary schools with a comparative study between Indonesia and New Zealand.</p> <p>Methodology: Employing a qualitative approach, this study relies on a literature review method. Secondary data sources, including articles from online scientific journals, were gathered to explore honesty character education initiatives in both countries. Data analysis techniques encompassed data collection, reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The validity of the findings was ensured through techniques such as check and hack, author validity, and source triangulation.</p> <p>Results: The findings indicate similarities and differences in honesty character education implementation. Indonesia and New Zealand prioritise instilling honesty and integrity in students to foster genuine character development. However, while Indonesia integrates character education into the national curriculum, New Zealand focuses on cultivating an ethically grounded educational environment.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: This research contributes to understanding the implementation of honesty character education in diverse cultural contexts through a comparative study of Indonesia and New Zealand.</p> Ghonni Afifatul Ulya Muhammad Taufik Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 657 663 Implementation of Tolerance Character Education: a Comparative Study of Indonesian and Danish Elementary Schools <p>Purpose: The purpose of this research is to analyse and compare the implementation of tolerance character education, which consists of elements of appreciation and respect, recognising rights, and providing freedom in elementary schools in Indonesia and Denmark.</p> <p>Methodology: This research employs a descriptive qualitative approach with a comparative literature review design. The methodology involves searching for relevant data sources and sorting the gathered information. Data analysis comprises collecting, reducing, presenting, and drawing conclusions from the data. The author employs various validation techniques to ensure data validity, including check and recheck methods, collaboration with other researchers, and source triangulation.</p> <p>Results: The research findings reveal several key points: (1) in both Indonesia and Denmark, tolerance education is implemented through various methods, including debate learning activities, religious education, students' freedom to celebrate holidays, active group discussions, and role-playing activities. (2) in Indonesia, tolerance is particularly emphasised within citizenship education. Additionally, it is integrated into daily habits such as praying and shaking hands, cultural tourism visits, and literacy activities. (3) conversely, in Denmark, the implementation of tolerance character education places a strong emphasis on direct experiential learning. This involves presenting examples of concrete problems and teaching the concept of hygge living, which promotes living together peacefully by engaging in simple activities that foster respect and harmony.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: This research undertakes a comparative analysis of tolerance character education in Indonesian and Danish elementary schools through a literature review study method.</p> Erika Prihastanti Muhamad Taufik Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 664 672 Joking Hadith Contextualization to Prank Phenomenon in the Contemporary Era (Application Study Hassan Hanafi's Hermeneutics) <p>This article discuss about application theory Hassan Hanafi's hermeneutics in dissect phenomenon rampant pranks taking place in the contemporary era. In the discussion, researcher will do analysis based hadith prophet. Research methods This is qualitative. Whereas processing the data use method descriptive analytical. In the article This is the problem under study among them is background behind along with steps Hassan Hanafi's hermeneutics, postulates based on the Koran and hadith which have correlation with discussion this, and application Hassan Hanafi's hermeneutics towards hadith that has suitability with phenomenon prank. Study results show that 1). Steps Hassan Hanafi's hermeneutics is critics history, eidetic, and praxis. 2). At least there is three verse that has linkages with pranks, that is Al-Hujurat Verse 11, Al-A'raf Verse 51, Ash-Shura Verse 42. Whereas editorial hadith that has linkages with pranks, that is Musnad Ahmad 8366, Sunan Abu Dawud 4350, Sunan Abu Dawud 4351. 3). Phenomenon prank punished as something that is permissible, except There is detrimental elements, then matter the will change law pranks become haram.</p> Muhammad Alfreda Daib Insan Labib Ilham Syamsul Ahmad Amiruddin Priyatmaja Anggi Radar Bintara Shofiyullah Muzammil Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 673 683 Introducing the Letters of Qalqalah in Tajweed using Card Sort in Qur'an Learning <p>Hijaiyah letters are the basic knowledge capital for reading the Quran because it is the basis of the formation of verses in the Qur'an. If a person already knows the hijaiyah letters, he will find it easier to learn to the next stage in learning to read the Quran. This research was motivated by the learning conditions of the Qur'an which showed that the ability to cooperate, activeness and learning outcomes of students was still relatively low. Teachers still use conventional learning models, so learning is dominated by teachers. The dominance of teachers in this learning process makes students passive-minded so that they more often wait for what the teacher will give them than find for themselves the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need. In this case, researchers try to overcome these problems through the application of card sort learning methods. The application of these learning methods is expected to help students' understanding in the subjects of the Qur'an so that the ability to cooperate, activeness and learning outcomes of students can increase. The type of research used in this study is Classroom Action Research (PTK) which consists of two cycles, the first cycle two meetings, the second cycle one meeting. The target of the study is learners. The process of implementing classroom actions includes: (1) the planning stage, researchers prepare plans from each cycle including Learning Implementation Plans (RPP), methods, media, and materials. (2) the implementation stage, the researcher applies the card sort learning method to learning the subject matter of the law of qalqalah reading (3) the observation stage, making observations related to the researcher's activities and also the response to the condition of students according to the observation sheet that has been previously provided and (4) the reflection stage.</p> Ammar Ali Shahbal Ahmad Nurrohim Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 684 688 The Effect of Sharia Supervisory Board Characteristics on Islamic Social Reporting Disclosures of Islamic Banking in Indonesia <p>This study examines the role of the characteristics of the Sharia Supervisory Board (SSB) in increasing the disclosure of social responsibility of sharia banking in Indonesia using the Islamic Social Reporting (ISR) index for the 2017-2022 period. SSB characteristics tested in this study were size, number of meetings, multiple positions, expertise, age, and the presence of women. This study uses a quantitative method, a descriptive approach, with the sample being the entire population of this research, namely all Indonesian sharia commercial banks registered with the OJK during the 2017-2022 period, totaling 16. This research was then tested using panel data regression. The estimation results of the Random Effect model in this study indicate that SSB expertise and age have a positive effect on ISR disclosure. However, SSB size was found to have a negative influence on ISR disclosure. This research contributes to the development of Islamic corporate governance literature on ISR disclosure and provides insights and guidelines for Islamic banking in Indonesia and DSN-MUI regarding the decision-making of appropriate SSB characteristics in its placement in Islamic banking in Indonesia.</p> Chindy Aidil Fitri Rukmana Dede Vina Indriani Elvina Zahrah Ramadhina Shalwa Ainun Rybca Ine Mayasari S Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 689 700 Ownership Structure and Dividend Choices in The Context of Islamic Banking: A Case Study of Indonesia <p>Purpose: This research explores the factors influencing dividend policies based on ownership structure in Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia during the period of 2012-2022.</p> <p>Methodology: The sample of this research consists of 16 Islamic Commercial Banks operating in Indonesia and uses secondary data which is analyzed using logistic regression.</p> <p>Results: The results of this research indicate that government ownership has a positive effect on dividend policy. On the other hand, institutional ownership does not affect dividend payment decisions in Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia.</p> <p>Applications/Originality/Value: The differences in this research are in the research object, research time, and variables used.</p> Fathimah Tri Handhayani Recha Tazqy Salvia Suci Handayani Yuni Nuryanti Nafisah Ruhana S Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 701 706 Problem-Oriented Student Worksheet based Learning: Cultivating Creativity in Primary School Students <p>Education today is geared towards developing 21st-century skills. One of the skills that needs to be developed is creativity. The objectives of this research are: (1) to describe the use of problem-based learning-oriented student worksheets for grade 4 students at Kasinoman 3 State Elementary School; and (2) to explore the cultivation of creativity in grade 4 students at Kasinoman 3 Elementary School. The general type of research is research and development. Meanwhile, the type of research in this article is ethnographic qualitative research. This research was conducted at Kasinoman 3 Elementary School in August 2023. The subjects of this research were 11 fourth-grade students. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. The credibility test is used to test the validity of the data obtained. The data analysis technique was carried out using the Allure method. The results of the research show that the use of student worksheets oriented towards problem-based learning.</p> Hana Ilvi Setyaningsih S Sutama Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 707 714 Parenting Patterns in Overcoming Reading Difficulties in Grade V Students at Public Elementary School Gondangslamet 2 Boyolali <p>This article discusses parenting and innovative learning approaches in overcoming reading difficulties in grade V students at Gondangslamet 2 Boyolali State Elementary School. Parenting is necessary to support learning success. The purpose of this study is 1) To describe the extent to which parenting overcomes reading difficulties of fifth-grade children at Gondangslamet 2 Boyolali State Elementary School; 2) to explore the effectiveness of innovative learning approaches in improving the reading skills of fifth-grade children at the school. The research method is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The research subjects involved parents and grade V students at Gondangslamet 2 Boyolali State Elementary School. Data were collected by interview and documentation analysis. Data validity using triangulation of sources and methods. The results showed, that 1) Actively involving parents in supporting children's reading skills, both at home and at school; 2) Applying innovative learning approaches can be an effective strategy in overcoming reading difficulties in grade V children.</p> Aldora Zahra Ryanto S Sutama Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 715 720 Learning Difficulties in Beginning Reading for Elementary School Students <p>Reading skills in the early grades play an important role as the basis or foundation for successful academic activities. However, there are still many students who need help learning to read. The research to analyzing the difficulties of beginning reading. To describe the factors that cause learning difficulties in beginning reading. To explain solutions that can be used in overcoming learning difficulties in beginning reading. This research uses qualitative research methods with phenomenological design. The place and time of the research was Tungalsari II State Elementary School, Surakarta Indonesia. The subjects of this research were teachers, guardians, and second-grade students. A credibility test was used to test the validity of the data obtained. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis technique with flow method. The results showed that students' difficulties in beginning reading are recognizing letters, not being able to string syllables, and so on. Factors that influence learning difficulties in beginning reading, namely: lack of student interest in learning, lack of parental attention, and so on. Alternative solutions to early reading difficulties include; teachers holding additional hours for students who still have difficulty learning to read, teachers paying special attention to students who have difficulty reading, and so on. In this research reveals the factors and alternative solutions used by teachers in overcoming elementary school students' reading learning difficulties.</p> Nurul Cholifah S Sutama Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 721 727 SAS-Oriented Pop Up Book Interactive Media: Developing the Beginning Reading Ability of Grade Elementary School Students <p>SAS-oriented pop up book interactive media encourages the development of elementary school students’ initial reading skills. There are two objectives of this research are. To describe the process of using SAS-oriented pop up book interactive media. To explore the growth and development of initial reading skills in grade 1 elementary school students. The overall type of research is research and development. This research is qualitative ethnography. The research subjects were the principal, class 1 homeroom teacher, and class 1 students of Tunggulsari II State Elementary School, Surakarta. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation and documentation. Data validity uses triangulation of sources and methods. Data analysis technique uses flow method. There are two research results in this article as follow. The process of using SAS-oriented pop up book interactive media in beginning reading in grade 1 has good potential for developing beginning reading skills. The growth and development of elementary school students’ initial reading abilities shows that in stage 1 the initial reading abilities of grade 1 students are relatively low. Meanwhile, in stage 2, the application of SAS-oriented pop up book interactive media was declared successful and met the criteria for developing initial reading skills in grade 1 elementary school students.</p> Winda Fitria Supriyanto Putri S Sutama Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 728 735 Implementation of Tolerance Character Education: A Comparative Study on Indonesia and Finland Elementary Schools <p>Purpose: This study aims to compare the implementation of tolerance in elementary schools in Indonesia and Finland. Methods: The method used was qualitative descriptive with a literature study design. The type of study used was a comparative literature review. Data obtained were secondary data, including articles in online scientific journals, website articles, and books related to the implementation of character education of tolerance in Indonesia or Finland elementary schools. Results: Elementary schools in Indonesia or Finland have their own method of implementing character education, especially tolerance. Both countries have varied methods to implement tolerance values. This implementation is not only carried out in the class but also outside the class. However, from various methods and strategies used by schools in those countries, the two countries actually have several differences. In Indonesia, the implementation of tolerance values is still often carried out in the school environment by involving schoolmates. However, in Finland, tolerance can be implemented not only with friends from the same school but also with friends from different schools. Moreover, tolerance values in Indonesia are still implemented in existing lessons, while Finland has its own subject discussing life values, such as tolerance. Application/Originality/Value: This study explained methods for implementing tolerance character in Indonesia and Finland elementary schools based on three elements: providing freedom and not forcing others, respecting other beliefs, and understanding each other on existing differences.</p> Rifaa Husnul Khotimah Muhamad Taufik Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 736 742 Implementation of Disciplinary Character Education: A Comparative Study of Indonesia and New Zealand Primary Schools <p>Purpose: This research compares disciplinary character education in Indonesian and New Zealand elementary schools. Method: The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a literature review study design; the type of research is a comparative literature review. The data obtained from this research is secondary data. Data collection techniques use listening techniques and note-taking techniques. Data validity uses check and recheck methods, researcher validity, and source triangulation. The data analysis used is (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, and (3) data conclusions. Result: The results of this research show that, in implementing character education in elementary schools in Indonesia and New Zealand, there are several similarities in rules, punishments, and rewards. (1) The purpose of having rulesau in schools is to improve student discipline, (2) punishment for students who violate discipline in Indonesian and New Zealand schools both receive punishment, namely students are given a warning, request sorry, and getting extra assignments, (3) awards for students who have applied discipline in Indonesian and New Zealand elementary schools. Students get extra points and appreciation by saying "good or good." The differences in the implementation of disciplinary character education in elementary schools in Indonesia and New Zealand can be seen from the time habits, uniforms and learning attitudes. Application: The novelty of this article is that it compares disciplinary character education in Indonesian and New Zealand elementary schools using the literature review study method.</p> Lulu Hanifah Muthmainah Muhamad Taufik Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 743 750 Implementation of Disciplinary Character Education: A Comparative Study of Indonesian and Japanese Primary School <p>Purpose: This research aims to compare the implementation of disciplinary character education in elementary schools in Indonesia and Japan. Methodology: The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a literature study design and comparative literature review type. Data sources come from online journal articles, article websites, school websites, and YouTube videos. Results: The research results show that (1) Indonesian and Japanese elementary schools' school and class regulations exist. (2) There are regulations outside of learning in Indonesian and Japanese elementary schools. (3) Punishment in Indonesian elementary schools can use a points system, whereas Japanese elementary schools use a group peer pressure system. (4) Consistency in the form of habituation in Indonesian elementary schools is carried out through worship activities and daily notes. In contrast, in Japanese elementary schools, it is carried out through routine activities of cleaning the school (o- sōji), lunch (kyuushoku), and character education learning (doctors), and students are used to bying strict rules since childhood. (5) Student consistency in class in Indonesian and Japanese elementary schools is established through routine activities according to the learning sequence. Applications/Originality/Value: The novelty of this research is that this research compares the implementation of disciplined character education in Indonesian and Japanese elementary schools using the literature review method.</p> Intan Nur Marcela Muhamad Taufik Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 751 760 Achieving Social Competence for Prospective Teachers: Campus Teaching Experience and Communication Ability <p>One part of the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM) is the Teaching Campus Program. Teaching Campus is a program initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture to serve the academic community in schools. This program provides students with the experience of being part of the teaching and learning process in the classroom. This research aims to determine the influence of the Teaching Campus Program and communication skills in improving the social competence of prospective teachers. This research uses quantitative research methods with a correlational design. The research sample consisted of 59 students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education using the combined sampling method. The data analysis technique uses multiple regression with the help of SPSS 26 for Windows. The results of the research show that (1) the Teaching Campus Program influences the social competence of prospective teachers with a significance value of 0.038 &lt; 0.05, (2) communication skills influence the social competence of prospective teachers with a significance value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05, (3) the Campus Program Teaching and communication skills influence the social competence of prospective teachers with a significance value of 0.000 &lt; 0.005.</p> Tiffany Diahnisa Azzahra P Patmisari Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 761 771 Drill Training Program to Improve Badminton Forehand Smash Skills <p>This research aims to find out whether the drill training program has an effect on improving badminton forehand smash skills. This research method uses a quantitative type of research with an experimental research design, one group pretest - posttest design. This research was carried out at the Karanglo sports building, RT 04/RW 04, Waru, Baki District, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, on October 18 2023. The subjects in this research were all 61 members of the UMS sports education badminton talent team, totaling 61 people. with a sample of 20 people, and this sampling technique used Purposive Sampling. The results of this research were tested statistically using SPSS 23, obtaining a calculated t value = -10.576 &lt; t table = - 2.093 and a significance value of 0.00, which means the p value &lt; 0.05, meaning there is an influence of the drill training program to improve badminton forehand smash skills.</p> Ego Bayu Asyari Nur Subekti Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 772 777 Implementation Disciplinary Character Education: A Comparative Study of Indonesian and Danish Elementary Schools <p>Purpose: The research aims to reveal and compare the implementation of disciplinary character education in elementary schools between Indonesia and Denmark. Methodology: This study employs a qualitative approach, utilising a literature review research method, specifically employing a comparative literature review design. The data corpus consists primarily of journal articles sourced online, supplemented by website articles and pertinent videos. To ensure data validity, several techniques are employed, including the check and recheck method, researcher validity protocols, and source triangulation. Data analysis encompasses the systematic reduction, presentation, and conclusive interpretation of gathered information. Results: The research findings illustrate similarities and disparities in implementing disciplinary character education between Indonesia and Denmark. Shared practices include the ritual of queuing before class, recognition through praise for diligent efforts, and the emphasis on timely submission of assignments. Conversely, divergences emerge in the methodologies employed. In Indonesia, disciplinary character education is primarily imparted through direct habituation in daily routines, such as students engaging in prayer before commencing lessons. In contrast, Denmark adopts a model based on exemplification, where teachers serve as role models, and students emulate disciplined behaviour accordingly. Furthermore, while Indonesian students receive instruction on adhering to traffic regulations at pedestrian crossings within classroom settings, Danish counterparts undergo repetitive teaching sessions on traffic rules, subsequently applying acquired knowledge under the supervision of their educators on the actual road. Applications/Originality/Value: The novelty of this research lies in its exploration of the implementation of disciplinary character education within elementary school settings, particularly focusing on a comparative analysis between Indonesia and Denmark.</p> Nuriyah Lutfi Darojati Muhamad Taufik Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 778 786 Implementation of Disciplinary Character Education: A Comparative Study of Indonesian and Australian Elementary School <p>Purpose: The research aims to compare the implementation of disciplinary character education in Indonesia and Australia. Methodology: This research adopts a qualitative approach employing the Study Literature Review method within the Comparative Literature Review research framework. The data corpus comprises journal articles, online resources, and scholarly books. The data collection methodology commences with an extensive literature review, followed by meticulous data categorisation and selection based on identifying pertinent disciplinary elements. The validity of the data is ensured through rigorous reader persistence, corroborative validation from established scholars, and triangulation of sources. Data analysis encompasses data reduction, presentation, and inference techniques to draw comprehensive conclusions. Results: The research findings reveal similarities and disparities in implementing disciplinary character education between Indonesia and Australia. The congruences observed include (1) The delineation of school regulations aimed at cultivating a disciplined ethos among all school community members. (2) Providing awards to students as a mechanism to reinforce compliant behaviour and foster a sense of accountability. (3) The utilisation of punitive measures to serve as a deterrent for students who transgress the established norms. (4) Consistent efforts towards inculcating discipline, such as adherence to punctuality. Conversely, notable distinctions emerge, notably in the formulation of school regulations. In Indonesia, these regulations are typically crafted by teachers and school principals. Conversely, within the public school system in Australia, teachers are vested with the authority to enforce disciplinary measures as delineated by the 2019 Education and Children’s Services Act. Applications/Originality/Value: This research compares disciplinary character education in Indonesia and Australia.</p> Azizah Azzahra Muhamad Taufik Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 787 794 Strengthening Values and Norms for Information Technology Navigation in Grade IV Elementary School Students <p>Purpose: (1) Describes the reinforcement of values and norms as students navigate technology and information, (2) Explores the supporting and inhibiting factors for strengthening values and norms as students navigate technology and information, (3) Proposes a suitable solution to overcome the factors inhibiting the strengthening of values and norms as students navigate technology and information. Methodology: This qualitative research employs a survey design methodology. Data collection encompasses in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The study involves school principals, teachers, and students as its subjects. To ensure data validity, triangulation methods such as data triangulation, incorporating source and technical triangulation, are employed. Results: The findings indicate that values and norms significantly shape students’ responses to advancements in information technology. Extracurricular activities and structured projects are pivotal in imparting valuable lessons to students. However, it is essential to recognise that all supportive elements can potentially hinder progress if not utilised to their fullest extent. Establishing a supervisory team to oversee the implementation of these practices emerges as a crucial initial measure to ensure program consistency. Moreover, initiatives involving educators, parents, and the wider community can foster emotional bonds and a shared sense of responsibility among stakeholders. Applications/Originality/Value: This study is significant in integrating the reinforcement of values and norms within students’ engagement with information technology, both within the structured curriculum and through extracurricular activities.</p> Sabila Auliya Fajri S Sukartono Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 795 801 Implementation of Tolerance Character Education: A Comparative Study of Indonesian and Japanese Elementary Schools <p>Purpose: This study examines and compares the integration of tolerance-based character education among elementary school students in Indonesia and Japan. Methodology: A qualitative approach is employed in this research, utilising a methodological literature review framework. Specifically, a comparative literature review design is adopted. The data for this study are sourced from online journal articles and website publications. Three techniques are employed to ensure data validity: researcher persistence, cross-validation with other researchers, and source triangulation. Data analysis involves processes of data reduction, presentation, and conclusion. Results: The findings illustrate similarities and distinctions in implementing tolerance-based character education within Indonesian and Japanese elementary schools. Shared elements include (1) the encouragement of individual belief systems, (2) the promotion of respect for diversity and the fostering of open-mindedness, (3) the rejection of discriminatory behaviour, and (4) the cultivation of empathy and the establishment of communal bonds. Conversely, differences emerge in practices such as (1) Japanese students consistently bowing in respect or gratitude, a custom not prevalent in Indonesian elementary schools, and (2) Japanese elementary students commuting to school independently, in contrast to Indonesian counterparts whose parents often accompany. Applications/Originality/Value: This study compares tolerance-based character education implementation in Indonesian and Japanese elementary school settings. It represents a pioneering exploration specifically addressing the comparative aspects of tolerance character development in these educational contexts.</p> Nur Hasanah Al Imama Muhamad Taufik Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 802 810 Teacher Readiness in Implementing The Merdeka Curriculum on Viewing Skills at The Elementary School Level <p>Purpose: This study aims to assess the readiness of fifth-grade teachers and delineate the incorporation of viewing skills within the Indonesian language curriculum. Methodology: The research adopts a descriptive qualitative approach employing a case study design. The participants include fifth-grade teachers, principals, and additional data sources from teacher guideline materials. Data collection methods encompass observational checks, interviews, and document analysis. Results: The findings reveal that teachers exhibit limited preparedness in embracing the Merdeka curriculum within the instructional process, consequently impacting the integration of viewing skills. Within classroom settings, the instructional approach towards viewing skills lacks interactivity and is characterised by a lack of technological or non-technological learning aids. Examination of interview transcripts, documentation, and observations of fifth-grade teachers implementing the Merdeka curriculum suggests a reliance solely on the ESPS book publisher endorsed by the school.</p> Rizki Rahma Kusuma Fitri Puji Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 811 816 The Effectiveness of Outdoor-Based Project-Based Learning (PJBL) to Improve School Well-Being in Elementary Schools <p>Current education prioritises student welfare as the central focus in establishing an optimal learning environment. This research endeavours to assess the efficacy of the Outdoor-based Project-Based Learning (PjBL) model in enhancing School Well-being within Elementary Schools. This study adopts a pre-post-test control group design using a quantitative, quasi-experimental methodology. Research instruments are grounded in Allardt’s theory of welfare, encompassing dimensions pertinent to school well-being. The sample comprises 36 fourth-grade students for piloting the School Well-being instrument, with an experimental cohort hailing from Class 5A (31 students) and a control cohort from Class 5B (30 students). Findings reveal a noteworthy disparity between the PjBL and control groups (F=292.588, p &lt; 0.001). Notably, the PjBL group consistently exhibits superior mean scores across all facets of School Well-being, encompassing Having, Loving, Health Status, and Being, relative to the control group. Furthermore, the N-Gain score substantiates a significant divergence: the PjBL group attains 83% (categorised as high), while the control group registers 62% (categorised as medium). These outcomes underscore the efficacy of the outdoor-based PjBL model in ameliorating student learning outcomes. The pragmatic implications of this study underscore the importance of embracing pedagogical approaches that accentuate experiential learning and extracurricular interactions as viable strategies to bolster overall School Well-being and foster student development.</p> Maylida Adinda Putri Murfiah Dewi Wulandari Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 817 826 Toward A Comprehensive Framework for The Regulation of IoT Devices in Indonesia: A Taxonomic Analysis <p>This study aims to devise a regulatory framework for IoT devices in Indonesia via taxonomic analysis. Taxonomic analysis is the methodological approach to discern pivotal dimensions imperative for comprehensive IoT regulations. The outcomes underscore the imperative for regulatory inclusivity across boundaries to address the intricate nexus of technology, security, and device heterogeneity. The investigation underscores the importance of accessibility, anonymity, and interactivity in safeguarding user access and data within IoT networks. Furthermore, it accentuates the urgency for swift responses to security vulnerabilities. This research posits that Indonesia’s IoT regulations must adeptly navigate the intricacies and dynamism inherent in the IoT landscape while addressing the evolving security challenges within this technological milieu.</p> I Isman N Novita Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 827 833 Customer Loyalty of Inpatients of RSU Mardi Lestari Sragen in Review of Aspects of Hospital Image and Service Quality <p>Purpose: In the context of Indonesia's health service organizations, which face increasingly fierce global competition, this study aims to examine the impact of hospital image and service quality on customer loyalty. Additionally, it aims to analyze the influence of hospital image on customer loyalty, with customer satisfaction as a mediating variable. Methodology: Quantitative methods are employed in this study, utilizing non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling technique. Data is collected through the distribution of questionnaires employing a Likert scale. The study population consists of inpatients at RSU Mardi Lestari Sragen, with 110 respondents. Data analysis is conducted using Partial Least Square (PLS) via SMARTPLS software, encompassing Outer and Inner model analyses. Results: The findings of this study indicate that hospital image and service quality positively and significantly influence customer loyalty. Moreover, customer satisfaction is a mediating factor in the relationship between hospital image, service quality, and customer loyalty. Applications: This research suggests that hospital management should strive to enhance its image by delivering exemplary services and ensuring patient satisfaction. Furthermore, the findings recommend bolstering the hospital's brand image and service quality to enhance patient satisfaction.</p> Woro Sulistiyaningrom Muzakar Isa Hari Wujoso Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 834 843 Factors that Affect Purchase Decisions on Marketplace Users with Brand Image as A Mediating Variable <p>Purpose: This study aims to investigate the impact of brand ambassadorship (X1), pricing strategies (X2), and promotional activities (X3) on purchasing decisions (Y) among marketplace users, with a particular focus on the mediating influence of brand image (Z). Methodology: A sample of 390 marketplace users, selected through convenience sampling, underwent analysis employing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Partial Least Squares (PLS). Results: Brand ambassadors, pricing strategies, and promotional activities collectively positively and significantly influence brand image. Pricing strategies notably affect purchasing decisions. While brand ambassadors and promotional activities positively influence purchasing decisions, their effects are not statistically significant. Moreover, brand image significantly impacts purchasing decisions and serves as a mediator for all independent variables. Applications/Originality/Value: This study contributes to a deeper comprehension of consumer behaviour within marketplaces, furnishing practical insights for marketers. The identified mediating role of brand image enriches existing literature, underscoring its pivotal role in shaping consumer choices and decision-making processes.</p> Nur Achmad M. Miftahul Fatah Dinda Daniar Wahyuningrum Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 844 850 Evaluation of Digital Literacy Competencies in Education Teachers Early Childhood Education Teachers <p>Teachers’ digital literacy equips children with the skills and confidence to confront increasingly digitised challenges. This study seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the digital literacy competencies of early childhood education teachers. The research employs a descriptive qualitative method, utilising single or multiple case studies. Data collection involves interviews and observations of five Aisyiyah Bolon 1 Colomadu Kindergarten teachers. The findings reveal a need for enhanced digital literacy competencies among early childhood education teachers, particularly in leveraging technological devices for optimised learning experiences and the holistic development of young learners.</p> I Istiqomah Z Zulkarnaen Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 851 857 The Relevance of Evaluation to Learning Objectives in Instructional Planning <p>Early childhood refers to children aged 0-6 years with unique and distinct traits. According to Suryana, as cited by Syahrul &amp; Nurhafizah (2021: 685), early childhood encompasses children within a specific age range, exhibiting unique characteristics and undergoing rapid and foundational developmental processes crucial for their future lives. Education can be conducted anywhere, and one of the institutions providing education is schools. Educational institutions serve as the venues for the teaching-learning process, delivering formal instruction to enhance the quality of education (Olli Susanti &amp; Pautina Amalia, 2020). Teachers play a crucial role in instructional planning as they design, implement, and assess learning activities. Teachers can create diverse learning activities and engage learners using instructional media to make the learning process more captivating and interactive, necessitating innovation in learner-centered instruction, one of which involves using instructional media.</p> Martini Rahayu Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 858 861 Increased Leg Power of Female Fighters through Plyometrics Double Leg Lateral Hop Exercise: An Experimental Study <p>This investigation aims to determine whether the Plyometric Double Leg Lateral Hop Exercise enhances leg power in female martial artists. Twenty female martial artists from the Perguruan Tapak Suci Putera Muhammadiyah in the Boyolali District, constituting twenty athletes, were the focal point of this inquiry. As outlined by Hamilton et al. (2008), the Triple Hop Jump Test was utilised to gauge the power capacity of the leg muscles as part of the data collection methodology. According to the reference cited from, the athlete stands on the leg under evaluation and then leaps forward as far as possible, commensurate with their ability. This assessment tool serves to evaluate dynamic stability using a single forward jump. The data analysis method employed in this study involved a t-test using SPSS version 25, with significance testing for differences. The study's outcomes reveal that the Plyometric Double Leg Lateral Hop Exercise contributes to increased limb power among female martial artists. Nonetheless, given that the study's cohort and sample exclusively comprise female combatants, prudence is advised in extrapolating the findings to broader training paradigms. Subsequent investigations should consider the specific physiological attributes that influence the performance of martial arts athletes.</p> Arief Samudiyanto Nur Subekti Muhad Fatoni Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 862 867 Introduction to English Vocabulary in Children with The Singing Method at Taman Firdaus Karanganyar Kindergarten <p>This study endeavours to enhance children’s English vocabulary acquisition through singing activities. The impetus for this research stemmed from the prevalent challenge of impediments encountered in mastering vocabulary among children, particularly in the realm of memorising multi-syllabic English words imparted by educators. Additionally, it addresses the issue of errors or inaccuracies in comprehending the intended meaning during English language learning sessions. This research adopts a classroom action methodology executed across three phases: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research cohort comprises 14 participants from Group A. Data collection methodologies encompassed the compilation of field notes, interview transcripts, and photographic documentation of the activities. Employing the singing method for English language acquisition proves to be a straightforward pedagogical approach, facilitating ease of vocabulary retention among children. Through this method, children can articulate their thoughts and emotions via melodic tones and expressions. Singing activities serve as a conduit to ignite children’s enthusiasm for learning, seamlessly integrating with the foundational principles of kindergarten education. The outcomes of this study reveal a notable enhancement in children’s English vocabulary proficiency. Progression is evident across the three stages of the intervention: from an initial attainment of 39% in stage I to 78% in stage II, and culminating in a substantial improvement to 91% in stage III. Thus, it can be inferred that the singing method constitutes an efficacious means to bolster children’s English vocabulary skills.</p> Tri Hartini Sri Slamet Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 868 872 Improving Kinesthetic Intelligence through Animated Films in Children Aged 5-6 Years <p>This research aims to enhance the kinesthetic intelligence of 5-6-year-old children attending Aisyiyah Macanan Kindergarten in the Kebakkramat District through animated films tailored for their age group. Employing a descriptive qualitative approach, data were collected from 18 children in Group B through interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis was conducted using the triangulation technique. The findings indicate that teachers are well-versed in understanding children's kinesthetic intelligence, its characteristics, and the efficacy of using animated films for learning. Teachers have implemented varied learning media to prevent monotony and have ensured adequate facilities for presenting animated films. Children demonstrated proficiency in imitating movements depicted in the animated film "Nusa and Rara: Let's Exercise," contributing to gross motor skills such as hand-foot-eye coordination, body balance, strength, flexibility, and speed, all appropriate for their age group. Enhanced kinesthetic intelligence offers children increased opportunities for play, exploration, and social interaction with peers and their environment.</p> R Ruswanti Qonitah Faizatul Fitriyah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 873 877 Strategy to Grow Children's Honesty Characters through The Media of Islamic Animated Films at PAUD Firdaus Karanganyar <p>This study aims to explore and analyse the strategies employed in nurturing honesty among children through Islamic animated films at PAUD Firdaus Karanganyar. Honesty is a core value in Islam, and instilling this virtue early is crucial for fostering integrity in individuals. The research methodology adopts a qualitative approach involving data collection through observations, interviews, and document analysis. The findings revealed that PAUD Firdaus Karanganyar implements a range of strategies to cultivate honesty characters in children, including carefully selecting Islamic animated films that impart moral lessons about honesty. Moreover, group discussions and role-playing activities effectively reinforce ethical values and encourage children to reflect on the importance of honesty in their daily lives. Additionally, incorporating narratives aligned with Islamic principles plays a significant role in the effectiveness of animated films as a medium for character education. These findings offer valuable insights into the efficacy of using Islamic animated films to promote honesty among children at an early stage of their development. Such initiatives lay a strong foundation for children's moral and ethical growth, shaping their character and guiding their conduct in the future.</p> S Sulastri Sri Slamet Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 878 883 The Use of Audio-Visual Media to Improve Early Childhood Language Development <p>Early childhood, typically the developmental stage from birth to six years old, is often regarded as the “golden age” of human development. Children are expected to achieve significant developmental milestones across various domains during this formative period. Language development holds particular significance among these domains, as it empowers young children to effectively communicate their thoughts, feelings, and desires to parents, educators, and peers alike. Audio-visual media emerges as a potent tool in fostering language development from early childhood onward. This study aims to explore the impact of audio-visual media on young children’s language development, with a specific focus on KB Ar Rosyid Kartasura Sukoharjo. The research subjects comprise groups of 3 to 4-year-old children enrolled in the An Nahl class, totaling 20 participants, including 9 boys and 11 girls. This study uses a qualitative research approach to rely on human speech or writing and observable behavior as primary data sources. Data collection techniques encompass interviews, observations, and note-taking. The research findings from KB Ar Rosyid Kartasura Sukoharjo indicate that audio-visual media contributes positively to language development in young children.</p> Isnania Primastuty Tri Asmawulan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 884 890 Development of Collaborative Learning in Early Childhood through Gobak Sodor Game <p>Purpose: Collaborative learning in early childhood is important in nurturing a culture of cooperation and teamwork. This research endeavours to introduce children to the traditional game of gobak sodor to cultivate collaboration from an early age. Methodology: This study employs qualitative and data collection methods encompassing interviews, observations, and documentation. This research focused on a cohort of 23 group B students, with detailed observations conducted on a subset of 6 children. Thematic analysis models were utilised for data interpretation. The research protocol includes introductory sessions, exemplification, and practical engagement in gobak sodor gameplay. Results: The findings underscore the efficacy of gobak sodor in fostering collaborative learning among early childhood participants. Beyond enhancing physical motor skills, the game promotes collaborative aptitudes, advocating its integration into pedagogical practices. Applications/Originality/Value: This study underscores the transformative potential of gobak sodor in nurturing early childhood collaborative learning. By engaging in this traditional game, children cultivate values of mutual cooperation, responsibility, strategic thinking, and problem-solving while fostering a sense of communal heritage preservation. Furthermore, the game instils traits of solidarity, loyalty, empathy, and sportsmanship, thereby enriching the socio-emotional development of participating children.</p> Trias Utami Choiriyah Widyasari Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 891 895 Natural Material Media as A Means of Developing A Naturalist Intelligence at Labiba Maulida Boyolali Kindergarten <p>Purpose: This study aims to comprehend children's fine motor skills and their utilization of natural materials and recycled items at Labiba Maulida Kindergarten, situated in the Banyudono District of the Boyolali Administrative Region. Methodology: Qualitative methods constituted the framework for this investigation. The research focused on children in Group A at Labiba Maulida Boyolali Kindergarten. Data gathering encompassed planning, execution, and evaluation stages, with lesson planning incorporating natural materials within the school environment. Results: The learning process commenced with the delineation of annual and semester programs, weekly learning schedules, and lesson plans, alongside ongoing learning assessments utilizing anecdotal observations and checklists conducted daily and compiled on a weekly and monthly basis. This study capitalized on the availability of natural materials within the surroundings to gauge the development of naturalistic intelligence. While the ability to select appropriate natural materials is fundamental, proficiency in utilizing them for learning purposes is equally crucial. Nevertheless, challenges were encountered; certain students initially struggled to identify suitable natural materials, perceiving them as lacking educational value. Conversely, some students demonstrated an aptitude for sourcing and utilizing natural materials in their work. Teachers provided incremental support and guidance for those yet to acquire this skill, encouraging them to explore the school environment to familiarize themselves with the natural materials incorporated into the learning process. In summary, cultivating naturalistic intelligence through integrating natural materials at Labiba Maulida Kindergarten yielded demonstrable success.</p> K Kinasih Choiriyah Widyasari Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 896 901 Learning with Letter Cards in Literacy Introduction for Children Aged 4-5 Years at Taman Firdaus Islamic Kindergarten Karanganyar <p>This study investigates the efficacy of letter cards in fostering early literacy skills among children aged 4-5 years at TK Islam Taman Firdaus Karanganyar. Early literacy constitutes a pivotal aspect of a child's developmental journey, and employing suitable pedagogical approaches can significantly enhance reading and writing proficiencies during formative years. Employing a qualitative methodology coupled with a case study research design, this study engages kindergarten educators in Karanganyar who have integrated letter cards into their literacy curriculum. Data collection methodologies encompass classroom observations, teacher interviews, and document scrutiny. Findings underscore the effectiveness of utilising letter cards in initiating early literacy activities at TK Islam Taman Firdaus Karanganyar. Letter cards prove instrumental in facilitating letter recognition, word formation, and eventual fluency in reading. Furthermore, this approach fosters heightened interest among children in reading and writing activities. Noteworthy is the pivotal role of educators in orchestrating learning experiences with letter cards, ensuring alignment with the developmental requisites of 4-5-year-olds.</p> Lis Kusminati Sri Slamet Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 902 907 Junior High School Students Actively Learn PPKN: Is There Any Reinforcement and Reward Contribution? <p>This study aimed to determine the effect of reinforcement and reward on student learning activity in PPKn learning in junior high school. This study used quantitative methods with a correlational design. The sample in this study was 245 students of Muhammadiyah Junior High School in Surakarta City, with a quota purposive random sampling technique. Data collection using a closed questionnaire with a Likert scale. Data analysis techniques use multiple regression analysis with the help of SPSS 26 for Windows software. The results showed that (1) reinforcement significantly affected student learning activity in PPKn learning in junior high school, with a significance value of 0.006 &lt; 0.05 and a calculated count of 2.791 &gt; ttable 1.969. Student learning activity in PPKN learning in junior high school is influenced by the reinforcement provided by teachers in the form of verbal and non-verbal support ; (2) the provision of rewards has a significant effect on student learning activity in PPKn learning in junior high school, with a significance value of 0.029 &lt; 0.05 and a calculated tcount of 2.193 &gt; ttable 1.969. Student learning activity in PPKn learning in junior high school is influenced by the provision of rewards made by teachers in the form of gestures, words, deeds, awards in the form of objects, respect, symbolic awards, and praise; (3) there is a joint influence of reinforcement and reward on student learning activity in PPKn learning in junior high school, with a significance value of 0.000 &lt; 0.05 and Fcount 24.786 &gt; Ftable 3.03. The contribution of 17%. In comparison, the remaining 83% is influenced by other factors not studied in this study.</p> Rosy Hera Nayottama P Patmisari Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 908 916 Mitigating Learning Apathy: Study of Problems in Civics Learning <p>This study aims to determine the role of PPKn teachers in overcoming students' learning apathy at SMP Muhammdiyah 7 Surakarta. This study was carried out for approximately one month using descriptive qualitative study methods using facts in the field to provide a clearer picture. The data and data sources for this research are the results of interviews with PPKn teachers, students, and school principals, as well as the results of observations carried out by researchers at schools. This study uses observation instruments and interview instruments. The data collection techniques used in this research are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study show that civic teachers have an essential role in overcoming students' learning apathy. The role of the PPKn teacher at SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Surakarta is as follows: First when students are not involved in the learning process, the teacher plays a vital role in overcoming this problem by looking for or calling them to be informed about the material explained in class and given sanctions. Second, when students ignore the teacher when the teacher explains the lesson material, the teacher's role in overcoming this problem is to develop a learning model that does not only use the lecture method. Third, when students do not dare to ask questions to the teacher, the teacher's role in overcoming this problem is to understand because each student has different abilities. Fourth, when students do not answer questions asked by the teacher or other students, what the teacher does is give additional points to raise student motivation. Fifth, when students do not dare to respond to answers from other students, the teacher's role is to motivate students why they do not answer questions and so on. Sixth, when students do not provide conclusions at the end of the lesson, the teacher explains that only students who pay attention during learning can conclude the material. Sixth, when students do not do the assignments given by the teacher, in this case, the teacher has a vital role in preventing this by providing sanctions in the form of doubling the assignment.</p> Miftah Amrulloh P Patmisari Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 917 927 Playdough Media to Increase Creativity in Early Childhood <p>21st-century skills, which are the main things that children must master, prioritize the 4C, namely creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration, where the learning process will prioritize skills that adapt to the conditions of the time. Creativity in early childhood is also characterized by the ability to form imagination. To foster creativity, children need to play, one of which is playing playdough. This research aims to analyse playdough media to increase creativity in early childhood. The research method used is descriptive. Data was obtained from interviews, observations, and documentation sources from TK Aisyiyah 14 Danukusuman. The collected data was analysed based on the Miles &amp; Huberman model, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Based on research and interviews with heads, and teachers, it can be concluded that playdough can stimulate children’s creativity because playdough is a safe medium, easy to find material, easy to shape, and children independent, and confident. Self-confidence, courage to express opinions, and high curiosity are characteristics of creative children.</p> Sri Muryani Tri Asmawulan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 928 934 The Navigation The Landscape of Adult Growth: A Bibliometric Odyssey through Scopus-Indexed Publications on Adult Value Reflection (1972-2023) <p>This study aims to determine adult learning and self-development mapping in Scopus-indexed publications. This research uses bibliometric analysis techniques to examine all publications indexed in the Scopus database on adult values reflection from 1972 to 2023. The data were analysed using Excel and R/R-Studio. VOSviewer was used to analyze the co-occurrence of keywords and document citations visually. The author found 507 publications matching the defined function, subject, and criteria. The results of this study show an annual growth rate of 7.8%, with the most publications on adult values reflection in 2018. The United States is the country with the highest contribution. The bibliometric analysis carried out was limited to Scopus data. Other national and international databases were not included in this study. This study presents a snapshot of the literature accessible to researchers in the fields of education and health and provides recommendations for future research. Important information about the data.</p> Isna Annisa Rohmah Triono Ali Mustofa Mutohharun Jinan Muh. Nur Rochim Maksum Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 935 944 Exploring Teaching Evaluation Research Trends: A Scopus-Based Bibliometric Study <p>This study aims to map the development and direction of Exploring Teaching Evaluation research in Scopus-indexed publications. Bibliometric analysis techniques were used in this study to explore all publications indexed in the Scopus database on Exploring Teaching Evaluation from 1972, the first year of research on the theme, until 2023. The data obtained was analysed using Excel and R/R-Studio. VOSviewer was used to analyse the simultaneous occurrence of keywords and document citations visually. The author found 1,56 publications that matched the criteria, function, and subject. The results of this study show an annual growth rate of 8.17% with the most publications on Exploring Teaching Evaluation in 2022. The United States led the publication with 396 documents from Monash University. Galarce-Miranda, c and Gormaz-Lobos, D. led the way with the number of publications as many as 4 documents with the theme Exploring Teaching Evaluation. Researchers conducted bibliometric analysis limited to Scopus data. Other national and international databases should have been considered in this study. The study is completed by presenting a brief overview of the literature accessible to researchers working in the field of education and providing recommendations for future research.</p> Afifah Lutfi Mufidah Mohammad Zakki Azani Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 945 955 Trend Research of Project-Based Learning in The Database Scopus 1964-2023 <p>This research intends to track the progress and focus of project-based learning research in Scopus publications. Researchers focus on analyzing Scopus-indexed publications on project-based learning from 1964 to 2023 using bibliometric analysis techniques. Data was analysed using Excel, R/R-Studio. VOSviewer provides a visual analysis of keywords and document citations co-occurring. The author found research data of 1,803 published documents according to the function, subject, and criteria specified. This research demonstrates an annual growth rate of 8.04% for project-based learning research and the highest number of publications in 2022. The United States had the most research papers, while National Taiwan Normal University had the most document affiliates. Barak, M. and Yang, S.C. became the most productive writers on project-based learning themed. Researchers were limited to using Scopus data for bibliometric analysis. The study solely focused on one database without considering other national or international databases. The research presents a brief literature review on learning methods for educators, with recommendations for future research in the field of education.</p> Afifah Nur Zahra Muh. Nur Rochim Maksum C Chusniatun Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 956 967 Exploring Critical Discussion Research: A Bibliometric Analysis of Scopus-Indexed Publications <p>This study uses bibliometric analytic approaches to analyses all publications indexed in the Scopus database on critical discussion from 1929 to 2023 to trace the evolution and direction of critical discussion research on Scopus-indexed publications. The data obtained were analysed using Excel and R/R-Studio. VOSviewer analyses the simultaneous occurrence of keywords and document citations visually. The author found 502 publication data that match the function, subject, and criteria that have been set. The results of this study show an annual growth rate of 5.28%, with the publication of the most data in 2022 graphical analysis. The United States is the country that contributes the most publications affiliated with The University of British Columbia. Valcke, M. Become the most prolific writer in critical discussion themes. The bibliometric analysis performed was limited to Scopus data. Other national and international databases should have been considered in the study. This study presents a brief overview of the literature accessible to researchers working in education and provides recommendations for future research.</p> Firly Aprilia Rohimawati Muhammad Wildan Shohib Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 968 978 Exploring Trends in Active Learning Methods Research: A Comprehensive Scopus-Based Bibliometric Study <p>This study aims to determine the mapping of the development and direction of Active Learning Methods research in publications indexed by Scopus. This study used bibliometric analysis techniques to explore all journals indexed in Scopus' database of Active Learning Methods from 1985 to 2023. The data obtained were analysed using Excel and R/R-Studio. VOSviewer analyses the simultaneous occurrence of keywords and document citations visually. The author found 590 publications that fit the function, subject, and criteria set. The results of this study showed an annual growth rate of 10.96%, with the most publications on Active Learning Methods in 2022. The United States is the country that contributes the most publications, with an affiliation of the University of Florida. Rissanen became the most prolific writer on the theme of Active Learning Methods. The bibliometric analysis performed was limited to Scopus data. Other national and international databases should have been considered in the study. This study presents a brief overview of the literature accessible to researchers working in Education and provides recommendations for future research.</p> Risda Mutik Khanifah Mohammad Zakki Azani Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 979 988 Bibliometric Analysis of Character Education Development Maps in The Scopus Database <p>This study aims to determine the mapping of the development and direction of character education research in publications indexed by Scopus. This study used bibliometric analysis techniques to explore all publications indexed in the Scopus database on character education from 1962 to 2023. The data obtained were analysed using Excel and R/R-Studio. VOSviewer is used to visually analyse the simultaneous occurrence of keywords and document citations. The authors found 1,028 publications that fit the function, subject, and criteria set. The results of this study showed an annual growth rate of 9.26%, with the most publications on character education in 2021. The United States is the country that contributes the most publications with affiliations from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Supriyadi T became the most prolific writer in character education development. The bibliometric analysis performed was limited to Scopus data. Other national and international databases should have been considered in the study. This study presents a brief overview of the literature accessible to character researchers and provides recommendations for future research.</p> Andreana Putri Ambarwati Mutohharun Jinan Mohammad Zakki Azani Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro Afief El Ashfahany Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 989 999 Effectiveness of Card Sort Learning Method to Improve Students' Cognitive in Kemuhammadiyahan Learning <p>Purpose: The study aims to investigate the effectiveness of the card sort learning method in improving students’ cognitive students in Kemuhammadiyahan learning at Muhammadiyah 2 Surakarta High School, Indonesia. Methodology: This research is quantitative by the environment, and the data was gathered through the use of questionnaires, observation, and documentation. Descriptive analysis and basic linear regression tests were employed to analyze the data. Results: The outcome of this investigation proves that the level of student perspective towards the card sort learning method and the learning achievement of students in the Muhammadiyah subject are in a positive category. The findings of the average mean score demonstrate the Muhammadiyah subject perceived level at 45.41% and the card sort method perceived level at 43.2%. The partial t-test (t = 8.276, p = 0.000) shows that the total cart sort learning method is linked to the overall learning outcomes of Muhammadiyah studies. The results of the significant prediction equation are built as Total Kemuhammadiyahan Learning = 0.933 + 0.129 (Total Card Sort Method). It can be possible to deduce that Ho is rejected and Ha is somewhat accepted, and therefore the card sort method significantly improves and predicts students' cognitive achievement in Muhammadiyah studies. Applications/Originality/Value: According to the study’s result, a card-sort learning method can be used effectively to improve students' cognitive aspects while learning Muhammadiyah studies. This study makes a significant contribution to the understanding of the card sort learning method as an effective instrument to develop the student’s cognitive abilities in learning Muhammadiyah studies.</p> Fauziyah Qurrota Ayun Tamami Muhammad Wildan Shohib Siti Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1000 1005 Learning Strategies for Improving Number Recognition Ability through Digital Stories <p>Introduction to numbers in adank Early childhood varies, especially when it comes to recognizing numbers, one of which is by using digital stories. Seeing increasingly sophisticated technological developments in learning, children are also introduced to technology. This research aims to determine learning strategies for improving number recognition skills through digital stories. The subjects of this research were teachers, school principals, and children aged 4-5 years. The object of this research is number recognition. The data collection technique is through observation, namely collecting initial data related to the ability to recognize numbers, interviews are used to collect data related to learning strategies to improve the ability to recognize numbers through digital stories and documentation is used as supporting data in the ability to recognize numbers in early childhood. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, namely analyzing the data, grouping the data according to the data obtained, and then presenting the data, namely the data that has been reduced related to the ability to recognize numbers displayed according to the grouping. After presenting the data, then conclusions are drawn on the results of the research. The results of this research show that recognizing numbers using digital stories can improve concentration abilities and can also improve children's number recognition.</p> Laili Khusnul Khotimah Sri Katoningsih Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1006 1010 Animated Video Media as An Alternative to Developing Early Childhood Pre-Literacy <p>Word This study focuses on developing early childhood pre-literacy in Tk Al Irsyad Al Islamiyyah Tawangmangu through animated video media to strengthen listening skills and fluency in oral language expression of what children see and hear. School planning uses the 2013 curriculum and the implementation of group learning, and teachers can evaluate children's achievements using age-appropriate STPPA (Child Development Achievement Level Standards) for 4-5 years. This research is both descriptive and qualitative. Data collection using observation techniques, interviews, and document reviews the validity of the data is obtained through data triangulation. The technique of analysing data is carried out with interactive models. The implementation of the use of animated video media in pre-literacy learning is implemented in group learning perception with steps: (a) concentration and focus, (b) orientation (looking around), (c) children's play stage, and (e) recalling/summary. The results of the study showed that animated video media is effective for developing early childhood pre-literacy, including the ability to listen and express spoken language from animated videos viewed by indicators and STPPA and show positive progress in every stimulation given. Learning using animated video media can stimulate early childhood preliteracy, and animated video media provides interesting learning and innovation.</p> Novia Putri Mayang Sari Choiriyah Widyasari Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1011 1019 Building A Collaborative Role between School and Home in Fulfiling Balanced Nutrition at PAUD "Melati Indah" <p>Children's understanding of healthy and nutritious diets needs support from teachers and parents. Research on group students preschool Melati Indah Batan, Banyudono, Boyolali.Regency which was carried out in September 2023 aimed to determine the role of teachers and parents in introducing healthy balanced nutrition to children. A qualitative descriptive approach was applied in this study with data collection methods through observation, and interviews. The data are in the form of student activity descriptions, and the results of interviews with teachers and students' parents. The results showed that several students brought lunch of non-nutritious food. For this reason, efforts are required to increase understanding of the importance of classically healthy and nutritious food for children, which is welcomed by parents. This is proven by the students' lunch menu which is healthier and more varied. The role of teachers and parental support through healthy eating habits, and balanced nutrition in the provision of daily menus or provisions for students to school is a real effort to increase student understanding of healthy and nutritious diets.</p> Sri Widati Choiriyah Widyasari Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1020 1025 Introduction to The Occurrence Process Rain through Project-Based Learning the Early-Age Child <p>Early childhood science learning is one way to develop children's potential by applying the right learning model so that children can gain new knowledge from the results of observation, exploration, and experiments with various objects around during learning. The purpose of this study is the introduce the process of rain through Project-based Learning for early childhood. The subjects of this study were teachers and 20 children in class B1, while the object was the introduction of the process of rain. Primary Data is data obtained directly or data obtained from the first source through observation and interviews. While secondary data is data obtained indirectly in the form of photos and journals. This research method is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques in this study are observation, interviews, and document studies. This observation activity is carried out through observation with children directly to obtain data for the study. Interviews were conducted with teachers and children. Documentation is carried out to obtain pictures or photos of the children studied. Data analysis techniques through data reduction are grouping, analyzing data that has been collected then presenting data is carried out by displaying the results that have been reduced, after the data is displayed then concluded. The results showed that the introduction of the process of rain through Project-based learning for early childhood can train children's cooperation, and increase activeness and creativity, children are directly involved in the experimental process so that understanding simple concepts of science in children's daily lives will be more optimal.</p> Ining Handayani Sri Katoningsih Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1026 1031 Politeness Strategy and Progressive Education Value in The Novel Man and His Storms <p>Objective: This study aims to describe the forms of politeness strategies contained in the novel Manusia dan Badainya and to describe the progressive education values contained therein. Methodology: The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method with the results in the form of writing. The object studied is the novel Manusia dan Badainya. The data collection technique used is the simak-catat technique. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, presentation, and conclusion. Results: The results of this study indicate that there are 2 forms of politeness strategies which include positive politeness strategies and negative politeness strategies, and 1 progressive education value contained in the novel. The form of politeness strategies in the novel Manusia dan Badainya includes 5 positive politeness strategies and 2 forms of negative politeness strategies. Application/Originality/Value: The novelist writes that the value of progressive education is indirectly contained in the novel Manusia dan Badainya.</p> Latifah Nurul Kasanah M Markhamah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1032 1037 Religious Character Education Values in the Novel "Sabtu Bersama Bapak" by Adhitya Mulya and its Potential as Teaching Material for Short Story Texts <p>This study aims to explore the educational values and potential of religious characters in the novel "Sabtu Bersama Bapak" by Adhitya Mulya as a literature teaching material in schools. The method employed in this research is qualitative descriptive, with the subject and object of the study consisting of words or phrases found within the novel "Sabtu Bersama Bapak" by Adhitya Mulya. The primary source of data for this research is the novel itself, "Sabtu Bersama Bapak." Data collection techniques utilized in this study include literature review, observation, and note-taking. The findings of this study have revealed four out of five elements of a religious character or "Beriman," "Bertakwa Kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa," and "Berakhlak Mulia" as outlined in the "Profil Pelajar Pancasila" (Pancasila Student Profile). These elements include (a) religious ethics such as praying to God, expressing gratitude to the Almighty, performing religious rituals, and surrendering to God's will, (b) personal ethics encompassing sincerity, self-respect, self-care, responsibility, patience, and courtesy, (c) social ethics involving assisting those in need, respecting others with polite speech, communicating respectfully with others, advising others, and providing solutions, and (d) environmental ethics entailing a love for nature and appreciation of its beauty. Meanwhile, the potential of "Sabtu Bersama Bapak" as teaching material in this study is demonstrated through the reinforcement of students' character education via the religious character elements present in the novel.</p> Tyara Hastu Sekar Windanty Main Sufanti Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1038 1045 Teachers' Directive Speech Acts in The Teaching and Learning Process of The Independent Campus Program <p>Directive speech acts are expressions used by speakers directed towards interlocutors to create an expression of the speaker’s intentions or desires. This serves as one of the reasons for the interlocutor to take specific action. The author has chosen to focus on directive speech acts in the teaching and learning process within the independent campus program. The objective of the research is to identify directive speech acts employed by teachers during the teaching and learning process. The data source for this research consists of teachers’ utterances during the teaching and learning process at SD Negeri 2 Sukorejo, located in Pacalan Village, Sukorejo, Kecamatan Wedi, Kabupaten Klaten. This research falls under the qualitative category because it aims to generate data in the form of words, expressions, speech, or sentences related to teachers’ directive speech acts in online learning at SD Negeri 2 Sukorejo. Data collection for this research utilizes the Simak Bebas Libat Cakap (SBLC) technique, recording technique, and note-taking technique. The analysis of research data employs the pragmatic equivalent method. The findings of this research reveal various forms of teacher directive speech acts during the teaching and learning process, including requests (25%), plead (7%), invite (17%), push (11%), asking (16%), commanding (11%), prohibiting (5%), permitting (4%), reminding (4%).</p> Fanesa Narulita Zainal Arifin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1046 1056 Forms of Directive and Expressive Illocutionary Speech Acts on Instagram Social Media in The Captions of The @ganjar_pranowo Account and Their Implications for Indonesian Language Learning <p>The purpose of this research is to analyze the form of the directive and expressive illocutionary speech acts in the caption of the Instagram social media account @ganjar_pranowo and analyze its implication in Indonesian language learning. The writer wants to know the form of speech acts and their implementation in Indonesian language learning. The research technique used is descriptive qualitative with the object of this research being the form of directive and expressive illocutionary speech acts on the @ganjar_pramowo account capton. The data collection technique used is a listening technique, note capture screen (screenshot), with data analysis using qualitative analysis technique. The results of the research based on the analysis that has been done by the author show the form and use of directive and expressive illocutionary speech acts in the caption on the Instagram account @ganjar_pranowo namely there is a total of 25 data that have been analyzed, directive speech acts with a total of 9 data and expressive speech acts 16 data that has been analyzed. From the data that has been analyzed, the data that is often used by speakers to write Instagram captions on the @ganjar_pranomo account is asked with 3 data for directive speech acts and 7 data to say thank you for expressive speech acts and can be linked in the implications of argumentation texts, namely structure, content, and linguistic rules.</p> Risma Aistisya Andi Haris Prabawa Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1057 1065 Directive Speech Acts in The Nussa Series and Their Relation to The Profile of Pancasila Students <p>This research aims to analyze directive speech acts in the Nussa series and their relationship to the profile of Pancasila students. The research method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. The object of this research is the speech of the character Nussa. The subject of this research is Nussa's dialogue with several figures. The data collection technique in this research is note-taking. The data validation technique in this research uses triangulation techniques. The results found in this research were 1) a total of 20 directive speech acts which were grouped into six types, namely, 2 directive speech acts of asking; 6 interrogative directive speech acts; 4 directive command speech acts; 1 prohibitive directive speech act; 2 permission directive speech acts; and 5 directive speech acts in the form of advice. 2) The directive speech act is linked to the dimensions of the Pancasila student including having faith and being devoted to God Almighty; global diversity; mutual cooperation; independence; creativity; and critical reasoning. It is hoped that educators will realize these six dimensions during learning so that they do not only focus on one or two dimensions.</p> Dwi Nurfitasari Agus Budi Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1066 1074 Implementation of Indonesia Language Learning in (P5) Independent Curriculum at Muhammadiyah Middle School <p>This research aims to describe the implementation of Indonesian language learning in the (P5) independent curriculum at Muhammadiyah Middle Schools. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, The author uses a descriptive approach because the method is to examine and explain the findings that have been obtained to be described. The subjects in this research were Indonesian language subject teachers. Data collection was carried out using observation, interviews, and case study techniques. Data was analyzed after inspection. The results of the examination revealed challenges, obstacles, and strategies for learning Indonesian in the Pancasila student profile of the independent curriculum. The results of this research show that: (1) There are challenges and obstacles to implementing the Pancasila student profile. The challenge is mastering learning needs in the digital era and, lack of reference sources. Meanwhile, obstacles, namely no educational experience, low interest in literacy, and inadequate facilities require a lot of estimated time to work on the project; (2) Indonesian language learning strategies in the independent curriculum. There is a division of student learning styles and Pancasila student profile projects in Indonesian language learning.</p> Dea Klarisa M Markhamah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1075 1083 Illocutionary Acts and Progressive Education Values in Public Opinion Against Violence on Twitter base Account @Askrlfess <p>Purpose : This research aims to: 1) identify types of illocutionary speech acts in public opinion regarding violence on the base Twitter account @Askrlfess; 2) identify the value of progressive education in public opinion against violence on the base Twitter account @Askrlfess; and 3) the relevance of public opinion on violence on the Twitter base account @Askrlfess in Indonesian language learning. Methodology: This type of research is qualitative research. The research method used in this research is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data collection technique in this research uses reading and note-taking techniques. The data credibility test was carried out by data triangulation. The data analysis technique in this research uses intralingual matching and pragmatic matching methods. Results: The results of this research were speech in public opinion regarding violence on the Twitter base account @Askrlfess: 1) 58 forms of illocutionary speech acts were found; 2) there are 4 values of progressive education contained in public opinion against violence on the base Twitter account @Askrlfess, and 3) speech in public opinion against violence on the base Twitter account @Askrlfess has relevance to Indonesian language learning material, namely response texts.</p> Divia Faradila M Markhamah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1084 1094 Directive Speech Acts in Learning Interactions in The School Environment for Students at State Junior High School 3 Mojosongo <p>This research aims to determine the form and purpose of the director’s speech acts in the learning interactions of junior high school students as well as the factors that influence directive speech acts in the learning interactions of students at State Junior High School 3 Mojosongo. The data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive methods. The object of this research is directive speech acts. The technique used is listening and continuing with the katat technique. The subjects in this research were 25 class IX A students consisting of 15 girls and 10 boys. The results of this research found 21 utterances which were included in 8 types of directive speech acts consisting of these forms of speech acts, namely invitations as much as 15%, requests as much as 25%, bills as much as 13%, pressures as much as 5%, requests as much as 15%, suggestions as much as 10 %, orders as much as 12%, and giving instructions as much as 5%. The intent contained in a directive speech act is that it intends to invite as much as 20%, request as much as 25%, demand as much as 10%, urge as much as 5%, request as much as 8%, suggest as much as 15%, order as much as 10%, and give instructions as much as 7%. And finally, four factors were also found that influence directive speech acts in interaction learning at State Junior High School 3 Mojosongo, namely familiarity factors at 35%, age at 20%, speech situations at 30%, and psychology at 15%. From the results of this research, it is hoped that it can introduce the science of pragmatics which is applied in the learning process to assist in understanding the meaning or capturing the pragmatic meaning of speech situations, especially directive speech acts.</p> Eva Abripda Pristiawati Agus Budi Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1095 1106 Language Errors in Explanatory Text Essay of Class VIII Students of Kedawung 2 Public Middle School <p>This research aims to determine the types of language errors at the spelling, morphology, and syntax levels in explanation texts written by class VIII students at Kedawung 2 Public Middle School. This type of research is qualitative with a descriptive design. Data collection techniques use documentation, observation, and data analysis. The results of the research show that in the explanatory text, there are 158 spelling errors, 116 capital letter errors, 29 errors in writing abbreviations, 10 errors in writing letters, and 3 errors in the use of punctuation marks. Morphology 4, 2 affixation errors, 2 reduplication errors. Syntax 6. Errors with sentence details. This research is oriented towards language errors so that it can When carrying out language activities, there will be mistakes in language. According to Pranowo (2018) (Albelr, 2018) a language error is something that deviates from the rules found in language use. An essay is a piece of writing that results from thoughts or ideas or communication with other people, the result of which is in the form of writing that is used as a written work. In an essay, there will be some linguistic errors. From the understanding of linguistic errors above, an analysis of linguistic errors is needed which can find out where the error occurs and carry out corrections. be used to prevent mistakes and be able to understand these mistakes.</p> Ari Diah Nur Ayuni Atiqa Sabardilla Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1107 1113 Perlocutionary Speech Acts in Parenting Education Discourse on TikTok Social Media <p>This research aims to describe the classification of perlocutionary speech acts in educational parenting discourse on the TikTok social media platform. The study utilizes a qualitative descriptive method, focusing on perlocutionary speech acts as the object of investigation. The subject of the research is the TikTok social media platform. Data and data sources for this study consist of sentences, expressions, or speech acts in educational parenting discourse on TikTok. Data collection techniques involve the free observation and note-taking method. Meanwhile, data analysis employs intralingual matching and pragmatic matching methods. The results of the research indicate that perlocutionary speech acts in educational parenting discourse on TikTok include: (1) directive perlocutionary speech acts of commands, totaling 4 data, (2) directive perlocutionary speech acts of requests, totaling 4 data, (3) directive perlocutionary speech acts of appeals, totaling 2 data, and (4) directive perlocutionary speech acts of giving advice, totaling 3 data.</p> Hanifah Fitriyani Harun Joko Prayitno Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1114 1120 Religious Values in The Poem "Senja" by Subagio Sastrowardoyo and its Implementation with Character Education as Literature Teaching Material in High School <p>This research aims to describe the religious values contained in Subagio Sastrowardoyo's Twilight poetry and implement the religious values contained in Twilight poetry by studying literature in high school as character education. The object of this research is the religious value in the Twilight poetry by Subagio Sastrowardoyo. This research is a type of descriptive qualitative research with content analysis. The data in this research are words and sentences. The data comes from the Twilight poem by Subagio Sastrowadoyo. The data collection technique uses the library, listen, and note techniques. The data analysis technique uses interactive techniques with a stylistic approach. Based on the research results, it was found that religious values between humans and the natural environment are in the form of humans' feelings of hatred for things that are beautiful but only temporary and human relationships with other humans, namely humans' fear of being separated from other humans and the fear of losing. The results of the research can be implemented in literature learning in high school because the religious values contained in the poetry are related to students' character education. Based on the research results, the religious values that researchers found contained in Subagio Sastrowardoyo's poems can be said to be relevant to literary learning. The value of character education is the experience and appreciation aspect, the knowledge aspect, and the behavioral aspect.</p> Maharani Kumalaningdyah M Markhamah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1121 1126 The Influence of E-WOM and Brand Attitude on the Purchase Intention of Skintific Skincare Products <p>Purpose: Information technology, which is currently undergoing continuous change, has brought great changes to human life. Where today, many people spend their time accessing the internet in carrying out daily activities and looking for information on goods and services. This study aims to analyze the effect of E-WOM, and Brand Attitude on Purchase Intention Methodology: This study uses quantitative methods, the sampling technique in this study is non-probability sampling with purposive sampling technique. The data collection method used in this study was the distribution of questionnaires with a Likret scale. The population in this study were consumers who were interested in purchasing skincare skintific. which amounted to 150 respondents. The data analysis technique in this study uses Partial Least Square (PLS) using the help of SMARTPLS software which consists of Outer model and Inner model analysis Results: This study reveals that E-WOM and Brand Attitude variables can have a positive and significant effect on Purchase Intention Positive brand attitudes influence consumer priorities towards brands and purchases. This is because increasing brand valuation by consumers will also increase brand attitudes and can encourage consumer buying intentions. Brand attitude is considered a marker of consumer behavioral intentions Consumers. Applications/Originality/Value This study recommends skintific skincare management to strengthen and encourage customers to do testimonials about skintific products. With positive testimonials from consumers, it will encourage other consumers to have the intention to buy skintific products. In fact, testimonials provided by consumers who have purchased skintific products are able to encourage and convince the purchase of skintific products.</p> Syahva Salsabila Putri Adisty Anton Agus Setyawan Henri Dwi Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1127 1134 Factors Affecting Gen Z Brand Loyalty Toward E-Commerce Application <p>Introduction/Main Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to determine the influence of brand awareness, perceived quality, perceived value, brand personality, organizational association, and brand uniqueness in E-commerce applications on consumer brand loyalty by examining the perception and loyalty of Gen Z in Indonesia towards the brands of E-commerce applications. Background Problems: This research is motivated by technological developments in E-commerce applications and the large number of E-commerce brands in Indonesia, which creates high competition. Novelty: This research focuses on the factors that influence Generation Z's loyalty to the many E-commerce application brands. Research Methods: In this research, the population is Gen Z, who use E-commerce applications for shopping. The data collection technique used a questionnaire that was distributed, and then 184 data were tested. The data analysis method uses multiple linear analyses. The data analysis method in this research was carried out using IBM SPSS Statistics version 26. Findings and Results: The research results show that for Gen Z in Indonesia, brand awareness, perceived value, organizational association, and brand uniqueness are influential factors in generating consumer loyalty towards E-commerce brands. Conclusion: The research results show that E-commerce service providers must use strategies to increase customer loyalty, such as building relationships with customers, guaranteeing that products sold on the platform are of good quality, and building brand uniqueness so they have an advantage over other E-commerce service providers.</p> Kanishka Pravyana S Soepatini Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-18 2024-03-18 1135 1148 Cashless Society Phenomenon in Jakarta City's use of The Digital Wallet "DANA" as A Payment Tool <p>Purpose: The change in society from cash payments to cashless payments in various aspects of life is called the cashless society phenomenon. Citizens are starting to use various cashless payment methods, starting from cards or digital wallets. One of the digital wallets in Indonesia that provides various payment services is DANA. The aims of this research were (1) to describe the cashless society phenomenon in South Jakarta City, (2) to describe the use of the DANA digital wallet as a post-pandemic payment tool in South Jakarta City, and (3) to identify obstacles to using the DANA digital wallet in South Jakarta City. Methodology: This research applied qualitative research with a phenomenological research design. The subjects of this research consisted of nine sources with the criteria involving three teenagers aged 16-18 years, three teenagers aged 18-25 years, and three young families whose members aged 20-35 years. The data collection techniques in this research involved interviews, observation, and documentation. This research employed interactive data analysis techniques. Results: The results of the research show that (1) the cashless society phenomenon in the citizens of South Jakarta City tends to be dominated by online shopping activities via e-commerce, (2) the reason the citizens of South Jakarta City use the DANA application compared to other applications is that the DANA application is easy to use. Apart from that, the use of the DANA digital wallet application by merchants who have collaborated with the application tends to be used for purchasing credit and internet data as well as money transfer transactions (3), and problems with using the DANA application occur for several application users, such as problems with errors in the application which cause transaction disruption occurs so that the transaction fails. Even so, this is no different from other digital wallets.</p> Surya Jatmika Vivi Purboningrum H Harsono Muhamad Taufik Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-18 2024-03-18 1149 1155 Realization of Social Technology through Maximizing the Implementation of the Digital Economy on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of ASEAN Countries <p>The objective of this research is to investigate the influence of social technology in fostering digital economic advancements and its consequential effects on the expansion of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) within the member nations of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). This study focuses on the impact of the use of ICT for export activities (export ICT), the ICT index, and The impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the expansion of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in ASEAN nations from 2014 to 2019. The employed analytical approach involves the utilization of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), a technique that computes the data by employing the Chow test and the Hausman Random Effect Model (REM) test. The research results show that ICT exports do not have a significant effect on GDP, while the ICT index and foreign investment (FDI) have a significant effect on GDP. All independent variables have a significant influence on GDP. The fact that the use of ICT exports will not affect GDP growth. The significant impact of the ICT index on GDP growth is that the lower the ICT index, the more positive GDP growth, and the greater the foreign direct investment (FDI), the more significant GDP growth. The findings of this research can be used by policymakers to develop policies that encourage the implementation of the digital economy towards GDP growth.</p> M. Farash Abbiyan Putra Didit Purnomo Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1156 1171 The Role of Investment Zakat Consumption and Economic Growth in Sustainable SDG Realization <p>Purpose: This study aims to determine the impact of zakat, investment, and consumption on economic growth, with the ultimate goal of achieving sustainable SDGs. The research focuses on zakat variables as a means to bolster Indonesia's economic growth, consumption, and investment. It emphasizes the importance of synergizing these factors to enhance economic growth and welfare, including poverty alleviation, wealth redistribution, and increased employment opportunities. Methodology: The research methodology involves economic data analysis, a comprehensive literature review, and the utilization of the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) model. This model is used to explore and unveil how zakat, investment, and consumption collectively influence economic growth. Results: States that zakat and consumption variables have a positive and significant impact on economic growth. Indicates that the investment variable does not affect economic growth. Applications/Originality/Value: Emphasizes the necessity of the government's role in considering zakat instruments while creating regulations to boost economic growth, particularly in poverty alleviation and fair distribution of income and consumption. Urges the government to seek increased investment in the country to stimulate job availability, aligning with the SDGs' goal of "no poverty".</p> Yesi Widawati Tasya Berliana Putri Deviani Ainafaid Eni Setyowati Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1172 1177 Analysis of the Effect of Labor Force, Exchange Rate, Foreign Direct Investment, and Export of Goods and Services on Gross Domestic Product in 6 ASEAN Countries <p>Purpose: Several elements influence the growth rate of GDP are closely related to maintain social and political stability. This study aims to scrutinize the effect of Labor Force, Exchange Rate, Foreign Direct Investment, and Export of goods and services on Gross Domestic Product in 6 ASEAN countries. Methodology: This research was obtained from official website of and utilized secondary data. Analysis of data and hypothesis testing was carried out using the Panel Data Regression Method and the Fixed Effect estimation model through the Eviews 10 program. The sample of this study is panel data with a period of 2014-2021 and the countries included in this study are 6 countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam. Results: In partial, the analysis indicate that the Labor Force, Foreign Direct Investment, and Export of Goods and Services had a positive and significant influence on Gross Domestic Product. Meanwhile, Exchange Rate showed a negative and insignificant influence on Gross Domestic Product. Simultaneously, the Labor Force, Exchange Rate, Foreign Direct Investment, and Export of goods and services had a significant effect on Gross Domestic Product in 6 ASEAN countries, with a coefficient of determination of 99,22%. Applications/Originality/Value: Based on these results, it is recommended to optimize Labor Force, Foreign Direct Investment, and Export. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the steadiness of the Exchange Rate and analyze solutions in the face of current economic obstacles. It is also necessary to increase economic growth, so the government and stakeholders are responsible and repair to macroeconomic impacts.</p> Ratna Istiqomah Sitti Retno Faridatussalam Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1178 1188 Implementation of Fammi Bi Syauqin in Strengthening the Memorization of PPTQ Al-Rasyid Students <p>The use of the right method in memorizing the Quran is one of the most Russian things that need attention. The right method in memorizing the Quran can also be a benchmark for concern behind the quality of student reading. Through the family bi syauqin method, the author tries to develop a theory in presenting a new method for strengthening the memorization of the Quran for the students. Qualitative research seems sufficient to present the results of descriptive data in the form of oral and written words of people and behavior observed through interviews, observation, and documentation then analyzed with instructive models. With the hope, that the family bi syauqin method can help strengthen the memorization of the Quran in PPTQ Al Rasyid students.</p> Laila Annis Fitria Ahmad Nurrohim Elvynanda Faradiella Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1189 1196 Development of Teaching Materials to Improve Asmaul Husna's Calligraphy Writing Skills based on Rainbow Scratch Note Media for TPQ Baitul Haq Students <p>The use of technology in education has become a must in the digital age to improve the quality of learning. One of the technologies used is learning media, which acts as an intermediary between teachers and students in understanding learning material. This paper discusses the use of Rainbow Scratch Notes as a learning medium in developing Asmaul Husna's calligraphy drawing skills at TPQ Baitul Haq. The research method used is Classroom Action Research (PTK) with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The results showed an improvement in students' skills, while increasing students' interest and motivation in learning to Read and Write Quran (BTQ). This medium provides an interactive and fun learning experience, allowing students to practice writing and reciting Quran verses more effectively. This media evaluation shows a high level of satisfaction from students and teachers. Thus, Rainbow Scratch Note is effectively used as a learning medium in developing Asmaul Husna's calligraphy drawing skills, as well as increasing the overall effectiveness of BTQ learning. This is an important step in enriching religious learning methods with innovative and interactive technological approaches.</p> Alfina Salsabilla Ahmad Nurrohim S Syakira Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 1197 1202