Husband's Support for Postpartum Mothers (Study of The Mother With Vaginal Birth and Section Caesarea)


  • Vera Rismawati Yuniarsih Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Faizah Betty Rahayuningsih Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta


Purpose: This study aims to determine the picture of husband support for postpartum mothers with vaginal birth and sectio caesarea.
Methodology: This research is quantitative research with a Cross-Sectional approach. The sample of this study is postpartum mothers in the Kartasura Health Center work area in 2022. Purposive sampling with a total sample of 54 postpartum mothers. Data collection used the postpartum social support questionnaire (PSSQ) and analyzed using the Independent T-test.
Results: The results of the analysis in this study showed the characteristics of respondents aged 20-41 years, with an average baby born at 39 weeks gestation, high school education as many as 30 respondents (56%), mothers who lived with their husbands as many as 49 respondents (90.7%), did not experience complications of childbirth (88.9%), most multipara mothers were 38 respondents (70.4%). In this study, a statistical value of p = 0.952 was obtained. The sig value (p)>(0.05) means that there is no difference in husband support in mothers who give birth in the normal way and husband support in mothers who give birth in secio caesarea ways.
Applications/Originality/Value: The difference between this research and pre-existing research lies in the research respondents, the time of the study, measuring instruments, the literature used, the theory used and the results of the research.


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International Conference on Health and Well-Being (ICHWB)